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News Item6/9/19 10:50 PM
Dolores | Tx  Contact via emailFind all comments by Dolores
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John, the sermon today was along the same line we have been discussing. One thing he brought out was that God had a plan for our lives even in the womb before we were born.
Thanks again for your kind words and encouragement.

News Item6/8/19 11:46 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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John, every now and then Satan being the accurser of the brethren does try to bring us down but then God uses whatever and whoever to lift us up with His truths being Christ is our righteousness and when he looks at me He sees Christ’s righteousness. I can use this to help a friend that feels as if she hasn’t done enough for Christ and frets because of not able to do more.So thankful for brethren to pray and be an encouragement to each other.

News Item6/8/19 7:08 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Yes, John, a reminder of the horrors of war and your words of encouragement to those who belong to Christ especially being perfected at last. You just preached a sermon to me, as I have been feeling down on myself and the imperfections I see in myself. I know He loves me and keeps me safe in the palm of His hand.

News Item6/8/19 4:01 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Good morning, John. He is the only President lately that really cares about America and what’s happening to this country.
Yes, I watched it and it was so amazing to me as they performed with their band and the way they stood as our President walked among them with Charles. So thankful England is with us as our Allay. I love that country as well. Beautiful prayer, very moving as I watched all the remembrance of D Day. Hope all’s well with you this day.

News Item6/7/19 10:18 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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1 Timothy 2:1-8..1) I exhort therefore,that,first of all, supplications,prayers,intercession, and giving of thanks,be made for all men;2)For Kings, and for all that are in authority;that we may lead a quiet and peaceable life in all godliness and honesty 3) For this is good and acceptable in the sight of God our Saviour;4) Who will have all men to be saved and to come unto the knowledge of the truth.
So as I believe the Word teaches we are to pray for our leaders that have feet of clay, which reminds of other leaders such as Franklin D Roosevelt, a great President in spirit of having a mistress, President Carter admitted to lustful thoughts and we know what Jesus said of that being as bad as adultery. We compare ourselves to others and come away full of self righteousness rather than use Christ as our standard and come away humbled.

News Item5/29/19 6:13 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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And all these years, not one wreck caused by these strange happenings, that no one can actually say what is going on here.

News Item5/28/19 11:50 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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UFO 🛸 have been around a very long time with the same MO round saucer shaped ( that’s why they are called flying saucers, you see) I remember a story when in my early 20’s of a couple that claimed to be beamed up in one , which later became a tv show, Star Trek, with Dr.Spock, who looked like one would look if there are any to look like one. Thing is it’s whatever sent to earth to apparently check on all the weird happenings on earth right now. But anyway, they are smarter than the average earthlings because their saucers are so much better and faster than anything we have ever encountered. So far they have never been a threat to us and seem harmless unless you saw War of the World, which I did and my kids 😂 at me being so scared, I only watched part of it. Nothing compares with what they watched as kids that was way more scary.Seems to me, they may be concerned and just keeping an eye on all that we should be afraid on earth.There is something going on but how and why, I leave in God’s hands, my faith is not shaken.

News Item5/19/19 2:12 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hi John, thanks for the encouragement and comments. I think they are both hard nut to crack. mostly hard to change their beliefs, I am actually a Christian serving God in the Baptist Church. I see your way of worship as great and I’m sure your preaching is very inspiring. The way you explained it in scripture today about God’s Love even in the womb was a reminder of how real God has always been to me even as a child . I loved going to church. I like JC Ryle as well. Have his book on Holiness. I like the older authors.

News Item5/19/19 7:27 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Christopher the scripture that was given to me by the Holy Spirit when I was concerned about my husband and how to make him see things my way.
1Peter3:1-6 Wives likewise be submissive to your own husbands, that even if some do not obey the word, they, without a word, may be won by the conduct of their wives, when they observe your chaste conduct accompanied by fear.
So when someone is belligerent and shunning and unloving in attitude, simply because I don’t believe the way they do, well they just crossed the line with me. I will say it again, I follow God and His guidance through the Holy Spirit. Again have a good day.

News Item5/19/19 6:59 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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JohnUk, I agree with you on almost all 95% of what you said, but you know how these “hard shelled Baptist are( that was a name given to them long years ago, well not that long ago) I have to get get ready for Church have a blessed day.

News Item5/19/19 6:51 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Opps, the post about disagreeing. Hilarious 😂

News Item5/19/19 6:48 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Christopher, sorry about your dad. My mother had thoughts of sucide, told me a voice spoke to her and told her to go hang her self. She was a devout Christian married to an abusive, womanizing man that his women friends would call her and threatened her. It was a combat zone in my home as I grew up. When you get to that point, your brain does not think normal. It’s not that you want to die but want to get out of your pain.
Thanks for sharing all that with me because it’s so close to my own testimony as well.
My take on the last post have a blessed sabbath.

News Item5/19/19 5:03 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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@ Other lost communications.

News Item5/18/19 9:14 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Thanks Christropher, you certainly have good vibes but when people call you names and you have a friendship that includes e-mails with each other.. I have done my share of witnessing and a few have become Christians or filled with Holy Spirit. My main thing is teaching and my son said, I have a way of saying something that makes it plain to him. I have lots of background experiences that God has used to help others with same things I once dealt with and by the Spirit of God overcame. I believe we go through bad times, and God will use to help someone else so nothing is wasted. And I enjoy this and never grow tired of helping others.I never condemn but will warn when needed.I am working with my granddaughter right now who I have told and warned that she is in a dark place right now with a boyfriend that is on probation. But like the father with the prodigal son, can only do so much and have to let her go and learn the hard way like I did. God will work with her, he did me. Thanks for the encouragement and btw I was so good at debating that I should have been a lawyer.

News Item5/18/19 6:56 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Thanks Dr. Tim, you’re a true Christian friend that keeps me encouraged with fun remarks. Have always had a serious side but love the fun times we have on here at times.

News Item5/18/19 9:01 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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I read something in a devotional and this sort of thing we have been discussing brought it to mind. Spurgeon and another preacher had been good friends for years,even preached in each other’s pulpit. The friend went to the theater which Spurgeon disagreed with even though he smoked cigars which the other one pointed out being wrong. It sure dampened that friendship and they parted ways from then on.

News Item5/18/19 7:34 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Another scripture, that God early on gave me for my experience with an unsaved husband, which my kids think he is saved because he is so kind and loving and moral. I pray for him because I don’t know for sure. Doesn’t talk to me about things dealing with God. Anyway, early on in our marriage this verse helped me so much that I’ll share my thoughts to others who may be facing same situation that don’t ever post. I rather give the scripture and I have an appointment so I’ll finish later. It has to do with a Christian woman winning her husband with a quiet, gentle spirit rather than words.

News Item5/18/19 7:02 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Brethren, if a man be over taken in a fault, he which are spiritual, restore such an one in the spirit of meekness, considering thy self, lest thou also be tempted.Galatians 6:1
It’s not just the Catholic that are attacked on here but anyone that are Arminian, are not of their beliefs. Franklin and Billy Graham men of God reaching more people for God in one week than others can reach in a lifetime. They and me and anyone disagreeing are accused of being ecumenical, which I am not. I see praying for someone to be saved is as effective as badgering and name calling. Which, I’ve experienced on here so much so that because of my background and low self esteem, have to get off. But God had a reason for me being on here as I explained in a Facebook thread.

News Item5/18/19 6:30 AM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Guy, those are well and good but for me Facebook is much more intimate. I came on here as a chance to have Christian fellowship never dreaming how it would all turn out, guess I forgot we all have clay feet and different views on things. I try not to respond when things get ugly at times. At least I am working on it and it has been a learning experience A training is how I now look at. To handle all kinds of exchanges with all kinds of people has helped me in my walk with Jesus.

News Item5/17/19 9:14 PM
Dolores | Tx  Find all comments by Dolores
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Hey don’t worry about it, I am beginning to enjoy all these debates ( nicer word than argument,) I actually loved debates in school and was even on debate teams. However, on here I see a little pride going on, aha gotcha. That makes me smarter than you and I actually need to get off here because I’m beginning to sound the same way. Love you in Christ .
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