Girl wrote:I agree with women wearing hats and/or covering in church, but I don't agree that it's to show their 'subjection to men'. It is to show they are under the authority AND protetion of either their father or thier husband, and certainly not ALL MEN as is implied here. Women may be subject to A man, but not ALL men, otherwise we would end up like the catholics, who teach their women that whatever the priest says for you to do must be right, and you cannot do wrong in doing it. This opens a very dangerous door, to my mind.
"The child of God who appreciates the wonder of God in establishing and maintaining this covenant relationship, and who desires to enjoy covenant fellowship with God, will therefore want to observe the weekly Sabbath, will strive properly to keep it, and will long to enjoy the everlasting Sabbath in heaven.
The rest that God gives His people on the Sabbath Day is the rest of the covenant.
That the Sabbath is a day of rest is clear from three considerations. First, the word "sabbath" means "rest." Second, God called Israel's weekly Sabbath "the sabbath of rest" (Ex. 31:15, 35:2; Lev. 23:3; see also Ex. 16:23). Third, God's law prescribes that on the Sabbath Day we rest from our ordinary daily labor (Ex. 20:10; Deut. 5:14).
Although God's law requires us to cease from our ordinary labors, the true nature of the Sabbath rest is not physical, to be enjoyed in the body, but spiritual, to be enjoyed in the soul.
He who thinks of Sunday as merely a day of physical recreation, or a day on which to catch up on sleep, does not understand the true nature of the Sabbath rest. He who thinks that going to church twice is in itself the keeping of the Sabbath, and so ignores the opportunity that the Sabbath provides to grow in grace.... "(Rev D.Kuiper)
Doctor WOMI wrote:Head?Let's try to work from the bottom up first.I think maybe, covering their thighs and chest would be a good start.
R. S Graziotin wrote:No truer word said . What is happenning with our convictions about modesty??
Let's try to work from the bottom up first.
I think maybe, covering their thighs and chest would be a good start.
[URL=]]]Is the Headcovering Really an Issue?[/URL]
Pastor Philip Lazar, India wrote:Dear Christiana, How do you adorn the doctrine of God according to (Titus 2:10)? Why Ap.Paul admonishes a pastor to take care of their “conduct” in the church (1 Tim 3:15) and to be an example “in Conduct” (1 Tim 4:12); and Ap.Peter admonishes the wives that by their gospel-exalting “pure conduct” can win their husbands to Christ (1 Pet 3:1-2)?. Cont...
I do not contend with the word of God, or with your presentation; however, I do contend with some whose interpretation is without grace, and beyond what Scripture says. Those pastors who are on the SA site are Ovadall and Morecraft.
Pastor Derek Carlsen, on the other hand rightly presents what God says on the matter - no more and no less.
Sorry, I don't know how to link his message.
Thank you for your concern.
johninatlanta wrote:Christians should not waste their emotional energy and time on these debatable matters....too many souls out there headed for hell and thats where we should be focusing.
"O foolish Galations, who bewitched you, into following a different gospel?" "Having been delivered, are you now seeking to establish your own righteousness?" This is very grievous to the work of the Holy Spirit. Eternal rules and regulations serve no purpose towards salvation. From the heart of one "born again" springs of living water flow.
To Mrs. Sandra M. who posted regarding headcoverings on 9/21/08 on sermon preached: "Don't adhere to a system of legalism." Jesus Christ has set us free! Don't get tangled up in legalism. Muslim women wear headcoverings. Do you want to be associated with them and their false god? This is very disturbing that a pastor would advocate such.
1. Because of heavenly presence in the gathered Christ's community 1 Cor 11:10(Lk 15:10; Heb 12:22; 1 Pet 1:12)
2. It's apostolic direction in all churches that should be followed 1 Cor 11:16.
If any argument that rise against these reasons given by the apostle,than that person and exegete is called as a "contentious"
Comment will be answered.
Pastor. Philip Lazar, India
These girls shame us men more often then not.
I'm glad to meet you
You made a very excellent point. The scripture teaches that the wives are to be under the authority of THEIR OWN husbands, not all men in general just as husbands are to LOVE THEIR OWN wives. Your first and foremost authority as well as the men is to God himself and the Lord Jesus Christ, who is the Head of the church.
I have found that most fundamentalist men, baptist in particular, treat ALL women like they are second rate and should submit to ALL men, not just their own husbands.
I speak as a man and say that that attitude is a disgrace to biblical Christianity and is a mockery to the command of our Lord Jesus Christ.
After researching this text my wife and I have decided that when she is placed in a situation (public or private) where it may appear that Christianity has "turned the world upside down" concerning traditional gender roles she should have "a symbol of authority on her head;"i.e. a prayer veil that covers her whole head. This is "because of the angels" (v. 10) not the culture. We also agree that this is in addition to her long hair which God has graciously provided as a covering for her as she worships and prays on an ongoing basis.