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News Item9/4/19 10:55 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
I agree with your comments..
This from the man who for years here, has insisted ad nauseum that OT law doesn't apply to Christians, but only Jews! Now I oppose tattoos as well, but as a generalization from 1 Tim. 2:9, not Leviticus.

BTW, I think MacArthur is referring to R.C. Sproul Jr., who was defrocked for clerical abuse. Indeed, I have had dealings with "Reformed" types who insist that wine for Communion is more Biblical and love to spite abstentionists. They will not tolerate even a choice of juice. How's this for Legalism [category: adding to God's Law]?

News Item9/3/19 12:09 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Frank wrote:
This comment will sound divisive, but it is not my intent.
I get you too. The Double Standard you identified may be borne of wishful thinking. I have the same concerns about Mideast persecution: Are these folks truly our brothers in Christ, or are they merely sacerdotal traditionalists whose time has run out? Maybe God is judging them for unbelief (and we're next)!

And even with the sort of people you and I may rub shoulders with every Sunday, the injustice and lack of conscience I've seen makes me wonder if they are truly indwelt by the Holy Spirit. It's not the imperfection, but the lack of repentance that's the problem.

News Item9/1/19 11:39 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The dilemma seems to be, the only churches worthy of fellowship are those in which all believe in Biblical truth. Yet such people (as I've seen at SermonAudio) tend to be opinionated and contentious unless everyone agrees to shut up and let the pastor have the last word, which can open the door to doctrinal error unless he's held to account. Like society at large, civilized disagreement appears to be out of reach; to get along, one must be (or seem) indifferent, which God condemns!

As a result, there has been a lot of churn in our membership over the years, causing us to lose friends. Some departures were for what seemed like trivial reasons. It's like entropy, everyone flying apart from each other.

News Item8/31/19 12:51 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Even if there was a "gay gene" or some other pertaining to sexual tendencies, it doesn't logically follow that it's a good or acceptable thing ("Appeal to Nature" fallacy). Besides, no one disputes that certain chronic diseases are genetic, such as hemophilia.

News Item8/28/19 11:21 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Dolores wrote:
I really don’t understand how people can be so deceived into following these people!
Then I humbly suggest you read the classic "Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds" by Charles Mackay. It's available online.

News Item8/28/19 11:03 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"The New York Times is fighting to maintain a middle course while being beset by criticism on all sides —
"Middle course" - ha! The NYT motto "All the news that's fit to print" might impress simpletons but begs a huge philosophical question. The idea of an impartial press is a risible fiction and always has been.

A little disclosure never hurts: Carlos Slim, a Mexican billionaire and a devout Maronite Catholic [got that, Jim?], is the largest single shareholder in NYT. Should we be so foolish as to believe he would tolerate content that would displease him?

News Item8/27/19 10:49 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Adriel wrote:
Where on earth do they get these people from[?]
Modern churches have tendencies which IMHO, attract perverts:
1) Christians are encouraged to think well of and trust everybody, not helped by preaching which deemphasizes the depravity and deceitfulness of sin, which leads to:
2) Too much trust of church staff, especially:
3) Pastor personality cults, which discourage accountability.

Like con men, perverts are experts at grooming their marks and know how to gain trust of people.

News Item8/25/19 3:26 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, read all of it!
What a lousy excerpt you found! MacArthur is Special Pleading and adds no value. Stop following him, Scofield, and Ryrie, and read the Bible without prejudice, as Tim says.

Lindsey confidently predicted 1988 as the date of the Rapture. Surely the Bible is clear, as MacArthur says, right? Then why are you still here? If he was wrong, he deserved to be tarred and feathered as a False Prophet. But as usual, credulous "Christians" gave him a pass, like the Millerites in the 1840s.

News Item8/25/19 12:15 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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We used to attend an Evang. Free church. They weren't terribly different from other churches.

I always wondered why organized churches would be dogmatic about End Times, as the Reformation Confessions were silent on the subject despite being very specific and pedantic on other doctrinal questions.

I am unconvinced of any position, so I don't blame the Reformers' silence here.

News Item8/24/19 10:59 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Shrinks manufacturing controversy to grab the limelight. One doesn't get degrees, fame/notoriety, and grants by reiterating the same old ideas every year. No idea, no matter how stupid or foolish, is unthinkable so long as it's new.

Just like Athens in Paul's day.

News Item8/22/19 6:59 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
Similar to what Facebook and Twitter do here against conservatives. Helping out the red menace wherever they may be found...
When I was young, I assumed business always support limited government. Not necessarily so; those who benefit most from capitalism - large corporations - usually support causes destructive of the liberty making such wealth possible. You have to look hard to find exceptions.

News Item8/22/19 1:03 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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The Graphics Processing Units (GPUs) developed for these can also be used to implement sophisticated physics models. So bored teenagers worldwide are unwittingly reducing costs for high performance scientific computing.

News Item8/21/19 2:07 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Another example of how racism can be irrelevant to conduct: Gen. George S. Patton, despite his private doubts ("I have no faith in the inherent fighting ability of the race"), gave full encouragement to the black 761st Tank Battalion. In combat, they proved very effective.

Trivia: Nickname was "Black Panthers," and Jackie Robinson was among them.

People are not easily pigeonholed and often exhibit contradictory tendencies.

News Item8/20/19 10:02 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, David Brooks, the New York columnist is a Protestant besides being a Republican . He certainly made it plain that he thought President Trump was a racist.
And I make it plain he's a lying fool trying to deceive the weak-minded. Elijah Cummings's district is a disgrace regardless of his color. Besides, even if it could be proven Trump is a racist, it's logically irrelevant to policy.

Examples: Gen. William T. Sherman was an admitted racist who gave freed slaves 40 acres and a mule, before it was countermanded by the gov't and long before anyone talked seriously of reparations. Southern Progressives like Woodrow Wilson and Lyndon Johnson were racists.

And what should I label those who believe Israelis are specially talented?

News Item8/20/19 2:21 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Those who trust in the NY Times should know that Carlos Slim is a Mexican billionaire who is its largest single shareholder.
Note well: He is a major backer of the Catholic Legion of Christ. Those who pay the piper call the tune. Last I heard, Trump hasn't been sufficiently respectful of the pope.

Why do Zionists get a pass when making broad claims about the superiority of Jews or Israelis, who are usually White Men?

News Item8/20/19 9:43 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
...these types are made untouchable by rich people who want them as pastors, and have the money to bribe a church congregation.
Is there an example for that claim?

News Item8/20/19 1:11 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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"He later confessed to another affair that resulted in his firing from Willow Creek Church in Winter Springs, Florida, where he was hired after he left Coral Ridge."

Too Big to Fail: Business as usual in America.

News Item8/19/19 11:30 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Christopher000 wrote:
Safety is fine, but they cause a lot of their own problems.
I found this 1906 film footage of San Francisco traffic🐎 scary to watch, even if speeds were lower. People were less risk-averse in the past.
The sound is dubbed, of course, as it wasn't integrated with film until 1929.

News Item8/19/19 10:54 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Tucson removed their cameras, I think for cost reasons rather than legal.

Anecdotally, I see a lot more brazen (not accidental) red-light🚦 running here than in CA, so I don't blame authorities for attempts at enforcement. What I would do is, use sensors to collect anonymous statistics by time-of-day, then park cops at intersections with high violation rates.

News Item8/18/19 11:46 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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So don't use Google, which given their "Corporate Big Brother" tendencies, should be avoided anyway.
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