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News Item8/19/19 12:39 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Neil says...
use sensors to collect anonymous statistics by time-of-day, then park cops at intersections with high violation rates."

I personally think that is a good idea...ðŸ‘

The issue of red light cameras is sort of on both sides. The people need to not be speeding, and the government needs to get accurate/detailed cameras out there...

Running red lights are a big deal, but to me, not using your blinker is almost the same a riding on the wrong side of the road...

I really don't know how many times we've been in near wrecks because people didn't signal...

News Item8/18/19 9:49 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Doc says...
"David trusted God—and carried a slingshot."

Great example. Being submissive to the Lord's will doesn't go hand in hand with pacifism...

David wouldn't have just let the Philistines kill him if he was in the middle of a sacrifice. He would have grabbed his sword and killed the attacking army. It was his job as leader of the nation of Israel to protect his people. And just, so father's have the duty to protect their children, and what of an more important time than in church!

That of course doesn't mean every dad out there better carry a gun or Bowie knife (well the knife might be good down here cause of the oppossums). But those who can carry safely, are making a good decision...

News Item8/18/19 4:01 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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John UK says...
And they cried with a loud voice, saying, How long, O Lord, holy and true, dost thou not judge and avenge our blood on them that dwell on the earth?"

This verse is for martyrs brother...

I am pretty sure this verse cannot apply to the Christian (and especially non-christian) caught in the cereal section at Walmart by a shooter who is not trying to specifically target God's people...

I agree to a fairly high extent that in persecution for the Faith, we have a duty to show our perseverance, and faith in Christ...

But when it comes to scenarios like El Paso or Dayton Ohio, we have a duty to protect innocent children, and adults from unjust killing. Christians through out the nation are at the abortion centers pleading with the murderers to protect and keep their babies. Lawmakers should be halting the wicked killing of old people through euthanasia. And just so, we must protect the innocent from harm in active shooter situations if it's possible. And that would include killing or disabling the shooter...

News Item8/18/19 2:28 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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B. Mccausland says...
Realistically do you believe your children will be safer because of all you can do?"

That is the point I am attempting to claim. The two far sides are, sit there and let them shoot you, and the other side is build a fortress and let no one near...

The middle ground is use the tools God has given to defend the innocent. Taking a pacific additude over self defense makes you have to take a pacific additude in other areas of danger in order to be consistent...

There are many areas where we take precautions, using the things we have created, to protect ourselves. We buckle up in the car, we us safety harnesses at jobsites, and we only allow well trained pilots to fly planes. Using guns to protect ourselves from people is no different than using seatbelts, hard hats, or trained pilots. Just another method of self defense...

News Item8/18/19 1:45 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Adriel says...
NO guns required.
Not even in America.
Have Faith."

No guns...

In fifty years (assuming guns become illegal) will we be saying "no knifes required". Maybe "no metal rods required". Or even "no frying pans required"...

My point is this. Is this conversation about guns, or is is about self defense. Because in the UK, I have heard about quite a few knifings on the bus system. People will try to harm others regardless of what you take from them...

This conversation is really about, should we allow those who want to kill us for crazy reasons (be it in church, or at Walmart, or even in the bus) kill us, or should we defend ourselves or our loved ones from those who want to do harm...

Is it only the government's job to protect you, or should you protect yourself? Guns are just weapons. Those killed in shootings are just as dead as those kill in knifings...

The issue here, is that there is disagreement on if self defense is biblical, not if guns are biblical...

News Item8/18/19 11:34 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Dr. Tim says...
Craigslist has a great deal on an Abrams tank, JAG. If I buy it, would you and BDF be interested in renting it for occasional possum safaris?"

Absolutely, that is a great idea. We won't have to ever worry about a shooter coming in and getting us while pickup up meat...

Sort of like the people picking up meat at Walmart. They never have to worry about...well... maybe they should carry some type of protection if they think its necessary too...

News Item8/18/19 12:27 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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I like guns...

They keep us safe...

They protect little children, and big people from bad guys...

Whew that took a long time to type...

News Item8/17/19 4:28 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Jim Lincoln says...
you might "want to shoot first and ask questions afterwards," if a white guy comes in? "

This is supposed to be a edifying forum where Christians like me can come and grow and encouraged by others...

I am not sure if these place is being monitored, but if it is, I am surprised Jim has not been band from here years ago...

Any explanation Moderator?...

News Item8/15/19 3:40 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Interesting post THBCC...

The only thing is that I had to set my phone across the desk to see it...

The caps lock button has a feature where, if you leave it on, it types everything in caps. If you push it one more time after the first word, it turns off...ðŸ‘

Might help with reading your post better...

News Item8/15/19 3:25 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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There is nothing wrong with this...

The rest of the nation is sick and tired of being way behind the folks in Mississippi. So they just decided to lower the grades to our scale...

It nice to see the country standing behind us in leading the world by having the most students finish classes with an A...

Grades aren't important as long as the letter is high🙃

News Item8/15/19 10:54 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Amen Dr Tim.

If only the rest of the nation would get over their bias of the critter, everyone would be completely self sufficient for meat...

Anyone can pick up road kill...

News Item8/13/19 11:27 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Thanks for book...I mean explanation Chris000. I really appreciate it ðŸ‘

I see your point well. Especially now that we're nearing almost half a century of women and men working in close contact in the workforce...

Your valid point is that he wasn't asked to do anything sinful or wrong. So the biggest problem here, is not that he was told to do something out of the ordinary or sinful, but that this women is in the workforce. The underlying issue it that women have not been given the authority to work under other men under most circumstances...

Once again, thanks for the explanation. I am sure that took you a moment to type...

News Item8/13/19 11:18 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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"which he said he was "not in anymore"."

It's not a matter being "in". But really a matter of "never being in"...

Maybe someday in the future the Lord will save him...

All I know is that the Lord doesn't make mistakes, so him not being a Christian now, means he never was one...

News Item8/12/19 10:18 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Ok not really...

News Item8/12/19 5:00 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Chris000 says
don't consider this topic one to argue over,"

I agree...

I am personally not an Argument Guy (I prefer to be "Just a Guy). My reason for asking is that anyone who believes in something does a much better job of articulating that belief than the one who doesn't see it the same way...

I have learned just as much hearing about other peoples opinions on things, as hearing someone talk about a belief I hold myself...

News Item8/12/19 2:35 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Years ago I thoroughly enjoyed the Narnia series...

But I realized that even though C. S. Lewis was proclaiming it as Christian, his over use of witch craft was a big reason I don't care for it anymore. The Bible clearly states that we should have nothing to do with witch craft, and that would include using it as symbolism for the Gospel of Christ...

It would be like someone using a sodomite marriage to portray the marriage of Christ and His Church. Same concept really...

We shouldn't use sinful methods to attract a sinful world. Our job is to lead them to Christ, and that is compromised when they see us using methods God has specifically said to stay away from...

News Item8/12/19 10:59 AM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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What's your take?...

News Item8/11/19 3:39 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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The most common cause I have seen of those who claim they don't need a church, is those who want to get involved in sin and not be accountable to anyone...

The Scriptures have commanded us to not forsake the gathering of the brethren. Those who claim they are not in need of a church are not following this command, and usually for their own purposes...

Of course this isn't an issue of salvation but really, if your saved, why wouldn't you want gather with other Christians?

There are times when it's not possible to do so though. Having a newborn baby, sickness, being out of town, or not having a biblical church to attend would be acceptable (and hopefully very temporary)
exceptions. Just as "pray without ceasing" doesn't mean we should pray 24/7, so forsaking the brethren doesn't mean every week will work to attend church...

News Item8/11/19 2:06 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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What a noble cause to loose a job over...

As our society tries to destroy the biblical requirements for having loyal, and faithful marriages, it's nice to see believers openly fighting to uphold it...

News Item8/10/19 1:10 PM
Just a Guy | Mississippi  Find all comments by Just a Guy
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Hc says...
Once saved always saved is not biblical"

If I had to serve a God who couldn't even keep His children in the fold of God, than that is not a God I want to serve...

To say that God doesn't have the power to keep his own (Election, Calvinism) than you are putting him lower than man...

Not to mention man is inherently wicked. We would never choose to come to God, unless he chose for us to be His. And if He has to choose for us to come, than he has to keep us in his kingdom. And if we did have the choice to leave than that would make God to have made a mistake, which of course is not possible...

We cannot choose God, therefore we cannot leave Him either, because it wasn't even our choice in the first place...

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