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News Item8/2/19 5:08 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Douglas Wrote:
"...So, whenever you read a story favorable for church attendance or involvement, remember they are talking about Catholics just as much as they are about you."

Yep, right you are, DF. The Word, "Christian", as far as this world is concerned, is a huge umbrella term that covers anyone and everyone who has a Bible, even Mormons, who also call themselves, Christian. So, all of the Pedophile priests are "Christian", the loonies screaming bloody murder on street corners, are "Christian", the delusional souls murdering in the name of God, are "Christian", etc. I could go on and on, of course, but I'll end it with, even the Democrats/liberals, and sodomites/LGBTQ's of "faith", are "Christian"

So, we have quite the dilemna, when most people group everyone together with no clear line of delineation. The world sees no difference; no clear separation, so when one, who is no Christian at all, does something, it's, 'There goes those crazy/dangerous Christians again".

While we are the true Christians; the true body, I prefer, simply, follower of Christ.

News Item8/2/19 4:09 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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My wife left today for Block Island for several days, and while getting things ready to pack last night, she had the TV in the bedroom on. I hate having a TV in the bedroom, but anyway, I don't know if she was even watching this, but one of those high-end real estate series was on, where there are a few guys who are realtors, and I guess it's about just showing properties, and how much commission they get, or something. One of the guys, a sodomite, was being filmed in his home, along with his husband, and toddlers, a boy and a girl. The camera panned out at the close, showing them as a happy family, and the two sodomites kissing {cringe}.

I'm mentioning this because I'm never not stunned over how much wickedness has been normalized within society, in just a few short years. I think it's really amazing how the abnormal, the taboo, the unnatural, irrational, and the just plain, grotesque, have become front and center as the new relavent and hip.

Crazy dayz, wicked dayz, end of dayz 🙃

News Item8/2/19 3:43 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Everyone knows the context of his comments, just like they do all of the others, but out of a hatred for the man, they twist everything into race; race baiting. The problem is that none of the liberal sheeple, along with this nation's low-information voters, who go about their daily lives like mindless drones, can be bothered to get their news from balanced sources, so what they hear is what they believe.

The Democratic party is a crime syndicate, and so thirsty for supreme, carte blanche, power and control, that they have no qualms ruining lives, familys, careers, bringing people to financial ruin, manufacturing crimes, suppressing evidence, imprisoning the innocent, defying court orders, spewing outrageous lies, causing civil unrest through race-baiting, and then with the liberal media in their corner, telling the American public how dangerous the conservatives are, how they're ruining this nation, and responsible for the unrest and the hate. A diabolical bunch who will literally do and say anything, at anyone's cost, in their blood-thirst to reign supreme.

Oh, and that archbishop is a tool.

News Item8/2/19 7:20 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hello "Hmmm"...

We've been posing that same statement, for years, as one way to refute the ridiculous notion of evolution. While it may not have originated with you, it definitely bears repeating, because it's one of the most valid questions an evolutionist can be taken to task over.

An answer from them might go something like, "Well, transitions take billions of years, dummy". Our response might go something like, "Hmmm...well sir, let's say that evolution were a proven science, and that it does in fact take billions of years for any species to morph into its new self. The problem, sir, is that being an ongoing, uninterrupted process, where all life is forever evolving at any given moment, we should clearly see the process of one species, which began evolving a billion years ago, evolving into another, everywhere we happen to look...everywhere, all around us.

I do wonder how they would answer this.

News Item8/1/19 6:24 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Carl Wrote:
"Coward. Opinions based on facts are apparently not welcomed with liberal celebrities and Truth is anathema to them."

Hi Carl, now, isn't that the truth. I don't care about Lopez, since he backed down, but these people are still attacking him hard, calling him all the usual names, and wanting him fired, even. Some openly accused him of causing great harm to all transgender kids, as the result of his hate-filled comments. Ridiculous nonsense.

The voice these people have, and especially the very serious child abuse they're being allowed to commit, with the laws of the land fully backing them, infuriates me. The progressive liberals have gone stark, raving mad, and there's so many of them, that the 2020 candidates have fallen right in line, because they need that voting block. Sickening what they're doing to this nations children.

News Item8/1/19 7:36 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Recently, Mario Lopez was being interviewed by Candice Owens, and she commented to him at one point about this new trend where celebrities are coming out, and saying their child will be choosing their gender.

Lopez said he was struggling to understand the mentality, and was “kind of blown away.” He went on to say that it was “dangerous” for parents of children as young as 3 years old to definitively label their kids transgender.

Lopez, of course, was immediately hit with hate-filled backlash, threats, and angry, hate-filled outbursts against such thoughtless and bigoted comments.

Mario Lopez' response: "I'm so sorry for my ignorant and insensitive comments about parenting transgender kids".

He needed to protect his career, of course, and it's always so alarming how everyone buckles to these people, their nonsensical ridiculousness, and in the end, accepts, condones, and encourages the abuse of these poor children. Sickening.

News Item8/1/19 6:48 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Here's a link you can copy into your browsers address bar to email him if this makes it easier. Wasn't sure if you noticed the little envelope you can click on or not, so either way...

News Item8/1/19 6:36 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning Dolores,

I'm not sure if you reached out to Frank for what he offered, and it's not my business if you did or didn't, but it would be worth your while.

Thanks for always being open and honest with your thoughts and life experiences, etc. You shouldn't ever change that based solely upon the responses you might receive. We humans just love to eat up the positive, but take such offense when anyone perceives things a bit different, or takes us to task on a position, etc.

I've been on the wrong side of so many things, Dolores, and my understanding of some things really off the mark. The reason for that was threefold: 1) I blindly believed everything I was taught at first as a new Christian. 2) I believed, and rolled with everything I read, at first glance, without any deeper study. 3) I rolled along with status quo.

Nobody could tell me any different for the longest time, and it wasn't until I began to do my due diligence, studying with an open mind, and also wanting to prove others wrong, that I began to see how wtong I was on some important doctrinal matters.

My point is that scripture must always be our final say, no matter how much it might scrape against long held preconceptions, indoctrination, and feelings.

II Timothy 2:15 | Acts 17:11 🔩

News Item7/31/19 7:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning John,

I've tried to follow your conversation with Quiet Christian, but got a bit lost. Only if you feel like it, can you summarize exactly what you're arguing/disagreeing with/the overall point?

I'm not quite sure if you're saying that we are faithless if we don't pray for anything and everything; relying, and waiting upon God, only, for answers, relief, and healing, etc., etc., instead of seeking out those He has gifted the knowledge to who can provide those answers, releif, and healing, etc. For example, should I fall down a stairs today, and break my arm, you're not saying that my faith should have me praying, and expecting God to reset, and heal it, are you?

I don't have a lot of free-time until tonight, but will respond when I can if needed.

News Item7/30/19 4:37 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the disturbing article:

"And while powerful clerics have publicly pledged to hold the church accountable for the crimes of its clergy and help survivors heal, some of them arranged meetings, offered blessings or quietly sent checks to this organization that provided support to alleged abusers, The Associated Press has found."

"In the years before Perrone helped start Opus Bono, he and Assumption Grotto took in at least two priests who had been accused of sexual misconduct at dioceses in other states.
***One of them later admitted to molesting as many as 50 children in the 1980s and ’90s, according to court documents in Texas."***

***One single Priest.. one***

Sounds to me like Opus Bono is a melting pot, and party house for sodomites, pedophiles, and rapists, who can feed their fantasies, and swap storys, all under one roof(s).

The first paragraph above says that clerics who have publicly sympathized with the victims, at the same time, privately bless, and write checks to the Opus Bono housing.

Disgusting all around.

News Item7/30/19 7:12 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Thanks John, thats exactly how I receive it as well.

I don't want anyone to mis-understand me...

I'm profoundly saddened when anyone falls away, I'm profoundly saddened for the lost, and I'm profoundly saddened for this man's family.

The reason I've been beating on this topic is because I've read how we should basically be feeling sympathy for him, and praying that the poor guy return home. My question is this: is that still possible, after having tasted the good things, to be renewed unto repentance, after having crucified Christ, afresh? Honest question.

I'm not judging him as if I can do no wrong, and can't stumble myself. My entire issue is the fact the he not only renounced The Faith; basically calling God out as a phoney, and His Word, a book of fantasy and mythology, but he chose to tell the world that biblical Christianity is a fraud (paraphrasing), and that he'd begin his quest to search for the real truth.

Why not restrict the reason for his departure to personal reasons, and leave it at that, unless he wanted to try and harm/weaken/disallusion others? Maybe he just didn't think the contents, or potential repercussions, of his announcement out all that well(?)

News Item7/30/19 6:51 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I heard about this first thing yesterday morning, but the headline hadn't been posted up yet...I was so aggrivated over the reason this all even happened, but also so greived that yet another family lost loved ones, with two of those lived ones being a little 6yr old boy, and a 13yr old girl, who were just having a fun day with mom and dad.

'Van Breen, from nearby Santa Clara, said he heard someone shout: “Why are you {murderer} doing this?” and the reply: {murderer}“Because I’m really angry!"'

"I'm really angry over something, so I'm going to murder as many of people's loved ones as I possibly can. No, none of you have anything to do with the reason for my rage at the moment, but that doesn't matter, because when I get angry, I find relief by murdering completely innocent people, who have nothing to do with anything, even 6yr old children...I don't care."

Disturbing mindset, and if this guy thought he knew what anger, and emotional pain felt like at that moment, imagine how things are going for him right about now, since he was shot dead, and obviously, in a lost state.

How incredibly sad, and what a tragic day for three family's, but also, for a man who left this life as an angry mass murderer, when if he had chilled for 24hrs, might have seen a brighter day.

News Item7/30/19 6:06 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Thanks Carol, HM, Fred. Aside from the obvious, the troubling part is how these Pastors choose to go so public when denouncing God as a fake. They could simply tell the world that they're stepping down for personal reasons, or whatever, but instead, they're always sure to include their consensus that God isn't real, afterall, and His Word, a big hoax, basically.

The issue is, how much residual harm is caused in their wake? How many of the weak, newer Christians, or those who looked up to them, etc., are effected, disillusioned, etc.? How many of the lost, receive it as confirmation, etc.? I just find their big, bold announcements, very disturbing, and I can't seem to come up with any other reason than them wanting others to be disillusioned, as well, and "know" that God is no God at all, afterall, so don't bother with Christianity.

Hi Dolores, I read the article, but didn't catch the new business part, I guess. As far as you being there once, are you talking about backsliding for a season, or renouncing God, The Faith, turning your back, and walking away?

News Item7/29/19 8:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Mr Harris, after experiencing the good things, being filled with the scriptural knowledge that he had, and knowing all he does, took to social media, to very publicly, announce that he was denouncing God, that God is no God at all, as far as he is concerned, and that he would begin his search for the real truth.

He, very publicly, announced that the fake God, is a liar, by taking to social media to sympathize with, and apologize to the LGBTQ community for ever speaking against them, and for basically calling what they do, wrong; for judging their dirty deeds. "I'm sorry", he told them..."I was wrong".

Are there any examples in scripture of anyone denying the existence of God, after claiming to have believed, and God saying it's just for a season, and to pray, or go after their brother/sister? Peter didn't deny God's existance.

I have a lot of trouble calling these instances, cases of mere backsliding, as if he, and other Pastors who have done just the same, went on a womanizing, or drinking binge or something. Knowing all they do, they openly tell the world the God of the Bible is a phoney, deny Him, and say, "I'm outta here".

Yet, they remain brothers who just lost their way for a bit? I view it as self-condemnation...a crossed line.

Again, what about God?

News Item7/28/19 10:47 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:

"Any help? Or do you need more?"

Thanks John, and no, I think we're good. I was looking/hoping for what I quoted you on below, which wrapped the whole thing up for me. Thanks.

"I'm sure different believers will have different thoughts on this, but to my mind,..."

News Item7/28/19 8:43 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:

'The answer is "yes".'

Thanks John. The following might sound flippant, at first glance, but I can assure you that's it's not. I'm just trying to get a handle on whether or not you draw a line at manmade ceremonies and holidays, etc., as you've argued in the past, or if anything at all that's not expressly written; mentioned, or approved of, etc., in God's Word, is your mindset.

How about owning and driving a car, or owning and playing games? How about the intangible, such as having fun, debating topics which have nothing to do with scripture, or clapping as an expression of worldly approval or congratulations? How about running a foot race, camping, or travelling abroad for a relaxing vacation? How about owning a radio and listening to the news, having a hobby, or exercising; working out? How about having a dessert, following dinner, motorcycling, or teaching a pet to do tricks? How about having a birthday party, just for the fun of it, having a yardsale, going shopping, or playing a piano?

I can go on and on, but you see where I'm going with this. Do you draw the line at manmade traditions, of any sort, or anything at all in life that the Bible doesn't cover, outright?

Again, not trying to be flippant in any way...

News Item7/28/19 7:00 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I don't view an announcement denouncing; deconstructing; falling away ones faith, and denying the God; The Creator of all, along with the statement that he'll basically be searching for the real god that's out there; "A new way to practice faith", as someone who has taken a temporary left turn travelling the route of mere backsliding. "I am not {no longer} a Christian" - J Harris.

Sew it all together, and he has, very publicly, and clearly, denounced God, God's Word, and fully denied the faith.

Do we pray for him, or do we shake the dust? Serious question.

Hebrews 6:4-6
For it is impossible for those who were once enlightened, and have tasted of the heavenly gift, and were made partakers of the Holy Ghost,
And have tasted the good word of God, and the powers of the world to come,
If they shall fall away, to renew them again unto repentance; seeing they crucify to themselves the Son of God afresh, and put him to an open shame.

David and Carl, I'm not looking to judge the man, as if I'm above anyone or anything, but when I hear talk about mourning, lifting one up, and feeling sorrow for ones delusion, confusion, and outright denial, my first thought is:

What about the living God who is being denied, and publicly called a phoney and a fake? What about Him?

News Item7/28/19 6:27 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"Is there a biblical warrant for graduation ceremonies?"

Good morning, you feel one is needed?

News Item7/28/19 6:24 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I've never heard of this man, and his book seems to have been a farce from the get-go, considering that he'd never even dated by the point he penned it.

Anyway, how profoundly sad, and how many other Pastors have we seen make the same basic statement of falling away, or even turning to Athiesm. Here's the really interesting thing though: Many of the Pastors who have fallen away, have referred to homosexuality in some way. For example, the last two that I remember, had children who came out as a sodomite son, for one, and a lesbian daughter, for the other. Both stated that they couldn't believe any loving God, could or would condemn their kids, so they chose badly. They chose their kids; announcing that they're no longer Christians.

Now, here's the latest Pastor to announce his falling away, and 1/4 of his announcement, is dedicated to thanking, and apologizing to the homosexuals. Very, very interesting.

News Item7/27/19 7:28 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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BDF Wrote:
"I couldn't imagine a vacation being turned into a tragedy like that."

Hi BDF, a couple of weeks ago, a family went on a cruise together, on Norwegian cruise lines. The ship was docked in Puerto Rico, and was just about to set sail. The grandfather of little, 18mo old, Chloe, had her in a child's play area, and held her up to bang on a window, which she liked to do at her older brothers hockey games. Apparently, the grandfather didn't know the window was open, and as little Chloe went to bang on glass that wasn't there, he lost his grip, and the poor little girl fell out, dropping 11 storys, and landing onto the dock below. Passengers say they're scarred for life, and will never be able to get the mothers haunting screams, that day, out of their heads. I just can't imagine the familys grief, or the grandfather's inconsolable feelings of guilt. Tragic, tragic day.

Anyway, I was caught in a riptide in Aruba one year. Those things are nearly imperceptible, and before I knew it, the shore was a real long way away, and I began to panic, because I kept getting swept out farther and farther. I finally made it back by inching my way back at an angle, but it took quite some time and it was frightening, for sure. Riptide warnings need to be taken real seriously.

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