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Sermon4/5/2021 11:39 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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The Way Of Salvation 1
David Gay
“ The Way of Salvation - 1 & 2 ”
Together, this short series explores Mark 6:53-56, and it parallels the physical healings which Jesus performed in these verses with spiritual salvation. It makes a good antidote to those suffering with hyperCalvinism or Sandemanianism (check out the Alpha Course to see how this "mere assent to certain teachings to be saved" works out in practice). Two excellent messages. Thanks.

Sermon4/5/2021 5:27 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 9
David Gay
“ Last in the Series! ”
Very profitable and heart-warming. The necessity of the new birth comes out again, because it is so crucial. Without it, no-one can see or enter the kingdom of God. The new birth is here again in Colossians 2:13; there is no shortage of scripture texts where it talks about the sovereign work of God. Very noticeable, taking no doubt the example of Jesus himself speaking with Nicodemus, David does not conclude with any instruction as to HOW to be born again. Just that we MUST be born again. And that is something outside the scope of men. Praise God that he does not leave all sinners to their just deservings, but brings new life to many. Deep joy. Thank you brother. I will now start a new series, as your ministry is blessing my soul.

Sermon4/5/2021 4:09 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 8
David Gay
“ Out of Adam, into Christ! ”
This is an encouraging message based upon Titus 3:3-7 where Paul tells how sinners get from being in Adam to being in Christ, and interestingly there is no mention of anything the sinner might do, but it is all of the Lord, what he has done, by the ministry of the Spirit through our Lord Jesus Christ. It is such a joyful thing to be born again by God's sovereign will, because of his great love and grace and mercy!

Sermon4/4/2021 9:38 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 7
David Gay
“ Great Text! God chose to give us birth! ”
What a good series this is turning out to be. God chose to give us birth through the word of God; note, not by anything done by spiritually dead sinners. This text is a lovely text of scripture, James 1:18.

Sermon4/4/2021 9:27 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 6
David Gay
“ Great Joy! ”
What a lovely comparison with the dry bones of Ezekiel 37! And what a powerful call of God when he awakens sinners by his own word.

Sermon4/4/2021 4:49 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 5
David Gay
“ Golden! ”
The kindness and love of God in regeneration is something to rejoice in. David warms the heart in this treatment of that golden passage in Ephesians chapter two, which reveals the state of mankind in sin, and the method God employs to save sinners.

Sermon4/3/2021 12:10 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 4
David Gay
“ Good message! ”
Amen! The 'natural man' can be religious while unregenerate, but he will never be a spiritual man without the new birth. There will always be those who have 'churchianity' without Christianity. Thank you bro.

Sermon4/3/2021 7:36 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 3
David Gay
“ Good message! ”
How did the folks in John 1:12 come to believe in, trust in, and receive Christ? Because of the new birth given by God as it says in verse 13. Once people put the new birth as coming after sinners put their trust in Christ, a whole lot of theological problems ensue, which will destroy the true gospel of God's grace in Jesus Christ. I am thankful to David for focussing on this subject. It is greatly needed in these days of apostasy.

Sermon4/3/2021 7:11 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 2
David Gay
“ Dead sinners don't repent! ”
It is good to hear what is actually very deep theology in simple terms and words. Without the new birth there is no spiritual life, no understanding, no faith, no repentance. It is a sovereign work of the Lord God, and it gets the results he wishes, the salvation of his elect. Thank you bro for having such a concern about this subject in these last days. I am with you in this.

Sermon4/3/2021 6:58 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Regeneration 1
David Gay
“ Good message! ”
I am going through the whole series on Regeneration by David Gay, and this first one is most enlightening and helpful, especially concerning the current drift away from the truth about the new birth in many evangelical churches. I also like the short length of each message, as at my age it enables me to focus non-stop from beginning to end. Thank you bro.

Sermon4/3/2021 4:39 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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“ Helpful message! ”
To quote the preacher: "God is active in election, and God is just as active in reprobation. God illuminates and saves; God hardens and reprobates." It is a good statement, which many would like to get around because they are uncomfortable with it. However, when it comes to dealing with truth about the Creator, it is no advantage to anyone to believe 'the lie'. Better to receive the truth and let God deal with the fallen nature of the mind, which will always rebel against the Almighty. Thank you, bro.

Sermon4/1/2021 9:08 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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What is the Gospel?
Dr. Alan Cairns
“ The Gospel clearly defined. ”
Dr Alan Cairns never fails to be a blessing to my soul, and in this broadcast he clearly defines the gospel message. Believers I am sure would be helped by this instruction, to keep on track; and lost sinners, if they believe this message by the quickening power and enlightenment of the Spirit, will assuredly be saved, and that, for eternity. The Gospel is truly glorious.

Sermon3/28/2021 5:11 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Misusing Reformers for Piper
Patrick Hines
“ Exposing misquoters! ”
It's a good lesson for wannabee heresy hunters. There is much research and time involved in this sort of thing, and Patrick here has carefully and painstakingly exposed the wickedness of partially quoting great Reformers, the cause of which was to deceive others into thinking John Piper's stance was an historic one in terms of Reformed thinking. Clearly - thanks to this excellent message - it is not, but rather a grievous error and a false gospel. The church needs deep thinkers to counter this sort of thing, and we should praise God for them.

Sermon3/27/2021 8:30 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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Clear Gospel, Piper v WCF
Patrick Hines
“ Refuting Error! ”
Comparing what John Piper preaches against the timeless WCF is actually quite a good way of exposing his error, and makes me appreciate the work that men of God did in formulating the great confessions. Going through the fundamental doctrines of justification, sanctification and saving faith, along with looking at the relevance of works performed by God's elect, I found to be most profitable and heart-warming, which the gospel of Jesus Christ always is. Thanks!

Sermon3/24/2021 6:46 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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The Gospel
Dr. Samuel Renihan
“ Helpful presentation! ”
Helpful presentation of the gospel, especially for any brought up in a Christian home, for whom the law may well become a stumbling block. Great sinners in the world have different problems, such as trying to grasp that God actually loves them and is willing to save them. Praise God that Christ died for the ungodly, and saves all that call upon him. Fellow 1689'er.

News Item12/17/2020 12:20 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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I have said what I have to say. The Holy Spirit has given me words, and now I can relax and leave it to others. Your blood is no longer on my hands, Ladybug. You hold a false gospel and you will not leave your sinful lifestyle because you do not believe in repentance as being a part of faith.

You are unteachable and a danger to genuine Christians, because you hold no orthodox position.

Brethren, I have no need to be here. I have work to do for the Lord Jesus Christ. If no-one speaks to Ladybug, then according to what she just said, you agree with her that I am a wolf in sheep's clothing.


Is that REALLY what you all think of me? Why did you not say so before, I would have gone a long time ago. I'll not stay where I'm not welcome. Why should I stay?

I'll check in later on tonight, and see what the response is, but this post may be the very last one I ever make on SA. I have had some good convos over the years, and made friends, and I wish you all well. Bye Bye.

News Item10/26/2020 12:25 PM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Colin wrote:
John from U.K. I pray you are doing well sir. Have not seen you in a bit.
Adriel wrote:
John hasn't been on the board since the 13th October. I hope all is well with him.
God be with John and Y'all.
It's all okay brethren, I am very well. And serving the Lord joyfully despite lockdowns. But I thank you for your concern and Christian love.

I rather tire of the continuous comments by speculating fear-mongers concerning the virus and its purpose. Maybe if it calms down I will return to the forum to chat, debate, enjoy fellowship, learn new stuff, engage with heresies and heretics, be amazed at how far the professing church has fallen, observe the antics of the Antichrist, in between ensuring that the gospel goes out to many souls in an Asian country, and praying that my fellow workers will be protected by the Lord in the dangerous work they do in the name of the Lord.

Anyway, thanks again and be at peace.

News Item10/13/2020 6:40 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Already a constitutional republic?

News Item10/13/2020 6:39 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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Oh no, now there are millions of experts. Mike will have a field day sorting this one out.

News Item10/13/2020 6:39 AM
John UK  Find all comments by John UK
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There once was a Pastor Lawless who posted on these forums for a while. He was an IFB, so maybe Dr Tim knows him. Dr Tim is in hiding at the moment because he knows the fuse has been lit, and he doesn't want to be around when there is a big bang. Anyone else remember Pastor Lawless?

He used to check other posters out by getting them to post, "Jesus Christ is come in the flesh". If they wrote, "Jesus Christ is come in the fles", he would say, "There ya go, another one with an evil spirit!"

It's absolutely true!

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