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111 total votes have been cast on this survey | 11 user comments  ( edit survey )

Does your pastor preach open air?
Created: 5/24/2009 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
Disclaimer: These surveys are created by PLUS or FULL Members of the site and, unless specified, are not created by the SermonAudio staff nor do they necessarily reflect the site's position on any topic.

 •   Absolutely not! That would offend people!
  4% | 4 votes

 •   No! That would give our church a bad reputation.

 •   No! We invite people to our church so they might hear the gospel.
  33% | 37 votes

 •   He used to but doesn't any more.
  14% | 15 votes

 •   Yes! And we support him in our prayers and go with him as we are able.
  28% | 31 votes

 •   No answer. Skip this survey, I do not care to vote on this topic.
  22% | 24 votes


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Survey8/11/09 2:00 PM
Norman Smith  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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Thanks for that...


Survey8/11/09 1:41 PM
Buy online  Find all comments by Buy online
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Norman Smith wrote:
A request to any beloved brother or sister :-
Would someone who lives in America be willing to buy and send me some of the gospel tracts produced by Ralph Ovadal ...Heaven or hell... and also ...The value of a soul..please.
It would be classed as going the extra mile for a brother, i realise, but i could send a check by return to cover all costs,or pay you via paypal.
sadly there doesnt seem any way of purchasing them direct from Pastor Ovadal to England.
Many thanks to anyone who would be willing to do this for me.
Re the pastor preaches in the open air,and i am blessed with being able to do so as well.
What a privelage this is...but its actually heart breaking to see the lost on their way to a Christless eternity.

You can order the tracts online through the following SA store:

[URL=]]]Pilgrim Covenant Church[/URL]

Pay for it online and order the quantities required.

Hope that this helps.

Survey8/9/09 4:40 PM
Norman Smith | New Haw, Addlestone,Surrey  Contact via emailFind all comments by Norman Smith
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A request to any beloved brother or sister :-

Would someone who lives in America be willing to buy and send me some of the gospel tracts produced by Ralph Ovadal ...Heaven or hell... and also ...The value of a soul..please.

It would be classed as going the extra mile for a brother, i realise, but i could send a check by return to cover all costs,or pay you via paypal.

sadly there doesnt seem any way of purchasing them direct from Pastor Ovadal to England.

Many thanks to anyone who would be willing to do this for me.


Re the pastor preaches in the open air,and i am blessed with being able to do so as well.

What a privelage this is...but its actually heart breaking to see the lost on their way to a Christless eternity.

Survey7/20/09 10:30 PM
3j3  Find all comments by 3j3
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I sure do like this question, and the comments below.

Here is a good sermon on the 501c3 issue:


Survey6/8/09 6:29 PM
San Jose John | San Jose, CA  Find all comments by San Jose John
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Not "open air" but on-the-air.

Thankfully our pastor has been given the capacity to preach on local Christian radio 6 days a week, enabling God to use him to reach many more people than those in our own local assembly.

Survey6/5/09 4:59 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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I have been wondering for some time another question:

"Does your pastor even PREACH AGAINST the evil things going on in this country and PREACH FOR the things God Himself tells us that we should be doing as His children from the "saftey" of the pulpit in the church?"

Perhaps we shouldn't expect 'seminary graduates' to be on the street preaching Jesus Christ and the obedience of faith if they aren't first so convicted themselves to first preach, really preach to their own congregations.

Survey5/30/09 6:20 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Overcomer wrote:
Most pastors don't do any public witnessing, because they simply don't have a passion for the lost,or that's not their "ministry". Jesus is a private matter, to only be uttered within the four walls of their 501(c)3 churches. Then there is the whole ridicule and rejection issue, that plays into open air preaching. The flesh craves positive attention, and hates rejection. Oh! if only more men of God would count the cost and with great joy proclaim Christ to a lost and dying world!
Do you preach open air? If you don't please prayerfully consider the matter as to God's will for you and what and who He may have you labor in prayer for.

I really like the last part of your post: "Oh! if only more men of God would count the cost and with great joy proclaim Christ to a lost and dying world!"

Amen and Amen!

Survey5/27/09 4:38 PM
Overcomer | USA  Find all comments by Overcomer
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Most pastors don't do any public witnessing, because they simply don't have a passion for the lost,or that's not their "ministry". Jesus is a private matter, to only be uttered within the four walls of their 501(c)3 churches. Then there is the whole ridicule and rejection issue, that plays into open air preaching. The flesh craves positive attention, and hates rejection. Oh! if only more men of God would count the cost and with great joy proclaim Christ to a lost and dying world!

Survey5/26/09 5:29 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Thank you for sharing about your church. May God raise up more who go out to minister and tell of Jesus Christ.

Sadly in many churches there is no outreach in any real sense of the word.

No, a pastor is not expected to do everything. But then there is the "big name" pastor who decries church visitation let alone open air preaching.


Survey5/26/09 12:26 AM
coora | Australia  Find all comments by coora
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Our pastor does not, but other members of the church community do. Why is the pastor expected to do everything? Our church visits backpacker hostels and teenage hangouts with tracts and sometimes free sausage sizzles. We also have regular devotional services in old peoples homes and visit individual rooms when we're there.
But no the pastor does not stand on a street corner to preach except at Christmas and Easter when open air song services are held in a park.

Survey5/25/09 8:44 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Perhaps this survey should have also included something like ... No, But our church goes weekly door to door telling people of Christ with anyone willing to listen. Several Churches in the Southern U.S. still do this.

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