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News Item12/23/19 1:01 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Not that there’s much to her LOL about it… I just found it humorous someone didn’t recognize it.

News Item12/23/19 1:00 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Lol, North American man boy love association

News Item12/23/19 10:46 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Sadly, sometime soon we will likely see NAMBLA marching in Missouri side by side with ANTIFA.

News Item12/21/19 1:45 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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45% of the population love Trump and would support him no matter what he does.
45% of the population despise Trump and would hate him no matter what he does.
It will be the same for ANY candidate from either side of the aisle from now on. The two sides are so polarized that there IS no middle ground.
It has been said that Obama would be too conservative for this group—Obama who we pay thanks for the normalization of transgender and all other manners of perversions—is not even middle enough to bridge the gap.
The next elections will be decided by that 10% in the middle, and the question will be where they get their truth.
Hopefully from God.
Just saying.

News Item12/20/19 11:31 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Jim, you have failed to answer my question about the fifth amendment. Are you suggesting that the invocation of the fifth amendment is the equivalent of a guilty plea?

News Item12/19/19 5:54 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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I have two problems with your post.
First: we are given the fifth amendment to protect us from self-incrimination, yes. But we are also assumed innocent until proven guilty. What you were implying is that the invocation of the fifth amendment is now the equivalent of a guilty plea?
There is no way I would want to subject myself to questioning under people who are rabidly antagonistic against me. The Democratic House has been talking of impeachment since election… It was just recently they finally decided that this was something they could impeach him for. So understanding their hatred toward him, and that they were searching for something to go on, why would he want to sit under oath with the possibility of having his words twisted and be trapped in a “lie“ much as many others have been.

Secondly, how can you look at any of the proceedings and believe that Pelosi has kept them dignified.

News Item12/15/19 1:41 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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John UK— “Ah, you have seen some of these "imaginary" Yee Ha preachers, eh?”
Not certain what you meant by imaginary. I have sat in a multitude of services in the past 27 years. I am IFB, so trust me, they aren’t imaginary.
Chris—sorry I was misinterpreted, not calling you out—it was cautionary for the extremes on both sides. Many are in the ditch on the right, (the Yee Haw preachers,) and there is a knee jerk reaction to compensate that puts people like Lisa in the ditch on the left. Still a ditch, and isn’t helping anyone.
My goal—evidently missed was not to apologize for Homosexuals, and not to blast them, but to caution those who name the name of Christ to reach out to them with compassion and honesty, and not just a “You’re going to burn unless you stop.”

News Item12/12/19 11:16 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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The most discriminated against people group in America today is the white heterosexual male.
You can be ANYTHING else and get special treatment.

News Item12/12/19 7:13 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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1 Corinthians 6:9-11
“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, Nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners, shall inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you: but ye are washed, but ye are sanctified, but ye are justified in the name of the Lord Jesus, and by the Spirit of our God.”

News Item12/10/19 5:33 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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My Bible tells me in Romans that “While we were yet sinners… Christ died for us.” He accepts us in our sins… And changes us into something that glorifies Him—but that isn’t always an immediate change.
But, to let a homosexual think that they can/should glorify God while staying in their homosexuality?
Absolutely not. But again… It’s no different than a Christian committing adultery with a member of the opposite sex.
I suppose I’m rambling at this point… Speak to text… You lose track… i’m just simply trying to say that in order to win the lost, the lost has to see us being honest with the Word of God.

News Item12/10/19 5:29 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Our job is to deliver the gospel. We will never effectively do that without two things.
First: being willing to rightly divide the word of truth, and preach the WHOLE counsel of God.
Second: being willing to show the love of Christ.
Is it loving to tell a homosexual that homosexuality is a sin? Absolutely.
But, is it loving to tell a homosexual that homosexuality is worse than the other sexual sins? No, because it is not scripturally accurate. How many homosexuals have been turned from the gospel, not because Christ does not love them, but because they were ostracized by the people who were supposed to show the love of Christ to them.

News Item12/10/19 5:20 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Honestly, I was not attacking anyone… That is, unless they are clinging to a pharisaical ideology.
And not to be mean or rude, but what did I say that leads you should believe that I was saying the OT is not binding? What I DID say was that there is often a pride problem that affects our reading/interpretation of the OT. I view these threads on my phone, not a computer, so I cannot with any specificity cut and paste any comments… However, I have on many occasions read those comments by individuals that would reflect their position that homosexuality is the worst sin. If your argument is that no one has ever said that, well… I’m not gonna sit here and argue with you because it would be superfluous— especially if you were not one that is ever made one of those statements.

News Item12/10/19 12:54 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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It’s not about letting people walk into a fire…
It’s about not driving people away from the truth by our horrible attitude.
Case in point, show me one sermon where Jesus lambasted homosexuals as being the worst sinners because of their sin?
Ooops, no, it was the Pharisees who thought they were spiritual.

News Item12/10/19 11:43 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Quiet, I appreciate your introspective answer… The fact is, I accepted Christ when I was 19 years old, and have been IFB ever since…
The cancer in the IFB movement is a pharisaical level of pride that condemns the “easy“ sins while they continue in their pride and arrogance.
People will jump up-and-down and scream and hoot and holler when you preach on homosexuality, but Katie bar the door you will hear crickets chirping when you start preaching about showing grace… when you start attacking that pride… When you remind them that the ground is level at the foot of the cross. We are all sinners saved by grace, and if we pay close attention to the Gospels, we will see that the people who found grace were NOT those that were justifying themselves in pride. They were the ones like The publican who simply beat his chest and refused to look up to heaven, and said “God be merciful to me a sinner.”

News Item12/10/19 10:23 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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Just noticed the rest didn’t post.

Ezekiel 16:49-50
“Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither did she strengthen the hand of the poor and needy. And they were haughty, and committed abomination before me: therefore I took them away as I saw good.”
Homosexuality was the end result of turning away from God… It was the straw that broke the camels back—and it started with pride.

News Item12/10/19 7:49 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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The unfortunate truth is that there is a lot of misinformation about homosexuality and the Bible running rampant through our churches.
Fact #1- God does not just hate homosexuality. Take your pick between Leviticus 18 and Leviticus 22. Three verses up from the famous “lie with mankind ,” Quote, we see that God also consigned Adultery to the same sentence. Death. (and if you really want to get serious about it, Christ himself even equivalated looking and lusting with adultery.)
One of the former posters was correct, the reason why God hates homosexuality is because it darkens the picture he has set up as we are the bride and Christ as the groom— but if we are ever going to be honest and win those that are in homosexuality to Christ, one thing that we must do is be honest with the Word of God. Homosexuality isn’t any worse than adultery. It just happens to be more disgusting to us, so we find it easier to rail on it than something that many of us have been guilty of. It’s our pride… OUR pride that is sending those people to Hell, not simply their own.
(and before anybody starts misusing Romans 1, take a careful read of Ezekiel 16:49-50
“Behold, this was the iniquity of thy sister Sodom, pride, fulness of bread, and abundance of idleness was in her and in her daughters, neither

News Item12/5/19 9:51 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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“For whosoever shall keep the whole law, and yet offend in one point, he is guilty of all.” James 2:10
Soooo... what about pride? Didn’t Christ die for that as well? Or is it simply that, all the sudden, some sins are worse than others?

News Item12/2/19 8:48 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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To me, it’s putting an entity on a pedestal out of ignorance. Kind of like when everyone went Gaga over that one harlot in a beauty pageant simply because she thought marriage was between a man and a woman. Not Christian, just some Christian upbringing that was retained.
Just saying.

News Item11/29/19 2:01 AM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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News Item:
O Give Thanks
I hope PETA doesn’t read that post.
Just saying.

News Item11/25/19 3:45 PM
Stevenr | Missouri  Find all comments by Stevenr
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I disagree… Chick-fil-A makes more money because they have good sandwiches and polite, clean looking employees.
McDonald employees generally care less about how they fix your food, whether you get the right food, or what your food looks and tastes like.
And their fries are always limp.
Just saying
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