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News Item9/10/18 9:34 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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its about time these old denominations of the reformed era step down.

we are in a new era now.

a better bible. the real one. the Hebrew one. a new religion for Christians.

returning to the ways of old.

a bible without the new testament.

Israel can mediate to the Father. The Son isn't necessary?

News Item9/10/18 9:12 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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here's some religious education:

Title: Sanhedrin Invites Christians to World Creation Concert

Pastor David Decker is interviewed with the Sanhedrin rabbis...

"Its all about Israel....It's all about the temple"

(but it's not all about Christ).

Dear evangelicals, you don't have to be bigots and h@ters, just leave the Jesus part behind and worship God the Father through Israel. The Sanhedrin will bring you to a most beautiful event, hopefully again next year.

Oh, the beauty!

News Item9/10/18 8:33 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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I see our dispensational friends, who have spent their entire lives building this kingdom that has brought us the capital of gay parades and now the Sandhedrin will NOT stand up for their Lord and Savior....

...and will ignore the fact that their efforts of rebuilding a religion that is antichrist has reconvened the Sanhedrin that accused their Lord and Savior of blasphemy.

Title: Jesus Trial before the Sanhedrin

is it any wonder there are errors in the delivery of the gospel?

is it not monumental that after 2000 years (as Jesus said their temple system was to be completely obliterated because He is the temple), they now reconvene?

through the blessing of a western church?

that claims 2thess2:3 as their rapture and the word rapture is not there but instead apostasy?

is it any wonder there's a problem with the gospel deliverance?

come out of these lies church!

News Item9/9/18 10:18 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Dispensational friends, are you prepared to stand before the Sanhedrin that your efforts built?

Title: Jesus Trial before the Sanhedrin

see at 4:20, they read the "the Lord thy God is one".... they were charging your Savior Jesus Christ for blasphemy.

the Trinity is blasphemy in Sanhedrin law.

News Item9/9/18 9:32 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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maybe the problem is he can't decide if invading iq, or the red heifer and building the temple for the antichrist is more important than purging the churches of Marxism?

which is it?

"before I open the bible, I believe there are two people of God"

there's the problem.

right in the face against the new covenant and the work on the cross.

there is one remnant people of God in covenant.


there's ONE tree.

but if there is two and the other is the apple of God's eye, then, what if they demand Marxism as a way to purge the world of mysoginistic Christianity?

is rebuilding the temple and Sanhedrin law something you all really want?

you all do realize that worshipping the Trinity would be considered blasphemy...

now back to celebrating the red heifer!

Its a sign, I'm sure!

News Item9/8/18 11:22 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Did the research. Baking soda, which may aid the healing process, like any other food cannot have a significant effect on the body’s ph balance and is not the only thing that is recommended for acidity.
You simply stated your opinion without regard to how others may be impacted by it
US, I know you believe deeply in your evolutionary based chemical model.

there are generations that grew up before DNA was even discovered!!

remember, the original evolutionists believed in spontaneous generation. that the maggots in the food generated from the food and air or whatever.

that is the chemical model and so all Pasteur could do when he discovered microbiology was burn it, kill it off.

now they know the human biome is made up of foreign organisms.

so antibiotics not only kill off the infection but also the good flora that digests food and produces hormones.

the chemical model is obsolete but should Darwin ever have been the basis of our view of the human body and healing?

come to find out, it was all about the money?....

Title: Vaccine Maker Sanofi Pharma Fined Millions For Bribery

News Item9/8/18 9:19 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Unprofitable Servant wrote:
Given that there are those who read and/or post here who after going through the difficult procedures associated with the treatment of breast cancer who are now experiencing the joy of life in remission or removal for them or a loved one; it would seem that the most loving and gracious thing to do is to rejoice with those who rejoice and keep one's negative thoughts out of a public forum and relegate them to private conversation.

just gave a solution that would save many women from getting their body parts removed and damaged by chemo.

and you see that as being negative?

the cancer industry is a multimillion dollar cult.

News Item9/7/18 9:26 PM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Title: Yahoo email caught secretly scanning user emails to build psych profiles to sell to advertisers

"The owner of Yahoo Mail and AOL mail, Verizon, is offering a new service for advertisers that involves constantly scanning the 200 million inboxes of those who use Yahoo Mail."

News Item9/7/18 11:49 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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where are the prayers to escape the splicing and burning procedures?

or their prayers for delivery from unnecessary overly diagnosed cases?

was there an xray of a tumor gone after baking soda treatments?

News Item9/7/18 11:42 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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on what side of the issue is YOUR pastor?

the dallas statement on social justice

is your pastor pushing the "racial based" dogma of social justice, of critical race theory, ie communism is some kind of light form at the pulpit?

News Item9/7/18 11:36 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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so after they genocide the white farmers who have a very good relationship with different tribal groups there and steal the land, and the rest of the people starve, as they are doing in communist venezuela, what communist group is going to own that land?

is chihna involved in this?

News Item9/7/18 11:32 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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lobbying to get your financial records. cutting off conservative discourse. lobbying for social credit scores.

remember, folks, it was YOUR tax dollars that created the internet.

did you know about the subsidies that amazoon gets for every package?

this is not free market.

what is it called when private business takes over gov function and displaces constituional law?

this is it folks.

you gonna sleep through the whole thing?

despicable silent pulpits.

did you all know there is a document now signed by John Macarthur and other prominent Christians regarding the social justice issue?

Well, for those not flouridated so you no longer thing for yourselves, can you think for a moment?

the social justic issue, is this not the basis for the social credit score as we chinize ourselves?

Have you seen this document that John Macarthur signed?

Come on now pulpits.

you gonna bury this and pretend its not happening?

News Item9/7/18 11:26 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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evil eugenicists have wiped out entire generations and yet it is never enough! they want a replacement demographic that is why they also push open borders. dear church, when will you see? it is not just about those little souls. its about you and me too. its about your grandkids. this is ritualistic, they've gained power through their mortality just like the occults of old.

News Item9/7/18 11:23 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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very sad. banning conservatives in a public arena. congress is responsible for deciding if social media is a public utility or a private company. there are laws being broken here. let things come to the open. that is what court is for. in no time in US history have we allowed for the accusations of our people with no trial. even in marcarthy trials, those accused of communism were given microphone. Christians are not seeing the full picture here and it WILL come back to bite them. Those who have said we will not go along with the globalist communist order are being cut off from speaking, financially cut off.... looks just like the mark of the beast. they reject abortion. they reject transgenderism. they reject the building up of ISIS in Syria so that Isrl can expand its borders. they reject forcing biometrics and open borders. This is not about personalities. That's the soviet era smear. This is much bigger.

For the plan is to create a social credit score, as the social media types are moving assets over to CHina, they are imposing this in China and imposing it slowly over the internet in US.

In order to buy or sell or trade, the individual will be vetted.

listen to the testimony of fakebook, their intention to analyze all election data!

News Item8/30/18 10:45 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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McCain walked off, Kerry walked off....

Title: John McCain Exposed by Vietnam Vets and POW's

News Item8/30/18 9:46 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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damaged by shots? and then given drugs.

the abortionist I talked with once said that the "useless eaters" would have to be moved to cities. they would have to live on genetically modified mass production grain and that they would be chronically ill and on a lot of meds.

guess that's a past tense fargone conclusion at this point.

you'd think people would learn the art of detoxing heavy metals.

do you not clean the dishes first before you prepare a new meal?

News Item8/30/18 9:41 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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the kabbalists now rule the ethos of today through statutes etc.

a new ethos that takes care of the "Christian male" once and for all

thankfully the "Christian male" continues to participate in this process

by admitting that there is a chosen group (and its certainly not them! so why do they insist on spreading their views?) ..... the Christian must let a new ethos rule. a non-bigoted ethos.

The country will be much more advanced when Creator is separated from the Christ came in the flesh narrative.

Then there will be no offense.

And no insult. or Pride hurt.

Title: Southern Seminary Proves It’s Not Racist By Hiring Based On Race

"Instead of discussing their credentials, education, or moral character, the SBTS publicist thought it wise to begin with an estimation of their ethnicity and gender."

News Item8/30/18 9:23 AM
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News Item8/30/18 9:20 AM
penned  Find all comments by penned
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Is the Holy Spirit moving out of the 501c3s who talk out of both sides of the face?

Who is the head of the church?

bankers and their non-discriminatory code?

why is it that Christians in trouble now go to "licensed psychologists"... ie men trained more in the "system"

and if they need help with bills or food they go to the state?

have we outsourced God's biblical design and the pastor is left giving empty platitudes about your top 5 ways to "have your best life now?"

for.... might he be "sued" if he tells the biblical truth on a matter?

are our people spinning their wheels running programs that mimic the biblical model for what the Body of Christ is to be for one another.... without LICENSED MEDIATORS? but mediated by Christ?

Is not "church" a supernatural work and not a list of statutes and regulations?

Did not Martin Lloyd Jones say that the pulpit was the place where nearly all issues were resolved, for if you taught them right at the pulpit they wouldn't need "sessions"?

Have we created a generation of social justice warriors that would leave offended if they were corrected of their

Zionism and Marxism?

the two arms of the evangelical church?

would they not leave offended?

News Item8/30/18 9:09 AM
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the Godfather of ISIS mourned by dispensational Christians across America while Syrian Christians mourn.

see images of posing with "freedom fighters"

do sitting senators go to foreign countries and find people that will dissemble that country?

gotta love low information voters.

Fake news tells them to cry.

so they do.

what a hero.

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