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News Item12/31/18 11:53 AM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Since it involves Nebraska, and there aren't many people there, this news item may be an answer to prayer that something interesting would happen to our favorite 'poster' from that state.
So I think I do speak for the majority of the 7 or 8 people who post here in requesting that "Jim" go interview this medical worker and report back to us.

News Item12/31/18 11:50 AM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Good point, "Dr Tim" but you forgot that Judas did not have a wife with super big thighs to appear on beauty magazines giving out their leftist spiel.

News Item12/31/18 10:41 AM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Well, at least it is not as bad as it is in Venezuela, where the government controls the supply of the paper used to print newspapers. Some have closed already because they had editorial comments against the government.
But, in the US, the newspaper industry is dying out with few readers. A friend in a large metropolitan area with over 2 million people has only one major daily newspaper and its circulation is about 150,000.

News Item12/30/18 3:16 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Thanks for reminding us of Isaiah 3:12 with the key words, women shall rule over them.
That is some promise of God's Word!

It makes you wonder whether it would be better to live in a country like Saudi Arabia where women are not allowed to vote or hold elective office.
Also, they do not go 'whole hog' for Christmas like the US does.

News Item12/30/18 2:16 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Good points, 'servant of TN'
It is all about spin, not reporting facts.

But, on the other hand, it is about England, not the USA, and it is very hard to compare. Sure, they speak some elements of the same language, but they do not have the same religious composition, culture (does anyone in the US play cricket? or soccer games on Dec 26?), etc.

England is gone, lost to liberalism and diversity. What is happening there is of no use for me, unless to serve as a warning of what will come to the US.
Maybe we are closer than we think, with the election of that Somali-born woman to the US House of Representatives.

News Item12/30/18 2:06 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Does anyone see the irony of complaints about Barbie, while the sales of 'beauty products' for women continue unabated, and plastic surgeries and other dermatological treatments (can you say 'botox' Nancy Pelosi?) are also constantly being marketed.
If "beauty" was up for debate, it seems like that debate has already been decided.

News Item12/30/18 12:22 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Sounds like Obama collusion in Nigerian elections. I guess his home continent was calling him, so he figured he had the authority to get involved.

News Item12/29/18 5:03 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Whenever we read in news items about percentages of Christians, we need to ask ourselves if the people taking those measurements have the same guidelines that we would use to determine who is a Christian, and this especially applies to foreign lands. They include Catholics in their numbers, while many here would object to calling them Christians. In the Middle East, they include Orthodox Church members, who many here would not include either, due to their belief system that is very little different from Catholics (well, they don't hold the Pope in the same high esteem, but Mary, they nearly adore).
So I would be very careful in reading any article, esp. in secular media, that say, so many percentage Christians, etc.
I bet our sole poster from Italy could testify to what being Christian means to most Italians vs. what it means to him and to others here.

News Item12/29/18 4:00 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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I am glad this is appearing in the news, since I thought everyone knew that 'antifa' was a domestic terrorist group that only helped Democrats. You could call them the Young People's Branch of the KKK, since the KKK was also a supporter of the Democrat Party in the South. Remember, the guys holding those fire hoses and police dogs on the blacks were Democrats, not Republicans.

News Item12/29/18 1:13 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Right, it only works in urban areas.
But, since most Americans live in those areas....
I wonder if the VCR and cassette tape player will be coming back too.
A lot of TVs can also access the internet, assuming you have internet access (and are playing for it), and many TV programs can be seen on the internet, which you can find at the public library.

News Item12/28/18 3:33 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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This reminds me of the survey of prisoners that found that 99 percent believe in God. And other surveys showing one third of American Jews do not believe in God.
And then, to speak of religion, you are throwing in Muslims, Hindus, Sikhs, Mormons, Masons, Jehovah's Witnesses, Seventh Day Adventists, Seventh Day Baptists, etc.

News Item12/28/18 3:03 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Go to homepageFind all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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What "National Security Strategy" is there? Was it brought up during the last election season 2018 or even in 2016?
Can anyone reading this explain what the reason we are still in Afghanistan, and when we are going to pull out? What is victory there look like?
And South Korea--why are we there? Can't they support their own troops? Don't they send us pretty good cars that are competing with Mercedes-Benz and BMW in our markets? And then all the electronic stuff they make and send us.
And Germany? Why are we there? Same thing with the cars, and throw in their dealing with Russia to get a good deal on natural gas to power their electric plants, now that they have decided to not use nuclear power.

News Item12/28/18 2:44 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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I expect the next news item to say, "Vicious Franklin Graham Attacks Free Press" and the article to say how he isn't like his father at all!

News Item12/27/18 4:04 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississippi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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All the more reason why the only thing the US can do is to allow every single inhabitant of these islands to immigrate to the US to establish a New Life there. Surely, the poverty, crime and corruption in Central America is less important a reason to allow thousands to flood across the US/Mexican border willy nilly, than this tsunami.
I know that some may answer that we don't have enough room here, or enough jobs for them, or even that they should move to Japan, which is fast depleting itself of native Japanese, and only now is debating a new bill to allow immigrants to stay longer and bring their families.

News Item12/27/18 3:55 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississippi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Why, "Adriel," I do believe you are onto something now. There is a verse in the Bible about God putting in and removing leaders, and making them do things, like how he handled Pharaoh when Moses was asking for freedom of the Hebrews. And then there is another verse in the Bible, where Paul says he wishes that prayers be lifted up for all those in authority, that God placed them there to punish evil-doers.

News Item12/27/18 3:33 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississippi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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That's a good question for all of us, "Dr Tim" and it gives me greater resolve to seek the Best Thing for the Troops---their return to the US, to defend the US borders.
I've already mentioned the need for the troops in Afghanistan to come home, since it is just turning out to be a morass much worse than Vietnam. (By the way, do you remember any cases in Vietnam where the 'friendly, South Vietnamese troops turned around and killed the Americans?)
How about South Korea? If they are smart enough and well off enough to make decent cars that are sold in the US, can't they support their own military to defend their own borders?
And then, Germany and Europe in general: what are we doing putting troops there when Germany is making commercial deals with Russia for natural gas?

News Item12/26/18 3:08 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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I think you are onto something, like what Lucy said in that famous 1965 animated show, 'Charlie Brown's Christmas' when she said it was all cooked up by an Eastern syndicate.
There is truth because that wheelchair bound President Franklin D. Roosevelt (yes, that one who put all Japanese Americans in concentration camps during World War 2) did accede to pressure from the Eastern department store owners (can you spell the one that starts with M and ends with ACY?) to move THanksgiving DAy to the 4th Thursday of November, not the last Thursday of November, so that these stores could have more time to sell sell sell sell sell sell and sell some more!

News Item12/26/18 3:02 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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Good point, "Dr Tim" which just serves to remind us..England is a mess!
Maybe nice to visit for the Chelsea Garden Show once a year, but that's it!
I can't even watch the innumerable PBS shows from England because they speak funny, not like good Southerners or Texans.
England has become a mess from too much diversity. You could call it, Revenge of Colonialism, since all the people who lived in their former colonies think they have the right to live in England. (I think the Parliament could change that, if they wanted to, but it's too late now).
Well, I did like the old Sherlock Holmes movies with Basil Rathbone.
And cricket is always a good game to watch when you can't sleep at night.

News Item12/26/18 2:54 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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The correct and proper humanitarian response to this natural disaster (Act of God for insurance folk) is to allow an unrestricted flow of people from these islands to immigrate to the US, paid for by US taxpayers. Then they can stay 'temporarily' just like the Central Americans who came in over a dozen years ago when Hurricane Michael (?) struck. Anyone remember that?

News Item12/26/18 2:50 PM
1Mississippi2Mississippi3 | Mississipppi  Find all comments by 1Mississippi2Mississippi3
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The verse I was thinking about was:

Phillipians 1:18
What then? notwithstanding, every way, whether in pretence, or in truth, Christ is preached; and I therein do rejoice, yea, and will rejoice.

So the question that needs to be asked of any Christmas carol---is Christ preached in this song?

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