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News Item4/12/19 9:44 AM
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If they really want something large than life,they need to know Jesus.
The irony is that with the "advancement" of all of this technology comes greater despair.
Simpler times had many advantages.

News Item4/10/19 5:28 AM
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Atanael- you are correct. We are played like a fiddle by the media in this country and we are in a position that we will take any bones thrown to us.
It is good to try to support that which is moral but we tend to elevate anyone who is not as bad as their "opponent".
We must be a laughing stock to others with our "liberal vs. conservative war".
It isn't flesh and blood with which we wrestle, but one would never know it.
Many, as the media would have it, paint one group as good and the other as bad.
Of course, we know that there are no political parties in Heaven.

News Item4/9/19 12:27 PM
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In light of anyone's sexual escapades...
1 Corinthians 6:9

“Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived: neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind,â€

It's possible that this guy really believes that he is justified in being a sodomite and he would be correct in saying that it brings him closer to his little "g" "god".. much like many professing Christians who have justified their affairs.
Sadly, the desensitization of sexual immorality has contributed to the encouragement of other sexual sins (i.e. sodomy).
If man makes the rules, then man's standards will, ultimately, be of none effect...much like a pot calling a kettle "black".

News Item4/8/19 1:03 PM
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Those mocking...said "new wine" in ignorance just as those who accused Christ of being a wine bibber were in ignorance.
Our joy comes from the new covenant through our Saviour's blood, not by way of a booze buzz.
There is no comparison.

News Item4/8/19 11:25 AM
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Marty- Using other versions of Scripture with just one jot or tittle missing or added is no small matter to a Holy God whose word is pure.

News Item4/8/19 11:17 AM
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Buckeyes- In Luke 22:20 the cup = the new covenant in His blood.
Oil is often a representation of the Holy Spirit.
Wine is in the cluster of the grape on the vine (Isaiah 65:8)...clearly not alcoholic God's Wisdom, He has allowed for those who are carnally minded to interpret "wine" as alcohol in many instances when it is not and has given the distinction and discernment to those who are spiritually minded

News Item4/8/19 8:58 AM
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Abortion is murder, Unprofitable.
Alcohol is a depressant (drug).
If the government can make money off of it, any deterrent will probably not work,

News Item4/7/19 2:56 PM
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One need not do research apart from the Word.
Alcohol bites.

It's worse than any drug out there and it is most readily available.
How can a country say "no" to drugs when it pushes booze?

News Item4/7/19 2:52 PM
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“Jesus, you are our only hope,†she (Mrs Borowicz) prayed. “At the name of Jesus, every knee will bow and every tongue will confess Jesus, that you are Lord.â€

The truth hurts.

News Item4/7/19 2:48 PM
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Farra con said (Jesus) "He never was on no cross."
2 negatives make a statement true.
His ignorance actually worked against him in making a double negative statement.
If he can't get his English straight, he need not place himself above mere man.

News Item3/30/19 10:30 AM
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News Item:
Men Ditch Suits
Presenting our bodies as a living sacrifice and worshiping in spirit and truth are not to be considered just at a physical place of worship.
We are the temple of God.
It's not so much the attire we wear for church but how we present ourselves as a testimony at all times, at all places.
Immodest at church is immodest everywhere else.

News Item3/28/19 10:03 AM
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praying for their strength,encouragement and comfort in the One who is a very present help in the time of trouble

News Item3/28/19 9:47 AM
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I was drawing a distinction between the two.
You have drawn poor conclusions from my response.
Because of the wickedness in the land, God allows judgment.
You do not see it upon ours?

Jude 7

7 Even as Sodom and Gomorrha, and the cities about them in like manner, giving themselves over to fornication, and going after strange flesh, are set forth for an example, suffering the vengeance of eternal fire.

News Item3/27/19 11:03 AM
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Have mercy AND bless.

Following 67:1

1 (To the chief Musician on Neginoth, A Psalm or Song.) God be merciful unto us, and bless us; and cause his face to shine upon us; Selah.

2 That thy way may be known upon earth, thy saving health among all nations.

3 Let the people praise thee, O God; let all the people praise thee.

4 O let the nations be glad and sing for joy: for thou shalt judge the people righteously, and govern the nations upon earth. Selah.

Mercy is with holding what we deserve,however,
God cannot, ultimately, judge a nation righteously if a nation continues in abominable sin. If He could, as the saying goes, then He would have to apologize to Sodom and Gomorrah.

Psalm 33:12

12 Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord; and the people whom he hath chosen for his own inheritance.

A nation whose God is Lord does not continue to kill babies or encourage sexual immorality.

News Item3/26/19 2:23 PM
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Chris G P, I usually agree with most of your comments and I respect them but I am a little confused as to how one who professes to be Christian such as (Pence), who came out of the RC church,can yet attend mass, RC prayer breakfasts, and give honor to it and still be born again.
I understand that one may in ignorance or if they are very naive which would probably not be in the case of Pence.
Of course, we need all of the bones thrown to us that we can get in this country no matter the source.
We have been programmed into thinking that we have a "savior" in leadership who loves God. And, of course, there have to be the bad guys and the good guys all the while the country sinks.
We think that God should bless us when we should be asking God rather to have mercy on us.

News Item3/26/19 1:17 PM
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Offering our bodies is reasonable service.
Ladybug, you like to throw around the phrase pharisee very loosely.
I do not advocate adherence to ceremonial rites or oral traditions, which, interestingly enough, many of those who love traditions of men and man made "holy days", actually do.
You, ladybug, by following after the vain traditions of "holy days" would fit better into that category than I.
I only go along with Scriptures in regards to immorality and nakedness.
Unprofitable, I did not criticize the owner. Please reread without bias.
If I am being judgmental in my disdain for hypocrisy and its ill effects on the lost, so be it.
God is more so.

News Item3/26/19 10:24 AM
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I did not make a back door accusation.
And not sinning is not praiseworthy. It is reasonable service.
So many Christians are so zealous to come against sodomites but are hypocritical in that they make allowances for their pet sexually deviant sins.
Most don't even know what constitutes nakedness according to Scripture. "Holy days" and "nakedness" seemingly are relative.
These Christians are a great hindrance to unbelievers who see little difference between them and the world except to come against sodomites.
How many thousands of parades have we watched with all kinds of deviance in them like witchcraft,immodesty,nakedness,pride,idols,etc. before "gay pride" parades came on the scene?
If the world doesn't see consistency in us but rather a double standard then they will be turned off to Christianity and rightly so.

News Item3/25/19 2:12 PM
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Psalm 81:
9There shall no strange god be in thee; neither shalt thou worship any strange god.

10I am the LORD thy God, which brought thee out of the land of Egypt: open thy mouth wide, and I will fill it.

11But my people would not hearken to my voice; and Israel would none of me.

12So I gave them up unto their own hearts' lust: and they walked in their own counsels.

13Oh that my people had hearkened unto me, and Israel had walked in my ways!

14I should soon have subdued their enemies, and turned my hand against their adversaries.

Fornicators,adulterers,idolaters,drunkards, to name a few are included with the effeminate and sodomites as far as those who will not inherit the Kingdom of God.

So, of course, a defender of the truth will not take lightly that which is so dire.
God has not changed His mind in regards as to what is following after other gods or heathen ways.
Nakedness and man made "holy days" will be offensive to followers of Christ.
Democrats and sodomites can change but those who are blind and think that they see are hopeless.

News Item3/25/19 8:20 AM
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Christopher, I consider the source so am not offended. Alcohol does impair judgment and those who are in a pattern of sin or who love the world's ways like to call others legalistic.
"Doc", what comes out the mouth, reveals what is in the heart.
Lb, there is a vast difference between wondering whether or not someone is saved based on their lifestyle choices which are vile and saying that one is not saved.
I honestly believe if Christians didn't have the sodomites or democrats with which to take issue that many would have nothing to do. A convenient distraction.
There was a time when Christians would have been more offended by glamorized sexuality and adulterers and graphic,vile,lewd entertainment but those things have all been "deemed clean" by many who profess to walk in the light.
Sodomites in this country is judgment against the house of God.
This country loves its whores and whoremongering movies and entertainment so what else could be expected than something which it deems sexually worse (sodomy) to get in our faces?
Maybe we would consider our ways.

Sermon3/24/19 1:08 PM
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