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News Item12/24/19 11:31 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Maybe someday people will look back at the climate change stuff and realize it is the biggest scheme of mass power control in history...

Maybe someday people will realize that this world is much stronger than we think, and our power is much smaller than we thought...

Maybe someday, once the crazed liberals do control the majority of the world's government system's, some people will look back to the 1900s and see it as the last century of economic/religious/everything freedom...

And maybe my grandkids will then get to experience a society that honors God, and see a reformation...

News Item12/23/19 11:55 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I have never really heard of tik tok, but I am certainly for the military doing all we can to stop cyberattacks...

As each day goes by, we unfortunately become more and more dependent on computers to complete tasks we would have done on paper or manually before...

We must protect this new sphere of commerce as well...

News Item12/20/19 8:39 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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They want to think they have "no-fault" for anything they do, and not just divorce...

Rest assured, we will all be at fault for the sins we commit, u less covered by the blood of christ...

News Item12/18/19 4:34 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I've noticed the long threads recently are mostly Jim Lincoln induced...

I'm sure he is happy...

News Item12/10/19 12:19 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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People love to see people like this as especially challenging or miserable to care for...

In reality, God has allowed them to live for reasons that are good and right, just like He allows all of us to live...

When it comes to the problems and sufferings he experiences, he doesn't know anything different. He doesn't see it as suffering, just as much as we dont see our lives as suffering, if it's all we've ever known...

How much harder is it to raise a "normal" kids for 18 who has to be taught advanced skills, and in return just argues or causes "intelligent person problems" like arguing, being disobedient, wanting to do their own things, etc?...

Meanwhile handicapped kids reach point in life where they pretty much stay the same, even if it is hard sometimes...

I think we should be careful in our perspective of handicapped people, because who knows, if the Lord blesses you or your children with one, you might find yourself in love with the "sufferings and problems" that child has to be a part of, to be in your life....

News Item12/9/19 12:35 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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What a amazing revolutionary idea!...

Protecting our borders goes alot farther than just making sure no enemy ships sail to our shores...

Part of that protection is making sure that Muslim extremists dont just come in and train right next to our soldiers. Who knows, give it 10 years and the Americans sitting next to these muslims may be fighting each other, while having learned in the same class!...

I am not really sure I understand why we are training foreign soldiers here any way. Taxpayer dollars should not be used to house, train, and care for other countries soliders. If we want to train our allies, it should be done on their soil, at their expense...

News Item12/8/19 11:44 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Celebrate Christ's birth everyday...

Celebrate the holidays once a year...

Just the opinion of a Guy from Missawsippi...

News Item12/8/19 2:33 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I don't know what type of Christmas Trump celebrates, but the American Christmas is by no means about Christ...

Gifts. Stress. Parties. Opposum roast. That is the purpose of the American Christmas season today...

And I am not against all those things (except stress), just dont think for moment that they are doing it to celebrate the birth of a Savior they dont even know about as a typical American...

News Item12/7/19 11:54 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Yet another step in the socialist control they want on our society...

Even down to Christmas cards...

News Item12/7/19 11:52 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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This is what happens when a society has completely abandoned Gods laws...

People trying to protect their property are having to put more and more safety devices in to counteract stealing. Most Walmart's now have gates at the doors and workers checking receipts for the big "under the buggy" items...

All of this, because of the complete disregard for the commandment to not take what is not yours...

News Item12/5/19 9:14 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Maybe that is why there are so many crazy women these days...

News Item12/3/19 1:55 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I wonder how many hours the average US adult spends on Sermon Audio?...đź

News Item12/3/19 1:51 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The Scriptures tells us to to be in the world, but not of the world...

Every single big USA company, literally without exception, supports something or someone that is sinful...

If we take the stance of boycotting wicked companies, than the next step is to become hunter gatherers and live like the Indians, because it would even be wrong to buy the tools you need to farm...

The Lord is very aware that this world is full of wickedness, and he knew that we can't base our lives off of the decisions of others. Rather, we should be careful to not directly support wickedness. If you think that you are directly supporting wickedness by buying from any US company, than every dollar you spend is being used for wickedness by someone. be it the man who cuts you grass, and uses the money buy cigarettes. Be it the charity who supports homeless people and may involuntary supporting drug addict. Being in the world requires us to buy the goods of the world. Being "of the world" would start when we directly support Planned parenthood, SPLC,or the DNC. If your monetary exchange is for a chick-fil-a sandwich, your not supporting wickedness.

News Item12/1/19 11:12 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Jim Lincoln says...
Guns and pro-choice don't kill people, people kill people"

Gun can be used to defend life, and protect those who are in harm's way...

Pro choice is used to destroy life, and put babies in harm's way...

These two things are in no way related, and you have definitely eaten to many cheetos if you think they are...

News Item12/1/19 9:39 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I would have never guessed...

The church of Satan must be known as a corrupt, fraudulent group. Otherwise, it would be contrary to all that wickedness is...

News Item11/22/19 2:20 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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"Chick-fil-A remains committed to Christian values:' Franklin Graham"


Well, it's just that they decided to give on oneof the most pressured ones...

You give one thing, the next one just gets easier...

News Item11/22/19 2:18 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Diane says...
"The space program, while exciting in the beginning, has always been about challenging God."

I have always seen it as the exact opposite...

To me, the energy and effort people are putting into space exploration/travel is part of the dominion mandate even if they don't know it. We have been given an innate desire to explore, conquer, and learn about new places. Space exploration is our modern day equivalent of the discovery of the "New World" back in the 1600s...

The challenges we are facing are the same type of challenges they faced, just from the higher technology perspective...

Each day that goes by, we discover more of what God has made in space, and the greatest method of discovery, is being there yourself...

News Item11/16/19 11:59 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Cum on Dr Tim give me some credit...

I wuz actually 9 and 2 days when I graduated from kinnygarden...

Uv course, ever since then I have been learning the ropes of the true men of this styate. My skyills at grabbing dinner right before the 18 wheeler crushes it to pieces is simply amayzing...

News Item11/15/19 10:21 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Its of no consequence...

Their stupid little witch games won't do anything except get them excited about something that isn't true. Sort of like a kid who thinks he is superman...

News Item11/15/19 10:18 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Yeah man, this is totally awesome đź‘Ť

We're gonna like get loads of goats and a pastor in sheep's clothing dude...

All we are missing is some, like you know, whatever a poker table, or a dance floor man...

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