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788 total votes have been cast on this survey | 39 user comments  ( edit survey )

With the rising violence, illicit sex, and decadent lifestyles associated with professional sports, Should a Christian -
Created: 11/22/2004 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 12 years ago
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 •   Totally separate themselves from professional sports.

 •   Not attend professional sporting events
  13% | 101 votes

 •   Sports do more good than harm
  4% | 31 votes

 •   There is nothing wrong with watching or attending sporting events.
  41% | 321 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  13% | 99 votes


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Survey8/29/13 4:48 PM
Disciple Don | United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Disciple Don
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David from Texas,

Amen to your comment, brother, you have affirmed what I have believed from God's word for some time.
2 Cor. 6:17 put the cap on it for me "Come out from them and be ye separate, says the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you."

Survey8/29/13 9:19 AM
Disciple Don | United States  Find all comments by Disciple Don
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jimbobgudg wrote:
going to the shops is essential sporting events are grown people acting like children ( when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child, i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things). i think our time should be spent worshiping God not footballers, we r of the wourld but keep us from the evels of it

Survey11/23/08 3:51 PM
jimbobgudg | hastings uk  Find all comments by jimbobgudg
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going to the shops is essential sporting events are grown people acting like children ( when i was a child i spake as a child i understood as a child, i thought as a child but when i became a man i put away childish things). i think our time should be spent worshiping God not footballers, we r of the wourld but keep us from the evels of it

Survey10/24/07 5:04 PM
rpc70706 | Baton Rouge, Louisiana  Go to homepageFind all comments by rpc70706
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There is rising violence, illicit sex, and decadent lifestyles among the clerks and cashiers at the grocery store, should we stop going to the grocery store or checking out their ads?

Survey6/4/07 3:42 PM
33k  Find all comments by 33k
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Thanks for the link Neil.

Survey6/1/07 11:29 AM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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33K, see

Trivia: It troubled some clergy that Prez Lincoln was in a theatre when he was assassinated. Lincoln cultivated friendships with players & was an amateur critic who enjoyed Shakespeare; J.W. Booth was from a prominent family of actors, which was why he could reach Lincoln's box merely by flashing his calling card.

Survey6/1/07 2:35 AM
33k  Find all comments by 33k
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Any other sources for the concern over stage plays and acting other than Baxter (presumably in his Directory)?

Imported bears only btw.

Survey5/31/07 8:26 PM
Neil | Tucson  Find all comments by Neil
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Puritan Richard Baxter recommended these "lawful recreations" in the 1670's:

Take a walk & enjoy the Creation
Talk with godly friends
Read edifying books

He had a problem with stage plays, card games (I suppose because gambling accompanied them), & sports like bear-baiting.

Survey5/31/07 6:21 PM
Matt | Northwest  Find all comments by Matt
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Next thing you know Christians are gonna think that they can't play sports. Well I for one am gonna pick up my bowling balls every tuesday night, go down to the lanes, and bowl with all those people who cuss, get drunk, and talk about immoral things, because I for one can be a light to them. I've had many people come up to me and ask me why I don't cuss, drink, etc... and I get a chance to tell them about God. And I for one don't think it's wrong to watch pro sports, especially golf, when the guy who won the US Open praised God for his victory (and it was true praise, not just pointing to the heavens and all that other stuff)

Survey5/20/07 12:24 AM
Abigail | Oregon  Find all comments by Abigail
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Jesus said,"For from within, out of the heart of men, proceed evil thoughts, adulteries, fornications, murders, thefts, covetousness, wickedness, deceit, lasciviousness, an evil eye, blasphemy, pride, foolishness: All these evil things come from within, and defile the man." (Mark 7:21-23).

In the light of heaven and hell, almost everything that is going on in the world today is foolishness--that includes sports. Each team prays that they will win--a foolish prayer--as if God is concerned about who wins a foolish game.

We should be about our Father's business attending to the salvation of souls. Why is it that Christians are so sensually motivated that they are blind to the calling of God? Why do they think that involving themselves with the world is the way to witness?

"Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you, And will be a Father unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Almighty." (Rom. 6:17-18).

Survey5/15/07 10:42 PM
Sattamander | So Cal  Find all comments by Sattamander
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Toss the TV period! We MUST break away from the Status Quo. We are called OUT of the world. Please take this test. Go 2 to 4 weeks without TV and then turn it back on. You will be amazed at all the trash that is on and how you had been desensetized to it.

TV in itself is not evil, like anything else its the content. TV today seems to fall to the lowest common denominator. Remember, garbage in, garbage out.

Survey8/11/06 10:21 PM
Christina E | VA  
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Be in the world but not of it...use discretion, as with ALL parts of modern life in the world of today - and always.

Survey7/16/06 2:32 PM
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A person is much better off in a sanctuary than in a stadium. Boycott the showbiz of the sports world....and toss out the TV if needed. Replace it with more wholesome activities.

Survey7/16/06 9:42 AM
Tim Smith | NW Indiana  Contact via email
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Romans 1:32?

Survey11/19/05 12:15 PM
David | Texas  Contact via email
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Not watching/attending/supporting professional sports should be an easy decision for Christian desiring to "redeem the time given us." Other than being a total waste of time, the sexual conduct displayed on screen - especially at the games - is such that I'd have to wonder what logic a Christian is using to continue viewing/supporting that cesspool.
Is the NFL holy? We are commanded to keep the Sabbath holy. Or is it in the minds of some that we only have to do one hour each Lords Day to keep it holy? I don't recall that commandment calling it Sabbath Hour (hour and a 1/2, 2 hours, whatever: it's the whole day). The whole day should be kept in prayer, meditation, God's Word, Worship and praise of Him who gave us this day of rest.
Discerned Believer is correct when he says, "When the world sees a different lifestyle and the joy we glean from it, in Christ, then and only then will rhey see the true light of the gospel."
I do, however, take exception when it comes to drinking alcohol. I drink wine/beer in my own home and wine at communion. To say drinking alcohol is a sin is to say that Christ is a sinner and caused others to sin by turning water "into the BEST wine" at the wedding. Paul also said wine is good for your stomach. The issue is with those who sin by getting drunk.

Survey11/17/05 6:13 AM
Discerned Believer  
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Don: "What would the world be like if Christians were so unusual in the peace and joy we have in Christ, that the world would stop to watch us and want some of whatever we've got."

From the discussion on the alcohol thread, the world really doesn't see a difference between the majority of Christians and themselves. That is why we will never see a true revival of holiness in this world. Souls are not coming to Christ because the Christian church for the most part is becomming apostate.

We are to be in the world of darkness, carrying the light of the world, that is the gospel of Jesus Christ. We are not to be OF the world. We are more concerned about people robbing us of our liberty to drink booze, than we are of telling the world and showing the world about Christ.

When the world sees a different lifestyle and the joy we glean from it, in Christ, then and only then will rhey see the true light of the gospel.

Unfortunatlely, they are seeing the same old lifestyles of the world in Christianity, including adultery, fornication and domestic violence.

Survey11/16/05 4:41 PM
Don | Southwest Florida  
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Sex Volence...

It's not just in sports! Look at (or better yet don't look at) prime time television.

Sports is a reflection of the society in which we live. In the work place, the volence may not be physical, but gossip can be just as bad. And sex... I'ts there too.

What would the world be like if Christians were so unusual in the peace and joy we have in Christ, that the world would stop to watch us and want some of whatever we've got.

Survey11/16/05 3:58 PM
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Sports used to play a very honorable role in our nation. They were a fun and healthy way to prepare young boys and men for war. Now they're riddled with corrupt ethics and politics and are one more thing to make our country look bad. Of course they, like other aspects of our culture are a symptom of a greater illness. Sports need to be restored back to the honorable place they once held, and that won't happen until a lot of things turn around in our nation.

Survey11/16/05 3:29 PM
bolary | bole  
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With the rising violence, illicit sex, and decadent lifestyles... - in society and all around you today :-

Should a Christian separate themselves completely from the world???

If we did, we'd be redundant.

"I pray not that thou shouldest take them out of the world....."Jn.17:15

Survey9/6/05 8:21 PM
peter j sena | Worcester MA  Contact via email
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All of life belongs to God.How we live is a form of worship. If sports and a decadent lifestyle is your bag then great. God is a good God who gave you the gift of life. If you choose to honor God in Your vocation being thankful and bringing glory to Him then if sports is your thing I believe it is fine
But seems to me sports is a pagan worship service. I know I used to attend and be a card holding member.
To all things to God Give The Glory

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