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News Item11/22/2020 6:03 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Frank, a better question is can a Christian actually support Trump --I would have my doubts.
Jimmy, Biden broke his pledge. Can any Christian vouch for him? Can any Christian join him as he takes an oath on the bible?
Don't post me a link, you answer! You can use "call a friend" lifeline.

The vote recounts are not for Trump, it is for the people who legally voted!

Don't worry about the mole of patriotism in others, idol worship comes in many forms.
Like State worship in their mask/lockdown mandate.
Oh but, "It's not proclaiming the Gospel we are talking about .. but wearing a mask."
Well your mandate intersected the gospel at MaCarthurs Church, and it didn't take long for you to unravel. It is all about your fear, You jumped on Mac for challenging the mandate. You said he did it for the money. You Don't know his heart!! Do you even contribute there?
Are the people free to choose to go?
"Everyones trying to exercise their rights," yes, and when all you're doing is forcing yours over theirs. Everyone is wrong in claiming for themselves, where you are right in claiming for yourself!

I guess thats why Jimmy fits right with you.

News Item11/21/2020 4:46 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
CV, It is 1 of the fairest elections that have ever been heldâ—ðŸ‘
Trump didn't lose Georgia, Georgia was a fix!!

For your dirty standards, yes. this is a clean election.
The democrats are so scared of transparency. And I have seen how the MSM can exercise total control over a population.

No one was allowed to check the ballots in Georgia. Follow the payouts and the corruption and the connections with the voting machines.

The Hillary/trump election was the last fair election the Americans will see that was without the globalist/deep state hand on it. That's because Hillary was so done up that Trump was a no contest. Trump was made to be a joke. The swamp did such a great job that even they believed their own lie, and pulled their stakes and cleared out wanting not to leave any tracks on a sure win. You will never see that again.

Previous elections, you had the same line of despots - bushes, Clintons, obummer..
The problem is Trump- he doesn't belong. So they had to get rotten.

The bible says something about using crooked scales, but you wouldn't know it.

You're looking at the end of the republic.

News Item11/20/2020 12:04 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
You should consider this, Adriel Ben Sasse is a Republican.
Yes Jimmy, there are republican in on the scam too and have abandoned the people. You keep presenting cheating republicans as if to show your side is not cheating- doesn't work!

Isn't it strange that Sasse is throwing out the same tired old line, "Where's the proof," because you know that it takes time to gather the evidence against an organised crime, specially if it will end up in court. But Sasse and your side want trial by mob, especially when your dishonest mob will only spin for their agenda. The press conference was not for trial by the mob, it was an overview of what the team is doing. Is Sasse less concerned that there's transparency in ballot auditing then joining the Where's the proof crowd? Is Sasse not concerned that Americans get a fair election? Well Trump is!

It's too bad neither you nor your side will pursue the truth. Jimmy you have no integrity. You laud Biden for how faithfully he practices Catholicism. Anybody you link to points them out as those who hopefully will be held accountable.

News Item11/20/2020 3:38 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Joe Biden wins Georgia ahead of Donald Trump after recount

It's time for Trump to end this nonsense

Georgia Secretary of State put the republican observers at a distance where they couldn't see the recount. Then they ran the same fraudulent ballots through a recount and got the same results. Thats a scam. Its made so the fake media can run with the line that says "the RECOUNT gives Biden the win," It's a made-up scam

The American voters are being cheated. Trump swore to defend the constitution of the United States from enemies foreign and domestic, and he is faithfully executing his duty. Trump is taking the hit for his people because he believes what the republic has stood for.

If trump were to leave, where are those who swore to defend the people? They have abandoned the people to fend for themselves!
When this is all out, those politicians should be made to answer.

Jimmy, you and your demonrats are trying to steer it to trump to cover the attack on the constitution and the American voter.

News Item11/19/2020 6:37 PM
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Bad enough that a man breaks his pledge and stands on a lie to declare himself a leader, but when Christians show no indignation but casually pass over this lie, it is an indictment of the spiritual temperature of those Christians that they are no different than the unbelievers. God gives people the rulers they deserve.

America, its people and the nation, was unique right from its founding. It was rooted in the Judeo Christian principles, and clearly Gods blessings was upon it. All other nation or its people couldn't hold a candle to it. America has stood as a beacon for liberty and hope. The rest of the world was not given LIBERTY, because the rest of the world did not want liberty, nor would they have known what to do with it. Either way, God gave the world what they sought- a government for its people!

News Item11/18/2020 10:12 PM
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This fraud is actually different than any other. This is not an isolated smalltime shysters at state level

This time it is the globalist/deep state. This is big. They're in the FBI, CIA and inside the government. The MSM is part of the clan.

Some globalists would have waited Trump out. But the Clintons and a bunch of others whimpering to Soros because they are on the chopping block if Trump hangs about, is rushing this through.
I don't think Trump will catch them because the swamp is imbeded around him if he stays. And Trump wont win the recount either.

Trump won by a massive landslide but they had to push Biden over even higher still, which is why you are seeing high voter count

They just have to get in. Once Biden is in, over a period of time all these will be forgotten and get relegated to conspiracy theory.

Also, there is a real attempt to keep comparing this to previous vote count challenges, to keep you seeing this the same as those before, and not let you see the globalists hand at work here.

News Item11/18/2020 7:23 PM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "The Catholic Temptation"
Wallace asked a very pointed question at the debate - " will you wait until all the votes have been independently verified before you declare victory?"

Biden is lying right at the outset.
YOU'R flowery third party praise of him living out his catholic faith is not his testimony. HIS first person act of lying here is!

This is not a president. No Christian can join him.

News Item11/18/2020 3:44 AM
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
Well said, cv. I am afraid that your whole election in the USA has been full of lies and cheating.
Chris, in the first debate, Dan Wallace was trying to lob softball questions at Biden so Biden would not get tripped up - no Hunter Biden collusion questions.

What Wallace asked Biden was, "will you wait until all the votes have been independently certified before declaring victory."
It was clearly to paint how honourable Biden was because there was an expectation that Trump would try and assert victory over the vote count.

There, on that debate, Biden pledged before the whole country. No matter what else you want to claim for him, Biden broke his pledge. And anybody that joins his hands to Biden also partakes in the lie!

News Item11/18/2020 2:20 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Strange, that John MacArthur didn't mention anything about liars,
Why would he mention Biden? He is addressing evangelicalism

News Item11/13/2020 2:13 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"Money raised to pay for recounts goes to

"The [NY]Times Called Officials in Every State: No Evidence of Voter Fraud"

A fissure
A leak
The dam bursts
A landslide victory for Trump

News Item11/4/2020 4:11 PM
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News Item11/3/2020 5:31 AM
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Chrisgp from England wrote:
They also attacked the PM for not doing a shorter circuit breaker lockdown earlier. They also pointed to France, Germany and Belgium imposing their own 2nd lockdowns.
You're being fooled. Boris is a globalist, as is Merkel, Macron, all

People should understand that under the British parliamentary system, the prime minister picks who works for him and what policies to run. Like an owner or the boss of a company, he fires the employee whom he dislikes and replaces him.
So it's ludicrous if he were to say for instance, 'my finance minister is socialist and I am stuck working under him.

The PM picks the health minister and directs the policies. He picked whom he wanted to fill that position. So he is acting a part (a bad job at that) pretending at being "dragged" along by his understaff.

Boris is a globalist and big Pharma. You will be vaccinated!!

How can anyone fall for Boris' manure!

News Item11/3/2020 3:50 AM
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Wow Jim
looks like God is giving us four more years to be on fire for the Lord. I think believers should make this time the best for our king.
It's been a real wakeup call. The freedom we have to proclaim His love can be taken away so rapidly. An Obama or Clinton would never have missed this opportunity of a crisis. Whew!

News Item11/1/2020 10:04 PM
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Hopefully Trump puts Fauci in jail.
With a trail of death to show for in his 30 years of power play, with his wife and family tucked in cushy positions in the parma - Fauci is too far gone to see the ethical dilemma of having his hands on the Pharma pie while manoeuvring for pole position to form Trumps health policies. Hopefully, in jail God will open his eyes.

News Item10/26/2020 9:21 PM
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John UK wrote:
It's all okay brethren, I am very well. And serving the Lord joyfully despite lockdowns.
Happy to hear

News Item10/22/2020 8:40 PM
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Before Francis redefined marriage, churchianity had redefined marriage.

The power of tradition - just as it binds Roman Catholics's - binds!

News Item10/22/2020 5:34 AM
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Watcher wrote:
No picket fence, if that's all you got out of it.

When the state assumes authority over a healthy life and forces injury or death upon someone - for the "greater good," - it's called democracy. You were conditioned on 'majority rule.' But it's not biblical.

I wear masks and wash hands where it matters to another person. I exercise my liberty for the weaker brother.Thats biblical.

The state knows no restraints, only that it has the power or not. Because it serves another master, a healthy person as God created becomes a bio hazard.

I am for protecting your health. What you don't get is that the other end of your mask mandate will be a cost borne by someone, I am for them also.

News Item10/21/2020 11:06 PM
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Watcher wrote:
.. but look at the numbers. They are under 100K and the States are well on their way to 9 million. One country slammed the doors shut and the other laughs in derision....

The Foundation of American constitution is the recognition of a creator. And the right to life & liberty, an inalienable right from God.

At the other end of your mask mandate, the state must assume that authority.

Masks or vaccines, when the state takes away liberty or injures a life for the benefit of another, it's called stealing even murder in the bible.
Apart from USA, no other country has a problem with that.

Those who give state the power over life when it benefits them, cannot understand when the state exercises power over the life in a womb when the woman wants to claim her benefits

News Item10/20/2020 8:51 PM
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if you take a defined group, of course you are getting conformity. 100% of Christians accept Jesus as God. Conformity puts them in this group. Belonging in a category does not a "cult" make!

Trump acknowledges Jesus and asks for prayer. You've convinced people into thumping him as if he is making doctrinal statement from the pulpit.

"Should Christians try to force the kingdom on others?" and "Dangers of moralism," you tout warning Christian involvement in election.
Yet, all this was just as true at the founding of this CHRISTIAN nation, the most free nation to have existed -blessed beyond any other nation because it was a fountain for the spread of the Gospel. Why now?
Your "dangers of moralism" hasn't stopped you from exercising it on Trump.
Nor has it stopped others from applying it to abortion. And convinced they have no involvement in this world, they go vote!

99% of this bloated government has no biblical basis for existence. Where is the states authority to licensure healing?

Life is an inalienable right. But out of virus fear and self interest, ownership was transferred to the state to force compliance. State worship was demanded. In the case of the unborn, the right to life was not alienable, because a woman's interest was not as important.

News Item10/20/2020 5:18 AM
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
despite the fact that during his almost 50 years in politics, Biden hasn’t left any discernible ideological imprint
A career politician who got lost in the crowd of despots, but he climaxed in obamanation.
For 50 years, America was being gutted. Look at the looting, the result of losing the battle for the schools.
Don't ask, don't tell, we are gender undefined.
That Trump interrupted this, all hell broke loose.
But the best is yet to come. The UN constitution overrides the American constitution. What's standing in the way of UN is the American military and economic might. But not if the commander and chief clears the way. That's why Biden needs to get back. What Biden's done up till now, the program must continue.
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