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What is your opinion of Birth Control
Created: 3/8/2004 | Last Vote: 4 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Children should only be conceived in the right circumstances or at the right time.
  26% | 325 votes

 •   We are to follow the first command to mankind 'Be fruitful & multiply'
  12% | 156 votes

 •   A large family is a blessing. Psalm 127:5
  22% | 279 votes

 •   Birth control and abortion are both evil and come from the same human desires.
  21% | 259 votes

 •   Conception is a process of nature and not an act of God.
  2% | 20 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  17% | 210 votes


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Survey10/27/09 7:40 AM
Beth Oleander | Canada  Go to homepageFind all comments by Beth Oleander
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San Jose John, every world power that has ever existed began its fall by the breakdown of the family - nuff said!

OTOH, YHVH Himself endorses birth control in the form of *self control* 'For a time' and with mutual consent between partners, usually for the purpose of devoting more time to prayer and intensifying one's relationship with YHVH.

Many Christians are unaware that the pill (no exceptions) is triphasic, with one of those phases acting as an abortifacient, meaning that the pill makes the womb 'hostile' to embryos since it is not thick enough to allow them to implant - so they are aborted. Most women on the pill abort between 2 and 6 babies a year (in addition to those that abort spontaneously due to malformation).

My husband and I had eight children, with four still living, and we brought them up in the LORD, and home schooled them, and raised them in the missionary field with us, but they have all seen fit to reduce His Commandments to suggestions and summarily dismiss them the moment it is inconvenient to follow them....

We pray for them - we pray for them all (and our three grandchildren), but ultimately all my prayers nowadays boil down to 'Thy Kindgom Come.'

Survey6/9/09 5:03 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world.

Any culture that widely embraces birth control will eventually become weak over time and lose out to cultures that use less birth control. At least that's what I see happening a lot here in the West.

Proverbs 14:28

Survey3/11/08 7:38 PM
Bernard | Australia  Find all comments by Bernard
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Minnow wrote:
Children are the gift of God. Trust in Him to take care of the family and the children of covenanted believers.
The Lord did not invent contraception, man did, to increase the service of the god of mammon. It is a chemical "decision" destroying motherhood and family.
Walking is also the gift of God. Nor did the Lord invest cars, but man did. I don't think that's a strong contracontraception argument.

Survey3/11/08 11:37 AM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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jmb wrote:
it is often unhealthy or irresponsible for a woman to have large family if there are not enough resources to take care of it.
Children are the gift of God. Trust in Him to take care of the family and the children of covenanted believers.

The Lord did not invent contraception, man did, to increase the service of the god of mammon. It is a chemical "decision" destroying motherhood and family.

Survey3/11/08 11:27 AM
jmb | Illinois  Contact via emailFind all comments by jmb
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This survey is incomplete. It either asks the user to condone or abhor birth control and there is no moderate position available, i.e.: it is often unhealthy or irresponsible for a woman to have large family if there are not enough resources to take care of it. Like wise it is presumptuous to think that if the Lord wants you to conceive that you can prevent it. I think the responsible thing is to approach birthcontrol like everything else - by faith: do you reasonable, responsible part and believe God to do His.

Survey7/16/07 12:00 AM
www.swrb,com | Canada  Find all comments by www.swrb,com
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The Bible and Birth Control (1 of 5)
by Charles Provan

Survey6/7/07 4:12 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Abigail - great...all I meant by what I stated was that even non-Pentecostals who believe the CAN't loose their salvation try to live by high standards, by conviction and not fear of becoming lost.

Faithful Remnant - you said...
Well, lurker, the Bible talks of eternal life but not eternal security.

Why is it so hard to define the word eternal. God choose one word, eternal, that cries out security - for ever!

Survey6/7/07 4:06 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Birth control?

Is'nt that what the Calvinist believe God does with his creation. He controls those that should receive spiritual birth and those that do not?

Survey6/7/07 11:25 AM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Thanks. I knew you would appreciate it.

Survey6/7/07 1:28 AM
Mike | Mex  Find all comments by Mike
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That was really really stupid and shows a lot of ignorance on your part Yamil.

Survey6/7/07 12:44 AM
Lurker | USA  Find all comments by Lurker
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Faithful Remnant:

"Well, lurker, the Bible talks of eternal life but not eternal security. And I think or at least hope I made it clear that when the word "if" is used, there is condition. It's a conditional clause. This alone shows the shaky foundation on which eternal security stands."

Since you didn't elaborate on the "condition" I hope for you it isn't anything more than unconditional childlike trust in the One who is able to keep you from falling and present you faultless. (Jude 24)

But when you wrote "All those "if's" in there..." I wonder.

Faith alone for faith + ??? takes you back from whence you came.

Survey6/6/07 10:53 PM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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I do not watch TV, go to movies, wear pants (except at home) or cut my hair like a man.

My life is given to Jesus Christ and I seek to follow Him and please Him in all that I do and say. He is truly my life and my salvation.

Survey6/6/07 5:07 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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I used the point of the word "IF" so show that the Hebrewa writer was making a hypothetical case. What the context of this passage is saying, which many Calvinist will depart from now, is that the Holy Spirit does the convicting, and man does the rejecting. The unpardonable sin comes when, after one has been convicted by the Holy Spirit, and has "tasted", and been made a "partaker", that it is possible for one to then reject the work of the Spirit. There comes a time when an individual, after rejecting and rejecting the Spirit, will no longer be delt with again. And here is why...
In God's economy, there is order to the Godhead. The Father sent the Son, and the Son sent the Holy Sprit. You can curse the Father, and curse the Son, and be forgiven. But not the Holy Spirit. Because in the chain of command, there is nothing after the Holy Spirit to convict your heart...he is the end of the line. This is the sin unto death, the rejection of the Holy Spirit; and this is what Hebrews 6:4 is speaking of. There is much more to develope in this, but little room.

Survey6/6/07 4:15 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Well, lurker, the Bible talks of eternal life but not eternal security. And I think or at least hope I made it clear that when the word "if" is used, there is condition. It's a conditional clause. This alone shows the shaky foundation on which eternal security stands. Yes, I can lay claim to the promises of eternal life in 1 John or any chapter. I believe them. Do i have to believe a man-made doctrine to be saved? No. So it goes with eternal security vs. eternal life. All those "if's" in there show that the Bible does not define eternal life the way the eternal securists want it defined.

That's a good point, Yamil.

Survey6/6/07 2:55 PM
Yamil  Find all comments by Yamil
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Birth control?

Is'nt that what the Calvinist believe God does with his creation. He controls those that should receive spiritual birth and those that do not?

Survey6/6/07 2:31 PM
Lurker | USA  Find all comments by Lurker
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"Of course unconditional eternal security is a heresy..."

I don't know what you mean by "unconditional" eternal security so I ask; do you consider the doctrine of "Preseverance of the Saints" or "Eternal Security" heresy?

And if so, what are the "conditions" to attain to eternal life?

1 John 5:13 These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that **ye may know that ye have eternal life**, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God.

Can you lay claim to this passage now?

. . . . .

Abigail asked Derek:

"What evidence do you have that you are filled with the Holy Ghost?"

How about this:

1 John 3:21-24 Beloved, if our heart condemn us not, [then] have we confidence toward God. And whatsoever we ask, we receive of him, because we keep his commandments, and do those things that are pleasing in his sight. And this is his commandment .....

That we should believe on the name of his Son Jesus Christ, and love one another, as he gave us commandment.

..... And he that keepeth his commandments dwelleth in him, and he in him. And hereby we know that he abideth in us, by the Spirit which he hath given us.

Survey6/6/07 2:31 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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One of the biggest errors of pentecostalism is their false grace of salvation. This is essentially the same as Catholicism and Greek Orthodoxy and every other cult known to mankind.

Pentecostal grace is a grace that can be lost through sin, and means a loss of salvation. God's grace places one in Christ and he/she can never be lost or separated from Christ because it is God who does the saving.

"My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand. My Father, which gave them me, is greater than all; and no man is able to pluck them out of my Father' hand." John 10:27-29

Survey6/6/07 2:08 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Wayne, I think you need to study more in depth the various pentecostal peoples. Not all are ecumenical and they'd agree that many are rejecting sound doctrine. Of course unconditional eternal security is a heresy originating all the way back in Genesis with the devil's sly words to Eve. One who believes will be saved, the one who denies Christ will not be saved no matter how many times they said Lord, Lord prevoiusly. "Not all who say to me Lord Lord, shall enter," is the teaching of Christ and the understanding of the Apostles. It appears Derek has done a nice but erroneous twist on words, particularly impossible vs. possible and the conditional word "If." If unconditional eternal security were true, the word "if" shouldn't be found in such contexts, but it is. This is a simple rebuttal of that error.

Survey6/6/07 2:04 PM
Wayne M. | British Columbia, Canada  Find all comments by Wayne M.
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"The Holy Ghost is the infilling of the Spirit of God and is the rebirth."

Another erroneous pentecostal teaching.

All christians are baptized by the Spirit in the present age. 1 Cor 12:13 says "For by one Spirit are we all baptized into one body, whether we be Jews or Gentiles, whether we be bond or free; and have been all made to drink into one Spirit." See also Romans 6:1-4 and Col.2:12

The filling of the Spirit has a different meaning and is related to our yielding to and walking in the Spirit. The result of the filling of the Spirit is not speaking in tongues, but rather the fruit of the Spirit as mentioned in Gal.5:22,23. The Corinthian christians spoke in tongues (earthly languages) without being filled by the Spirit.

Every christian in the present age is commanded to be filled with the Spirit. "And be not drunk with wine, wherein is excess; but be filled with the Spirit." Eph. 5:18

Being filled by the Spirit is NOT accomplished by human effort. It is accomplished by allowing God to accomplish His work in our lives. Is is clear that not every christian is filled by the Spirit.

"This I say then, Walk in the Spirit, and ye shall not fulfil the lust of the flesh." Gal.5:16

Survey6/6/07 1:55 PM
Derek | Missouri  Find all comments by Derek
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Most of what you said is true, but it does not prove your point. There is a great difference between being sealed with the Holy Spirit and filled with the Holy Spirit. We are sealed at salvation, and the Bible says that we are sealed unto the day of Redemption, which is AFTER we die. But yes, we need to be filled every day, and ask for that filling. I think there is just a little misunderstanding in the work God does at Salvation. I hope I am not coming across as too harsh, which if I am, I am sorry.

People are careless with their souls, I agree. But I know I am saved because of the day, after years of conviction, while going to Bible college and preaching, and teaching Sunday School, I finally repented, and the encounter with Jesus that day I will never forget. But I can't loose it, I have been SEALED with the Holy Spirit, which is God's earnest, his down payment, which is forever.
Now, about the you have a TV, do you go to movies, do you or your daughters wear pants (if you have any), do you drink, do you cut your hair like a man's?
This and more, as Fundemental Baptists, believe we should abstain from, and we don't believe we can loose our salvation, but it's out of love, not fear, we keep these things. He has not given us the spirit of fear.

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