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News Item10/2/19 10:41 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Leaving aside whether a student group is a duly organized church, it is better to continue meeting off-campus than to seek authorization from God-haters to meet on-campus.

It continues to amaze me how little regard Christians have for the many, detailed NT instructions on church practice, preferring backslidden (often sacerdotal) traditions instead. Pastors tell us to read the Bible, but when I do, I shake my head wondering how modern churches can justify what they do.

News Item10/1/19 6:01 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Because the Scientific Method is logically fallacious, and research often involves Conflict of Interest as well ("He who pays the piper calls the tune"), it can never achieve the certainty its credulous promoters claim it has.

The only thing constant about science is its varied conclusions!

News Item9/27/19 9:16 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Guns are creating a generation of killers.
Irrelevant and wrong: Guns are inanimate tools that don't create anything. It is the collapse of self-control that's the problem. Why are you so eager to change the subject?

News Item9/26/19 9:47 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
A golden oldie article on the Jesuits, still true, unfortunately
"Unfortunately"!? What's this, nostalgia for Counter-Reformation Jesuits?

Why is it that Jesuits obsess Protestant conspiracy-mongers more than other Catholic sects? It's not as if they're still sneaking about trying to assassinate English monarchs. All Catholic orders are different species of the same false and wicked genus!

News Item9/24/19 11:01 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Perhaps Britain's very existence is destroying the planet (as the many victims of their Empire might testify, e.g. Potato Famine, Madras Famine). They can atone by nobly committing mass suicide.
Reductio Ad Absurdum [or is it?].

News Item9/23/19 11:00 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Formalistic, pushbutton/coin-op worship is more in line with Catholicism, Anglicanism, Shinto, and Buddhism; no surprise that the Rosary resembles Buddhist prayer beads. To these people, God is a bellhop or servant since they deny His sovereignty.

BTW, contrary to the news item title, the remark about Protestants was in jest. But at least robots don't [yet] molest women and children.

News Item9/22/19 8:38 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, of course BP can predict it, because strangely then other oil companies are doing the funding for some of it.
That's not proof but merely wishful thinking. Besides, "renewable" sources have trade-offs; for example, wind is reliable in only a few places and solar is useless at night and overcast unless augmented with an array of costly and metal-intensive storage batteries, which have logistical problems if widely used.

News Item9/22/19 11:24 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Neil, where did you [get the?] URL for the the first article?
Internet search engine. A name like that isn't hard to find.

Unless BP has the gift of prophecy, how could they know what happens two decades hence? Extrapolating a graph beyond the current year is Induction, a formal fallacy. And is it prudent to believe everything self-interested corporations claim? They could be publishing cynical feel-good propaganda to head off political persecution. Or else they are as self-deluded as the Earth worshipers.

News Item9/21/19 10:34 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
excerpt from, "Renewable energy is now a compelling alternative as it costs less than fossil fuels, says Michael Milken"
None of those points on the face of it make sense:
1. The claim naively assumes investments always result in efficiency improvements;
2. It is not shown how increased wind power usage necessarily reduced energy costs overall. It could just be a coincidence;
3. What's a "big way?" And which critics? No specifics given.

If renewable energy really costs less than fossil fuels now, then show the figures. And there would be no need for punitive EPA rules, IRS rebates, etc., if this were the case. Otherwise it's just superstitious, magical thinking, which comes easily in a culture increasingly receptive to the occult and witchcraft.

News Item9/21/19 12:56 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Mike wrote:
...One might hope Trump wouldn't do this. Acting like Democrats won't cut him any favors with the country.
I get your point, but in a way it makes sense: recall that EPA was founded by Nixon's executive order in 1970. Contrary to what I believed as a youth, Nixon was full-on Progressive, but with less media charisma. Democrats hated him for his personality, not so much his policies, just like Trump. They started the Vietnam War but blamed him for the bombings to compel peace negotiations. It almost worked but for Watergate.

I have a Vietnamese coworker who told me all the S. Vietnamese really wanted was weapons, not US troops, which was what Nixon realized.

News Item9/20/19 9:42 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Youth in Asia wrote:
They already have control of the economy, at least in N.America, lobbying is legalized bribing.
When has this not been the case? Ever since the post-Civil War era at least, America, because of its freedom and market size, has been fertile ground for ruthless, crazy-successful corporations who gain hegemony but eventually "fall from grace" either from competitive pressure, political/legal reaction, or simply management rot. Expecting corruptible officials to save the public from these creatures is unrealistic (how many Catos did Rome have?); instead, we should look to ourselves, put our thinking-caps on, and not allow our consent to be "engineered" by Bernays-style propaganda (q.v.). To paraphrase a prison proverb: "How do you know an advertiser is lying? His mouth is open."

Every dog has its day. But as Lincoln said (perhaps thinking of Ecclesiastes), "This too will pass." The world's not gonna get perfect anytime soon.

News Item9/20/19 4:00 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Douglas Fir wrote:
Radical seems to be the hot button word today. If you want to sell the same-old same-old, just say it's radical.
"Radical" could mean merely "thoroughgoing," but I grant that's a minority sense.

News Item9/20/19 11:42 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Herbal Mama wrote:
Neil, eugenics?!
Try this for starters:

Shockingly, even W. E. B. DuBois, an early black civil-rights activist, supported it (though without the racism). America helped popularize this nonsense in Germany.

Now the Bible is discriminatory, but in the spiritual sphere, not physical: 2 Cor. 6.

News Item9/19/19 7:42 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
"(US) A poorly-educated white person or, collectively, white people of low social status."--- Wiktionary
I have little problem and neither do most people with describing neo-nazis as white trash.
Wiki labels this "idiomatic, derogatory, ethnic slur", which you conveniently omitted. And how do you know such folks are neo-Nazis? Actually this is a gross misrepresentation, for contrary to what opponents may think, education/social standing has nothing to do with Nazi affinities; many leading Nazis were university-educated (e.g. Dr. Franz Six), especially telling since in Germany, graduate degrees have been a tougher go than in America.

You're playing the "Guilt By Association" game. Sure, many poor Southerners were racists, but so were Northern Progressives and urban minorities. The more you try to justify yourself, the worse you look.

News Item9/19/19 3:20 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Pff wrote:
... you pathetic turn the other cheek, resist not evil, sickening pacifist Christians...
Warmongers often fail to think through the consequences of their beliefs. Would you prefer a shooting war in which we kill more of their people to punish them for killing their people? What if their soldiers were unwilling draftees (slaves)?

News Item9/19/19 2:49 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Herbal Mama wrote:
Another concept of marriage no one bothers to ask is whether or not a certificate from the government is in their jurisdiction. Now since it's the law of the land it would be eh
I think this originated with the early 20th-century eugenics movement, preventing genetic "misfits" and incompatible blood-types from marrying (which is subverted by widespread promiscuity anyway).

I think Family Court civil cases are as much involvement as gov't needs to have.

News Item9/19/19 10:47 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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And no one bothers to ask whether weddings are even part of the Biblical church's duties. This is a Catholic sacramental leftover which is no more legitimate before God than one before a Justice of the Peace or bureaucrat (as in France).

All the Bible requires is that both parties be believers. Officiating pastors are optional. And most cultures understand that having relatives present from both families is prudent, to hold the couple accountable, like the signing of any contract.

News Item9/18/19 9:59 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
The very first paragraph is the most important one in the article
The URL you posted wasn't written by Peter Wehner, but Mother Jones veteran Adam Serwer. Please take the trouble to be consistent.

I don't know how a Christian could call another human being "trash."

News Item9/18/19 3:27 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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American churches have simply ignored the Commandments, which amounts to the same thing. Few are serious about teaching them, let alone practicing them. Results are obvious.

News Item9/18/19 10:43 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Douglas Fir wrote:
To me, that is a big surprise, since 'they all look the same to me'
Novelist Kevin Kwan has observed that status-conscious Chinese are adept at pigeonholing within their cultural sphere. American-born Chinese ("ABCs") rank below, say, Singapore and Hong Kong Chinese, but Mainlanders rank even lower.

This matters to "Tiger Moms" on the lookout for marital prospects for their children.

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