piqued my interest wrote:I am aware that there is a deeply felt need on the part of some Presbys to rewrite history. But hopefully there are enough of us interested in history to check their attempts.
I wonder how much of Baptist modern written history previous to 1521 is plagiarism?? After all ecclesiastical history before 1521 doesn't have much if any debate on "infant" nor "sprinkle/effusion" or an alternative for it.
IamwhatIam wrote:"Armenian" is a person from Armenia.Whats wrong with them? Did they upset you too Jeremiah? Quote;"Armenia is a mountainous, landlocked country, on the southeastern edge of Europe, and at the gateway to the Middle East, and all of Asia."
Thank you for pointing out my goof.
St Jeremiah wrote:Independent, Fundamentalist Baptist that is a Biblicist (neither Armenian or Calvinist) and non-KJVO, because I used the NAS and NIV besides my KJV is study and devotions.
Whats wrong with them?
Did they upset you too Jeremiah?
Quote;"Armenia is a mountainous, landlocked country, on the southeastern edge of Europe, and at the gateway to the Middle East, and all of Asia."
By the middle of the eighteenth century the reform was in decline. New England was facing the influence of Arminianism, Deism, and the roots of Unitarianism. At this time Jonathan Edwards lamented the shift of American culture away from its roots. The Great Awakening soon followed, flaming the dying embers of reform into a new fire, that swept through the colonies and the frontier. The Awakening was led chiefly by three preachers: Jonathan Edwards, John Wesley, and George Whitefield. Of these three Edwards and Whitefield were thoroughgoing Calvinists. Wesley was not. The Wesleyan revival made great inroads on the frontier." R.C.Sproul
Wolf said:"That al men dead in tresspasses ans sin and are totally depraved of any moral goodness whereby they can save themselves.Jesus paid the satisfactory justice for sin and meet God's demand for perfect righteousness.God justifies the sinner on the merits of Christ and his righteousness is imputed on the believing sinner."And this is what we do door to door. We present the Word of God. The Holy Spirit then leads us to go further, or leave the house. You can tell if they are under conviction and if you need to continue telling them how they need to repent.
I have a question. How man Reformed think God saved them, but they have never repented? False professions happen throughout many circles. I have heard people give their testimony who didn't know when they got saved, but thought they were.
I could see the problem with people who tries to "evangelize" the lost by almost forcing them to make a decision, or making them repeat a prayer, or any of these methods because in doing so it is more of man trying to "save" the sinner and there are many (not all) false professions because of these...
On the other hand, however, I believe that Christians ought to be obedient to God's command in the great commission and be witnesses of Him...
We have to be so consumed of God that our thoughts are just filled with thoughts about Him that telling people about Him is so natural (just like one having his thoughts filled with his favorite sport team that he cannot stop talking about them)...
Ultimately, witnessing to the lost is one of the ways we give glory to our God which is the reason why we witness and which is the purpose why God created us (Col. 1:16; Rev. 4:11)
JD wrote:BUTTo say that it is impossible to believe and be saved is a denial of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of his wonderful person and is a frontal attack upon the God of the Bible and is a major crime against hea
Dr. Phil wrote:Lone Wolf,That is only one of the many tactics used to lure you into the rabbit trail. Once you are in you can forget about using logical arguments to bring them to reasonable conclusions. That is when the twisting and turning of the truth begins.
To say that it is impossible to believe and be saved is a denial of the gospel of Jesus Christ and of his wonderful person and is a frontal attack upon the God of the Bible and is a major crime against hea
The Lone Wolf wrote:Notice, He didn't answer any of the questions, but went into the ad hominem attacks on my handle. Did not address the issues.
That is only one of the many tactics used to lure you into the rabbit trail. Once you are in you can forget about using logical arguments to bring them to reasonable conclusions. That is when the twisting and turning of the truth begins.
ReLiGiOn has run amuck !!!
The Following is an excerpt of a comment posted by reason | unplugged 6/8/08 6:21 PM on Sermon Audio's "Breaking News" - SATURDAY, JUN 7, 2008 - Article: "Black pastors careful in voicing support of Obama:
reason | unplugged said:
Soft, present-day pastors see government as the final authority, and wrongly urge their people to obey any law of government. The bottom line is there comes a point where a Christian has both the right and the duty to disobey the State...."
Could it be that "We" are way past the point of STANDING FOR "Our" RIGHTS AND DOING "Our" DUTY IN THE FACE OF TYRANNY ???
"We The People" have failed to HOLD TRUTH HIGH ... in "Our" permisive self-complacent enabling complaisance "We" have given free license to "Our" ***SERVANTS (???)*** in DC...
............ E N O U G H ............ I S ............ E N O U G H ............
"We" have no one to blame but "Ourselves" for electing foolhardy hellhounds as watchmen at the gate !!!
T O O .... M A N Y .... W O L V E S .... I N .... S H E E P S .... C L O T H I N G.
Obama is a prime example --- and McCain is a potential rabid dog himself !!!
"We" NEED TRUTH !!! -
"IN" Christ, KK
Arminianism (and Antinomianism)Barthianism (Liberalism in disguise)CharismaticalismDispensationalism
If the Reformers knew it would all come to this, do you think they would still have bothered?
Dr. Phil wrote:Lone Wolf,Please let me caution you about the dipsy Alice In Wonderland rabbit trails.
Please let me caution you about the dipsy Alice In Wonderland rabbit trails. Don't waste your time my friend - the best arguments have been presented to them and yet they continue to trample the truth under their feet. If God were their Father, they would love the truth, but they don't. Therefore, the question is whose children are they? If you consider these arguments by the contrary effects of the truth, then you know who and what you are dealing with.