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News Item4/2/19 10:04 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Everything is racist to the left, Dr. Tim. Being the real racists, they see much through the lens of skin color.

The underlying key words and phrases reveal their true nature, though. Their pro death stance becomes "pro choice." (meaning the choice desired is death). On the other hand, those who value life and are therefore pro life, are referred to as "anti abortion." Like the right to what they term a "procedure" is more precious to them than life itself.

News Item4/1/19 5:12 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"No, New York abortion law doesn't let mothers abort babies a minute before they would be born--Politifact"
It won't make the law any more popular with the anti-abortionist crowd, but it will clear up some misperceptions anyway.
Yours is the misperception. Read the bill.

Page 2
"..within 24 weeks....or the abortion is necessary to protect the
49 patient's life or health"

"Health" can mean anything that might upset the mother should the child be born.

Page 3
7 Homicide means conduct which causes the death of a person [or an
8 unborn child with which a female has been pregnant for more than
9 twenty-four weeks]

The bracketed portions are omitted in the new "Reproductive Health Act." Thus it is no longer a homicide to kill the baby after 24 weeks, up to birth. How can this be?

Page 3
15 Homicide[, abortion] and related offenses; [definitions of terms]
16 definition.
17 The following [definitions are] definition is applicable to this arti-
18 cle:
19 [1.] "Person," when referring to the victim of a homicide, means a
20 human being who has been born and is alive.

The child has to be born to be accepted as human. You agree?

News Item4/1/19 9:54 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Part of all that is going on is to get people to become ok with the idea that accusation is as good as conviction. Just because there was no evidence doesn't mean there wasn't any collusion, etc. Really? Only to the leftist mentality. Notice how many accusers come out of the woodwork whenever someone is appointed to something? Even Dem candidate Joe Biden is accused of something, though not a Republican. How can this be? How about he isn't far enough left for the radical nut cases taking over the Democrat party? Totalitarians don't like the idea that one is innocent until proved guilty.

News Item3/31/19 5:07 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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A million acres flooded is a lot of land, and you have to feel for the farmers anticipating loss. Down the article a ways it says this- "The flooded acreage represents less than 1 percent of U.S. land used to grow corn, soybeans, wheat, rice, cotton, sorghum and barley." If God ever decides to curse this land with famine or even ridiculously high food prices, a real possibility if we continue on the path, it won't be with a temporary 1% loss of cropland use.

News Item3/31/19 9:37 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
George Will and others have pointed out that the Mueller's report is a gift to the Democrats--if they can control their love for bizarre
Democrats are true to what they believe. They can't control their love for the bizarre because they are the bizarre.

News Item3/30/19 7:48 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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There is nothing wrong with the disease of feminism that femininity wouldn't cure.

News Item3/29/19 2:48 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Why accept the labels the culture provides? This grants the culture undeserved credibility. There is no "traditional" marriage view. There is marriage, understood for millennia. All else is not.

News Item3/28/19 9:35 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Possible mother is illegal. Going to the hospital could cause issues.

Bigger issue- Where did the idea come from that children belong to the state? If they do, then what country do we live in? If they don't, then why isn't the state guilty of kidnapping?

News Item5/14/16 11:54 PM
Just Thinking | In Thought  Find all comments by Just Thinking
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Geff wrote:
"God made nations and gave us gov's to be an instrument of good."
You yourself admitt that there are gov's are bad. So you argue that Trump's good because God uses gov's as an instrument of good, yet you also hold that most of the governments in the world are in some kind of kabal! What sense does that make!

Perhaps this will shed some light on your question: But we know that the law [is] good, if a man use it lawfully; (1Ti 1:8). God gave us law(s).

News Item5/14/16 11:33 PM
Just Thinking | In Thought  Find all comments by Just Thinking
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Allie wrote:
Take your kids out of public school. Write your congressman about impeachment
It is wise to prevent our children from being exposed to these situations.

However, we must remember that our citizenship is in heaven.

Why go to a congressman he was voted in just as the president was?

We keep voting and things keep getting worse,

Read Psalm 2. Men need Christ. But they have taken counsel against him.

Voters pay no attention to Psalm 1. We are subtly counseled by the wicked through media to do something that God is removed from

Christians make good citizens. The only law Christians need is to love God thoroughly, and his neighbor; esteeming both more valuable than himself.

Again our citizenship is in heaven and we should seek those things above where Christ is seated.

Pray our Father who art in heaven, Hallowed by thy name. Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

This is not asking for our wills to be performed. This is not asking the congressman to fulfill our will. Writing to the congressman is like praying to him to do something for your flesh.

News Item3/29/12 10:16 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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1. Were there grievous scandals in the early Church?
2. Jesus handpicked twelve, personally-trained Apostles. What scandalous behaviors did they exhibit? (Betrayed Christ (1) Mark 14:43-44; Denied Christ (1) Mark 14:66-72; Abandoned Christ in the garden (12) Mark 14:50; Doubted Christ's resurrection (1) John 20:24-25).
3. If there were scandals in the early Church and scandals in the Apostolic circle, should we be surprised if there are scandals in the Church today?
4. Is sexual sin caused by celibacy, by marriage or by human weakness in a sex-soaked culture? Is it possible to live a chaste life, either married or single? (See Matthew 19:26, Philippians 4:13, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Corinthians 12:9.)
5. Was Jesus celibate? Was St. Paul celibate? (See 1 Corinthians 7:8.) According to the Bible, is celibacy a good thing? (See Matthew 19:10-12, 1 Corinthians 7:32-35; CCC 1618-1620.)
6. Is Christ's Church made up only of the pure or does it also contain sinners? (Read the parable of the wheat and the tares [Matthew 13:24-30, 36-42] and the parable of the dragnet [Matthew 13:47-50] realizing that the "kingdom" in Matthew's Gospel is the Church-Matthew 16:18-19. Also see CCC 827.)

News Item12/20/10 6:42 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Mike wrote:
Does the Proverb speak of all kings?

Are there any kings that have God's permission not to kiss the Son? Who are they? Psalm 2 says: 6Yet have I set my king upon my holy hill of Zion. 7I will declare the decree: the LORD hath said unto me, Thou art my Son; this day have I begotten thee. 8Ask of me, and I shall give thee the heathen for thine inheritance, and the uttermost parts of the earth for thy possession. 9Thou shalt break them with a rod of iron; thou shalt dash them in pieces like a potter's vessel. 10Be wise now therefore, O ye kings: be instructed, ye judges of the earth. 11Serve the LORD with fear, and rejoice with trembling. 12Kiss the Son, lest he be angry, and ye perish from the way, when his wrath is kindled but a little. Blessed are all they that put their trust in him.

See John 19:10Then saith Pilate unto him, Speakest thou not unto me? knowest thou not that I have power to crucify thee, and have power to release thee?
11Jesus answered, Thou couldest have no power at all against me, except it were given thee from above: therefore he that delivered me unto thee hath the greater sin. To decree Pilate's place over the Jews and to establish it are not he same thing.

News Item12/19/10 5:38 PM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Authy: Here is the word of God

Proverbs 8:15 By me kings reign, and princes decree justice. 16 By me princes rule, and nobles, even all the judges of the earth.

True, but that is speaking of God's ultimate Sovereignty, that no man's refusing to bow to will change. God decrees everything that is but we cannot understand unless it is written Deut.29:29 The secret things belong unto the LORD our God: but those things which are revealed belong unto us and to our children for ever, that we may do all the words of this law. The only perfection is Christ's imputed righteousness. We are not all pastors and teachers, we most of us are brethren. They are Christ's gift to his church. We spoke here before how Calvin said kings act like God's rod on the stubborn and disobedient. Just like a Christian magistrate or minister is his gift. There is no King but Christ ministers and kings that believe that act accordingly and will not follow Antichrist. If they do we cannot follow them. Once the true religion is established in any nation they cannot turn aside without serious consequence.

News Item12/19/10 9:07 AM
Just thinking  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Authy wrote:
It struck me that two of the 'tenets' of Calvinism, namely Sovereignty of God and Total Depravity of man contributes to the Calvinist approach on 'authority'.


You have demonstrated a teachable spirit and a solid foundation. The Prophet like unto Moses, whose house it is, will teach you, pray for you and correct all of those that are His, of that be assured.

Elmer is not right in what he said. Though both of us can only draw partial conclusions from your words. I disagree with Elmer's assessment on a number of things (not everything). Elmer read Romans 2:1-4 also in the beginning of the book you mention. Careful. I've had to learn this myself under my Father's rod, it is a tendency of the flesh, we still fight against. We lack a good deal of information in this context, it's not wise to conclude or write in haste. I don't agree with Calvin on everything, because we don't share the same eschatology. But he was a reformed teacher with the "keys of the kingdom". see Hebrews 9:10 as concerns 'reformation' in context and the original Greek. It is also related to R.Gr.'s point

News Item12/18/10 8:11 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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The Reformed Presbytery wrote a paper many years ago now, that I found very helpful. It differentiated between Christ as Creator who together with the Father and Spirit had an essential dominion as Creator/God. But Christ by a donative inheritance from the Father was given a people and over these he is the Prophet,Priest and King. His laws over Creation and Providence are vast and not all known or understood by us. We act by known precept, His providence is his secret counsel.

I reason that any nation that is truly Christian in word and deed has acknowledged Christ as having dominion as Creator. No mention of Christ on their law books, no true God. There is only one kingdom and three nations on earth that have ever done so, and that only briefly.

News Item12/17/10 11:58 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Lurker wrote:
I was wondering about that too.

The Scripture in Rev. 17:10-12 says: "And there are seven kings: five are fallen, and one is, and the other is not yet come; and when he cometh, he must continue a short space. And the beast that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast."

News Item12/15/10 12:07 PM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Authy wrote:
"All authority comes from God?" The Biblical answer is YES! Romans 13 among others prove that.

Yet, God is not the author of sin. Pilate asked the suffering servant of Jehovah: "What is truth?" Did he want to know it? No! He wanted to justify himself in the state execution of Jesus Christ encouraged by church men. Pilate washed his hands in an external right but he did the wicked deed.
So we should have submitted to Pilate if we were a 'Christian" Roman soldier? Maybe, if we became one like the the observing Roman soldier might have at the Lord's death, because he testified that truly this man was the Son of God. What he did with it, after he knew it was another thing. Here the Scripture is silent.

You said It specifically relates to governing authority in ALL nations whether Christian or otherwise.


So called 'Christian' countries such as Australia, America and Britain for example - are of course NOT Christian and never have been.

This is partial truth and partial error; error that comes along side of truth and confuses it.

News Item12/15/10 11:29 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Barn Door Rechurch Center wrote:
Didn't take long for this thread to go off on a tangent.
You are correct, however 'if' you are 'listening' there is a thread. And people are responding as they always do because the article says different things to different people like a sermon.
What would you prefer chit-chat to dealing with the real issues that give this poll 'some' verification. The article has been quoted 3 times and the responses are appropriate to the quotes.

News Item12/14/10 11:44 AM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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The poll states "The theological free-for-all that is encroaching in Protestant churches nationwide suggests the coming decade will be a time of unparalleled theological diversity and inconsistency."

Could it be more diverse and divided than it already is? Though two might agree, out of charity, on one point; two rarely agree based on their doctrinal understanding and practice even within churches that profess to be of the same 'denomination'. It would seem those who have embraced this pluralism believe that denominationalism is allowable or pragmatic contrary to the Scripture see Ephes. 4

News Item12/9/10 8:42 PM
just thinking  Find all comments by just thinking
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Lurker wrote:
It wasn't until the Toleration Acts of 1689 that freedom of religion became a reality in England. I'm recalling this from about 10 year old memory so if I've erred, someone please be kind enough to correct me.
Greetings Lurker,

If your truly interested in a challenge to your 'implied' view regarding the Toleration Acts of 1689 and freedom of religion, I might suggest your reading 'A Vindication of the Reformed Presbyterian Church in Scotland' by Peter Macindoe 1830

It seems to me if 72% of those persons over 55 aware of the KJV kept family worship then only 49 percent of their offspring were in attendance, it's more reasonable to assume that the generation that preceded the 72% aware of the KJV had better attended to their performance of family worship.

FYI the Cambridge Press is no longer printing Bibles with Psalters related to the Free Church of Scotland's decision? Freedom?

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