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News Item5/11/19 3:34 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
That God has given man a will with the ability to choose can be easily proven from Scripture. That it is “free” cannot.
US, might I interrupt long enough to ask if the ability to choose exists, how is it not then free to do so? Ability to choose what? Wanting to understand where you're coming from, not looking to join the present crusades.

News Item5/11/19 7:34 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Christopher000 wrote:
Please don't take that as me coming at you in a negative way, and looking for a fight. I just wanted to lay out where the heat comes from. Preachers can get emotional while preaching, and I know that's not the issue you have, but nobody would disagree with you on the clear types that you've spoken about. There's just a clear line of delineation, where the "yee-haws" are in one corner, and the rest, in the opposite corner, yelling, "Get out of here!".
Appreciate your thoughtful posts, Christopher.

News Item5/11/19 7:21 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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News Item5/10/19 9:06 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Funny the question is never asked of why most of the abuse by priests is against boys. But that would lead to uncomfortable politically incorrect conclusions.

News Item5/10/19 8:15 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Yolanda wrote:
I guess we can label all undercover investigations as "spying."
This is a precedent of lawlessness set for the return of Christ. Lawlessness abounds in this administration. And religious hypocrites are lining up with the government to bring everyone into submission or into an arena of dying for the cause of Christ.
You have something backwards. If this administration is most guilty of something, it is in the revealing of the depth of corruption and lawlessness that had already infiltrated the government up to the revelation of it. Whatever one thinks of Trump, his election was a reaction to that increasing lawlessness.

News Item5/9/19 2:30 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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It will be a lovely thing when they pass the bad taste of Starbucks.

News Item5/9/19 1:10 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote: (Courts say anti-abortion 'heartbeat bills' are unconstitutional. So why do they keep coming?)
The court says lots of things. The true issue gets sidetracked. What needs continued hammering is that the unborn at any age is a life, a separate human life from the mother. "Viability" is irrelevant.

News Item5/8/19 8:16 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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"State Rep. Brian Sims, a Democrat who is Pennsylvania’s first-ever openly homosexual legislator, used PeriscopeCo, a social-media streaming company, to display his rant, which went on for nearly 10 minutes."

Thoughts on this-

No need to include the redundant "Democrat" is there?

Why does a homosexual care one way or another about abortion?

His mother was not pro-death, why does he disrespect his mother?

News Item5/7/19 6:58 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Bible Based Christian wrote:
The truth is some people don't want to face up to the truth. Christians in American segregate themselves by race. Just like segregation in prisons, you have the whites, the blacks, the Mexicans, the Asians. MOST churches are the same. Denial is not Godly. How could a white man foster all of that hatred of others who are outsiders to his church? Perhaps because they are outsiders. Don't forget how many Klansmen where church goers. How many black youth who partake in racial motivated attacks against whites consider themselves Christian? Why? My Bible says "For the time is come that judgment must begin at the house of God: and if it first begin at us, what shall the end be of them that obey not the gospel of God?" How many lost people look at the all white and all black congregations and say look at these hypocrites and bigots I sure don't want to be like them? Say Amen or look for some stones to stone me with for telling you the truth.
Isn't it possible for people with meaningless fleshly differences to be of one spirit, without being in the same place at the same time?

News Item5/7/19 6:36 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
ABC News Radio Online wrote:
"In testimony before members of the Senate on Tuesday, FBI Director Chris Wray appeared to split with Attorney General Bill Barr, telling lawmakers he would not use the term "spying" to describe his bureau's investigative practices...."

excerpt from "FBI Director Wray splits with AG Barr on use of 'spying' to describe bureau's investigations"
Wray, considers all the investigative techniques that were used, by the FBI as proper. The above article explains it.

spy: n.
One who secretly keeps watch on another or others.

News Item5/7/19 7:42 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Defense budget is way outpaced by spending on social programs which have built in mandatory yearly increases. If y’all really were concerned about the deficit it would not be the military budget that would being discussed
Quite agree, US. Programs designed to get people's continuing support by keeping them needy. Thankfully Trump is rebuilding the military, a proper use of spending. But the greater issue here is the policeman issue. Where are those most in need of keeping Hormuz open? We are no longer that rich nation able to run at every concern of others. Are we the only nation with boats and aircraft?

News Item5/6/19 8:29 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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John Lee wrote:
I'll never understand how a country trillions in debt can afford to spend so much on weapons and aircraft carriers. Where is that money coming from? Would it not be cheaper to just retrieve all personnel from the area and leave the Iranians to themselves?
A country such as ours, trillions in debt, cannot actually afford it any longer, but for some there is still some profit to be made from war, and the "global economy" is important to the global minded. It isn't for the US that the need to protect Hormuz oil flow exists, for we get little via there, providing 40% of our own, and importing another 40% from Canada and some from Mexico and Columbia. So it must be for the protection of others? In any case, I should expect that those most threatened would have the most interest in keeping the flow flowing, and not continue expecting that it will forever be that America can police the world. If people here knew what could come of massive debt, they might not be so anxious to fire up the federal reserve printing presses. I often tell folks I have more money in my wallet than the US government has. Debt is not wealth.

News Item5/5/19 6:25 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The Vox party is clearly far right. but then people are apparently saying that is in the eye of the beholder.
Anne Applebaum wrote:
excerpt from, "Want to build a far-right movement? Spain’s Vox party shows how."
Doesn't Anne Applebaum write for the Washington Post? Isn't she opposed to an independent Britain? Are you a globalist, Jim?

News Item5/5/19 2:14 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Overcomer wrote:
I pray, that the day will come very soon, that people will fully recognize the humanity of a child (from conception to natural death) and treat them accordingly.
Amen to that. Yet the death-god of this age, science so-called, already knows the child is human from conception.

News Item5/5/19 9:57 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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"And it would specifically prevent Christians from relying on the Religious Freedom Restoration Act to uphold their religious rights."

Only if they let it. Christians don't have to rely on the RFRA to uphold their religious rights. We have them from God, codified first in Scripture, then in the Bill of Rights, neither of which can be lawfully superceded by any court decree nor lawless Democrat operatives nor spineless Republican blenders. There is no requirement to obey unlawful laws under our system. btw, for those who might think otherwise, all courts, including the Supreme, are subject to the limits the Constitution places on them. The court's job is not to interpret the Constitution, but to interpret laws according to what it says. And it says "Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof..." Simple enough even a Democrat can understand.

News Item5/4/19 8:15 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
This person was mentioned by David Brooks, and since the transcript is included with above you can easily find David Brooks reference to:
from "The Catastrophic Performance of Bill Barr"
Why would any intelligent person want to read David Brooks? Isn't he still squirming in his chair because Trump won in 2016?

News Item5/4/19 8:07 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Russian interference in the 2016 United States elections"
No end to myth, Jim? The leftist president of Russia did all he could to interfere with left leaning candidate Clinton, just so she could lose? Meanwhile Russia pays Bill Clinton hundreds of thousands for making a speech in Russia. Short memories seem to be a problem for revisionist mythmakers.

By the way, Clinton lost, with good reason. Totally unfit for the White House. Check out some of those who were unfortunate enough to have to work with her. If you can, answer this- did the Russians change your vote?

News Item5/4/19 1:58 PM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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"By Friday afternoon, two days after Los Angeles County ordered the precautions, about 325 of those affected had been cleared to return after proving their immunity to the disease, through either medical records or tests, health officials said."

Another promotion of the concept of guilt until innocence is proved. The frog continues to happily float in the water atop the stove. Also LA is a sanctuary city, from which we should not assume anything about potential sources of measles.

News Item5/4/19 7:39 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Regarding the heading, he isn't one of our own. We can start there.

News Item5/4/19 7:32 AM
Just thinking | grapeland  Find all comments by Just thinking
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Shields and Brooks on Barr testimony, Democrats’ dilemma"
Of what use are generalities like "Russian interference"? Other than an attempt to plant doubt, tell us exactly what they did to change my vote, or yours.
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