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News Item8/7/2020 9:37 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Lady bug,
Are you a member of a church? Dr. Tim , I know you’re a member. I can remember my grandma, who would have been 113 years this year, reminded me when I was fighting with my dad. And she told him the same thing, you’ve got to come to a place where Jesus is more important in your life than your squabbling or being right. So when I’m all self indignant, or self righteous, I have to ask, did my Lord die so I could still act like I hadn’t been changed?

News Item8/7/2020 6:02 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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And if you hold your head just right, you might get a crop

News Item8/7/2020 5:14 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Any church which is vandalized has to be charged with terrorism. Not a “hate crime”, terrorism- the demoncratic party will not say that Antifa exists- my boss said, “ prove they exist , Mr Christian”
Injuring over 800 police and federal agents. destruction of federal and religious or private property is not enough evidence? When a national political party denied their existence, it sounds more like fascism than this nation has ever dealt with it. Tolerance for only the few is fascism.

News Item8/7/2020 3:48 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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We grow a box garden every year, plenty of squash, zucchini , peppers, okra, but planted to late on tomatoes- I’m going to have read up on tomatoe planting, I’m proving to be a failure at growing them. Had a friend who grew the largest and sweet tomatoes I ever seen- He plant in April after the last freeze and just watered and picked.

News Item8/7/2020 3:42 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I believe it’s call the Ararat anomaly, the shape appears to be a bow of a ship sticking out of the an ice cap. It is both a shadow and how the terrain is formed that does “ look” like the bow of a ship. The Russia’s anti aircraft defense line was always hot around that area. Their surface to air missiles commanders usually didn’t need a call to Moscow to launch.

News Item8/7/2020 10:43 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Amen Brother Quiet Christian,
Our colleagues are going back to public school teaching, pray for our safety. The school districts are sending old teachers into a coal mine with a 5$ canary, a candle and a box of matches. “But keep positive and creative”🙄-

News Item8/7/2020 10:38 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Reminds me about a story about the man who found the missiles in “Cuber” in the 1960’s. He said, in my training I followed the terrain along Turkey to Mount Ararat , there I could see the out line of a large barge like boat. I asked my supervisor about the “ boat” outline, and he said, don’t mention that outline if you want to keep working in satellite reconnaissance. The “ boat” most likely was speculated as the ark.

News Item8/7/2020 8:22 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Reminds me about a story about the man who found the missiles in “Cuber” in the 1960’s. He said, in my training I followed the terrain along Turkey to Mount Ararat , there I could see the out line of a large barge like boat. I asked my supervisor about the “ boat” outline, and he said, don’t mention that outline if you want to keep working in satellite reconnaissance. The “ boat” most likely was speculated as the ark.

News Item8/6/2020 8:24 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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We are at war with the spirit of Antichrist. In America, in an effort to suppress fundamental Christianity for voting again for President Donald Trump, a who’s- who of the Reformed/ Calvinist brand of the Southern Baptist denomination are doing a full court press to embrace social justice. I would welcome anyone to watch videos from AD Robles and Conversations that Matter. The leadership of the Southern Baptist denomination, under lapdog JD Greer, for Russell Moore and Al Mohler and Danny Akin are Actively pursuing a policy of shaming the bulk of conservative fundamental Baptist to embrace social justice or be humiliated by Twitter attacks or Facebook attacks as being a bigot, racist or hate filled misogynist. The current leadership of the Southern Baptist denomination is doing to the regular joe Baptist churches what Pope Francis did to the Chinese and Hong Kong Catholics. Rome, did away with bishops and priests in place for China’s communists supported its Own bishops and priests. I’m accusing the leadership of the SBC of being Roman catholic in their ability to cause the oppression of their own churches in the cause for the communists attacking our nation.

News Item8/6/2020 12:45 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Grace community church, along with Calvary Chapel have refused to close. The fact that California closed for the second time, especially brick and mortar churches is telling. Abortion clinics, and liquor stores / maurijana shops remained open. But, a chance to hear the gospel, exort the saints, bring hope to the hopeless- not according to Babylon.

News Item8/5/2020 9:39 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Covid has been a terrible burden on families. Marriages that had bumps are now met with this dilemma, the government has said, stay home for 4 months and come to the brink of bankruptcy.
So, now they say only half can go to work with only 50 occupancy, which means you cut your staff by half or cut their hours. Or the government pays people 600$ to stay home, while as a business person , they can only afford to pay their employees for the time they put on the clock and it isn’t 600$ worth.
Couple that with wearing a Covid magnet around your face all day ( the mask, everyone wears or doesn’t get to eat, buy groceries or do business) and once again Babylon is making the most idiotic decisions known to man- how can you “ trust the science “ when it changes hourly and the entire economy was put in the hands of a 80 year old virologist who recommended hiv carriers be quarantined from society, back in the 80’s. Or that the Wuhan virus would Not effect the USA in January 2020, then said wear a mask, but only if you are sick to , Now , wear your Covid infested mask everywhere. Yeah, if you’re having problems at home and at work, blame the stupid scientists.

News Item8/5/2020 9:04 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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People who elected republican governors most likely are rule followers. . Democratic governors are supported by people who complain but just like governors to tell everyone “ this is how it’s gonna be.
We have a presidential election in 4 months. Joe Biden probably is showing early signs of Dementia. I’m not saying that to be political but despite my boss’s view, “ I’ll take a deminshed joe Biden any day over Trump. Is quite telling. You elect Biden, they’ll pull the 12th amendment so fast, Kamela Harris won’t be seared at her desk in the White House as Vice President before she’s asked to meet in the Oval Office for her swearing in as president. Yes, you thought Hillary was a monster, your ability to elect and represent will be gone because the new normal is white guys are always the problem, the police will be laid off by the thousands and prisons will be emptied out. That is how God releases a nation for judgement.

News Item8/5/2020 8:49 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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I do know that the opening of the Billy Graham museum, Billy Graham was asked what he thought of the museum and he said, “ there’s just too much “ Billy “ and no near as much as to who is Jesus “. At the core, many people will look at Billy Graham and think his approach was to present a palpable Jesus. But, honestly, he was an evangelist for the 20 th century. And at the end of the war, America was relishing their new found faith in being an American. Billy Graham presented a simpler time and a very primitive understanding of salvation. His approach really was no different than what was offered in practically every country Southern Baptist church of the 1940’s. He broadened that message to everyone, and at the core was a principaled evangelical gospel message. But by including Catholics, Lutherans, and Episcopalians- that’s where your compromising a gospel for whatever is interpreted by the hearers. One thing I do know- a catholic priest did not want to have his little catholic followers listen to a Billy Graham on television- too many questions and after awhile- folks stop coming to mass. Billy Graham was disruptive , wherever he went.

News Item8/4/2020 8:00 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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India is a Hindu polytheocracy - and anything else just gets in the way, according to that nation.

News Item8/4/2020 11:59 AM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Not at all surprised- a week ago 19 people were arrested for rioting and fire booming the federal building in Portland, Oregon. Of the 19 people arrested, 15 were school teachers. Think about that- the swamp is public service unions. If ever there was a time to home school- now would be the time. Protect freedom, home school your children.

News Item8/3/2020 3:31 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Quite honestly, when hearing from people say,” I just want to understand what the Bible means “, I tend to think that daily reading from a reliable translation along with a study system from your church is the best way to understand the Bible. I would recommend an expository study guide that can walk you through the Bible. In the 1980’s , I returned to my bible reading when listening to J Vernon McGee radio show, I’d receive an outline booklet for each month. I know,it sounds simple but McGee 5 years through the Bible did help my ability to read and self teach before I had returned to the church.

News Item8/3/2020 12:47 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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The Roberts court struck down Calvary Chapel of Reno, Nevada petition to expand the 50% rule to their church services. Casinos are at 75plus % , but churches aren’t. Yeah, actually, if California and other blue states start arresting pastors because they won’t pay their fine , and one of these elderly pastors ( MacArthur’s 81), gets Covid in jail or in a court room- this won’t be a Floyd riot- depending on the state- it could be Bull Run. There’s a reason Governor Greg Abbott opened churches back in June, church goers who have their concealed to carry or open carry- they go to church to worship and protect their ability to safely assemble.

News Item8/2/2020 3:53 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Barrack H. Obama legitimized the Islamic statism movement in the Middle East and the continent of Africa by doing nothing having but being a hashtag away from capitulation. # bring back our girls, or having all his celebrity friends aligned with demon possessed Beyoncé and her lapdog husband. So please no Trump bashing- the Islamic genocide will be laid at the feet of BHO.

News Item8/2/2020 2:29 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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“ Biden loves China “just look it up on DuckDuckGo.

News Item8/2/2020 2:26 PM
Wayfarer pilgrim | Lubbock, Texas  Find all comments by Wayfarer pilgrim
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Thank goodness for Banner of Truth and the Reformation heritage study bible,( KJV) It’s a great starting place.,
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