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News Item7/21/19 6:31 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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*I typed this up early yesterday, decided not to post, but just changed my mind on it.*

LivingByRomans14 Wrote:

"I have been reading the comments on here for a long time and it saddens me how people that say they are christians treat each other...If I were not born again coming on here certainly wouldn’t give me any desire to be saved."

"I have no desire to get involved in the constantly ongoing war on here..."

Hi LBR14,

I agree with you, but with a caveat...

You have valid concerns that shouldn't be dismissed, and the same concerns I've had for quite some time now. To be fair, John Y, and certain things he's said over time, is the reason that Dr Tim approached his comment the way he did, but at the same time, I wouldn't judge the church before knowing how accurate those past comments even are.

I think the issue here is that when a certain atmosphere has continued on for so long, a callousness develops over time, and what should be shocking, and is shocking to anyone stopping by, is no longer seen all that clearly, because it's become the norm, to a degree, anyway. Then, when someone does speak up about the atmosphere, it's not usually received all that well, because, again, it's no longer seen all that clearly, so there's a certain backlash.


News Item7/20/19 5:30 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Mike Wrote:
"IMO the reason why they are not satisfied when they get a victory, and keep seeking more and more, is that they don't recognize the discontent is within them, and fed by their own lives."

Probably so, Mike, and I'd add, entitlement. They've talked of reparations for being "enslaved" for so long, and now that they're fully out, loud, proud, and angry, they want their vengeance against everyone who kept them down, and anyone who still wants to suppress their dirty deeds. They got the mainstream media in their corner, liberal Hollywood, the Democratic party, as well as probably the vast majority of Americans, so they have quite the support system to keep going full steam ahead, and that's exactly what they'll be doing.

Really amazing what's been normalized, and so quickly, within our society, along with what society is fighting for on their behalf, all of a sudden.

News Item7/20/19 2:00 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Crazy to be witnesses to how far and wide the sodomite infection has spread, and it's still steamrolling along, and quite frankly, it's picking up speed. Going back in our time machine, to just shy of 4yrs ago, a certain President at the time, Barach Hussein OBama, sits at his desk, and with his left hand, scrawled his name onto a piece of paper, which forever gave the sodomites and lesbians the green light to marry each other. "We just want to be accepted", they said. "We just want to be able to love whom we love without fear", they claimed. Well, turns out they wanted just a little bit more, and had quite the diabolical agenda in mind, which we're seeing the fruits of today.

Society has not only done a complete 180°, but now fights for each and every perversion they've demanded, even when it means victimizing it's own children. Sodomite and lesbian couples can even foster, and adopt children, exposing them to abuse, and indoctrination into their lifestyles of choice, and progressively liberal, hate-filled mindsets. Poor kids.

News Item7/20/19 1:39 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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"I can't think of anything better to do to raise the next generation of young people," Igarashi-Ball told The Atlanta Journal-Constitution on Thursday.

Gross. How many of these kids, story time perverts have been outed as such; with s*x crimes on their records? Quite a few, and not unlike the shopping mall, jolly old Saint Nicks during the Christmas shopping season. Christmas for them, because of all of those young children are being handed right to them.

Beyond amazing that all of those kids are being brought to these story time hours, by none other than their own "protectors", the parents. How irresponsible to walk their own children right into that confusion where such perversion is not only being celebrated, but encouraged. "Now children, don't you dare allow those nasty adults to tell you that you have to be a boy or a girl. Honeys, you be whomever you feel you are, and that's that, because you're all beautiful, no matter what!" {wild clapping ensues}. -Madam Rose Boomshakalaka Sugarlicious, aka, Bob.

Grooming is right.

News Item7/19/19 6:39 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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From the article:

"Miranda Yardley, who underwent ‘gender reassignment’ surgery ten years ago, was accused of harassing a transgender rights activist on Twitter.

Helen Islan, who works for notorious trans-activist group Mermaids, accused Yardley of committing a hate crime by publicly voicing that people cannot change sex.

Despite changing his name to Miranda and under-going surgery himself, Yardley still recognises that he is a man.

Their argument began in an online conversation about whether individuals can choose if they want to be male or female.

When Yardley disagreed – and also revealed Islan’s identity – the trans-activist went to the police claiming the post made her feel “stressed and sick”."

So, in summary, the trans-activist went to the police, blubbering that Yardley commited a hate crime by saying that people cannot change their s*x;gender, that it made him feel stressed out, and sick, and so the police arrest Yardly for a hate crime, the case makes its way to court, and gets tossed out as frivolous by a rational, sane, judge.

The UK and US are partners in crime when it comes to this nonsense. Give anyone a morality check, and the new goto words are, hate and bigot, and off to jail one goes.

News Item7/18/19 5:32 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Sure is interesting, Mike, how the crystal clear verse you referenced, along with so many others, seem to be completely invisible to all of the LGBTQ "Christians", who, like Steve Buttigieg, talk openly about their faith, etc. As for the rest, they just don't care either way, because they have gods of their own inventions, and all of those gods are in full agreement with whatever they happen to believe, or do in life; they don't judge. Convenient.

I researched all of the verses that have to do with homosexuality in the Bible, old to new, and was surprised how many there were, so there won't be any excuses, that's for sure.

Beyond me how anyone could ever be attracted to the same gender, but I'm sure there are components I'm not aware of...not biological, but mental, emotional, childhood trauma, etc.

News Item7/18/19 4:36 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Good for him, standing firm, and standing strong, especially knowing full well what it would mean, by way of public outrage, and even, potentially, destroying his livelihood.

Crazy how times have changed so quickly, and the filthy, unnatural things once done in secret; the taboo, are now out in the open, celebrated, glamorized, and even, encouraged. The sodomites went from being in hiding, as the majority of society shunned them, and their deeds, illegal, to out, loud, proud, having new laws enacted on their behalf, and infecting an entire nation, because the very same society now supports, protects, and fights on their behalf, not to mention the sheer power they now have with mainstream media, and Democrats in their corner.

One would think that AIDS has been all but cured, and a deadly disease of days gone by, because any talk of it now is considered fear-mongering, and insensitive. Crazy.

News Item7/18/19 7:28 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Such an interesting time to be alive in, and witness to. The God of all that is, was, and will ever be; the Creator of all life, of man, is being phased out, and replaced by the new age of man, who knows best. God Almighty is under attack, His Word is being called, hate speech, and the progressive mindless are attempting to commit genocide against Him. Woe to them all. Quite the thing to behold, as end times prophesy unfolds before our very eyes.

Disagree with anything that was taboo, just a few short years ago, and you are attacked, singled out as a hate-filled, intolerant bigot, lose your career, and under threats of death. Sodom and Gomorrah is swiftly being resurrected, and actually, in a much more sinister way, I'd guess.

Always interesting how these same people talk about their faith, and even quote scripture. I think their worst crime is how they've forced their way into the public school system, and forced their agendas, confusion, and filthy ways on the children.

News Item7/17/19 3:53 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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So, here's the strange part, aside from all of the other strange parts that makes any of this ridiculousness okay, in the minds of the progressive mindless: These same proponents claim to be all about this nation's children, and their protection. Kids under 18yrs-21yrs, have many restrictions placed upon them, and for the same general reasons that it's not okay for a 3yr old to cross a street by themselves...they aren't mature enough to make certain decisions, and many wrong decisions can cause great harm, or even, kill them. They're immature, and ignorantly irresponsible due to their age.

Yet, irresponsible parents are allowing, and mindless progressives are encouraging, children as young as 3yrs to decide, and live as the opposite gender, 9yr olds to begin receiving hormone blockers for their future transition, and young teens to completely transition.

These same kids can't see an R-rated movie without an adult, they can't drive, smoke, vote, or live on their own, because they're too young, irresponsible, and immature, but they're old enough, at any age, to know they were born in the wrong body, live as such, and even seek out transitioning?

Strange logic.

News Item7/16/19 8:54 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Child abuse is so rampant, and never seemed to be taken all that seriously, it seemed, unless, like the Roman religious machine, there were pockets of little clubs where these people just never outed each other, because those exposed directly to the children were all guilty of abuse themselves, on some level, so they all watched out for each other(?)

Anyway Chris, you're right in saying that the crimes against children have no boundrys, and while Rome may be guilty on a massive scale, the problem was, and still is, everywhere. Pedophiles are a sneaky, and "crafty" bunch, and when they're actively grooming, for example, there's often no way to even tell what they're up to.

I'd have to research it again, but I recall surveys that showed most homosexuals were abused as children or minors, or it was at least a high percentage. I'm not clear on how that would cause anyone to gravitate to the same gender later in life, but that's where the facts seemed to point to.

CJ, I took a look at the link you posted up for MinistrySafe, and I'd sure like to see everyone get serious with programs like that for required training, and increasing awareness, etc.

News Item7/16/19 7:21 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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By the way, Frank, WND articles are the biggest pain to read with their intrusive, full page pop-up ads. I had to keep hitting the back button, and quickly scroll back to where I left off reading, and read as fast as I could before the page was taken over again. I had to do that about five times. Beck must be short on funds to allow such cheesy, low rent pop-ups. Super annoying, every single time SA links to his sites articles.

News Item7/16/19 6:51 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Dr Tim Wrote:
"Jim, just for giggles..."

Real men don't use the word, "giggles".

I wasn't aware that hillbillys did either. Although, you're about four social classes below the hillbilly, so I'm not sure what they call you, exactly...Sillybilly? Cuckoobilly?

Just kidding around. I'll let you get back to widdling your new club so you can play whack-a-hillbilly with your fellow cavemates tonight.

News Item7/16/19 6:26 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Frank, thanks. Always a great point about Muslim owned bakeries, etc., ...never a peep, because they, and everyone else are off-limits.

I was thinking, after reading your comment, that it seems to me, since the Christian owned bakers, and other service based businesses have been gaining some traction in the courts, the LGBTQ's have taken to a different angle/scheme. Their new angles may not be earning them the same quick cash, but it seems to be suiting their agenda, in their continued fight against God. The new angles being the war against basic religious views that now qualify as hate speech, bigotry, and intolerance, and also, this new pronoun nonsense, both of which are being used to take down anyone who doesnt comply, and it's working out well for them.

Thanks Mr OBama.

News Item7/15/19 6:23 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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I'm so glad that the State's Attorney General is persuing this, and that Liberty First has joined in the fight. The San Antonio council votes 6-4, banning Chic-Fil-A for their religious views, yet, if this business denied service to any customers for their religious views, the same council would have freaked out, and filed their own lawsuits as they cried foul, for their intolerance and bigotry. Hipocrites. Crazy times.

News Item7/14/19 12:59 PM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John, as far as I'm aware, that's it, and what the arguments are based upon. I guess if there were any clear scriptures, there wouldn't be the arguments.

The Apostles exercised all of the gifts, on-demand, it seems, as they announced the good news, as signs that Jesus was the prophesied One; The Savior, but it seems the gifts continued on within the church, considering Paul's instructions on decency, order, and false prophets, etc. The completion of the canon of scripture? The resurrection, and Jesus appearing to the Apostles? Seems subjective in relating those to "when that which is perfect is come". Could be, but like I said, it seems to me that the gifts were to continue on.

Problem is that the Charismatics and Pentecostals, etc, still approach the gifts of The Spirit, as being on-demand, as made available to the Apostles, and that's what I disagree with. I also disagree that tongues are still the sign and evidence of being filled with The Holy Ghost, which disillusions many when they refuse to be forced to start babbling their new "prayer language".

News Item7/14/19 11:07 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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John, only have a minute, so can't look up any scriptures right now, or say as much as I'd like, but cessationists base their claim on the gifts ceasing and failing on Paul's words: "...when that which is perfect is come". Personally, I think the interpretation is subjective, but applied as being, The Christ, the perfect one, the redeemer, and His incarnation, in this case.

Not relating anything you don't know already, I'm sure, but just wanted to chime in real quick. I'm not sure if there are any other "prooftexts" used or not.

News Item7/14/19 8:22 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Thanks John, and I'll have a response. I have it mostly finished, but in the middle of something for a while.

News Item7/14/19 6:45 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi Janie,

Andrew Klavan:

“Many of my fellow Christians tell me that homosexuality is a sin. Maybe so, but it’s not my sin. Me, I feel that heterosexuality is the human norm, but there are harmless variants outside the norm and, you know, who cares?”

Andrew Klavan Oct 15, 2010:

"I don’t agree that homosexuality offends God (if it did, he wouldn’t let them write all the good show tunes) but I love the rabbi’s classically Jewish sweetness and compassion, his willingness to negotiate with God to try to get the Big Guy to see things from our perspective a little. I was also taken aback by the idea – which he ascribes to Pat Robertson and other evangelicals – that homosexuality is “the greatest threat to marriage and the family.” Comes as a surprise to me. Frankly, the greatest threat to my shockingly blissful marriage has always been heterosexuality – namely mine and its indiscriminate attractions. Am I missing something here?"

Nobody here was wrong at the time, so are you saying that his eyes have since been opened, he's repented, and now speaks against sodomy, and the like; everything he previously defended, and shrugged off as being no big deal? I hope that's the case...that would be wonderful.

News Item7/14/19 6:33 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Genesis 28:18
18 And Jacob rose up early in the morning, and took the stone that he had put for his pillows, and set it up for a pillar, and poured oil upon the top of it.

Good morning Jim, I don't think there was any mention of Melchizedek setting up a pillar, unless I missed it. I watched the video, and was surprised to see what Mr Shukron was considering a pillar, but then read that the pillar was merely the stone that Jacob had used as his pillow that night, which explained the size.

At any rate, I suppose it's a stretch, since like you said, there's no writing or identifying marks, etc., so who knows. The area was definitely used for animal sacrifice, and a lot of it, apparently, given the wide channel, and the holes cut into the blocks of stone to tie the animals to, etc. I also noticed the olive press integrated into the stone slab, so it seems it was an active, well used area anyway.

News Item7/14/19 6:12 AM
Christopher000 | Rhode Island  Find all comments by Christopher000
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Hi John,

Interesting take, but taking into consideration that Satan isn't omnipresent, I'm not sure how it can be interpreted as Satan himself; the being. I find it doubtful that Satan would waste the time he has left on anyone other than those who have the means to bring his master plan to fruition.

I take it to mean all that Satan represents; resist evil; resist the evil ones; resist their fiery darts...resist, keep ourselves in full armor, always, and they'll flee once they realize there's just no way in.

What do you think? Just seems to me that if Satan Himself was making the rounds, pestering us commoners who can't really do a whole lot for him, it wouldn't be great time management on his end.

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