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News Item11/26/13 12:51 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Amen John UK. I've always thought LHO didn't do it. It's just seemed too suspicious how his testimony was never really heard. And the man who shot LHO just so happened to die in prison a couple years later of something weird. Bottom line is I've always say te whole thing stinks and something just wasn't right.

News Item11/23/13 12:58 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Gs, right on.
Mike falsia, what do you mean by "and how ironic that Piper is leading the way to damnation"?

News Item11/23/13 11:30 AM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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I agree with there stand on the Charismatic Movement. This whole running around throwing yourself on the floor acting retarted is just obscene. On top of that, speaking gibberish is not speaking in tongues and is not a gift of the Holy Spirit. It has to be a translatable language that they would never had ever known. For example if a 5 yr. old started speaking in ancient Aramaic and somebody could translate it that would be speaking in tongues.

News Item11/22/13 5:23 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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1 peter 5:8 Be sober, be vigilant; because your adversary the devil, as a roaring lion, walketh about, seeking whom he may devour.

Satan is a roaring lion seekig after our children which are easy prey as that of a baby cub that a lion seeks after in the wild. My opinion is keep your children out of the public school systems. While were at work and our children are at school, satan is there working on them day by day, month by month, year after year. Protect them from the enemy's crafty ways and keep them home.

News Item11/21/13 4:21 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Same with me mourner

News Item11/21/13 3:41 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Mourner I'm not saying your an idiot it was just an example. I might have thought you were trying be funny that's all.

News Item11/21/13 3:35 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Whoa Jim L.

Strange John Y., you think you don't have to do God's will. It's not what I say, or any of us say, that you need to pay attention to, but the fact that you refuse to obey God. If you are a believer, you obey, Christ. You don't, therefore you aren't a Christian. Christ, is the Lord Jesus Christ. You leave off "Lord" all the time. You don't believe he is Lord, I would suggest you read the short commentary by Gil Rugh on, What Does a True Believer Believe?. Especially about the part about "Lordship."

Now. Jim L. This type of comment has summed up my whole disagreement about L.S.
Honestly Jim, when you make a comment like that you sound like an English Puritan. First of all you can't make The Lord something he already is. He made himself Lord. Second, a real christian is someone who is putting their faith and trust in the finished work of Christ Jesus for their salvation. If John Y has done that, he's a real christian.
Third, lordship is for those who are walking in discipleship. And don't get me wrong Jim, I'm saying we all should seek discipleship, but if a believer doesn't, it does not make that person not a real christian. They're just not mature in there faith.

News Item11/21/13 2:42 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Lol! John UK. I got to thinking after our little discussion the other day. I'm for free grace. I guess I'm used to some calling free grace as easy-believe that I just assumed that's what you were thinking. I meant to ask
If free grace is what you claim so to speak or is it L.S.?

News Item11/21/13 2:25 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Really mourner? I'm a clergy because I tried to break something down into laymans terms. The reason for someone like me to do that is because people like you have such a hard time understanding somebody when they're trying make a simple point in a subject.

For example if I'm calling somebody an idiot, why would I go about it by useing ridiculous intellect and confusing what them with what I'm really trying to say, instead of telling them flat out, your an idiot. Makes since?

Sermon11/20/13 12:47 PM
Ken | San Angelo  Contact via emailFind all comments by Ken
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Dr. Derek W. H. Thomas
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News Item11/18/13 2:52 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Neil when did I say that I feel as though it's a most that the church should feed the starving families? I'm not trying to state my comment from a biblical stand point, it's common sense. Either waste millions and millions or just spend what we need and do something descent with the rest of the money.

News Item11/18/13 2:06 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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I agree Neil, but that's not the point about wether or not it's the churches responsibility or not. The point is a church wasting million and millions of dollars on a building and we have families nearby starving and without shelter. Something's wrong with that picture.

News Item11/18/13 1:02 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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I'm sorry brothers and sisters but I've gotta say it! Why? Why? Why in the world are these churches spending millions and millions of dollars on a building for fellow believers can gather for worship!? Why can't we just spend what we need to accommodate for space required? Were spending millions upon millions are there are families struggling to keep a roof over there heads and feed there children, if there not already sleeping in tents. But I mean really!? An Olympic pool,a spa, a gym? There's nothing wrong with having a nice building to have worship, but this is rediculous!

News Item11/17/13 10:20 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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I hope I never left the impression that I don't think "repentance" is not needed. Yes it is biblical and it is needed before and after conversion. It's just the way it is being used by some today, especially when presenting the gospel is being misused. That's all

News Item11/17/13 10:13 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Sorry Us. Thanks for the response.yes about the comment. I was merely speaking about certain evangalist who speak messages like such and that I find that to be a very arrogant message to those who are lost.
Now this whole point of view all comes from watching certain evangalist who preach "repent of all your sins" message along with the gospel. And they clearly state that's what they mean when they say that, to quit sinning. As of matter of fact not long ago I watched repeated videos from Ray Comfort speaking that very message to lost sinners. That's where I'm coming from and simply trying to state that's not right.

News Item11/17/13 1:07 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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No Gs. I never took it as thats what you were stating. I'm just speaking in general. I'm mostly asking if that's what the L.S. belief or aditude was towards certain belivers was, and if so that's how I felt about the matter. Like I said I don't claim to be a just saying that was my impression.
Gs. To be honest with you, I agree with you that yes there should be a change in someone after being saved wether great or small changes.
But to look at someone and make the assumption that if they're a real christian they'll never fall out of the race.(fellowship). I try to be down to earth about the matter because I've been their. Honestly, I've strived so hard to seek God and go all out for him that I've ended up burning myself out. Then I'm asking God for strength to get back up and press forth. I'm saying, that just because a believer isn't fully in the faith or maybe there struggling, to classify them as not a real christian, would be wrong. Like I said earlier, your either a christian or your not. You either believe or you don't.
You've either put all your trust in Christ or you haven't.

News Item11/17/13 12:35 PM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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John Y . That amendment is under attack. All of them are for that matter.

News Item11/17/13 11:45 AM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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Just article itself makes me....
I mean really? Are you serious!?

News Item11/17/13 11:23 AM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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John uk I liked the article by A.W. Pink. I really agree with it and about the need to really emphiaize to someone when witnessing to someone how we look through the eyes of a Holy righteous God and how desperetly we need his mercy.
Honesty John, for when I first came to Christ to be saved I don't think it really dawned on me, but in time in fellowship with The Lord he started to really open me up and show me just how sinful of a man I really was and made appreciate more what Christ has done for me. Some people are different. Some realize right off of the bat and some are like me and realize in due time how we looked before we accepted Christ.

News Item11/17/13 10:16 AM
Ken  Find all comments by Ken
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And do you imagine that the Gospel is magnified or God glorified by going to worldlings and telling them that they “may be saved at this moment by simply accepting Christ as their personal Savior” while they are wedded to their idols and their hearts are still in love with sin? If I do so, I tell them a lie, pervert the Gospel, insult Christ, and turn the grace of God into lasciviousness.

John this is I meant by in my comment,that just asking somebody "do you belive in Jesus" and they say yes doesn't mean they have been born again. A lot of people believe in Jeus, but not the Christ Jesus. Big difference.

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