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News Item5/18/19 6:32 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning Dolores, I read my comment over again, and I wasn't judging you, personally, in any way. All I can say is that when we know another who has been beguiled; aligning themself with a false religion, and we shrug it off, basically saying, let God sort them out, or, we just believe differently, then we have failed them, ourselves, and God. Eternity in The Lake of Fire is no less real than eternity in Paradise, and if we love them, we'll warn them sternly, and often.

Our sister, MS, spoke of witnessing to her devout, Roman Catholic Mom, every chance she was given. I can't imagine that her mom listened intently, and I can't imagine MS's grief, knowing that her mom's time was short. MS didn't judge, and hate her mom because she was Roman Catholic...she loved, and grieved deeply for her. When we speak about Roman Catholocism, we don't hate the people, Dolores, we hate the system that has hypnotized them into a false state of eternal assurance. Just like MS with her dear mother, we love and grieve for them. We speak out against the false system, and we hate how many souls that the enemy has claimed on their behalf.

We have a responsibility to witness the lost, but in the end, the eternal fate of each rests solely upon themselves, and many choose badly.πŸ˜”

News Item5/17/19 6:26 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Dolores, I'm not sure if you might have mis-understood me. I've run out of time for now, so will try to get back to you, and also respond to MS in the morning.😊

News Item5/17/19 5:47 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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In the end, when time is no more, and we stand before the bema; the judgement seat of Christ, Romans 14:10-12, II Corinthians 5:10, and the books are opened, and we each give an account, there will be no excuses. Nobody will be allowed to claim ignorance; "I didn't know this or that", or, "I was lied to...I was duped". No, we all have God's Word which contains His clear instructions, commands, and warnings. We will all be without excuse, and held solely responsible for who we aligned ourselves with, according to what we chose to believe, regardless of what God Himself had to clearly say. This is why it's so important to do our due diligence in warning others who are caught up in false systems of religion, which isn't judging, but rather, love, and concern for their eternal souls. "I don't get involved in what others choose to believe", is tantamount to saying, "I don't care about them or their eternal souls". Not witnessing to these, and leaving them in their sins, or, allowing them to believe that they're good to go, is a crime against them, the opposite of love, and clear disobediance.

News Item5/17/19 5:59 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Ladybug Wrote:
"Remember when BM had a man get on his knees and apologize for the male gender?-
She's been encouraged by men like John Piper, SBC prez Greear, to name a few. She is radically dangerous and in GREAT error in violating the command of God concerning women preachers. 'Rebellion is as the sin of witchcraft'"

Wow Ladybug, crazy stuff (the apology). You and others are right, and if any woman, or man, is in clear violation of scripture, they must be corrected, and righteously judged when they continue on in their sin, whether they be those in the limelight, or me, you, anyone.

News Item5/16/19 6:17 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Ladybug Wrote:
"We all should be growing in the grace and knowledge of Christ. That would mean none of us have 'arrived'.
Error has taken such a deep hold over the decades and not been refuted, it is now accepted and seen as 'no big deal'."

So true, and I would add, patience, and personal honesty; taking a good, hard look within our own selves, prior to exposing, and judging others for things that we may be guilty of ourselves, or worse. Pride is an ugly monster, and it's tentacles run deep within. There's a lot of finger pointing that goes on within Christendom, but is it to build up, with constructive intentions, or to tare down with mal-intent? I used to judge others for the very same things that I was guilty of myself, or worse...what a hipocrite I was, but I didn't even realize it at the time, because I was blind to some things about myself. Anyway, I think the most difficult things to see, and overcome, exist within our own selves...those things that others see clearly, and that we might be blind to, but need to see if we're to ever truly grow, and become like Him.

Interesting conversation, because election has always been a difficult topic for me to wrap my brain around, and try to process.

News Item5/15/19 5:56 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Recently, I heard a Priest say that confession is not only a sacrament, but those going to confession, receive graces. He went on to say, and very emphatically, that when a person goes to confession, they are seeing Jesus, only He is hidden within (or behind) the Priest.

I'd never heard that before, and it made me cringe. Diabolical, soul stealing, servants of the most low.

News Item5/15/19 7:38 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Thanks John. I've heard the term, regulative principal", but need to look it up. I won't put you on the spot, but am going to assume that you consider the singing of any manmade hymns, as disobediance; sin, and grieving The Holy Spirit.

I think the church is in a gross state of disrepair, I think there is an enormous amount of compromise going on, and I think few are serious about the strict obediance to every jot and tittle in scripture. I think in our zeal though, we can also dig a bit too deep as we look under each rock to make sure that we're not overlooking anything, and turn some things that aren't all that clear, into clear commands, as just in case, better to play it safe, scenarios.

I'm not saying that you're wrong on the topic...I'm saying that I don't really know just yet, and am still viewing it as a matter of personal preference. I just can't imagine myself walking around the house, and singing, "How Great Thou Art", etc., and it greiving The Holy Spirit, as I sin by song. I'm having trouble processing that.

News Item5/15/19 6:21 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good morning John,

My dad's favorite hymn was, Amazing Grace, and one of mine is, How Great Thou Art. Was he, and am I, in sin when singing either? Whether or not I'm grieving The Holy Spirit, and in sin while doing so is all that matters to me. I'm not sure if your bottomline is that it qualifies as sin, or if it's more of a preference, over a command, etc.

News Item5/14/19 5:56 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Mike MY Wrote:
"It isn't wrong to sing hymns written by men."

Mike, where in the world have you been? Reached out to you several times, but never any answer. Has everything been ok? I remember there was some concern over a family member, or a close friend, and you disappeared right around that time.

News Item5/14/19 4:36 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Yes, BM, and your #1 on the list is the main issue that always hit my thoughts first. Prior indoctrination; the things we learned at first are difficult for many to overcome, because there comes a point when they become hardwired. Then, the older we get, and the more time that passes by, well, the scales have grown thick and hardened, so no matter what is presented, it's, "Nope, nope, and nope", as far as trying to argue against anything, and doing it by using scripture alone. I was a perfect example of this when I came on board...I knew everything already, as the result of all that I had been taught at first. So, when some of the fine folks here began to take me to task, I thought they were a bunch of nuts, and SA was home base for some poor, deluded souls. I was the one who was wrong on some things, and thanks to God for keeping my mind open and pliable.

Thanks for the thoughts, Frank, and very interesting comment about the emergent church.

Hey John, just to clarify, I was speaking to any topic, in general, and not just the one being discussed. I dont know, either.

John Y...just out of curiosity, why 2yrs old, as opposed to as an infant? Was the little girl adopted?

News Item5/14/19 6:41 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Interesting conversation. I, for one, would like to see it continue on the forum, but realize that the character limit might be too limiting. I'd like to see SA increase the forum character limitation, because it wouldn't exactly impact server loads, but that'll probably remain a pipedream.

Anyway, it's always interesting to read other perspectives on things, but for me, the most interesting part is how people arrive at this and that from scripture. Confirmation, once again, of why there are so many branches; denominations within many different ways of interpreting lines, and portions of scripture. So many arrive at so many differing conclusions, but the problem is that everyone knows they are right.

News Item5/12/19 12:43 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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This is so sad, as all of the kidnappings before it have been, and by Boko Haram again, of all groups. I still feel so bad for all of those schoolgirls who are still missing after all of this time, and their familys as well. I can't imagine what those poor girls are still having to endure, or the emotional trauma that their loved ones are still experiencing. Difficult to even think about.

Man, we have no clue what real persecution is...none at all. We think persecution is being heckled, called names, or spit at, when around the world, people are being slaved out, raped, tortured, and murdered for denying the State approved god.

News Item5/12/19 9:56 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"I have a question for you, which, if you are able to answer it, may provide you with the answer to your puzzlement. The question is: Why is it that in America there are 10,001 different Christian denominations?"

I should clarify that not everything can be accomplished in patience and love, and there is a time for righteous anger, and even, shaking the dust. I just wanted to seperate the two, because I know that error needs to be taken to task, and patience and love only go so far when those in error kick against the pricks; being unreasonable, unreachable, and unteachable, etc.

I had no idea there were so many denominations, and that's unfortunate. Are you sure on that number? Wow. Anyway, I guess it's the result of many things, from major, to the most minor nuances of scriptural interpretations/disagreements.

Bottomline, I would say, is differences in interpreting scripture, whatever portions of scripture that may be. For example, I think the main issue that separates the Charismatics from the Pentecostals, is when/how baptism in The Spirit takes place. Another example elsewhere, sprinkling vs immersion, and the list goes on, and on, and, on

News Item5/12/19 8:59 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John UK Wrote:
"...Even trolls I pray for, even those who hate me."

Good morning John, no hate, and thank you for praying for those who you might find it very difficult to pray for at times. A good reminder for me, because I fall way short in this area, and others.

Luke 6:27,28
But I say unto you which hear, Love your enemies, do good to them which hate you, Bless them that curse you, and pray for them which despitefully use you.

I don't expect you to remember this but when I first stumbled upon SermonAudio, I was green as green can be, with much to learn, and much to re-learn. I remember your patience with me, as well as Frank's, Lurker's, Mike NY's, and others. A different time for the forum, and a much different atmosphere back then. Anyway, when I came on board, I truly believed that Christians never fought or argued, etc., so on the rare ocassion when it happened back then, I was taken aback. I know how silly that sounds, but I'd just never experienced it, and thought Christians just got along, and worked things out in patience and love. I still believe that's how it should be, and is suppose to be. I'm no longer shocked by the conflict, but it always greives me deeply.

I don't know why I just related this...just came to mind.

News Item5/12/19 7:08 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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comments the way, BM, I thought your overall comments on the topic were fair and balanced.

News Item5/12/19 7:01 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Ladybug Wrote:
"The body of Christ should edify one another, not bite and devour or lord over one another. Loving one another means we receive correction and gentle rebukes as well as give it."

Yes, and so true. We've talked a lot about pride over time, and it's pride that has the most tentacles which spread out and effect so many parts of our being. Most other sins are stand-alone sins, like a single plant bulb that produces a single flower. Pride, however, is like an invasive weed that spreads far and wide; infecting, and ravaging all of our thoughts, actions, and speech, if we aren't constantly on guard, and proactively controlling it, daily, and even, hourly. Pride is why Satan fell, pride is why man fell, and the result of that pride is why we begin the dying process at the moment of conception. Pride is the most ugly, damaging, and invasive of sins because it has so many facets, and ways in which it exposes itself. Pride is the most difficult to recognize, come to terms with, and uproot...difficult to recognize, because it can be so very subtle.

Blessed is he who has the ability to recognize this ugliness within themselves, and fight the good fight against it. Pride, at some level, exists within all...none are immune, and none have overcome.

News Item5/11/19 11:34 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Thanks, Just Thinking.

I feel like I should add something to my last comment. I'm not talking about the Kenneth Copelands, Benny Hinns, or, the Joyce Meyers, etc., of the world, but the Charismatics are some of the most loving, and caring bunch I've ever come across. They have much to teach in the areas of compassion, and selflessness, in my personal experiences, anyway. They truly love The Lord, but at the same time, allow themselves to be beguiled, but in ignorance, having been convinced, from early on, that certain scriptures are the evidences, and arguments which support erroneous practices.

I'm assuming I'll be taken to task over, "They truly love The Lord", because how can they love Him, and practice error? Well, my answer to that is simple ignorance. The Charismatics I've known would turn away, immediately, from any error, if they could be convinced using scripture, but the indoctrination is embedded down deep, so only sheer patience and prayer will open their eyes to some things, and draw them out.

We all still see through a glass, darkly, but that glass used to be even darker, so I always keep that in mind when talking about where others are at...always learning, and hopefully, listening and growing.

News Item5/11/19 7:38 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Ok, thanks John. I'll just concentrate on the word, Pentecostal, which I consider synonymous enough with being Charismatic. I was Charismatic, so I know all about it/them, and the main difference is probably their views on how/when Spirit baptism occurs. So, what do I think of them? They are emotion-based, and the catalyst for the emotionalism are the gifts of The Spirit. I think they are in serious error, for several reasons, and the emotional draw alone is the main reason why they are so very difficult to break free from. Did I answer your question, or no?

News Item5/11/19 7:21 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John, what's an Elim? I just did a search, but came up with everything from oilfield work to software development...ha-ha.

By the way, I could walk you into many IFB churches, sit through their services, and you'd walk out after saying, "Ok, well, maybe not all of them then". I've just never experienced the yee-haws, personally, is my point..

News Item5/11/19 7:12 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Please don't take that as me coming at you in a negative way, and looking for a fight. I just wanted to lay out where the heat comes from. Preachers can get emotional while preaching, and I know that's not the issue you have, but nobody would disagree with you on the clear types that you've spoken about. There's just a clear line of delineation, where the "yee-haws" are in one corner, and the rest, in the opposite corner, yelling, "Get out of here!".
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