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News Item5/1/08 4:18 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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John Yurich,

I don't know where you have obtained your definition of a cult but you happen to leave out the most distinguishing feature.

The Roman cult has a hierarchical cult-belief system. By agreeing to not attempt to privately interpret Holy Scripture a Roman adherent has his mind controlled by the Magisterium.

The cult-belief system is perpetrated throughout the organization by a special group and their writings(encyclicals, councils, etc.)are authoritative that must be accepted. Adherents are held in check by the fear of excommunication and the venture of hell awaiting as they are brainwashed into believing that salvation is only through the false church and its doctrines.

Similar to other cults(ie., Jehovah Witnesses-The Watchtower; Mormons-The Pearl of Great Price) not only is private interpretation forbidden but the use of extra-Biblical books is outstanding.

JOHN 3:36

News Item4/30/08 6:31 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You cannot trust the bishops, fathers, etc. God's written Word is perfect without contradiction, pure and will never pass away.

Imprimatur - let it be printed.

1994, Archbishop Peter Gerity of Newark, N.J., who had approved "Christ Among Us", a CATECHISM by Anthony Wilhelm, was overruled and ordered withdrawn.

Council of Trent:Rules on Prohibited Books(which was approved by Pope Pius)

Since it is clear from experience that if the Sacred Books are permitted everywhere and without discrimination in the vernacular, there will by reason of the boldness of men arise therefrom more harm than good, the matter is in this respect left to the judgment of the bishop or inquisitor, who may with the advice of the pastor or confessor permit the reading of the Sacred Books translated into the vernacular by Catholic authors to those who they know will derive from such reading no harm but rather an increase of faith and piety, which permission they must have in writing. THOSE,HOWEVER, WHOM PRESUME TO READ OR POSSESS THEM WITHOUT SUCH PERMISSION MAY NOT RECEIVE ABSOLUTION FROM THEIR SINS TILL THEY HAVE HANDED THEM OVER TO THE ORDINARY..."

Lance, you must be a liberal roman because you are not a traditionalist.

Trent or Vat. II - which is wrong?

News Item4/29/08 4:34 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Do you have your bishops approval to read from an unauthorized version of Scripture?

Similar to the so-called church fathers the roman priest and bishops are never in agreement on many issues.

According to Roman authority are you a saint?

Where in the Bible do we find a person "sainted"(canonized) after their death?

You do realize that in history the Papacy forbid roman adherents from reading so-called Protestant Bibles?

As late as 1934, a papist was forbid to read a translation from a non-Vulgate latin, which they still hold as the authentic version.

JOHN 3:36

News Item4/26/08 5:08 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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You might want to read some of Spurgeon when you get the chance. "Turn or Burn", would be a good start.

Death Of A Roman Saint.

He isn't Sainted.
Because he's tainted.

Mere men are canonized.
By the father of lies.

A boasting last breath.
A roasting second death.

Lance, I know you are forbidden to read a so-called protestant Bible but even the D.R. can lead one to salvation if they might read it.

It is not after death but BEFORE DEATH that an individual became a saint in Scripture.

Ephesians 1:1 "Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus by the will of God; to the SAINTS who are at Ephesus, and who are faithful in Christ Jesus:

John 3:36

News Item4/22/08 4:33 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Amen. Have you read the pamphlet, "Decisional Regeneration", by Jay Adams?

Job 42:2

News Item4/22/08 4:25 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Talk about insulting hypocrisy the papacy needs to look no further than Europe. Indeed the USA is in a deplorable condition however wherever you find the roman religion you'll find the lowest conditions. Take the Roman France for instance, known as the pornography capitol of the world with its pinchhappy men and its nude beaches.

From O.T. idol worship and the golden calf.
To pope idol worship and the golden staff.

"And I heard another voice from heaven saying, Come out of her, my people, that ye be not partakers of her sins, and that ye receive not of her plagues."
Revelation 18:4

News Item4/19/08 4:35 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Good posts. You are correct and we all know that in other Roman forums we have found either Catechism ignorance, avoidance sidestepping or simply a plain refusal to answer. Clever system with this man-made office of "pope".

News Item4/8/08 4:56 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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comments has a very informative article - Koran versus Genesis. It is obvious that they corrupted the Bible's creation account which of course was written ages before Muhammad was even born. One example is that mankind was created in Paradise and then banished to earth.

Genesis 1,2: John 1.

News Item4/2/08 3:46 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Jim Lincoln,

You put a good one on there with the "five solas". is a great site.

Job 42:2

News Item3/21/08 5:37 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Saint terry evans,

Greetings! How about born and raised 30 mi. se. of Pittsburgh? Adeeb, keep up the spiritual fight brother! In these times it is good to make a concerted stand against false teachings and cults like the Mohammedans but let us remember to also pray and witness to those whom the Lord has brought in our midst and not neglect the oppurtunities presented to us. Have a "grace day"!

JOB 42:2

News Item3/18/08 3:35 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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The WORDS of Patrick in my abridgement of the gospel tract, "Who Was Saint Patrick?", Rev. D. Maconaghie.

Patrick was a saint in the biblical sensse. Rom.1:1; 1Cor.1:2; 2Cor. 1:2, Eph.1:1, etc. He was also a great Bible quoting preacher of the Gospel. In fact, it was said of him that he was a "man of one Book." He never appealedd to any creed, Pope or council: but in his writings, brief as they are, no fewer than 113 passages of
Scripture are either quoted or mentioned.


These are the words he used to commence his letter which he refers to as: "This is my confession before I die." He understood the Scriptures: Rom. 3:23, Psalm 51:5.


"The Lord opened the sense of my unbelief that I might remember my sins and be converted with all my heart to the Lord my God."
"Hence I cannot be silent about the great benefits and the great Grace which the Lord has deigned to bestow upon me."
"I was like a stone lying in the deep mire; and He that is Mighty came and in His Mercy lifted me up."


Hence I cannot be silent...every tongue shall confess to Him that Jesus Christ is Lord and God, in whom we believe...

News Item3/13/08 3:58 PM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Yes, Rome's spiritual solution is spiritual pollution. Ever since Trent they have pronounce an anathema on the believers who have put their trust in the mercy and grace of God, with the incredible "sin of presumption".

In Rome is nothing sound.
It's doctrines all hellbound.

Sin of presumption-old indeed.
For salvation-Christ did not bleed.

From the father of lies.
Biblical truth it decries.

To fully trust Christ, to Rome is a sin.
The Bible hits Rome, square on the chin.

Works lead to salvation not before.
Give up bubble gum for lent to be sure.

Man must keep working but never know.
Whether up or down he shall go.

Not knowing grace and unmerited favor.
Burdened, Rome says,labor, labor, labor.

JOHN 3:36 and TITUS 1:2.
Promise of God, if you are BORN-ANEW!

News Item3/12/08 5:14 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Albert/Northern Ireland,

Greetings brother!
On 2/1/08, "Pope cancels trip to Rome university after protests." I asked Lance if Jesus Christ was involved as the Creator and who was John 1:3 referring to?
Lance said, "The beginning of John is a bit hard to interpret." I told Lance that Rome's own catechism, Pgh. 291, stated that Jesus was the Creator God.
Lance said that according to the Apostle's Creed only God the Father is mentioned,"So I MUST PRESUME that God the Father created the world."

Just three days later, 2/4/08, "New website to attract more men to Catholic priesthood." Lance now stated in surety that the ENTIRE TRU-UNITY of God participated in creation(review above forum for exact words).

JOB 42:2

News Item3/12/08 4:15 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Politically correct,
Fool with his jewels.
Over one's eyes-keeping in check,
Wool in their schools.

Teaching hypocrites,
Yet, no one more wealthy.
Preaching take from the rich,
There is none more stealthy!

Needing Christ to live.
Sin-they cannot define.
You must give, give, give.
But what is mine, is mine.

A gap between the haves and have-nots.
Will always exist.
When the Almighty calls the shots.
Would not-guilty all-be on the list?

How does the magiCsterium determine?
Who has contributed even a little?
Surely, I am innocent.
For my social class is in the middle.

News Item3/8/08 4:47 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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"Now I lay me down to sleep,
I pray the Lord my soul to keep."
Does not make anyone a Christian.

How any true believer can be 'pro-death' or 'pro-perversion' is totally inconceivable. These are CLEAR ABOMINATIONS in Scripture that will always be so shameful that it is difficult to have dialogue(the Lord wiped out an entire locality because of their immoral lasciviousness). Interestingly, the Scripture states that in regards to the persecuted and the martyrs for the faith that the world was not worthy of such and the Lord on High tells us in Romans that the homosexuals are worthy of death.

Romans 12;1,2
II Cor. 5:17

News Item3/4/08 4:39 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Going to a Romish grade school in the 50's the Limbo teaching may have never been written down as official doctrine but it sure was taught as if it was. Both nuns and priests believed in it and the poor unscholarly magisterium had it "wrong again" when it used to be in the official romish catechisms. The one in the seat is full of deceit. They continued to teach it as absolute truth in CED classes when I went to public school for my junior and high school years. Rome and her adherents are extremely sly in regards to their: "but its only a teaching..." HUH!!!

JOHN 3:36

News Item2/27/08 4:54 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Jim Lincoln,

Pastor Ewin, had some good material. I once had a book(can't remember the title, but it had a picture of former Roman cultists who had been born-again who made up the church)but I gave it to a R.C. who was a neighbor and a supervisor at my work the day he moved. I do not know much about Canada but do know that Canadian Revival Fellowship does a decent job. I had the privilege of hearing Pastor Bill McCleod preach.
Very convicting. Job 42:2

News Item2/2/08 4:55 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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I will continue to pray for you. I will be leaving S.A. for awhile. It concerns me that R.C. and Muslims are unsaved with hell as their destiny.

You may not consider yourself a theologian but before you begin denying all of the accusations against Romish doctrine, you should at least know what their CCC says.(The only real value is the Bible, though.)

My question was "whom" not the how of John 1:3. Presuming that Jesus Christ was not the Creator God is a "HERESY" that even the Papal Cult would attest to. Your own catechism(CCC 2nd. Ed.)
paragraph 291, clearly says this.

Lance, I earnestly ask you to read the entire Gospel of John. John 3:36827

News Item2/1/08 3:59 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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It is very sad that the cults(of which the Roman is the largest, most organized and most deceptive)have such a stranglehold on their adherents that they have them convinced that only a few "higher ups" can interpret even the clear Biblical texts.

I don't know if you will endeavor to interpret this but here it goes:
Of whom is JOHN 1:3 referring to?
"All things were MADE BY HIM; and without him was not any thing made that was made."

Be careful, if you say, Jesus Christ,
was the creator God, you are correct, but then you would be vehemently in OPPOSITION TO THE MUSLIMS and therefore even opposing the papacy.

Colossians 1:16

News Item1/31/08 3:36 AM
savedbygrace | Harrisburg, PA  Go to homepageFind all comments by savedbygrace
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Lance Eccles,

You said, "...the argument just keeps going around in circles...neither of us accepting what the other has said."

Except that one quotes from his so-called hierarchy of teachers while the others use Scripture.

The "not clear" is a cop out. The Biblical truth of Jesus Christ being the creator God is MOST CLEAR!

The muslims disagree with the most fallible papacy and would denounce any mention of divinity to Jesus Christ at all.

Because you have no Biblical defense you make statements like; this just keeps going round and round.

There is no hope in Rome's man-made doctrines. Lance, come out of her and receive Jesus Christ for "FULL SATISFACTION" of the punishment due our sins.

JOHN 3;36

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