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StickySticky Post  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by
• 2/22/2008 1:48 AM
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To all forum users,

All surveys are now open for comments. We ask that the forum policies be honored and all comments be relevant to the survey topic.

Thank you.

StickySticky Post  Protected NameContact via emailFind all comments by
• 4/18/2007 11:08 PM
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We also welcome any suggestions for new feature requests in this particular thread. We cannot promise that we'll be able to implement everything, but we'll definitely look into it! Thank you for your continued support and participation.

Survey4/26/18 9:22 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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So, Sermon Audio, are the surveys open for comments or not?

Just asking...

Survey5/3/10 1:05 PM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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RtG wrote:
Why have you removed access to the "surveys"??

Are you working towards the death of the survey?

John UK wrote:
I wrote in about this a couple of weeks ago, and the reply I got indicated that the survey section is indeed being slowly phased out. It is a deep sadness bro.
I also wrote to Sermon Audio regarding this same topic and was told essentially the same thing as John UK. I was also told that we would still be able to post on the "News Articles." If one scans down through the list of "News Articles" and then does the same with the "Survey Questions," he will soon see that there is no comparison between the relevance and value of the one over the other. Some of the "News Articles" are not fit for Christian reading, much less for Christian discussion.

"For it is a shame even to speak of those things which are done of them in secret." Eph 5:12

In all fairness to SA, I was told that they didn't have the manpower to manage the "Survey Questions." I can understand that, but is there no other solution?

I am very disappointed, to say the least, but I think it might have been prudent for SA to notify the Users of their website of their decision to phase out the "Member Surveys" section.

Survey5/3/10 4:07 AM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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RtG wrote:
Thanks for that John. Yes indeed if it does go I too will miss it. But we have observed such a decline in Christians (and others) who come on the board to share and debate. Big loss to Christian communication.
Listening to sermons is great and an essential part of Church on line. But chat is also an important part of any church too, especially when it is difficult to find people who comprehend where you are coming from.
God Bless.
Quite agree. And are you fortunate enough to have a good fellowship? Or is it dire up there also?

Survey5/2/10 4:49 PM
RtG  Find all comments by RtG
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John UK wrote:
I wrote in about this a couple of weeks ago, and the reply I got indicated that the survey section is indeed being slowly phased out. It is a deep sadness bro.
Thanks for that John. Yes indeed if it does go I too will miss it. But we have observed such a decline in Christians (and others) who come on the board to share and debate. Big loss to Christian communication.
Listening to sermons is great and an essential part of Church on line. But chat is also an important part of any church too, especially when it is difficult to find people who comprehend where you are coming from.
God Bless.

Survey5/2/10 4:04 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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RtG wrote:
Why have you removed access to the "surveys"?? The menu link has obviously been removed and there doesn't appear to be another direct link on the main pages?
Are you working towards the death of the survey?
I wrote in about this a couple of weeks ago, and the reply I got indicated that the survey section is indeed being slowly phased out. It is a deep sadness bro.

Survey5/1/10 12:12 PM
RtG  Find all comments by RtG
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Why have you removed access to the "surveys"?? The menu link has obviously been removed and there doesn't appear to be another direct link on the main pages?

Are you working towards the death of the survey?

Survey2/2/10 3:46 AM
James from Australia  Find all comments by James from Australia
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Excellent! A partial response with a gentle smirk is better than a full rebuff. I shall look forward to the heretical, and very obvious, Ravenhill and Campbell being removed forthwith now you have reiterated your adherance to your articles of faith. The breath is bated.

Survey2/1/10 2:38 PM  Protected NameFind all comments by
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In response to James from Australia, the Articles of Faith which govern this site have not changed and we do our best to "enforce" when necessary. You are always welcome to email us privately if you feel we have missed something.

As to the numbers, we are very aware of the pitfalls of the "numbers game" and have no desire to pursue growth for the sake of growth. However, we are in the business of helping the local church and spreading great preaching to as many different avenues as possible. And that takes a great deal of resources. We covet your support and prayers. Thank you.

Survey2/1/10 5:33 AM
James | Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by James
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Please, in accordance with your statement of faith, enforce the rule on Pentacostal preachers not being on this site. I have, with not much surprise, noted over the years that the larger the site has become, the more liberal the speakers and messages have become. Since when has the Humanistic gospel of numbers indicated strength. I fear that numbers and size is now the overwhelming focus. How many times in your board meetings is the number of sermons 'now on our site' mentioned, and glorified. The fact it is mentioned at all is a sorry indictment, perhaps even the beginning was not entirely scriptural. How many sermons did Paul preach? How many converts did he gain? How many preachers were the direct result of his ministry? How many churches were the direct result of the labours of these ministers? If you can answer, or even bother trying to answer, these questions with a number then ignore my gentle rebuke. Rather if you can feel the need to remove the dross, then brethren, Hallelulyah!

Survey1/27/10 6:29 PM
James | Australia  Find all comments by James
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Leonard Ravenhill and Duncan Campbell were unabashed Pentacostals. Why do you allow their sermons on this site when it flagrantly violates your statement of faith.

Survey1/26/10 11:45 PM  Protected NameFind all comments by
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John UK wrote:
I am finding that the comments page is not fully downloading, with one item remaining, I think it is the floral background gif or jpg. It's been like this for over a week. Any ideas?
We are not experiencing this issue. Are you behind some sort of filter or proxy by any chance? Feel free to email me at to resolve this outside the forum. Thank you.

Survey1/26/10 7:02 PM
John UK | Wales  Contact via emailFind all comments by John UK
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I am finding that the comments page is not fully downloading, with one item remaining, I think it is the floral background gif or jpg. It's been like this for over a week. Any ideas?

Survey1/25/10 2:47 PM
mr tulip | orland CA  Find all comments by mr tulip
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I was a calvinist without a church.I had to leave the southern baptist church because i am a calvinist.And i believe calvinism is true christianity.
I really love to listen to L.R. Shelton.

Survey1/22/10 7:13 PM
Alan D. Huber | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan D. Huber
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Alan H wrote:
Norman, may I ask what makes you believe that to be true?
I guess we'll let Scott A. Johnson answer that question.

[URL=]]]SermonAudio Farewell Update - Scott A. Johnson[/URL]

Survey1/22/10 1:56 AM
Alan H | Washington State  Protected NameGo to homepageFind all comments by Alan H
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Norman Smith wrote:
I am very saddened to learn that Scott A.Johnsons sermons are to be removed soon from sermonaudio.
Norman, may I ask what makes you believe that to be true?

Survey1/22/10 12:47 AM
Norman Smith | New Haw,Surrey,England  Find all comments by Norman Smith
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I am very saddened to learn that Scott A.Johnsons sermons are to be removed soon from sermonaudio.

His ministry as a watchman is so needful today ,but his ministry will continue,thankfully ,through other sources.

...but, there are at least two other brethren on Sermonaudio who provide a similar strong ministry spaeaking about ,and on, the New World order,and current events,and such like.

One is Michael Slattery, and the other is Phil Fernandez, anyone who will miss brother Johnson's sermons here,may be blessed by searching through the sermon titles by those two .

I am blessed by the watchman ministries.

Thankyou..may the Lord have mercy upon us all..may we all occupy until He come.

Survey1/16/10 1:37 PM
RtGra  Find all comments by RtGra
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Hey everybody have you heard about this problem on the net?

"Jan. 16 (Bloomberg) -- The German government recommended people avoid using Internet Explorer until Microsoft Corp. provides a patch to fix a “critical” security flaw that allowed a cyber attack against Google Inc.

The Bonn, Germany-based Federal Office for Information Security said attacks by hackers “cannot be fully prevented” even if users run the browser in “safety mode,” according to a statement posted late yesterday on the office’s Web site.

Google said Jan. 12 it may close its offices in China after being attacked by hackers. Microsoft issued an emergency alert on Jan. 14 to help users avoid a flaw in Explorer that helped the attack. The software company said it’s working with Google, partners and authorities to investigate the issue."(Bloomberg)[URL=]]]THIS IS the NEWS ARTICLE on IT[/URL]

Survey11/25/09 1:13 AM
TWhitehead | Toowoomba, QLD Australia  Contact via emailFind all comments by TWhitehead
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Eric wrote:
I would think that is because they don't allow anything but "positive" comments. I just listened to a sermon that was full of inaccuracies. I tried to leave a comment explaining that, but then saw their disclaimer. If you are going to allow comments, then ALL comments (except profane stuff) needs to be allowed. Not allowing people to point out errors, especially Biblical ones, does NOT help the site at all. False doctrine can easily be taught, misrepresentations of the Bible can get out, etc. Please, you need to fix this. I saw this site advertised in a very conservative magazine, but after ONE sermon I don't have much trust in it.
While I don't pretend to know everything about this site, I would say that aloowing negative comments regarding doctrinal error is risky in that, while you might be one person who thinks its error, someone else might not think the same. This is my opinion based on this post ALONE and not on your findings. If there truly is error there, then I would encourage it to be rectified or at least your opinion be heard in accordance with the rules. But again, I don't know what you've heard or found but this is my suggestion as to why they haven't allowed your comment. Thoughts?

Survey10/23/09 9:19 AM
Eric | AL  Find all comments by Eric
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SteveR wrote:
So many thousands and thousands of downloaded sermons per day, and so few sermon comments? and just 3 in the last few days
Even Michael Jackson got 33 posts
I would think that is because they don't allow anything but "positive" comments. I just listened to a sermon that was full of inaccuracies. I tried to leave a comment explaining that, but then saw their disclaimer. If you are going to allow comments, then ALL comments (except profane stuff) needs to be allowed. Not allowing people to point out errors, especially Biblical ones, does NOT help the site at all. False doctrine can easily be taught, misrepresentations of the Bible can get out, etc. Please, you need to fix this. I saw this site advertised in a very conservative magazine, but after ONE sermon I don't have much trust in it.

Survey9/26/09 7:16 AM
Rosen Dimitrov | Bulgaria  Contact via emailFind all comments by Rosen Dimitrov
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maby is not the right place to ask for this but please someone to help me... I am young man and I tried to reach Alan Cairns acording to Bible school... Please give me some info about it... I want to study in Bible school... Thanks!

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