"msc" said --- Yes, for God's Law is the foundation of all Law!
I'm with "msc" 110% !!!
"We The People" have no one to blame but ourselves for allowing this mess to go as far as it has.
It is due to the silence of "We The People", in our overtly self-indugent ways, that godlessness has taken root in America...
On the whole as a people we have, in our oblivious state of self-indulgence, allowed Judges, Elected Officials and a vast array of others with their warped and perverted ideologies to trample All That Is TRUE And JUST And DECENT And RIGHT And GOOD...
Nothing is more repulsive than a people that *KNOW* RIGHT From wrong and yet will not so much as Conjure Up Within Themselves THE RIGHTEOUS ANGER *TO TURN* the course of their Nation ---
Yes, a people who have *forgotten* THE HIGHER GOOD Of THE TEACHINGS Of GOD'S WORD and have moved into debating what DECENCY IS and do now seek to ReDeFiNe That Which Is TRUE And JUST And DECENT And RIGHT And GOOD...
The travisty of it all is that this is a people that have become too NUMB (*so desensitized*) to it all and have lost TRUE SIGHT Of GOD & Where they OUGHT TO STAND...DISGUSTING... Wake Up!!!
A matter of principle. The right of government to take them down does not exist. The reasoning behind taking them down is flawed. The purpose in taking them down is to remove from the public eye anything that has God connected to it. The motivation in taking them down is hostility toward anything that has God connected to it.
Yes, for God's Law is the foundation of all Law!
ACLU must hate this, as they prefermultiple religeous displays in publicplaces as peers and not one by itselfor one DOMINATING all others displayedwith it.
Legislation may be required to protectthis image in the future...but, thenagain, the courts could just overturnthe legislation, I guess.
God help us.
Anything we can do to get God's law,or even PART of it, out in the openso more sinners can be convicted oftheir sins and need for Christ isobviously a GOOD thing.
I would like to see public displays for the New Testament commands;"To love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength. And to love ones neighbour as themslves."
Mainstreet in my town has music through speakers in the open air. It is put on by the Christian book store. They play hymns, songs and spiritual songs in instrumental. It makes walking through mainstreet that much more bearable as I walk by the rude shops, the many Budhas statues, in the store windows, it put a skip in my step.