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News Item9/15/19 5:17 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess all that hymn-singing unity the protestors had---last week's news item here at SA--has gone down the drain.

News Item9/15/19 4:56 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Many ways to look at this.
1. most Americans have no idea why the attack occurred, major news networks have not covered the war in the area.
2. shows you the importance of fracking for American energy independence.
Every day every American who uses natural gas for heating their water, cooking, or heating their homes in the winter need to give thanks to God for the frackers, since it was those guys who discovered so much gas that it dropped the prices tremendously.
Even in Florida they can give thanks to God for fracking because their public pools are heated in the winter now, thanks to the low price of natural gas.
And what is ironic is that the frackers were not looking for gas but oil! Gas is only a byproduct.
There is so much natural gas out there that companies have spent millions of dollars to build plants (one in Maryland, not far from Annapolis, and one in Louisiana) to freeze the gas so it becomes liquid and can be transported by ship (don't ask how much each ship costs)to other countries.

News Item9/14/19 10:21 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I was thinking the only thing these Dem debates is doing is souring the American voter on them. Once the real campaigning starts, and media starts covering with great love and adoration all these guys, it will just be worse---the average American voter will sour on the media reports.
Once election time comes around, there will be a big defeat for Dems across the board, except in the areas where they already dominate, like NYC, LA, Chicago, Boston.
Even Maryland elected a Republican governor, though their state legislature is still controlled by Dems.

News Item9/14/19 10:12 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I bet you will not see this on your local news and the major national TV networks like CBS, ABC, NBC, MSNBC, CNN. Their editors will say, "oh, that is too sensational, it will just fan the flames of the abortion issue and upset people."

News Item9/14/19 10:10 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I would bet there are a lot of churches in the US that would be very happy to preach these kind of sermons, and many probably already have, under the guise of 'all truth comes from God.'
And then there are the constant flow of similar programs from PBS. Just like their 'Frontline' special about abortion--were they going to give numbers about how many were done at Planned Parenthood clinics, the racial breakdown of how many Hispanic, black and white babies were aborted, and how this works within the PP founder Margaret Sanger's clearly stated intention to reduce the black and brown populations in the US. Or did they go into the selling of baby parts from those same clinics?
I doubt it, but if you watched it, let us know.
Then, in terms of the US educational system, I would bet you can find more elementary schools who could quote something from Confucius, more than the ones who could quote Jesus.

News Item9/13/19 3:29 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I don't like the term prosperity gospel.
The way it is used in this article is more of a transaction--you give $$ to a ministry, and God will bless you. That kind of teaching is not unusual in a lot of preaching. You hear it when you hear the preacher pleading, 'turn your life over to Jesus and he will change you, he will cleanse you, he will make you a New Man'
In other words, you do this and God will do that for you. A simple transaction, right?
And, how about this very common preaching, "God has a wonderful plan for your life"
but you have to 'turn your life over to Jesus' to make it happen. What is left out is the verses in Hebrews 11, the 'Hall of Fame of the Faith" that talk about many bad things that happen.
Obviously, no one told those people that 'God has a wonderful plan for your life" that included suffering, mistreatment, beatings, even death.
Thanks to Charles Finney and many others, in the US, Christianity has been changed from what we see in the Bible. We can't even imagine what it would be like to follow something like 1 Timothy 5, the Guidelines for the Older Christian Woman. We can't imagine a church having a ministry to widows, or widows doing good works in the church in order to be qualified to receive the church's aid.

News Item9/12/19 5:15 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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John Derbyshire, an ex-pat Brit married to a Chinese woman, added in a recent podcast that the Chinese in Hong Kong don't like the Chinese on the Mainland. There is real friction between them.
To me, that is a big surprise, since 'they all look the same to me'

News Item9/12/19 4:36 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I guess Jesus was talking pseudo-profound nonsense, too:

John 10:10
10 The thief cometh not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly.

News Item9/11/19 11:49 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Latest NHK news from Japan shows the protestors booing the Chinese National Anthem before a soccer game with Iran.
No mention of them singing any hymns.

News Item9/11/19 11:45 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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That makes me your church having any special service today? Was anything said from the pulpit at your Sunday services?

News Item9/11/19 11:37 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Thanks, 'Adriel,' for the Bible's reminder on raising up children, even from the Old Testament it has been the standard.
It continues in the New Testament with verses like those in 1 Timothy 5, which could be subtitled, 'Guidelines for the Older Christian Woman.'
First, it assumes we are talking about widows. Even today, 96 percent of all people have been married.
Thus, Paul writes that it is important for families to take care of the widows in their own families, and for younger widows to marry, raise children. Only older widows who have met certain 'work requirements' (like doing good works, and.. 'washing the feet of the saints') should be included on "The List" that the local church has for people who will receive aid.
Even James repeats the same idea about widows when he says, "True religion is taking care of widows in their distress'

News Item9/11/19 11:21 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Doesn't John Macarthur have his base of operations in California? I wonder how many Christian schools this will affect.
I believe it is already the policy in many public schools around the country, which makes education more of a mess than if you just look at how dumbed down the curriculum is, and how politically correct it is.

News Item9/11/19 11:17 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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You mean to say the Roman Catholic Church does not have a rigid ideology? Or does the Pope let slide the application of such biblical commandments against sodomites, which would mean many priests, monks, nuns, etc. would lose their jobs.
Everyone should realize that much of the abuse by those people was done by males on boys, though the news media, so friendly to the sodomite cause, does not want to point that out.

News Item9/11/19 11:15 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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"There goes the neighborhood!" says the Christian family who have been saving for years to send their kids to college!

News Item9/11/19 11:13 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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If it had been held in Lincoln, Nebraska, I know one person who would have attended.

News Item9/11/19 8:21 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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Didn't Obama make speech where he said "You didn't make that. You didn't build that..." So I guess it's OK for him to take what someone else has worked on.

News Item9/10/19 1:10 PM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I have to admit that when I saw the name Finney, I did think of Charles Finney.
It would be interesting to see in detail the 'ruins of faith' in New England that he left as his legacy. One thing that might be included is that a lot of strange religious cults got started in the 'burnt-over' district of New York, like Joseph Smith leading to Mormonism, and I think Miller who led to Jehovah's Witnesses.
A lot of colleges got their start in the 1850s as well; it must have been an interesting time.

News Item9/9/19 11:22 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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That's a good question, "QC"
I bet there are many people attending Catholic churches, Episcopal churches, Lutheran churches, Methodist churches, black churches, etc who are praying for Trump to go away. They have tried since before he was elected to get rid of him, remember the 'impeach now' efforts?, and are working 24/7 for the Democrat candidates to replace him.
The only good thing about them having so many candidates at this point is that it dilutes their strength. But after their first primaries are done and they drop about 10 to 15 candidates, it will be more and more of a constant drumbeat, "Beat TRump" and you will hear it on every TV station, see it in every newspaper, etc.

News Item9/9/19 11:16 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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I didn't see any mention of the marchers singing a Christian hymn, did you? But wasn't that reported in another news item here at SA news?
I guess someone made that up (fake news for the right reason?) or it happened once and never again (maybe they went on to sing the Communist theme song, La Internationale).

News Item9/9/19 11:14 AM
Douglas Fir | Zones Four to Six  Go to homepageFind all comments by Douglas Fir
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This is very disturbing, and may even be taken as a racial attack on the man who is black. I am surprised any newspaper in Chicago would touch this with a ten-foot pole. Of course, along the same lines, none have felt it newsworthy to cover the FBI report on Martin Luther King, Jr, which involves much illicit activity described in Biblical euphemism as "Adam knew his wife"
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