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585 total votes have been cast on this survey | 53 user comments  ( edit survey )

On what day of the week do you think Christ was crucified
Created: 3/28/2008 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 14 years ago
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Survey4/9/10 2:38 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What is not to understand? Jesus was Crucified on Friday.
I didn't say I didn't understand. I said you make no sense. First you ask "What difference does it make when Jesus was Crucified?" Then you state "Only someone who's mind is totally wacked out disputes that Jesus was Crucified on Friday."


Survey4/9/10 2:09 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Mike wrote:
I hate to tell you this, John Y, but you make no sense.
What is not to understand? Jesus was Crucified on Friday.

Survey4/3/10 11:25 PM
Jason | OTR Driver  Find all comments by Jason
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For sometime I held to the death of Christ to be a day other than Friday primarily to the statement of "three days and three nights" being literal. But when aone emamines all the other evidences to include scientific decomposion of the human body then you can understand why indeed He was buried on a Friday.

Survey3/28/10 1:34 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John Yurich USA wrote:
What difference does it make when Jesus was Crucified? Most Evangelical Protestants are normal and accept that Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Only someone who's mind is totally wacked out disputes that Jesus was Crucified on Friday.
I hate to tell you this, John Y, but you make no sense.

Survey3/28/10 9:48 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John Y
Haven't you gotten things wrong? Nobody who is normal counts three days and three nights from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. Even honest Roman Catholics ought to be able to count.
For what it is worth I came across a good examination of what day of the week Jesus died on. Comments?
What difference does it make when Jesus was Crucified? Most Evangelical Protestants are normal and accept that Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Only someone who's mind is totally wacked out disputes that Jesus was Crucified on Friday.

Survey3/27/10 12:44 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Nobody who is normal questions that Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Why are you being abnormal? Why are you questioning that Jesus was Crucified on Friday?
John Y
Haven't you gotten things wrong? Nobody who is normal counts three days and three nights from Friday afternoon to Sunday morning. Even honest Roman Catholics ought to be able to count.

For what it is worth I came across a good examination of what day of the week Jesus died on. Comments?

Survey3/27/10 12:00 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Mike wrote:
So then John Y, how did you fit 3 days and 3 nights between Friday late afternoon or evening, and Sunday morning before sunrise?
Nobody who is normal questions that Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Why are you being abnormal? Why are you questioning that Jesus was Crucified on Friday?

Survey3/27/10 10:37 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Any normal Protestant and Evangelical Protestant believes that. Only someone who is wacked out of their mind does not believe that Jesus was Crucified on Friday.
So then John Y, how did you fit 3 days and 3 nights between Friday late afternoon or evening, and Sunday morning before sunrise?

Survey3/27/10 8:26 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Jesus was Crucified on Friday. Any normal Protestant and Evangelical Protestant believes that. Only someone who is wacked out of their mind does not believe that Jesus was Crucified on Friday.

Survey4/11/09 12:47 PM
Kevin H. | Alabama, United States  Contact via emailFind all comments by Kevin H.
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Jesus is nailed at 9 in the morning; He dies at 3. There is darkness over the face of the earth from 12 until 3. He is taken down betwee 5 amd 6;He is put in the tomb at 6 in the evening. His body is in the tomb all night Wednesday night(1),all night Thursday night (2),and all night Friday night (3). His body is in the tomb all day Thursday (1), all day Friday (2), all day Saturday (3), and comes out of the tomb after 6 Saturday evening, which is the beginning of the first day of the week. A Jewish "first day" begins at 6 Saturday evening, and the morning would be 6 Sunday morning.

Survey1/17/09 5:32 PM
SC | England  Find all comments by SC
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Mike wrote:
Good. It's hard to rightly divide without division.
Well said!

Survey1/17/09 9:44 AM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by DJC49
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John UK wrote:
Is it possible that 'the third day' refers to 'the third working day'? As there were two sabbaths during this week, during which men could not work.
John UK,
Short answer: no.

Survey1/17/09 9:25 AM
John UK | Wales  Find all comments by John UK
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Is it possible that 'the third day' refers to 'the third working day'? As there were two sabbaths during this week, during which men could not work.

Survey11/8/08 4:21 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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Two Sabbath's occured on the week of Jesus' crucifixion. Matthew 28:1 is in the plural. John 19:31 speaks of a special Sabbath (N.I.V.) that is other than the regular Sabbath.

Survey7/19/08 2:10 PM
Tidbit  Find all comments by Tidbit
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The Lone Wolf wrote:
.on the first day of the week which corresponds to our Sunday, backing up 3 nights and 3 days.
Saturday 6PM to Sunday 6AM = one night.
Saturday 6AM to Saturday 6PM = one day
Friday 6PM to Saturday 6AM = two nights
Friday 6AM to Friday 6PM = two days
Thursday 6PM to Friday 6AM = three nights
Thursday 6AM to Thursday 6PM = three days. So positing a Thursday afternoon crucifixion would fulfill the prophetical three days and three nights as well as resurrecting on the third day.
Just a tidbit of info that I learned from Jewish friends. .their day started at evening. In Genesis we read, there was evening and morning, one day, evening and morning, a second day, and so on. So, 6 p.m. Thurs. for us would be the beginning of Friday for them.

Survey5/24/08 8:00 PM
Elkin M. Kaufman | Walker, La.  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by Elkin M. Kaufman
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One last word if the Lord permit, The Word of God is to be proclaimed, not argued , not disputed,Christ came into yhe world to save only lost sinners His word is true wether you beleive it or not. It is to be proclaimed, not debated.There is ownly two things a sinner needs to know,one that heis a sinner, two that Christ died to save him from his sins, not in his sins.

Survey5/24/08 6:06 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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Mike wrote:
Hey DJC49, is there a pattern here? I notice if the words are not acceptable enough to stand as spoken, you say it is because they are spoken in "a spiritual sense." Can you explain what that means exactly? Which of the words do not mean what the words say? Three? Days? Nights? Earth? What is the "spiritual" definition of these? When Jesus said this would be "as Jonah was three days and three nights in the whale's belly..." was that also said in a "spiritual sense"? What is a spiritual whale, anyway?
I hope you visited either one of the 2 websites that I provided hyperlinks for & read the elucidating explanation of what "in the heart of the earth" means as found in Mt 12:40.

Look. There's an existential impossibility which arises if both Mt 12:40 & the 14 NT Scriptural passages which speak of "the THIRD day" are LITERALLY true. Something can NOT happen after 3 days & 3 nights AND on "the third day!"

Since we KNOW that both MUST be true, there exists only the solution that we have to be interpreting either Mt 12:40 incorrectly or all of the other 14 verses incorrectly. The KEY is understanding that the phrase "HEART of the earth" IS spiritual & metaphorical. Or did you think that Christ was 3 days & nights at the earth's core?

Survey5/24/08 4:25 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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jille wrote:
I am convinced that all these 'surveys' do is cause division.
Good. It's hard to rightly divide without division.

Survey5/24/08 4:19 PM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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jille wrote:
I am convinced that all these 'surveys' do is cause division. Too much time is wasted on personal views, then debated with scripture as to whose view is right. Christ did not call us to argue and disagree amongst ourselves,
What a great idea?
Stifle Debate??????

Read your Bible and note how Christ debated with the Pharisees/Sadducees - and I'm sure many other people.

Please don't discourage communication between Christians - after all what we exchange is doctrine and all too often that never happens in the church.
Debate helps to sharpen the knowledge and understanding of Scripture. I'm very glad that I can meet with people of all types of doctrine on this site, and enjoy a good debate with the Biblical knowledge which grows in me.
In recent times the Comment/debate threads have become somewhat bare, which is a great pity.

May the Lord continue to bring an exchange of views that all may enjoy and grow within.
And bless those with the courage to do so.

Survey5/24/08 4:18 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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Elkin M. Kaufman wrote:
Jille; thanks for the reprimand. It is well taken. From now on I will pay heed to "1st Timothy 1;4 Neither give heed to fables and endless genealogies, which minister questions, rather than Godly edifying which is in faith: so do." I appologise you are right my time would be much better spent in prayer. By His Grace my name will not appear on these surveys again thanks again. We need people like you yo keep us straight
In other words ...


You are doing a disservice by hosting these surveys and forums. In this 21st Century, the Body of Christ is too thin-skinned, hasn't attained to any spiritual maturity, and can't argue/debate the points of the Christian Faith, without some of the participants feeling overly guilty about expressing and debating any theological point of view.

It's a blessed thing that posters such as *jille* are around to remind us that we Christians can not talk about anything, and that we'd be better off as cloisted monks continuously in prayer or as full-time evengelists wearing sackcloth and eating locusts.

Convicted Poster #227


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