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News Item4/1/2020 3:42 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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It helped me when I heard that message and so Iā€™m so thankful it helped you as well. How we react in a storm can be a witness to others. Blessings to you and strength from God to carry us through.

News Item4/1/2020 7:00 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Thatā€™s what we are doing now since our church has closed itā€™s doors. Pastor streamlining his sermons and one SS Class is teaching by same method. We call and keep in touch. God is still in control and using this time to get the attention of the world just as he did Jonah who was fleeing from God in a ship headed away from the place God wanted him to be preaching to the most wicked people on earth at the time. He went through a lot but obeyed and preached and they repented by fasting and prayers and were spared coming judgement. It was a witness to the sailors on the ship that were praying to their gods to no effect and Jonah admits it was his God and to throw him overboard and storm ceased and they were able to see the reality of his God as true God. Preached past Sunday by our pastor.

News Item4/1/2020 6:32 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi JohnUk, I agree totally that it happened at 9/11 just as you said, lots of prayers and church attendees but no repentance and very soon a falling away. Back to same lifestyle only worse as we see now. Things will only worsen as we near the end times.
My son works in the hospital and is now home waiting to be tested as 2 in his group have tested positive for the cononavirus. Prayers that he will test negative Fri.

News Item3/14/2020 3:56 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Appreciate the prayers, Dr Tim.This is an amazing virus and children have the least chance of catching it and usually they are the most vulnerable. We will be carrying on as usual. Prayers for your Church as well. The fish might pay more attention as the world as we know it falls apart around them.

News Item3/13/2020 10:37 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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The church I attend, had a fire break out in the Media room on second floor. Thankfully it happened after service and only a few left to do whatever they had to do. A loud boom was heard and smoke filled the Church. Service for this Sunday is still on but held in gym and atrium. Two services one at 8:30 and another at 10:30( like itā€™s done at Easter) sure hope I didnā€™t offend anyone with that comment. Wednesday service at the Sullivan Conference Center. The sanctuary will have to be gutted and totally rebuilt and taking many months.
So strange how this virus has brought the whole world to its knees. All attention going to the coronavirus and stopping it.I didnā€™t even have to spell it, just popped up on my spell words.

News Item3/5/2020 5:13 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Appreciate input on what is happening in the Uk. I support his ministry and so does our church. They get thousands of shoeboxes together to send to children in war torn countries and some are even going to different places set up to pack and mail them.
Our world is in turmoil and something is going on that only a certain few are seeing like you said, There will always be that remnant that is aware enough to see it.
Dr. Tim, you are so right about the individuals that complain about his salary. Movie stars are idolized and no matter how wicked earns even more money as they spend it on their drugs and mansions and supporting the evils of the Democratic Party. How many support these people with their money as well as sports figures and thatā€™s fine with me as long as we donā€™t condemn the people that are true to God and doing his work. Billy Graham and his family lived in a small house in the Carolina mts. and was gone for months at a time carrying Godā€™s word and message to the nations. They were simple people (Ruth being a Christian and wonderful homemaker for her family). Thanks for your imputes and your sense of humor, which my family and I have as well.
Have a blessed day yā€™all (sorry canā€™t seem to shake that ole country gal accent)! Prayers for my truck driver son that has

News Item3/4/2020 11:11 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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I just got my monthly newsletter from Franklin Graham and on the envelope it said;Itā€™s Spiritual Warfare In the UK
God hasnā€™t called us to sit back and be quiet. In the newsletter he wrote ā€œIā€™m not afraid of opposition. Weā€™re not canceling anything. Weā€™re Coming.ā€
Also said,ā€I will never sit back quietly and let the government-or any other power-silence the church and prevent the preaching of Godā€™s Word.
Just wanted to give what he said And not what some disgruntled, jealous individuals with their links of disgruntled, jealous individuals that love nothing more than to tear apart the very people God has called to go out into the world preaching the gospel and making disciples.
He also mentioned that many thousands of U.K. Christians are praying for him at this time of unprecedented and unwarranted discrimination and persecution via effectively withdrawing free speech...A brother named Gerard emailed that to him.
Franklin asking for continued prayer every day before the Graham Tour begins in May 2020.

News Item3/3/2020 10:00 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Just got a news flash on my IPhone: Iran sees spike in coronavirus, 23 in parliament. A few days ago one of the presidentā€™s main officials died from it.
As it was in the days of Noah, so shall it be in the days of the coming of the son of man.
David Wilkerson wrote a book in 1972 called,ā€The Visionā€. I bought the book and as I was checking out, the Checker said this book will scare you to death. He had a vision as he was praying and felt the need to write a book and was advised not to. I am seeing things I would never have believed it would happen in my lifetime that his vision showed him in 1972. It has scriptures also to add to the truth of the vision.
God will not be mocked, we will reap what we sow, later and more.

News Item2/29/2020 8:54 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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MS, I agree but wonder if itā€™s to get more hits on that thread. There was 3 articles on Franklin Graham that one got 200 hits. Whatā€™s the purpose?
I just got a news flash on my iPhone a few minutes ago.
The US has signed a peace agreement with the Taliban. Watched on Fox News as it was signed.
Reminds me of the movie Jungle Book where the šŸ is trying to charm Jungle Boy by saying, trust me and we know how that ended. Iā€™ll take a wait &see on that one. The god they worship says kill the infidels who happen to be everyone but followers of Mohammed!!

News Item2/27/2020 5:28 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi Dr. Tim, thanks for helping me and believe me itā€™s been all I can do to let things go and keep posting but itā€™s been a growing and learning experience and God sent you on here with your comments that make me laugh and they ring true. Very encouraging, thanks.

News Item2/27/2020 3:16 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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My dad got saved a few months before his death at age 85. He was in the nursing home and my brother-in-law sent a pastor to talk to him about his salvation. So he was asked are you saved and daddy said,ā€no ā€œ and usually he wouldnā€™t even talk about it and shrugged it off. Then he was asked if he wanted to be saved he said, yes. I thank God we never gave up on him either and I being encouraged by your testimony will never give up on my unsaved loved ones.Amazing grace.

News Item2/27/2020 9:52 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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CES, I like the word you used for the Pope, Repent and be saved.
JohnUk, itā€™s the same with us as well, only we try to convert the Catholics as my friend and I do. She has a Catholic friend that she gets so burdened about that she is wanting us to start a Bible Study at her house and invite others also including her catholic sister-in-law who she has warned not to pray to Mary but to Jesus. Now she tells her Catholic friends not to pray to Mary but to Jesus. Iā€™ve noticed most I know have come out and then worked to get their family members out as well, our pastor being one. He finally reached a brother and he does preach on this matter as well as the LBGQT. Another friend wanted to marry a Lutheran and Priest refused to allow her to do that and they now serve God in our church.
We as children of God are called to sow the Seed, another comes along and waters it and God gives the increase.
John 9:4 Jesus said,ā€ I must work the works of Him that sent me, while it is day: the night cometh, when no man can work.ā€ Then he healed the eyes of a blind man from birth while the disciples asked who committed this sin that caused him to be born blind , him or his parents?

News Item2/27/2020 6:21 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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JohnUk, thatā€™s a good analogy and when scripture comes to mind it must be the Holy Spirit speaking and we need to be heeding what we hear. I like the fishing expeditions Dr.Tim brought out as well.
Am I the only one that is seeing this new, mysterious virus as a wake up call from God to this world of darkness. It is seems even worse than any other. Affecting the Muslims annual pilgrimages to worship at a designated place as itā€™s been put off because of this place. This brings to mind the pestilence that Jesus quotes in Luke 21. Maybe,itā€™s because I have been interested in prophecy all these years of Bible Study. These things happening on earth bears watching as my friendā€™s grandma used to say about certain people., she or he bears watching.

News Item2/26/2020 9:15 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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This came to my mind as well. I had been in a Co-Ed Sunday school class as a young teenager. A man taught our class and after all these years I can only remember 2 incidents that happened and not one word of any lessons.
One was when for whatever reason, canā€™t remember, I had missed a few Sundays. When I went back at the start of the lesson the first words out of his mouth were,ā€Glad to see the backsliders are back.ā€ Whoa, It was not only embarrassing to me but set me apart from the rest of the class as inferior and put doubt in my head by Satan of my worth as a child of God.
The other thing being, this same teacher smoked cigarettes and kept a package in his front pocket. A lesson was taught by him one Sunday on the wrong of smoking and one boy spoke up and said,ā€Whatā€™s that in your pocket?ā€ To which he made some lame excuse of being addicted and that be couldnā€™t quit and he is teaching not to ever start.ā€ True, but his witness to us was God has no power to help him ( he did me when I quit years later) and coming back to after years of being out of His Will and living in the far country, So what he did was far worse than what he said I was guilty of. Remember, when you are pointing a finger at someone, you have four pointing back at you.

News Item2/26/2020 6:53 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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These few on here that judge and condemn others because they donā€™t judge and condemn the same people they condemn and so on. Itā€™s just that they have no faith in the Holy Spiritā€™s ability to draw men to God and so they who are so perfect , have to do it for him. So they keep telling people over and over to come out from among them. From among whom, and go where? The e perfect church, that you adhere to? Thatā€™s not what Jesus taught and besides He guides you to where He wants you to be and serve him. At least he has me. If I am wrong then point me to that perfect church that you probably donā€™t even attend at all because you canā€™t find that perfect place outside of heaven.

News Item2/24/2020 12:47 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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So true,John Uk and said so well.I am reading the book about the monk and it is very good. I am reading the one when he first got started being a monk. I have an e-reader and will be buying them on my Nook tablet. Thanks again.

News Item2/24/2020 10:04 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Amen, Dr. Tim and you are probably catching a lot more fish with your happy, love the Lord attitude than you probably realize and you have no idea who is reading these words without commenting on here, like me at first. God uses different means to minister to different ones.Iā€™m blessed by and have more encouragement from comments than discouraged by a few.

News Item2/24/2020 10:02 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Amen, Dr. Tim and you are probably catching a lot more fish with your happy, love the Lord attitude than you probably realize and you have no idea who is reading these words without commenting on here, like me at first. God uses different means to minister to different ones.Iā€™m blessed by and have more encouragement from

News Item2/23/2020 4:05 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Wayfarer, not much at all in 1950, so your brave sweet mother with God helping, you survived. Wonderful testimony of a different type woman and a baby that grew up to be a Christian man doing Godā€™s work.

News Item2/23/2020 3:12 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Oh wow, those that know and love the Grahams including Ruth Graham who was a blessing and inspiration to me in my growing years as a young Christian wife and mother, are infatuated with big name preachers??šŸ˜‚
Guilty as charged because I also love to read and learn from; Jonathan Edwards, CH Spurgeon, AW Tozer, DL Moody,RA Torrey, Corrie Ten Boone, and many others through the years.
My pastor is pretty well known and Sunday School Class prayed for him today because he is one of the group that are in the new movement against the changes (for the worst) in the SBC since this new president has taken over. We run 2,000 and every week or so a Baptism. I went to the altar at age 12 and no one asked me to repeat a prayer. I just wanted to belong to Christ and it has been a wonderful life with lots of blessings and some pain and suffering.
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