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News Item8/24/2020 7:45 PM
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Benjamin wrote:
if you believe vaccines .. then get it and leave the rest of us alone...
Stop the totalitarianism.
That vaccines won't work unless the next guy also gets it, is a lie. It was made to get people themselves to pressure and force others into compliance. They want worldwide mandatory vaccination, and they need people turning on each to accomplish this

News Item8/6/2020 5:25 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
BMc, I concur fully with JUK’s assessment of your post.
BMc you keep referring to hypercal, that comes out of the ingenuity of Armins who wanted to win points.

The great commision is a command. We are called to obedience. We go because we obey, not to accomplish its end. Whosoever will come to Christ, will be saved. But only God can give a heart that will seek after Him. We by nature hate God. A proud and rebellious heart will never seek God. But a contrite and broken heart God will in no wise cast out. Whoever will come to Him, will find him.

We are called to obedience. We are not called to the results. That's not my business. Only God can change a heart. Whoever God will call, He will call.

You've been sold the armin'n dung in believing we cannot obey His command. We are free from the results therefore do not have to convince, manipulate, overreach, setup a successfull outcome, because decisions can be tipped.

The majority of church are Armins. That shows the prevalence of the nature of man to be a god Majority of church are dead weight. The majority of evangelism is happening among the dead.
Armins are sticking on you like white on rice because they think we are hamstrung from declaring the gospel. That's man's in

News Item8/6/2020 6:32 AM
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I remember Clouds testimony from way back, He didn't get snared into Pentecostalism Butt I should've checked lately on his plan for salvation.

My point still..

News Item8/6/2020 4:36 AM
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John UK wrote:
don't wait until a sinner is converted before trying to influence him in his doctrine. Go and convert him yourself.
John I won't try to convert you, I'll leave you with this.

David Cloud, while hitch hiking across the country was converted by an Arminian who gave him a ride. But Cloud did not turn to his circumstance or experience but turned to the Bible alone to draw his doctrine and theology.

Swaggard who was converted at the hands of two Pentecostal women, became a tongue speaking women pastoring Pentecostal.

BG crusades were an EVENT for me. The preparations, churches bussing in en mass, the festival atmosphere, I was smitten. The dangers of relying on experience. God can use any circumstance but we draw from His word alone.
How many people are under bondage to where they received "healing?"

As far as leaving the converted alone-

Would my walk been better served if others had not contended for the faith? Are those within the church better served that way?

The Gospel was under attack right from get go in apostolic times, and we are better for it because Paul responded. The same is true throughout church history. We are the beneficiaries of the record of what the church fought back.

News Item8/6/2020 2:03 AM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
at least you did say .. in a graceful and courteous manner,
No Tim, it's your Armin'n Gospel of man having his hand in redemption that is offended. You didn't care that Gods glory is offended in your man being God! Your sensitivity stems from pride.

To you, Jesus looked over at the thief on the cross who happened to be there to choose.

Not a hair on his head, not a molecule in the universe, not an errant fly that could've landed on Pilates soup making him sick could've changed the day hour minute of the crucif'n that was pre-ordained in eternity past. It's a mystery!! The thief was there just as God had pre-determined it.

Acts 2:23 is a mystery.

98% of evangelicals are Arminians. Where does man as god have a choice if there is DETERMINATE COUNCEL and FOREKNOWLEDGE of God? You choice cancels Gods hand.

Tim, when God the Holy Spirit brings you the light of His word and you keep rebuffing, He will leave you in your darkness so that you keep believing the lie. You pray honestly before God!

John, if a trumpet give an uncertain sound.. You believe in the sovereignty of God but you keep hi-fiving Armins, muddying the truth. Greatest theologians of past never got away with compromise. Sound a clear message!

News Item8/4/2020 8:17 PM
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ladybug wrote:
The Gospel is for the sheep, only the sheep will hear, only the sheep will come, it isn't for 'everybody'. The Gospel does one of two things, it either pricks the heart and brings the sinner to Christ, or it further hardens an causes them to gnash their teeth - see Acts 2:37, Acts 7:54.

God determines who hears and who does not. "I will have mercy on whom I will have mercy".

John you creek the door open just enough for the Armies to come in when you state that only the elect will come to Christ. Like anything, there's enough truth that both sides can swallow that.

You need to be clear and unequivocal here. God uses an interesting term - born-again. When you were given life, you did NOTHING! It was a gift. When you are given eternal life, you contribute nothing it is a gift.

We don't "choose," it is Gods sovereign decree. And it is done as a decree. Arminians don't like this Gospel, but they like yours John so we must not be saying the same things

News Item8/4/2020 2:30 PM
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Dr. Tim wrote:
John 6:37
All that the Father giveth me shall come to me; ...
—Jesus Christ

Everyone who comes to Jesus for salvation is given to Jesus by the Father.

Just a little shift, and it makes man God, and God a subservient tp Man.

Here you see the two "elects."

News Item8/4/2020 8:09 AM
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ladybug wrote:
the doctrine of election, the most hated doctrine. Professing Christians must have a hand in it or they want no part of it.
Dear Sister Ladybug

Thank you for your tireless work in holding fast to the truth. As you've managed to bring to the surface, man MUST have a hand in redemption. Only it is coached in terms that, "God gets all the glory." Still, as long as man is God - ever so minute but a God nevertheless - we have another Jesus.

I am praying for you.
All His blessings, Sister

News Item7/14/2020 3:46 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Phil Johnson wrote:
.... If the same energies and resources that were poured into failed political efforts had been channeled into evangelism instead, I'm convinced that would have been instrumental in producing more spiritual good and hindering more of society's evils than all our lobbying, demonstrating, and voting combined....

excerpt from, (Politically Incorrect?)

Really? You mean Gods people should focus on 'evangelism", and not 'politics?'

So are we going to see a different you now?

News Item7/14/2020 3:30 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Apparently Trudeau is not at Trump's beck and call?
No, not trump but castro, Trudeaus father became Prime minister first and after his death, son nevame pm. Both had a close relationship with castro. Castro attended dads funeral. When castro died, jr. couldnt go because of controversy but he praised castro.
Nice swipe at trump but a swing and a miss again.

Jim, your socialist government limits Gods peoples liberty. Abortion is shedding of innocent blood. God hates it!
You gotta be able to get the easy ones right!

News Item7/14/2020 9:25 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
They are not breaking- secular law- now

News Item7/2/2020 10:10 PM
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John UK wrote:
getting educated at home may not cut the cloth.
There is no question of competency where it's allowed to flourish. American ingenuity and entrepreneurialism takes care of that.
And with the advent of internet, the old system will change anyways!

God holds the father responsible as the head of the house. We don't make a believer, we are called to be obedient to our responsibilities. When a child grows up, goes to uni etc, God only holds us to our obedience, not to its results.
States schools can work if it does not usurp parental authority. But the system by its very nature makes State the authority.

You cannot deny the spiritual element in this.

News Item7/2/2020 12:28 AM
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John UK wrote:
As for biblical practice, I honestly do not know what the Bible teaches about it. Is there some teaching on schools?
John, God separates His children and outlines how they are to live in a world that is hostile towards Him. God defines what a marriage is. God takes a child and places it smack dab on the lap of the parents and and admonishes them to bring up a child in His ways, warning of consequences if you don't follow.

I have yet to see where God hatches kids in state schools, where parents then go to sign them out subject to states retained ownership and oversight. It is clear who God holds responsible for the child and its upbringing.

What about schools? A system set up by any name should support what God has already established. By its very nature, Homeschooling equips and empowers parents. State schools replace parents and is hostile to biblical values

In the US, the government cannot take away peoples rights but they can encumber with regulations. The US is unlike any other country that has ever existed!

For UK and its spawned countries, the state can set mandatory requirements out of the hands of parents and illegalise Homeschooling.

News Item7/1/2020 7:06 PM
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Adriel wrote:
Certain countries are seen to be the protection and refuge of terrorists - for example Iran.
And the democrat states

News Item7/1/2020 6:58 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Wall Street Journal another source of information points out how covid-19 is devastating to nursing home
Watchmanremo, it seems like there was a serious outbreak of covid-19 in a Sydney nursing home. It is a devilish virus and it attacks the elderly worldwide.
Scary, but.. in Sydney, the source was an infected worker that had continued working through flu symptoms. Even more scary was allegations of abuse and neglect of the elderly because of the restrictions on family visits.

Oh well, in the words of your fellow marxist in NY as he put infected peopler back in the nursing homes, "people die, you can't save them all."

News Item6/25/2020 8:13 PM
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This really is a stupid proposition to put to a President! The sentiments actually arose from the Christian community after being shipwrecked by Obummer. Trump didn't go around declaring that he was an Obummermesia.

What you're witnessing in USA are the fruits of Godless marxist feminist ideology that destroyed homes, and removed God and liberty. Contrast that with Trump, while he has his faults, believes in God, liberty, and the values that made that country great.I am amazed at how many here hold him to sinless perfection and relive his past. Whatever his faults, he is at the forefront of the battle. Yes it is a spiritual battle. So why not pray for him and his family!

I like this new pseudo Jim. Leave that other one in the basement with his Doritos

News Item6/24/2020 10:34 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Here's A Reel Of Cars Plowing Through Protesters Trying To Block The Road."

--"Extremists Target Protesters"

So you've got free loading marxists blocking roads trapping people in their cars. Got it Jim.

News Item6/23/2020 7:44 PM
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Mohler represents a more sophisticated level of deception inside the church. Stay away from him

News Item6/2/2020 6:24 AM
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Remo if you and JD Greer claims to have "All the facts," then "own it" up before God, as you put it.

I do know that that officer will not get a fair trial because internet trawlers can find sympathetic opinions from their "own team."

You demand a pound of flesh because the officer wasn't arrested on the spot. Well making arrests is part of their job, not yours. So you'd be arrest on the spot if you tried that. 5 days to investigate their actions is not "too late."

Your 2 witnesses, eye witness, God says to bring before the judge and let them face the accused - internet trawlers don't coun as judge. Thats what the justice system was established for - to prevent mob justice- this very thing you're doing..

Also, for you all now, an investigation MUST deliver only one outcome, otherwise it's a "coverup."

Remo, cops are called on to risk their lives to save us. In this case, wether this was the right action, adrenaline, bad judgement, or murder we'll never know. These cops are hung out to fend for themselves now.

And Floyd is presented as a hero. He was caught rorting another legit business.
Shut em ALL down! Bring in the military.

"Peacenik" protesters are violent if they don't get their way. These peaceniks are a cover. Stay home or get shot!


News Item5/31/2020 8:11 PM
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Watchmanremo other name wrote:
..but at least it's a statement that the [SBC] leadership prayerfully thought through and saw all the evidence before making the statement ..
What it will do....?

The bible says not to do as the SBC is doing. But then, SBC doesn't have any understanding of the bible anyways.

Sorry Watchman just saw your post to me. Tell me how long was the investigation? I thought they were still ongoing. And yes SBC has ALL the facts? We need to not make a false testimony against anyone. Own that!
All Christians will stand for justice. God is the owner of every life. We should be careful we don't deal unjustly towards anyone. And we can only do that if we seek the truth. Only then can we deal justly.

I don't think well ever see the truth. Because people want a pound of flesh and anything other than that will be a "coverup."

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