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Is the gospel of Roman Catholicism the same as the Gospel as revealed in the Bible?
Created: 9/12/2004 | Last Vote: 14 years ago | Comment: 13 years ago
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Survey8/3/11 3:43 PM
Fwer2  Find all comments by Fwer2
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Jim Lincoln wrote:
Actually, Augustine, wasn't a good Calvinist, He was always a good Catholic
Rubbish Jim.

You four pointers demonstrate a lack of true Calvinism which illustrates itself in theological as well as historic judgment. Augustine on election and reprobation was absolutely correct. If the Lord is going to act in election then clearly he acts in reprobation otherwise universalism would be the final result. You can't cut the Lord out of either just to suit your human emotional judgments.

"As for the leaders of the church in other ages, Spurgeon's saying has been already quoted: "You may take a step from Paul to Augustine, then from Augustine to Calvin, and then-well, you may keep your foot up a good while before you find such another." When he visited the Simplon Hospice, he said, "I was delighted to find that they are Augustine monks, because, next to Calvin, I love Augustine. I feel that Augustine was the great mine out of which Calvin digged his mental wealth; and the Augustine monks, in practising their holy charity, seemed to say: 'Our Master was a teacher of grace, and we will practice it, and give without money and without price to all comers whatsoever they need.'" (W.Y.Fullerton)

Survey8/3/11 2:56 PM
Jim Lincoln | Nebraska  Find all comments by Jim Lincoln
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Actually, Augustine, wasn't a good Calvinist, He was always a good Catholic and he rejected the idea of election. When he did support it, he supported double predestination, i.e., not only were there people destined to be saved, but also destined to be forever condemned, (or maybe not.) q.v., [URL=]]]Double Or Nothing: Martin Luther's Doctrine of Predestination[/URL]. Churches both Catholic and Protestant barrow what they want from Augustine, who was no more the 13th apostle than Calvin was) and one thing Augustine espoused (and my church doesn't support double-predestination) was the state was suppose to support the church with it's power. One thing for certain, [URL=]]]Roman Catholic Tradition[/URL] has little to do with the Bible.

Survey8/3/11 10:03 AM
converting Biblio  Find all comments by converting Biblio
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Here is a RCC topic thread for you to play with.

Bibliophile wrote:
For 1,500 years the Roman Catholic Church did not just fumble the Gospel Football -- it never had it. All souls were lost as a result.
Then one day a monk read the Bible and found the Gospel Football contained in the phrase Sola Fide (Circa 1520). Once folks knew of Sola Fide, they were saved.

How does this 1,500 year salvation gap square with Jesus' promise?

"I will never leave you nor forsake you."

During these 1500 years, - [which I presume is the period up to the Reformation?] - the RCC was split between Augustine's (a good Calvinist) theology - and Cassian's semi-Pelagian (Arminian) theology.

Thus some of those working under the Roman umbrella during this period were Christians, as opposed to the papist works based religious theory.

[URL=]]]Semi-Pelagian Theology of John Cassian[/URL]

Survey3/21/09 6:19 PM
16 Benes Later  Find all comments by 16 Benes Later
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"Is the gospel of Roman Catholicism the same as the Gospel as revealed in the Bible?"

No but it does have a natural affinity with Free Willers everywhere. Thus both work towards a synonymous goal.

Survey11/13/08 4:13 PM
Swift  Find all comments by Swift
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"Is the gospel of Roman Catholicism the same as the Gospel as revealed in the Bible?"


Just ask GG.

As all Catholics know the Tradition of the church has "extended" the Scriptures, each time IL Papa has uttered ex cathedra.

Survey11/11/08 4:39 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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When I witness to Catholics....I ask them to define why they believe they are Christians. Then...I ask them to tell me how they know they are Christians. Once this is established...then I ask if I can compare what they believe versus what the Bible teaches. I usually carry in my breifcase a Catachism and a Catholic Bible. I have presented the gospel of God's grace in this way to Catholics God had given me opportunity to witness to.

Survey9/7/08 3:36 PM
Doug | eastern Virginia  Go to homepageFind all comments by Doug
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For all Catholics who think their Gospel is the same as the Protestant Gospel, please allow me to refer you to, the site of a man who had been a Catholic priest over 20 years before coming to a knowledge of the truth as found in Reformed Theology.

Survey8/9/08 8:09 AM
truthcontender | CT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by truthcontender
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Excellent teaching on this subject by Mike Gendron:

His website:

Survey7/31/08 8:10 PM
preacherjond  Find all comments by preacherjond
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NO! It teaches salvation by ones own works-- the same as all religion outside of true Christianity. The Bible teaches salvation by faith alone in Jesus Christ alone, thru His finished work alone, by hearing of the Word of God alone. Amen.

Survey7/31/08 8:06 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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No, because salvation is of the Lord and that alone. That is what the Bible says. It is not the Lord plus popes, and God could have made that very clear in the Scriptures if such was to be the true gospel.

Survey7/31/08 7:54 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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Catholic wrote:
Nice to see how charitable you are towards other Christians but then I suppose you don't think a Catholic is a Christian.
Catholic from England
I hope you don't mind my replying to your post.

I want you to think about Jesus Christ and what it really means to know Him as one's Lord and Savior and to be known by Him. You might consider there is an eternal difference in knowing religious things about Him and His death on the Cross and His willingly shedding His blood for us and His resurrection from the dead and not getting it that He alone, by Himself alone, can save one from their sins

with knowing Him, really knowing Him in the new birth in the Holy Ghost as Lord and Savior.

You might ask:
Is He really God our Creator
Is He good does He care about me
Is He Holy does His very being command my obedient worship
Have I sinned against Him? Am I a sinner by nature and choice deserving nothing but hell unable to save myself?

Will the Roman Catholic Religion utterly fail to make me pleasing and accpetable to God in the day when I stand before Him?

Can He and He alone save me? Can He and He alone change me and make me pleasing and acceptable to God?

Is He willing to save me now and make me one of His own?

Survey7/31/08 6:36 PM
Catholic | England  Find all comments by Catholic
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The Lone Wolf wrote:
I was raised RC and know what I am talking about. You are forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures without the proper interpretation of the clergy.
Jesus said that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."
Nice to see how charitable you are towards other Christians but then I suppose you don't think a Catholic is a Christian. Please note however that it is wise to get your facts straight. I read the Bible whenever I want. I do not have to ask any priest's permission or his interpretation of the Gospel. He would find that really strange that I don't have a mind of my own. Of course I tend to accept the Church's interpretation otherwise I wouldn't choose to remain a Catholic. If I disagreed on a lot of things, I would find another church.
Yours in Christ

Survey7/9/08 2:53 PM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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If anyone who seriously considers that the gospel of Roman Catholicism is the same Gospel as revealed in the Bible is, as politely as I can word this, out of their mind.

Offically in the Catechism of the Roman Catholic Church, CCC 841, endorsed by the late John Paul II Roman Catholics and Muslims worship the same "god".

Since Jesus Christ is NOT Allah, the false God of the Muslims
And since Allah is NOT Jesus Christ, the Son of God, God our Creator

the Roman Catholic Religion hasn't even gotten it right on who God is and since they haven't whatever gospel they have invented it false from its roots up.

So let me ask a question, Why would anyone, "reformed", "Calvinists", "Baptist", "Pentecostal" anyone what to dialogue with to find common ground with let alone cooperate with, imitate, adopt their religious practises or praise Roman Catholics as being good Christians? Why not instead do all we might rightly do to see them saved?

Survey7/7/08 3:26 PM
The Lone Wolf | Crying in the Wilderness  Find all comments by The Lone Wolf
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It is ANOTHER gospel, not the gospel of the bible and is an accursed gospel. It is a works based salvation. Try to get to theaven the best way you can, through Mary,St. Jude, St. Christopher, the Pope. It is based on doing the sacraments and good works, praying the rosary, confessing your sins to the priest, all works of self effort. And if you works aren't good enough your family can pay the priest to say enough masses to maybe get your soul out of purgatory. I was raised RC and know what I am talking about. You are forbidden to read the Holy Scriptures without the proper interpretation of the clergy.

Jesus said that "I am the way, the truth and the life, no man comes to the Father but by me."

Survey7/7/08 3:09 PM
Minnow  Find all comments by Minnow
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No! No! a thousand times NO!!!

See this for the heretical "additions" of the papal antichrists teachings.

[URL=]]]The Satanic Deceit of the Roman Catholic Church[/URL]

(Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones)

Survey11/11/04 8:35 AM
Mike | New York  
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"Tomorrow go ye down against them: behold, they come up by the cliff of Ziz; and ye shall find them at the end of the brook, before the wilderness of Jeruel." (2Chron.20:16)

Survey11/11/04 8:28 AM
Walt | Michigan  
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"And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up, thou bald head.

***And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood, and tare forty and two children of them.***

And he went from thence to mount Carmel, and from thence he returned to Samaria" (2Kings2:23-25).

Survey11/11/04 8:21 AM
Mike | New York  
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2Kings2:23 says "And he went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up by the way, there came forth little children out of the city, and mocked him and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; go up thou bald head.

Survey11/11/04 5:05 AM
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You said,
"USA = nice, Christian country where democratic freedom is the cornerstone. Like Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Nigeria and Iran.
(not to say there aren't other good things, just rubbing your nose in it)"

I don't know if this was meant for me or not but if it was I'm a Canadian.

May God Bless His people in the USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia and all over the world.

Survey11/11/04 4:43 AM
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Chris said,
"You claim to uphold God's sovereignity yet you seem to suggest that God himself has to wait for a person to die before he can punish them!! (shaking my head}"

No Chris I asked YOU A QUESTION. Here it is again "Or do you think he waits till they die and then judges them?"
As you can see I asked you a question, I did not suggest that God had to wait for a person to die before he can punish them as a matter of fact before the question I said, "Don't you think God can take vengence and repay through the DP."
Please don't take my words out of context.

You said,
"Leave mans death to God Yvonne"

Yes Chris leave mans death to God even if it is by the DP! God is Sovereign.

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