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Survey6/29/07 8:28 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Wow! If you guys could see me now laughing my bottom off ( Just so you know, women DO NOT laugh during PMS! ). I sure know where to go to get a good laugh and it's even better than Jay Leno!

Well, thought I would just drop in and stir up trouble. Please continue with your deep, thought provoking, intellectually stimulating comments! They are deeper than the middle of the ocean.

Survey6/29/07 7:40 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Oh wow, the faithful remnant are at last to be found!

No wonder I never did fit in here on this message forum. It's been usurped by a "click", just like so many churches. No wonder the "click" never likes me, because I have such disdain for "clicks" does the Lord!

"For there is no respect of persons with the Lord"

Looks like it's the same old people posting all over again and they have been here for years. You guys should just start your own blogs because very few of you really do respect sermon audio's rules, if indeed sermon audio stands by their rules. They do, but only on a certain few do those rules apply!

To much favoritism.........that alright though because God has a place for each one of us!

Grace and Peace to you all and you men.......please try to be kind to the women and don't treat them with contempt because they are posting comments!
Or wait........I think that just applied to me.

Oh well, that's why I have own blog.......freedom from contempt!

News Item6/11/07 10:36 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Mike from N.Y.

"The grass withereth, the flower fadeth, but the Word of our God shall stand forever"..........Isaiah 40:8

Jesus Christ is the Word in the flesh because He is God............."In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God".......John 1:1

"And the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us, (and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father,) full of grace and Truth".........John 1:14

You can't get anymore lucid than that!

Survey6/2/07 11:41 AM
Cindy | Arizona  Find all comments by Cindy
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I believe our Lord deserves the best of worship we can offer. I have come to realize while we compare ourselves amongst ourselves and call one form of music more godly than another and worthy of our Lord, the truth is it is not the best man can offer god but because God gave His best in Jesus our worship is accepted in Christ. The curtain is torn but we want to once again believe it is us reaching Him by our efforts or performance and not Him who made Himself accessible by the son. A tower of musical babel of sorts.

Survey5/31/07 8:56 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I don't think there is anything wrong with birth control. The catholic church will tell you it's wrong, but they are after the "traditions of men." Leave it in God's hands and be responsible. If you can't support a child financially, physically, and emotionally, then don't have one. It's that simple. So use birth control if you are married and sexually active.

Personally at the rate this world is going, I have no desire to bring children into this world even though I am fertile and still of child-bearing age. But that of course is my prerogative and each person makes a choice. But for me, it is all about responsibility. Don't bring a child into the world if you have not thought about the commitment and responsibility it takes!

News Item5/21/07 6:24 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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A new breed of Evangelicals.........yeah, that's why they're called New-Evangelicals because they seek worldy acclaim and worldy riches. Certainly not a Godly example to follow.

I wouldn't vote for any of them, nor would I allow myself to influenced by their foolish ways.

Survey5/19/07 10:07 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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(This survey is no longer available)
Amen Jim, you are right........because that IS reality.

All you have to do is tell people you are a Born-Again Christian and suddenly they treat you differently and you begin to notice a change in their behavior towards you.

News Item5/19/07 5:58 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I thank the Lord everyday that He opened my eyes to the Truth to see Him. I am a Bible-believing Born-Again Christian......not a Prostestant, which has it's origins in Rome. My faith has absolutely NOTHING to do with Rome.

News Item5/9/07 5:28 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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All these Catholics are going to be SHOCKED when they end up in Hell!

I pity their souls.......

News Item5/6/07 6:03 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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"Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools"......

News Item5/2/07 8:31 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Don't feel is only a sign of the times! I agree with you fully and it's getting so bad now that we can't even speak out against compromise with Rome......this is why I don't even go to church anymore. There are very few authentic Christians anymore today....very few who are completely sold out to God's Truth because they love their tolerance and their peaceable reputations (and money as well) more than they do God's Truth.

News Item4/29/07 4:37 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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It is not wise to answer a fool. Let him or her alone in their folly.

That is addressed to those who spread heresy like wildfire..........."do not cast your pearls before swine, lest they trample it under their feet".

News Item4/28/07 3:13 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I have been to a charasmatic church before and most of them believed they could loose their salvation and that they had repented several times to restore their salvation..........these people unfortunately are striving in the flesh to maintain what God already did. We are led by the spirit, not our flesh. When we are led by our spirit the works that we do become natural to us for it is God who works in us to will and to do of His good pleasure. We are to rest in the finished work of Christ as the book of Hebrews admonishes us to do over and over. We are cease striving and begin resting and walk by faith. We are to become a Mary, not a Martha.

If salvation was contingent upon our constant obedience then clearly Jesus Christ would not be glorified. The reason God planned that Christ would be the propitiation for our sin would be so that Christ will have the PREEMINENCE in all things......Colossians 1:16-19.

"And, having made PEACE through the blood of His cross, by Him to reconcile all things unto Himself; by Him, I say, whether they be things in earth, or things in heaven. And you, that were sometime alienated and enemies in your mind by wicked works, yet now hath He reconciled in the body of His flesh through death, to PRESENT you HOLY and UNBLAMEABLE and UNREPROVABLE in Hi

News Item4/28/07 11:35 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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"one makes his salvation more secure" does one make his salvation more secure?

By looking to Christ Jesus.

Your security lies in Jesus Christ who is able to keep you from falling and to present you faultless before the presence of His glory with exceeding joy.......Jude 24.

News Item4/21/07 6:36 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Tell me orange bear if ROMANS 1 starting in verse 18 is a spineless, insipid counterfeit of forgiveness?

As much as God is willing to forgive (ROMANS 9: 22-23, He also is willing to show His Wrath and to make His power known. But God is not like us, who endures with much patience and with His goodness that might lead to repentence.

News Item4/15/07 9:37 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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"I don't believe (as you suggest) that we should ignore comments that advocate views which are clearly antithetical and alien to the teaching of Christ"........I am sorry but where did I suggest any teaching antithetical to Christ? And where did I comment that we should ignore sin?

You do not know me at all and I have no problem calling sin sin. I already know how depraved our flesh is. It is so depraved that only God could have chosen to redeem us. Your ignorance of me and the fact that I have been saved for 30 years, is enough for me to not respond anymore (after this) to your haste. I do not need someone to tell me what sin is. Perhaps you should go speak to Mrs. Winkler yourself and tell her how sinful and wicked she is. I think you would be the perfect candidate.

If you are going to confront sin you had better do it with humility lest you fall flat on your face because of your pride.

I have nothing further to say to you.

News Item4/15/07 6:23 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I want to thank the men here who responded to me graciously and with a loving spirit. I do appreciate in every way your encouragement and support. I did not intend to make this thread about me...........I simply made a comment and a couple men responded to my comment thus making me defend my point of view. I have responded calmly to everyone here so I am not filled with anger, bitterness and unforgiveness. I am simply

To the men who took offense to my are forgiven; because of the ignorance you showed by reacting to my comments rather than responding. And I do not mean that in any disrespectful way.

Remember that we are here to minister to our fellow brothers and sisters if indeed we are servants of Jesus Christ.

To "justice"........if you have a problem with the other comments than just ignore them.........this thread is not about you either. And further more, I do not have a bias towards Mrs. Winkler and I have not sought to make an excuse for her bahavior. If you take the time to read my first comment you will see that I said murder is wrong but that does not make her husband innocent. He could have provoked know like the Bible says for fathers not to provoke their children because we can be so evil in our hearts to provoke another to

News Item4/15/07 12:36 PM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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The tone in my response has not at all indicated a bitter heart towards men. I do not hate men. I certainly don't trust them which given my experience has led me to be prudent.

Understand I am not looking for a husband and given my past I think it is wiser for me not marry and bring excess baggage into what could be a potential good marriage. And by the way, it hasn't just been men who have been slanderous. My own mother accused me of sleeping with her unsaved boyfriend and I have never had intercourse with a man and I will be 35 this summer.

And yes, we are ALL sinners. I have plenty of my own sin but I guess the difference is, is that I don't have an outright malicious heart towards people........and if I wound someone I try to make honest ammends and admit when I am wrong. The people who have wronged me have everyone convinced it was my fault and I deserved what ever wrong they did to me. What about Jesus? And Paul? Many of them were wrongfully accused of things.

To those who haven't had to experience this kind of treatment in those who you thought loved you, you are very blessed. You should praise God everyday that He has not tested you severely yet in that area! Because it is very trying and painful to say the least.

News Item4/15/07 9:48 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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Judging by the responses from "justice".......whatever that means and "seaton", it is clear to me that they have failed to understand my point of view and my personal experience. Like Michael said, we ALL have a flesh that unleashes it's nasty sin and we fail each other as the Word says, "confess your faults to one another and pray for one another that ye may be healed". I don't need anyone to tell me that I am from another planet when a so-called Christian man who attended the church Charles Stanley preaches at called me a whore and white trash and stupid among many other things. This man eventually got arrested.....I had him arrested because he would not take no for an answer and he would not leave me alone. The judge, given the tangible evidence, found him GUILTY to which he refused to say he was guilty only to get a lesser punishment. He has no interest in truly being repentent to me because even on the witness stand, he still smeared my name.

Given by the typical responses from some of the men here it is clear to me that they still act the same. Many men fail to seek to understand the women in their lives and dwell with them in understanding as the Bible says, but rather judge them quickly as being rebellious or lacking grace. I did not at all lack grace with this man who

Survey4/15/07 7:36 AM
cindy | northwestern PA  Find all comments by cindy
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I appreciate your comments and enjoy reading them. It's obvious you have been saved for many years because you clearly have knowledge. Keep using it to bless others.

Have wonderful and blessed time at church!

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