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News Item11/2/08 11:05 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"What 'denomination' were the early Christians.?(during the 300 years before the RCC was established)"

Denominations were not necessary before the RCCult corrupted Scripture and doctrine.

Denominations are an absolute necessity today mainly because of the RCC's (and her daughters') distortion and blasphemy of God and Scriptural doctrine.

Doctrinal distinctives make it possible to come out from among them & be ye seperate. A breakdown of doctrinal distinctives leads to the 'emergent church' and ultimately back to Rome's heresy.

News Item11/1/08 7:03 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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A believer wrote:

"Aren't there anything negative being written in the press about McCain/Palin?"


News Item11/1/08 2:09 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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My questions for Senator Obama:

1. Who exactly is it in the United States (excluding those with physical diabilities) who doesn't have "a shot"? If they don't have "a shot", why don't they? What's the problem, Senator?

2. Who can't go to college? Why can't they go? There is a free government school on every corner in America. Why can't they go to school, study, pay attention, do the work and get a scholarship? Why not get a student loan and learn financial discipline working & paying it back? For that matter, if you are a minority, why not get a government grant (already paid for by taxpayers) for college?

3. When I was standing in line to vote Thursday, 95% of those around me were really fat. Many were smoking. Some were eating burgers & fried chicken for dinner (while waiting in line!) I had Chinese vegetables for dinner. Why do I have to pay for their health care? Are you going to make them quit being gluttons? Make them quit smoking? I run 3-5 miles every day and hardly ever go to the doctor. Are you going to make these fat people go exercise too?

4. I should pay more taxes to help others buy a new car? Why? What's stopping them from buying their own new car? No job? Why not? What's keeping these folks from paying their own way like productive people?

News Item10/27/08 11:44 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I believe this would be absolutely one the wisest possible investments of anyone's funds. This is a brilliant idea and I will happily support SA and TBS in this endeavor both prayerfully and financially.

News Item10/26/08 11:50 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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This is a disturbing turn of events.

What if Robert H. were to damage Robert A.'s self-esteem?


Survey10/23/08 11:50 AM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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jago wrote:

"Many early Christians songs have been identified in the NT writings."

Where? What songs in which NT writings?

Survey10/16/08 5:45 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Elaine wrote:

"Has anyone ever noticed that there are no NIV Onlies or NASB Onlies or TEV Onlies or HSV Onlies and so on?"

Excellent point. The reason for that is because the NIV, NASB, TEV, and HSV are all in basic textual agreement with one another. Use one you might as well use them all. In the opinion of many AV users, they are all built on a flawed textual base.

There are not a bunch of new translations utilizing the textual base of the AV and the few that do (NKJV, Green's LTB, Modern KJV, KJV21) are certainly no improvement over the AV so most folks who care just stick with the tried & true AV.

News Item10/15/08 5:03 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Yes, this is just what we need. Let's send our women off to fight our wars for us. Many of them are already out earning a living for their husbands anyway so why not.

The idea of women in combat is absolutely disgusting. What kind of feminized, wussified nation hands a gun to a woman to fight? And what in the world kind of woman would want to go into combat or even be in the military? Women don't need to be in the military and the military doesn't need women, regarless of what Lt. General What's-Her-Name says. What exactly is it that a woman has to offer the defense of our country that a man can't do more effectively? The U.S. military is not a social program or a make-work entity like the government schools.

Obama can send his daughters into battle if he wants to but he's not sending mine.

I can not believe we are the verge of electing an obvious socialist, probable Marxist and maybe Muslim to the presidency.

Survey10/12/08 5:07 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Mike wrote:

"It isn't reasonable at all, if it is the words that are most important and not the Holy Spirit's revelation of their meaning."

That is true but therein lies one of the major problems with many of the newer translations (NIV, Message, NLT and others).

Too often we are offered the message that some 'translator' thinks the Holy Spirit intended to convey rather than a clear, precise rendering into English of the original wording. I would prefer to leave the Holy Spirit's revelation of their meaning up to the Holy Spirit.

Anyone is certainly free to comment on the meaning of the words of Scripture but not in the course of Bible translation. That's what commentaries are for.

Survey10/6/08 9:29 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The ESV is the old RSV with a much better marketing company.

News Item9/28/08 5:24 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I agree that Peter Ruckman appears (from what I've read that he's written) to be an irrational nut. He also appears to have a difficult time staying married and I have a hard time with anyone's credibility who can't keep their wedding vows. I think he does much more harm than good regarding the defense of the AV because of his hyperbole and caustic personality.

I do not, however, understand everyone's fascination with James White. Who in the world appointed him to be the be-all end-all expert in the area of Bible texts & translations? I have read his KJV Only book (and others by him), listened to his debates, and read articles by him. He's obviously a smooth talker but he specializes in circular reasoning while accusing others of it, he misrepresents facts or doesn't give all of the facts and when he's backed into a corner he starts spouting minutia and quoting 'facts' that no one else is familiar with.

One of the major problems I have with White is that he picks on and quotes people who are the weakest links in the Bible translation debate (Riplinger, Ruckman) but he somehow seems to shy away from credible sources of information on the subject.

News Item9/27/08 2:12 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Why waste time on this issue? You can't change the world.'

It's not my intention to change the world.

It's not a waste of time, however, to point out the fact that Christian (in this case women) have an obligation to be obedient to God's Word. That means being submissive to their husbands. Nowhere in Scripture do I find this egalitarian nonsense that men are to submit to their wives.

What the lost world does is the lost world's business. God's elect, however, are instructed not to follow the world's ways and that includes the way we run our homes & families.

It used to be that most folks and families in America patterned their way of living after the way Christians lived because most folks had respect for Scripture because it was the prevailing ideology in America. Not any more. As our culture has gotten further and further away from God's Word, believers now pattern their homes and way of living after the heathen world. This includes women taking on responsibilities God intended for man and sissy, spineless men allowing or encouraging it. Wolves like James Dobson led the charge and now the rest of the church has fallen in line.

It's so discouraging yet preachers are scared to address it. I have no qualms at all about speaking out against it.

News Item9/27/08 12:40 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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savedbygrace wrote:

"No where in Scripture do we find the command for man to be submissive to his wife. This would lead to total disorder and a breakdown in the family unit."

Bullseye. That is exactly what we are witnessing all around us, even amongst Christians. Most of the societal problems that exist are the result of this very thing. God has a design for humans as they exist on this earth and in the same way that He commands the submission of men to Himself, He requires the submission of women to their husbands. It's not my idea, it's God's and He makes it abundantly clear throughout His Word. Women want to rule men and many men are more than happy to accomodate them because many men don't want their God ordained responsibility. I see it everywhere I go. Men will let their wives rule over them to keep that paycheck coming in. Pastors don't preach about it anymore because they want those working women's tithes to keep pouring in.

Lest anyone think I am a knuckle dragging, wife beating tyrant, I can assure you that my wife is treated every day of her life like the queen that she is. I would never expect her to take on my responsibilities and for 29 years she has never been anything other than a Godly, submissive woman.

News Item9/26/08 12:17 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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re: David Cloud

Though I don't agree with David Cloud about everything, he works hard and has produced some EXCELLENT books and materials. I enjoy using his Encyclopedia and he is a wealth of information on many topics. He is 100% right on the money regarding the AV and Bible versions. His magazine is usually good, too. I appreciate his work and willingness to share information. His perspective on things is always interesting and he's usually right. I also believe his integrity is above question.

Having said that, if you have ever had any dealings with him, he can be a real horse's backside. If you say something he doesn't like or agree with, he can get rather snippy. I've always attributed it to the fact that he has to be very, very busy and he probably gets frustrated with all of the idiocy he sees going on in the name of Christ.

They were discussuing this same thing on another website this week.

Survey9/25/08 9:31 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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Excellent post, CMT!

News Item9/24/08 7:28 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"Kenny, we could also call them 'effeminate' or 'buggerers'; my point was to call them what they truly are, and 'gay' is not what they are at all."

My point is also to call them what they truly are: sodomites.

"One has to see and hear the severity of sin through God's word, and the consequences of such before they see a need for a Savior."

You are absolutely right. But the people who practice this abomination do not understand the severity of their sin because we pander to them by calling them homosexuals and letting them believe that they cannot help but do the things they do. They believe they are victims of their homosexuality. Born 'gay'. Takes away the guilt. Do you think Clay Aiken understands the Gospel? HE CLAIMS HE IS A CHRISTIAN! I have never seen a sodomite truly repent. EVER.

"I fear of being whisked away in self-righteousness if I were to get too haughty."

Me too! I also fear God's harsh judgement on this nation if we continue to pander to perverts. Perverts who God via the apostle Paul uses as a measuring stick for depravity and reprobation (Romans 1). Look around you. Sometimes love means being brutally honest.

"The difference between you, me, and the sodomite is the undeserving grace of Almighty God. May I never forget that."


News Item9/24/08 5:57 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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"We must get back to calling these people homosexuals, 'gay' was implemented by the homosexual community to be 'less offensive'."

No, we must get back to calling them what they are: sodomites. They commit sodomy, hence they are sodomites.

I don't care if I sound harsh. Clay Aiken was not born 'gay', 'homosexual', 'transgender' or anything else. He was born a man and he chooses to sodomize other men and allows other men to sodomize him. That officially qualifies him as a sodomite.

Calling him a homosexual just gives him an excuse for his behavior.

News Item9/20/08 10:02 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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I'm 6' tall & weigh 175. Just slather me up with some olive oil and I should slide right into a normal size oven.

News Item9/20/08 3:49 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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The AV is not difficult to understand it one bothers to read it and become familiar with it. I know this for a fact.

The new versions are based on texts that many people simply do not trust with very good reason.

I strongly suspect that the AV translators would have easily sacrificed a smidgen of perspicuity if it meant maintaining the overall integrity of the text.

I've said this before: If the men who translated the KJV had been handed the modern 'eclectic' text to work with, they would have gotten up and left.

News Item9/20/08 2:07 PM
kenny  Find all comments by kenny
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This explains a lot. While I was reading this, I was sitting here eating a bowl of raw broccoli and dipping it in Paul Newman's low-fat honey mustard dressing. Now I know why I'm such a nitwit.

Other than fish once or twice a week, I eat pretty much a vegetarian diet. I believe it's by far the healthiest way to live.

As for Jim Lincoln's comment about the SDAs, I am not an SDA and find some of their doctrines to be bizarre but I would encouraqe you to check out their cancer rates, heart disease rates and years of life stats versus other groups in controlled studies. Many SDAs adhere to the OT dietary guidelines and the numbers are irrefutable. As a group they don't get sick much and they live a long time compared to other groups.

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