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News Item5/18/19 4:47 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Maybe her socialist handlers have put her in the spotlight purposefully as a useful idiot type? So radical and so confused, that the Democrat party will be desperate to select a "normal" liberal, who will seem moderate by comparison. Why else would a freshman Democrat, or any freshman rep be getting all the attention this poor creature is getting? Shouldn't she be doing a freshman thing and going to get senior representatives their coffee?

News Item5/18/19 12:42 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Context of John 3:16 called for, context given:

John 3:13-18
And no man hath ascended up to heaven, but he that came down from heaven, even the Son of man which is in heaven.

And as Moses lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the Son of man be lifted up:

That whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have eternal life.

For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.

For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but that the world through him might be saved.

He that believeth on him is not condemned: but he that believeth not is condemned already, because he hath not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

All those worlds, saying the same thing.

News Item5/18/19 7:16 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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How is it someone so young could be so proud of her corruption?

News Item5/17/19 6:14 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Reverend Randy Hollerith, Dean of the Washington National Cathedral, says the people carrying out attacks are trying to sow division and hatred.
excerpt from, "Church leaders look to improve safety as soft target attacks continue"
Gives them too much credit. No, the evil lunatics aren't trying to sow division and hatred. They are trying to kill people because they are evil lunatics.

News Item5/17/19 9:26 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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John UK wrote:
Facebook will always be "at it". And Jesus says to them, "Except ye repent, ye shall all likewise perish."
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only-begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
Believing and repenting go together and must never be separated. A believer in Christ is repentant. It is a work of God in his heart. He cannot change himself, it is a work of the Holy Spirit.
So is this agreeable? As you say, a believer is repentant, thus an unbeliever is not, for repentance is a turning toward God, from which it is a turning from sin. There seems to be a simultaneous thing going on, but not quite. Why? One cannot turn from sin so that he may turn to God, unless a work of God has already been done. What say you?

News Item5/16/19 8:17 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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It is God's love that gave to us the sacrifice that only his Son could provide. Our destruction would have met the requirements his holiness demands. So yes, when it comes to our salvation, his love trumps. His grace stems from love, and it is by grace we are saved. Set aside his love, and his holiness would require us to remain in darkness. He never acts out of character, that we know.

News Item5/16/19 6:50 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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It could help to remember the Scripture says God is love. That is, it is not an attribute, but his essence. Then ask if he ever does anything outside his character.

News Item5/16/19 9:04 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"NPR wrote:
This is the fifth pardon of Trump's presidency. He told reporters on Air Force One on Thursday that he is considering using his clemency power in other high-profile cases, as well...."
Fifth pardon? Wow. Obama pardoned over 200. Oh well, sometimes we forget.

News Item5/15/19 10:06 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
If homelessness is caused by alcohol, drug abuse and mental illness, then legalizing all drugs will collapse the state welfare systems and walk us down a very dark road.
I know of many people who advocate marijuana legalization. However I have taught and subtaught at risk youth for many years. I had worked at a poverty based school district for many years. The cause for low academic and generational poverty or jail time is habitual use of marijuana and alcohol. You can smile your toothless smile all day long and suffer marijuana onset of psychosis but your still in a pitiful spot unless you sober up and that in itself is not going to happen with our government advocating and forcing sober citizens to support state made derelicts.
Consciously or unconsciously, people with power have awareness that addled minds will never be a threat, for they cannot think clearly, organize, or develop any threat. As well, they are left in a position of neediness. IMO, legalization contributes to maintenance of power.

News Item5/15/19 9:56 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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If the Chinese don't buy lots of soybeans, they must not need lots of soybeans. What they do need is American dollars, more than we need their not so well made things. Let the tariffs go where they go, and we'll see who fares well. btw, one-crop farming is a bad idea, from a soil management perspective, and because it always ends up needing some form of aid or protection from the government.

News Item5/14/19 7:10 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Occasional Cortex has no act to get together. She just needs reprogramming so she can understand many of us know socialism is a disease in search of a badly needed cure.

News Item5/14/19 8:03 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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comments wrote:
If you haven’t found out where nonetheless, protect dealing with. Don’t determine. consists of purchase
If you say so.

News Item5/13/19 7:26 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Ruth Graham quote:
...the editorial director of HuffPost Personal, Noah Michelson, wrote last year in an essay lamenting the slump in resolve. “For some strange reason I still don’t fully understand, some queer people and their friends and families began eating at Chick-fil-A again and are still eating there.”...

--"The Uncanceling of Chick-fil-A---Why did so many people forget to boycott the infamous chicken chain?"

Poor HuffPost editorial director, having to lament. Maybe homosexual people like good chicken. Since they are eating there, then it should be obvious they aren't being discriminated against. Maybe wacko leftist politicians and their media friends should find some productive work to do.

News Item5/12/19 6:52 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Nina Burleigh wrote:
But as younger members reject the vitriolic partisanship of the Trump era and leave the church, that base is getting smaller and older. The numbers are stark: Twenty years ago, just 46 percent of white evangelical Protestants were older than 50; now, 62 percent are above 50. The median age of white evangelicals is 55. Only 10 percent of Americans under 30 identify as white evangelicals. The exodus of youth is so swift that demographers now predict that evangelicals will likely cease being a major political force in presidential elections by 2024.
excerpt from, "Evangelical Christians Helped Elect Donald Trump, but Their Time as a Major Political Force Is Coming to an End"
Ridiculous understanding. Most of the actual vitriol is coming from the yoots, not the old people. And what does the color of the evangelicals have to do with anything? Same old same old cloudy thinking.

News Item5/12/19 1:59 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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John UK wrote:
The question is: Why is it that in America there are 10,001 different Christian denominations?
The figure of 10,001 is called, I think, a figure of speech, meaning a great number. In the UK, you often hear 'a hundred and one' ways to do something. Or an IFB might write a book and call it, "A thousand and One Ways to Disprove Calvinism".
Likely because of early experience with the English state church. Much better to have squabbles over the "proper" color of the carpet, or whether or not there be windows, or music, or the position of seating, etc, than to have one approved church. The worse thing today is not the multitudinous denominations, but the move toward the one world church. I'll take the 10001.

News Item5/12/19 1:44 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Dr. Tim wrote:
We have a Constitution? You’d never know it by the decisions of federal judges.
That's because it has been mistakenly assumed that judges are supposed to interpret the Constitution, placing themselves above the law.

News Item5/12/19 1:40 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I have the run across the above when I saw this latest scuffle that Kentucky had with the courts, (Federal judge strikes down Kentucky abortion law)
Romans 8:7 For the mind that is set on the flesh is hostile to God, for it does not submit to God's law; indeed, it cannot. 8 Those who are in the flesh cannot please God.---ESV
You aren't clear on your position with this in the posting of Romans 8:7,8. Do you consider the judge as hostile to God, or the Kentucky legislators?

News Item5/12/19 9:56 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Wayfarer pilgrim wrote:
For all the short time we need to remember that Donald Trump is President and history will talk about twitter, paying off adult actresses, models, outrageous behavior, comments , fast food banquets, etc.
But here’s the rub- he over saw the largest economic expansion in 50 years, he took to task our real enemies, and confronted our domestic crisis that the cultural socialist had been driving for 75 years. Changing the courts is leveling the foundation that works as a dam against daily life that does effect us.
DJT is King Artaxerxes. A pagan nonetheless but willing to do what is right in the long run.
And it's making the socialist globalists bonkers. Or more accurately, revealing how bonker they have always been.

News Item5/11/19 9:02 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
One wonders, how many Christians will remain quiet about problems like this?
What are you going to do about it?

News Item5/11/19 8:57 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Joshua admonished the people to choose whom they would serve, David was given 3 choices for punishment, Elijah told the people to stop halting between two opinions, Paul struggle with choosing to depart or stay to serve, Moses told the Israelites to choose life and blessing over death and being cursed. We all make choices each day.
However our choices according to Proverbs 4:23 and the teachings of our Lord come from the heart. Our choices are bound by what controls our heart.
Luke 6:45  A good man out of the good treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is good; and an evil man out of the evil treasure of his heart bringeth forth that which is evil
Thanks, US. More questions though, if you don't mind. All you say is true, yet it is also true that Jesus said an evil man knows how to give good gifts to his children. How does the evil man manage to do that? Is it that even evil men can do good, and choose not to give him a stone or a serpent, but rather bread or a fish? What is it binds the choices made by the children's father, that he cannot choose the good, yet he does?
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