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News Item11/14/2020 1:15 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Basically Biden and Harris want everyone to wear masks, inside and outside, except possibly in their own private homes, virtually indefinitely. They also wish to continue social distancing indefinitely. The idea is also to have an ultra strict national lockdown for a minimum of at least 6 weeks and probably longer, as in Europe, in the New Year, with everything closed down except food shops and pharmacies, enforced strictly by law, travel bans, urgent reasons required for anyone to leave their home, track and trace wherever you go, and then making the COVID 19 vaccine mandatory for all, no exceptions allowed for any reason, (apart possibly for some very rare medical reasons which will be impossible to get in most circumstances), that it will be necessary using a digital passport or certificate on one’s own mobile or computer to prove they can “return to any form of normal existence”. There will be isolation centres for anyone who tests positive (home self isolation probably likely to be phased out), and internment camps for any one who refuse vaccination or do not cooperate with the COVID 19 restrictions, or threaten to do anti-lockdown protests. This is fully in accord with the World Economic Forum requirements for the “Great Reset” that Biden and Harris supports. By the way, I

News Item11/14/2020 4:57 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This is indeed a very tragic situation for this beautiful Nordic country. Though originally not as liberal as its Scandinavian neighbours Sweden and Denmark, it has gone through a very liberal turn recently. There was a leftist reaction against a massacre of leftist youth on a political island camp by a right wing neo-Nazi fanatic some years ago, (he is now in prison serving a very long term, though not whole life which is not allowed in their judicial system). The official Church of Norway (Lutheran) was also not quite as advanced liberal as the Sweden and Denmark Lutheran churches until recently, but I am sure that has changed for the worse. The Bankvernet (national state children’s bureau) is a totally autocratic children’s social work agency which has dictatorial powers and takes children away from parents on a whim, using secret courts and so on. Yet, Norway is not even in the EU, or the euro currency!!

News Item11/12/2020 5:54 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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As to the student Christian Unions, OICCU, (Oxford Inter Collegiate Christian Union), and its Cambridge counterpart, CICCU, both go back to the days of the great 19th century missionaries, men like Hudson Taylor and C T Studd. There are many churches in both Oxford and Cambridge, which the Christian Unions recommend for their members, some of which are Anglican churches. This is what these liberals are so steamed up about, and it is now very clear that both LGBTQI+ and Islamic groups hate the evangelical witness in college and university campuses, and the churches that the Christian students attend, and wish to see them closed down, or compromise their stand.

News Item11/12/2020 5:29 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Steve Chalke is not an Anglican, but was linked up with the ecumenical section of the Baptists, the Baptist Union, something like the more liberal side of the SBC in the USA, not to be confused with the Reformed Baptists, the IFB churches, (we do have some of those in the U.K.), and the closed communion Strict and Grace Baptists. As to the C of E, though there are some valiant evangelicals in that communion, they are coming under greater pressure, and some evangelical Anglicans are searching out links with foreign evangelical Anglican bishops from Africa, South America and S E Asia, others are joining the very tiny Free Church of England, or the very Reformed Church of England (Continuing). Sadly the rest have buried their head in the sand, and keeping a very low profile!!

News Item11/11/2020 7:59 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The trouble is I do not trust De Fauci, or our own Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance, nor our Health Minister, Matt Hancock and the Cabinet Minister, Michael Gove, who are also in to lockdowns, mask wearing and vaccines. While it is good that the Pfizer vaccine does not apparently use aborted foetal tissue, it is one of the RNA vaccines, and I am not at all sure that that does not interfere with our DNA. Also the globalists might be bounced by their success in getting “democratic” countries to use restrictive measures and destroy their citizen’s freedoms and their economy into requiring vaccines to carry some kind of permanent identity marker or luminous dye, and to make the vaccine mandatory for all with no exceptions allowed, but even for any religious reasons. Also, the pressure to use foetal tissue is very strong, and other candidate vaccines could be used if the Pfizer one runs low. It has to be administered twice within a two week period and stored in deep freezers with nitrogen gas, and that will make it difficult and expensive to transport and store.

News Item11/9/2020 5:36 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The Australian Broadcasting Corporation (ABC), but not to be confused with your American Broadcadting Corporation (also ABC), but very like it in its leftist news, is apparently state owned, and like our quasi governmental licence fee funded BBC here in Britain, is as left as they come. You
Might find the Sky TV Australia more accurate, except that our mutual friend from Nebraska would totally disagree with it!! I understand that the US ejection is but over at all. The first part, the main part, the popular election is over, but with all the fraud allegations and court cases, that means that it is but fully settled. The Electoral Colleges meet in the state capitols in early December to cast their vote as directed by the popular vote, but I am sure that Electors will not be able to finally vote if there are outstanding cases challenging the election and the many fraud issues. Finally the votes must be registered in the Senate, House of Representatives and National Archives in early January a while before the actual inauguration or reinauguration of the President in late January. Surely this will not take place if there are doubts about the electoral integrity.

News Item11/9/2020 1:16 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another strange thing about this election is why when Trump, who had recovered from COVID19, went from state to state holding huge rallies, which is normal during the last days of an election campaign, Biden was hardly to be seen, and only attended tiny insignificant meetings. Even allowing for the fact that he and Harris, (who by the way is a much younger person), have an obvious fear of contracting COVID 19, this is a very odd strategy for someone wishing to win such a major office at election. It almost seems that they sensed they did not need to bother too much, as it certainly seems as if the election was already cooked. If not, this is still highly suspicious. COVID19 was used by liberal states to keep traditional voting in polling stations in Election day, either closed or strongly discouraged, and with mass mail outs of ballots and “ballot harvesting”, and with a still largely compliant activist judiciary, and local governors, mayors, district attorneys, election officials and police that would continue to turn a blind eye, and postal officials who would make sure that postmarks were correct, and also the large use of electronic rather than manual voting which is open to hacking and abuse.

News Item11/8/2020 7:22 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The atrocious fraud is nothing new for followers of the old Canaanite religions of Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte. Their cult has been resurrected today in the USA and all other Western nations, in a modern “sanitised”, clinical form, and espoused by politicians of all stripes. Infant sacrifice and ritual prostitution were a key part of this vile religion. Psalm 2, however, reminds us that though kings, presidents, governors, mayors, apostate religious leaders wish to cast off the cords of God’s rule and His commandments, He will laugh, He will have them in derision, and He will vex then with His sore displeasure. Their possible victory will be short lived, and God will deal with them. They will not get away with their schemes.

News Item11/8/2020 6:57 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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stop at nothing to claim victory by fair means, but most likely by foul means. Besides, Biden no doubt will be pushed aside and replaced by Kamala Harris, who will drop all pretence and push her hard left Marxist programme. If they get away with this, China, Iran, Turkey, Russia and Islamic fundamentalists, as well as the LGBTQI+ crowd, the Transgenders and of course, Planned Parenthood, as well as the UN, WHO, WEF, the”climate change” worshippers of Gaia / Mother Earth/ Pachamama and the globalists will be jumping up and down with glee, along with Pope Francis.

News Item11/8/2020 6:51 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Nothing is totally over for now. The atrocious voting irregularities. It appears that many of the swing states were actually giving Trump a majority, by the time that polls closed with the regular voting and the normal proper postal votes. However, all sorts of odd and strange and no doubt illegal activities took place afterwards, with white vans showing up with piles of absentee or mail in ballots, mysterious people arriving at the counting stations with suitcases full of ballots, more people voting in areas than were actually registered there to vote, registered voters who apparently voted even though they were 120 years old, or had actually deceased any time from 5 years to 20 years ago, (a real Halloween graveyard vote!!), funny glitches in electronic voting machines, windows being blocked up in counting stations so no one could see what was going on, Trump’s official observers being denied access (which is their legal right) to the counting areas, altered postmarks on mail in ballots showing a postmark earlier than it should be, and so on!! A right fraud over many states by the sound of it. But then the Ahab / Jezebel combination of those who worship Molech, Chemosh, Baal and Astarte in the modern clinical form, killing countless millions of unborn babies in the womb will s

News Item11/8/2020 1:23 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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What a contrast between two pastors. A good godly man goes to be with the Lord after years of fruitful ministry, of sound and solid preaching of the Word of God in a sound solid truly evangelical and evangelistic assembly of believers. They practice reverent and biblical worship of the Lord God, and it is solid doctrine.Another pastor of a kind of “celebrity mega church” finally gets sacked, not by his congregation, but by his superior pastor, who presided over this family of churches, for moral failures. This pastor doesn’t really believe the Bible, the place is not centred on preaching the Word of God, but is full of entertainment, like a kind of Christianised nightclub, and where everything is “relevant”, modern and “hip”. No doubt this disgraced pastor will soon be “rehabilitated” and pop up somewhere else with a “new church”. It will be the first pastor that will hear, “Well done thou good and faithful servant”, and definitely not the second. In fact the second should go to a remote location, repent, turn away from sin and the celebrity lifestyle, and be an ordinary member of a local church, never aspiring to ever be a pastor again, but a part of that church’s witness and work.

News Item11/8/2020 12:58 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Thankfully as yet, here in Britain we do not use electronic voting or voting machines. Most people still use paper ballots at live polling stations on voting day. We have a system of postal ballots, but these must be requested and applied for. Sending out mass postal ballots and ballot harvesting is illegal here. However, even in our system abuse is possible, and a few years ago, an East London mayor, (not the main political Greater London mayor, but the elected mayor of one of the boroughs in East London, a kind of Muslim Independent, was sacked and forcibly removed and disqualified from office for ballot fraud). The voting practices in the USA are appalling as far as I can see, and have been abused very badly to secure Biden and Harris a very questionable victory. Actually, even here in Britain, photographic identity does not have to be produced, which I think is a mistake. It should become required when people go to the polls or apply for a postal vote. Proverbs 11:1 “A false balance is abomination to the Lord: but a just weight is His delight”.

News Item11/7/2020 2:44 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I hope that the parents of this little child win their court case.,They should pursue it, because they are taxpayers, but they should also take their child out of that school, and either send her to a real proper private evangelical Christian school, or homeschool Lydia. Another reason for taking her out is this dreadful COVID19 dictatorship that directs that even small children must wear masks all day, along with all the other “social distancing” measures that now take place. In England, thankfully, primary school children do not have to wear masks, but staff do, and it is compulsory for secondary school children. Windows and doors must be open in this freezing weather. If the dining hall is too small, for “social distancing” it is locked up, and children have to bring sandwiches or buy food from a mobile unit. Classes are strictly segregated, with staggered times, and at the hint of a sniffle, a child is sent home, and if any one has a positive test, the whole class and staff go home for 14 days quarantine. Most things like concerts and sports events are out of the question. These poor children are loaded with fear, and that is on top of all the pc rubbish that they learn at the school!!

News Item11/7/2020 2:22 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I have been greatly encouraged and blessed by the ministry of Dr Alan Cairns exclusively throug the means of Sermon Audio. This dear man had a passion for the Lord Jesus Christ and for His Word and for preaching it powerfully. I have heard sermons, Q & A sessions, Reformation Day presentations, and some years back actually watched a live stream of a complete service at Faith Free when such things were not common. I wrote Dr Cairns a letter, and received a lovely personal reply from him a week or so later. I have no doubt that the ministry of Dr Cairns has impacted multitudes not only in USA and Northern Ireland, in the churches where he preached through his live appearances, and the seminaries where he taught, but also across the world through Sermon Audio, to people who never met him.

News Item11/6/2020 2:53 PM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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This suggestion by this body, is closely mirrored on the law going through the Scottish Parliament at the present time, sponsored by the leftist Scottish Nationalist Party government there. It has attracted a great deal of controversy, including from some surprising sources. Although roundly condemned by evangelical Christians, it has been also attacked by people from other religions, and some atheists even, (though others have supported it), some of the older style feminists, (who are unhappy at the idea that it would be illegal to oppose biological men who want to be transgender and invade their spaces), and comedians, who would feel unable to make jokes about various communities. Some journalists also are unhappy about this, as it will lead to censorship. The English and Welsh suggestion sounds even more radical than the Scottish one, as it would actually completely invade private conversations at home, but like the Scottish one, you would only have to be suspected of being likely to commit an offence to fall foul of this law, and not just actually commit one. A very dangerous precedent, like a lot of the COVID19 orders and decrees going around at the moment. Our “democracies” are fast becoming dictatorships overnight.

News Item11/4/2020 6:52 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Another thing, there is no such place as Palestine. That name was given contemptuously to Israel, (it is the Latin form of Philistia, referring to an old defunct enemy of Israel from the Old Testament days that was defeated by king David), as an insult by Emperor Hadrian in AD 135, after the failed Jewish rebellion by Rabbi Akiva and the false “Messiah “General Bar Cochba, (Emperors Titus and his father Vespasian had already sacked Jerusalem and destroyed the Temple in AD 70). Emperor Hadrian destroyed most of Jerusalem, renamed it Aelia Capitolina, and erected a Temple of Zeus on the ruined Temple Mount, later replaced by a Byzantine Church, and after by the Moslem Dome of the Rock and Al Aqsa Mosque. There has never been a state of Palestine, or a Palestinian people, and after the destruction of Jerusalem, it was never the capital of anything until 1948, and confirmed by the victory of the Israeli Armed Forces in 1967. The “Palestinians” are Arabs, and were not called “Palestinians” until the late 1960’s when Yasser Arafat and his PLO, took over the Arab claims from Jordan. Israel is the proper name, not Palestine, which is an entirely artificial name.

News Item11/4/2020 5:42 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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Also a very large number of medical doctors and scientists have cast doubt on the official figures and tactics for controlling COVID19 such as persistent lockdowns, universal mask wearing, sometimes outdoors as well as indoors, even social distancing, accompanied by draconian legal measures and restrictions of a dictatorial secretarial nature, and have suggested a much more targeted approach, despite being censored by governments and popular media. The official charts major in “cases”, the official test is very flawed, detecting very old infections of things like flu and bad colds for a “positive” result. Dr Gupta, Professor Heneghan, Dr Bhattacharya, and the Swedish national epidemiologist, Dr Stegner, I think), have a much better strategy, that needs closer examination and consideration.

News Item11/4/2020 5:11 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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No John Lee from Wales. You have swallowed the narrative that your First Minister, and the “scientific vultures” here in England are selling, with the help of the BBC and the Labour Party. Lockdown is disastrous for everyone, the official figures are cobbled together and made up on the hoof, and there is no evidence, I repeat no evidence that churches have contributed to COVID19 infections. You may wish to stay with your mask on in your bunker for the rest of your life and watch online services only, but that is not how God ordained the church to behave. The Wuhan virus was manufactured in a laboratory and released, the Word Economic Forum with its “Great Reset”, WHO, (who keep contradicting their own advice), the UN with its Agenda 2021 and 2030 for population control and reduction because of “climate change”, and people like Bill Gates and George Soros, are ramping the COVID 19 scare for their own nefarious purposes. This is not conspiracy theory, they have stated it clearly on their own websites. The church should have the same attitude of the 16th, 17th and 19th century believers who refused to jet the state direct their worship!!!

News Item11/4/2020 4:19 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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I read stories like this from places like Cuba, China, Iran, northern Nigeria, rural areas in India and Pakistan, and even worse situations in places like North Korea, and praise God for these faithful believers. Praise God we do not have violence and physical attacks on believers or church buildings, at least not those sponsored by the state, here in Britain or USA. However, under the guise of a medical emergency, churches here in Britain have been completely closed at times, and at other times, if open it is under very strict conditions, and every aspect of their life, ministry and worship is being controlled by the government. I have not been able to attend a normal service since March, and governments in “Democratic” countries in Europe, USA, Australia and other Western countries regard churches as “non essential” that can be closed,or severely restricted, under the guise of “saving lives”. Yet churches have done all that is required of them and more. This is a very dangerous precedent The state should not be directing our worship, it is to be directed by God and His Holy Word.

News Item11/4/2020 3:57 AM
Chrisgp from England | England  Find all comments by Chrisgp from England
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The latest is that yesterday the two “scientific vultures”, Professor Whitty and Dr Vallance appeared before a committee of the House of Commons to explain their figures, and they had to admit with regard to the closure of churches that there was really no evidence why they should be closed. The full House votes today, and unfortunately the measure will be carried because the opportunistic Labour Party “opposition” will support the PM on this one, but many of his own MPs are deeply upset about the lockdown. Wales is soon coming out of its “fire break” lockdown, and the churches there have petitioned the leftist Labour First Minister there, Mark Drakeford, not to close the churches again, while here in England, 1,000 pastors have written to PM Johnson, to reconsider the closure of churches during the supposedly 4 week lockdown, which apparently is due to expire on 2nd December. Legal action is being considered if not, and MPs will insist on another vote in December about any extension to the lockdown.
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