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What type of Christian music do you prefer in worship services?
Created: 5/3/2003 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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Survey4/24/09 4:00 PM
takeheed  Find all comments by takeheed
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Kermit wrote:
We might not like or agree with the concept of "Global Warming" but it appears that there is a lot more going on out there than "sun tan" weather improving!
Interesting point.

It was an interesting Hony Bee prog but if it was Global warming then why is the Bee population in Australia untouched? They even guard their ports!

In England the Honey Bee is thriving in cities but not agricultual land with 40% hives gone. The suggestion is pesticides and modern agricultural methods.

In the Us they import bees from Australia with 80% hive losses in places. The big and main culprit is said to be the varroa mite and a mix of pesticides. But if most pollination is being done by transporting bee hives all over the wonder the pariste will thrive, the bee is not a metal robot!

I never knew it was a clergyman who saved the bee! They used to poison the bees to get the honey and kill them all until he had an idea!

John will miss his carrots without the humble bumble bee. How amazing is our God as we don't realise how we rest upon His total Sovereignty and government even of the often seemingly tiny insignificant creatures. Praise His Name

"Flight of the Bumblebee" betta than charismatic chorouses

Survey4/24/09 3:59 PM
Tum Te Tum  Find all comments by Tum Te Tum
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What type of Christian music do you prefer in worship services?

Yes I love Frog and Bee music too.

Survey4/24/09 2:55 PM
Kermit  Find all comments by Kermit
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takeheed wrote:
'Bees are dying in their millions. It's an ecological crisis that threatens to bring global agriculture to a standstill. Introduced by Martha Kearney, this documentary explores the reasons behind the decline of bee colonies across the globe, investigating what might be at the root of this devastation.
Honey bees are the number one insect pollinator on the planet
Then there is also the FROG
"Chilling new evidence suggests amphibians may be in worse shape than previously thought due to climate change. Further, the findings indicate that the 70 percent decline in amphibians over the past 35 years may have been exceeded by a sharp fall in reptile populations, even in otherwise pristine Costa Rican habitats. Ominously, the new research warns that protected areas strategies for biodiversity conservation will not be enough to stave off extinction. Frogs and their relatives are in big trouble."

We might not like or agree with the concept of "Global Warming" but it appears that there is a lot more going on out there than "sun tan" weather improving!

Survey4/24/09 1:46 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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takeheed wrote:
..............Not only John will be worried ( the demise of the cucumber ) ...70 uk crops affected. Very interesting...
'Bees are dying in their millions. It's an ecological crisis that threatens to bring global agriculture to a standstill. Introduced by Martha Kearney, this documentary explores the reasons behind the decline of bee colonies across the globe, investigating what might be at the root of this devastation......
It is a concern bro, but what to do I know not. Another thing that concerns me is this HUGE tomato mass-producing factory in Kent, which uses no soil, that's NO SOIL, but grows the toms from the ceiling of the massive greenhouse.

Oh for a smallholding by a little creek somewhere, where I could grow my own and live happily ever after.

Survey4/24/09 1:22 PM
takeheed | relaxing from riveraitis  Find all comments by takeheed
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Did anyone see the BBC4 prog about the world wide decline of the Honey Bee-I haven't a TV but can download on BBC I Player free!

Not only John will be worried ( the demise of the cucumber ) ...70 uk crops affected. Very interesting...

'Bees are dying in their millions. It's an ecological crisis that threatens to bring global agriculture to a standstill. Introduced by Martha Kearney, this documentary explores the reasons behind the decline of bee colonies across the globe, investigating what might be at the root of this devastation.

Honey bees are the number one insect pollinator on the planet, responsible for the production of over 90 crops. Apples, berries, cucumbers, nuts, cabbages and even cotton will struggle to be produced if bee colonies continue to decline at the current rate'

Ps no conspiracy theorist please...winnie the pooh is stealing all the honey etc

Survey4/24/09 1:06 PM
prince charles | wales  Find all comments by prince charles
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He He thanks for the plug !

Survey4/24/09 1:01 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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rogerant wrote:
Or might one say "Prevenient Damage"

It could even be called Preventable Damage, if the men in the pulpit were to get their facts straight. Difficult job I realise, as there are so many issues to get clued up on. But there are specialists, who go round many churches which invite them, like the Trinitarian Bible Society on the subject of Bible translation. Or even Prince Charles, who will go at a moment's notice to any church or hall and give out his four creation lectures.

Survey4/24/09 12:54 PM
rogerant | Saskatoon Canada  Contact via emailFind all comments by rogerant
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John UK wrote:
At least he's got his doctrine straightened out now he's in heaven, if a little too late to prevent damage in the churches.
Or might one say "Prevenient Damage"

Survey4/23/09 1:40 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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DJC49 wrote:
The reason that Charles Wesley penned this hymn was not as to provide an antidote for antinomianism, but rather, to highlight and buttress the Wesleyan doctrines of: Universal Atonement; the negation that GOD had anything to do with making a decree of reprobation; the ability of MAN ultimately to choose for salvation (rather than being elect from the foundation of the world); and promoting the doctrine that man could indeed LOSE his salvation!
"Strange Doctrines" indeed!
Quite Arminian all.
Quite, quite, I can see that now, and see that I've been hoodwinked all these years about Charles Wesley, and that by Reformed men in pulpits. At least he's got his doctrine straightened out now he's in heaven, if a little too late to prevent damage in the churches.

Survey4/23/09 12:58 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
Ye are, and I was once, forgiven;
Jesus's doom did mine repeal;
I might, with you, have come to heaven,
Saved by the grace from which I fell.

A ransom for my soul was paid;
For mine, and every soul of man,
The Lamb a full atonement made,
The Lamb, for me and Judas slain.

I NEVER REALIZED THAT CHARLES WESLEY HELD TO SUCH STRANGE DOCTRINES, but then I suppose when Reformed men compiled their hymnbooks, they picked only hymns by the brothers which were doctrinally neutral. (Dodgy, eh?)

It's an amazing hymn this, but hardly a CURE FOR ANTINOMIANISM, rather detrimental I would say.

The reason that Charles Wesley penned this hymn was not as to provide an antidote for antinomianism, but rather, to highlight and buttress the Wesleyan doctrines of: Universal Atonement; the negation that GOD had anything to do with making a decree of reprobation; the ability of MAN ultimately to choose for salvation (rather than being elect from the foundation of the world); and promoting the doctrine that man could indeed LOSE his salvation!

"Strange Doctrines" indeed!
Quite Arminian all.

Survey4/23/09 12:33 PM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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pew view wrote:
Nuh John! If I do that then I'll have to get immersed, and I always find the damn thing gets all wet if I do that.
Ha! Oh well.....

Tell me something, psalm singer, seeing as I know little about this. The Psalter is 1650 is it, based on Calvin's psalter? To what tunes are these psalms sung, in your own and in other churches? Surely not hymn tunes? And are you aware of any churches who utilise plainchant or plainsong?

Now please note all the question marks after most of those sentences, so if I've made an incorrect assumption or got any facts wrong, there's no need to lambast me, just tell it as it is. Okay?

Survey4/23/09 11:49 AM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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John UK wrote:
Tell you what, why not travel all the way over to the 1689 and get it straighter and more understandable?
Nuh John! If I do that then I'll have to get immersed, and I always find the damn thing gets all wet if I do that.

Survey4/23/09 11:39 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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pew view wrote:
Oh why oh why John.
You're still trying to rob God and Christ from all the glory.
Still trying to give the nasty ole sinner a piece of the action.
Why oh why don't you give ALL the glory to God. It all belongs to him anyway.
What are we going to do with you John.
Never satisfied pew view, are you.

I quoted from the Larger Catechism about the 'wrought' and you still argue with me. Don't you agree with the Larger Catechism?

Tell you what, why not travel all the way over to the 1689 and get it straighter and more understandable?

wye said:
"Yes John it is a shock and one wonders why it hasn't been addressed or am I a bit slow?"

It's the tip of the iceberg bro. How many issues are not discussed today? So many churches have become real traditionalist, and will not seek the truth of scripture and get down to it. It amazes me, but there it is.

Survey4/23/09 11:39 AM
wye  Find all comments by wye
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'Wye oh Wye
That is a shock to the system. Man, what is going on? Infiltrators everywhere. And no decent Reformed church left anywhere roundabouts?'

Yes John it is a shock and one wonders why it hasn't been addressed or am I a bit slow?

Survey4/23/09 11:31 AM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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John UK wrote:
Wye oh Wye
That is a shock to the system. Man, what is going on? Infiltrators everywhere. And no decent Reformed church left anywhere roundabouts?
Pew View
But man must still repent and believe, because if he doesn't he will not be saved. Besides, faith and repentance are attitudes, and cannot be given as a gift, only wrought in the heart by the Spirit. And God still requires men to repent and believe, or they cannot be saved.
Oh why oh why John.

You're still trying to rob God and Christ from all the glory.
Still trying to give the nasty ole sinner a piece of the action.

Why oh why don't you give ALL the glory to God. It all belongs to him anyway.

What are we going to do with you John.

Survey4/23/09 11:25 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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wye wrote:
[URL=]]]Free Pres hymn bookl[/URL]
The above link has an interesting look at the Free Pres Church of Ulster hymn book and it came as a bit of a shock. Have a look.
I am not criticising that church nor am I exclusive psalmody-but it does make you consider that there is a safe refuge in the book of psalms in our worship rather than even the best of reformed men chosing the hymns??
Wye oh Wye

That is a shock to the system. Man, what is going on? Infiltrators everywhere. And no decent Reformed church left anywhere roundabouts?

Pew View
But man must still repent and believe, because if he doesn't he will not be saved. Besides, faith and repentance are attitudes, and cannot be given as a gift, only wrought in the heart by the Spirit. And God still requires men to repent and believe, or they cannot be saved.

Survey4/23/09 11:13 AM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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John UK wrote:
he REQUIRETH OF US repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ
Ah yes but John
Catechism he also say
Repentance and Faith are both GIFTS of God. - **NOT** of human origin!

Question 76: What is repentance unto life?
Answer: Repentance unto life is a saving grace, *WROUGHT* in the heart of a sinner *BY THE* Spirit and Word of God,

Q72: What is justifying faith?
A72: Justifying faith is a saving grace, *WROUGHT* in the heart of a sinner *BY THE* Spirit and word of God

Survey4/23/09 10:42 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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pew view wrote:
....According to this religious farce and fallacy the merits of Christ did not work for everybody. Such blasphemy is the belief system of those who teach that God can't save without man's help. Or teach that faith is man's own faculty. DIY salvation.
Sadly *and many shall follow their pernicious ways.*
Compare this with the Westminster Larger Catechism:
That we may escape the wrath and curse of God due to us by reason of the transgression of the law, he REQUIRETH OF US repentance toward God, and faith toward our Lord Jesus Christ, AND the DILLIGENT USE of the outward MEANS whereby Christ communicates to us the benefits of his mediation (A 153).

DIY salvation? I think not!

Get it on, pew view, and wop up the volume! Join the Jumpers like William Williams, and have the Great Jehovah guide you into a better haven than hyperman will ever show you.

Survey4/23/09 9:00 AM
pew view  Find all comments by pew view
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John UK wrote:
A ransom for my soul was paid;
For mine, and every soul of man,
The Lamb a full atonement made,
The Lamb, for me and Judas slain.

I never realised Charles Wesley

We can see from this that Wesley was a proper charlie when it came to the atonement/reconciliation by Christ.

Thus far better to sing the Hmns of God from the Book of Psalms - than proclaim the heretical ignorance of sinners.

Apparently Jesus died for quote "every soul" including Judas??? Another heretical piece of rubbish from the Anglican Wesley Arminians.

According to this religious farce and fallacy the merits of Christ did not work for everybody. Such blasphemy is the belief system of those who teach that God can't save without man's help. Or teach that faith is man's own faculty. DIY salvation.

Sadly *and many shall follow their pernicious ways.*



Survey4/23/09 8:49 AM
wye  Find all comments by wye
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'never realised Charles Wesley held to such strange doctrines, but then I suppose when Reformed men compiled their hymnbooks, they picked only hymns by the brothers which were doctrinally neutral. (Dodgy, eh?)'

Good point John.

I wonder why there are so few excellent hymn writers today-I don't mean the repetetive modern choruses! There seems to be a multitude of christian pop songs where the style and instruments etc. are influenced by the world, only the lyrics resemble something christian-you wouldn't know though unless you listen to most of them carefully for often they simply replicate the world's pop culture almost exactly from rap to country music to rock.

[URL=]]]Free Pres hymn bookl[/URL]

The above link has an interesting look at the Free Pres Church of Ulster hymn book and it came as a bit of a shock. Have a look.

I am not criticising that church nor am I exclusive psalmody-but it does make you consider that there is a safe refuge in the book of psalms in our worship rather than even the best of reformed men chosing the hymns??

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