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News Item7/29/08 9:14 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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" If I have descended to the same level in reply I humbly apologise."

This is supposed to be an apology? This from a man who considers himself a Christian and capable of defending a reasonable position on Bible versions? I have to wonder if he's ever read ANY version.

What pride. What unbelievable arrogance.

News Item7/27/08 7:12 PM
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[Removed by]

News Item7/26/08 11:23 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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What James Dobson needs to do is to shut his mouth and go away until he publicly repents of the horrific, irreparable damage he has inflicted on the Christian church in general and Christian homes in particular with his demonic psychologizing of Scripture and his introduction and promulgation of the individual's 'self esteem'.

I believe James Dobson's heretical teaching has done more damage to the Christian church and to Christian homes than any other single person in the past 20 years. Now that he's instigated and facilitated the shipwreck, he wants to try to fix it thru the political process in the name of Christ!

James Dobson is a very dangerous man and his influence is tremendous. He thrives on all of this attention he's getting and he's drunk with his own perceived importance. No one should care what he thinks, says or does but, sadly, easily deceived Christian women and feminized men have given him a huge platform.

News Item7/24/08 9:48 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I have been following this guy's shenanigans on the Slice Of Laodicia website for about a month now. There are also a lot of clips from his 'revival' on YouTube. If the clips are real, and I believe they are, he ought to be arrested for assault.

Survey7/20/08 11:14 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The Geneva Bible is actually a very good translation in itself. You can have confidence in it. I believe the AV to be a more accurate, refined version of the text, though.

Depending on your theology, you might want to be wary of the translator's notes (most of which I believe to be unnecessary).

Also, watch out for the translator's notes in Daniel 10 and Daniel 12 regarding the angel Michael being Jesus. Christ was not a created being.

Survey7/19/08 4:20 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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$4.25 for premium unleaded in Atlanta.

Survey7/18/08 11:53 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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MurrayA (in his always pompous, egotistical, I-know-more-than-you style) wrote: "But I fear I am talking to people who know little or nothing about the details and issues of texts and versions, and care even less. The have their dogma, and that is that."

And I have always strongly suspected that many of those who exhibit such a sanctimonious attitude in their disdain for those who use the AV do so because they are too stupid and dense to comprehend it's English.

BTW, MurrayA, your website is boring.

Survey7/17/08 6:19 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I also choose C.

News Item7/16/08 6:53 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Daniel Lee Ford wrote:

"(BTW, when Alexander Scorby read the Bible with a VOICE given by GOD in his providence, inquiries as to Scourby's testimony would require us to find out the testimony of the PRINTER who set the type of our Bible, or of the paper mill employee who made the page, or of the tanner who made my (BLACK LEATHER REAL CALF SKIN) cover.
wouldn't it??"

I have purchased all of the Bibles that I own from either the Trinitarian Bible Society or Bearing Precious Seed. I absolutely refuse to buy anything from Zondervan, Thomas Nelson or any of the other so-called Christian publishers that exploit God's Word for profit. Think about the absurdity of the lost world selling God's Word back to the church! When I buy from TBS or BPS, I understand their motives and am sure that I am helping to share Scripture around the world.

I feel the same way about recorded Scripture. Given the choice, I would prefer an edition read by another believer. I've had a lot of disk jockey friends thru the years with great voices like Scourby but I wouldn't want a Bible recorded by most of them. They were not believers.

News Item7/15/08 11:48 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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News Item7/15/08 6:25 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Does anyobody know whether or not Alexander Scourby was a Christian?

I've read things that he said about the Bible (when he was alive-all positive) but I've always wondered if he was a real believer.

News Item7/10/08 12:05 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Zondervan can just publish their NIV and Today's NIV exclusively. I'm pretty sure the sodomites won't find much in either of those two versions to find offensive.

What exactly is a 'homosexual offender' anyway?

News Item7/9/08 11:56 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Great men?

Lincoln just declared war on his own country.

Darwin declared war on God.

Survey6/20/08 10:14 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Hi John, It's great to see you back on here. Someone had posted here on SA that they thought you had died or maybe were very ill. It's wonderful to see that you are still amongst the living!

News Item6/7/08 11:07 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I was reading the book of Jeremiah this morning and thinking of the obvious, glaring similarities between the nation of Israel and the United States of America. The worst part is, we are probably currently the nation on earth that is still closest to being guided by some remnant of Biblical principals! It's a sad, sad situation.

Almost every verse in the early chapters of Jeremiah (read chapter 6 in particular) could describe our nation and those who rule it. Covetousness, idolatry and fornication are the norm even amongst those who claim the name of Christ. Now we are being told that sodomites are Christians, too. Wolves like Rick Warren and Bill Hybels are actually pandering to them and encouraging them. Then we gather together and use the world's pagan, devilish methods & philosophies to 'worship'. We use voodoo beats to stand with hands in the air and backsides jiggling singing about our opinion of God and our wonderful selves. I'm sure whatever 'god' is actually being worshipped is loving it. Strange fire indeed.

I have always believed that the only thing holding back God's judgement on the U.S. is the number of Christians here. If I am correct, that's probably not the case anymore. I believe that if we end up with Barack Obama, God thinks we deserve Barack Obama.

News Item6/4/08 6:02 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I thank God very often for the Trinitarian Bible Society. I have been a member and supporter for years. They really are the most God honoring, Scripturally sound organization that I know of.

When I was last at the Christian Bookseller's Convention here in Atlanta, the TBS was like an oasis of Biblical soundness and truth in an absolute sea of apostate insanity.

I would encourage everyone who possibly can to support the TBS both prayerfully and financially.

BTW-Some of the best sermons available on SermonAudio are by ministers who are on the TBS General Committee (David Silversides, John Thackway and others).

News Item5/31/08 1:17 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"I do wonder though if they beat their infants with rods as so-called civilized cultures do."

That's what God gave children a backside for.

I wonder if Vigilante has ever raised children. I suspect he has not.

Get your concordance and do a search for 'rod' in the book of Proverbs. My daughters are both teenagers and I've never had to spank either of them -because they are perfect angels- but when my son (now 25) was a child he required discipline via 'the rod' a couple of times. Not beating, just a few good swats and it worked. It's authorized and recommended by Scripture.

Also, keep in mind that these 'uncontacted tribes' are not primitive savages who have never known civilization. They are splinters of what's left of groups or peoples that turned their backs on God and went the way that many nations (including the U.S.) are headed today by our tolerance of sodomy, adultery, idolatry and murder of innocents.

News Item5/24/08 1:17 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Why were there no riots over this?"

Because most everyone was too busy with American Idol or watching Brad Pitt carry a bunch of babies around behind Angelina Jolie. Or sitting on the freeway with a stifling commute to pay for a house with a suffocating mortgage & SUV.

The folks who actually do care are busy trying to raise and teach their own children (as they should be).

"Why did no prominate Christian leaders speak out against this outrage?"

Who exactly is a 'prominent Christian leader'? Charles Stanley? Bill Hybels? Rick Warren? James Dobson? John Hagee? Benny Hinn? Joyce Meyer? Beth Moore? Creflo Dollar? Chuck Swindoll? These people are not Christian leaders. They are charlatans and religious showmen. They do not care about anything but exploiting Scripture for their own financial gain and self glorification.

"When the state can take our fellow citizen's children away like this without even a wimper from from the so-called Church, it is a sign of deep sleep or death".

They already do this by forcing children to attend government funded, Godless, humanistic, socialist initiation centers for 8 plus hours a day by compulsary attendance laws. They feed them ritalin so they can be formed into obedient little atheist statists.

News Item5/17/08 10:39 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Richard Branson is a well known bazillionaire entrepreneur.

News Item5/12/08 9:37 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I don't understand why it's such a big deal having a few words in the KJV that everyone might not be familiar with. Just jot down the meaning at the bottom of the page or in the back of your Bible. Besides, the more familiar you become with your Bible, the more familiar you will be with those words. I personally enjoy learning new words.

Another good benefit is that once you go to the trouble of researching an unfamiliar word in Scripture, chances are you will learn something new that ties in with that word or why the Lord chose that particular word.

I have read the NASB and I'll guarantee you I could easily find 50 words/terms in it that most folks would have to look up the meaning for. Also, if the translators use formal equivalence, new believers are going to have to look up a lot of new words no matter what version they choose to use.

I would rather put my confidence in a time tested, trustworthy English version of God's Word with a few terms & phrases that I need to familiarize myself with than one of the modern versions that leaves me questioning important, fundamental doctrines.

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