The brother who started this hallelujah diet (when he was diagnosed with colon cancer) was introduced to the vegan and juice diet by the late Lester Roloff, one of the staff-picked preachers here on SA. It is remarkable how fast his one-man campaign to teach health God's way has grown.
[URL=]]]Amazing Testimony[/URL]
Ha! That's a good one. But no, I am not a champion at anything, alas. Just a turnip who juices.
You mean YOU ARE a champion Juicer John
To get off tea addiction I have Redbush with non-dairy milk.p.s. I have a Champion Juicer.
After watching Cadillac Desert on PBSI was under the impression that nothing good resulted from receding water levels in the American Southwest.
I would expect residents and expeciallyvisitors to Arizona to drink LOTS ofwater. That is one HOT state.
I had no issues to speak of, but Iknew that having a drink would makeme feel even better than I already,generally did. (Hedonism on my part?)
My best friend's humiliation, sickness,and eventual death from alcohol helpedto deliver me from my addiction.
I didn't even know I was addicted untilI tried to lose weight by reducing mybeer intake--only to find that it wasexceedingly difficult for me to do so.
This is why I strongly recommend thatpeople just stay away from alcoholaltogether, weather or not you believethat drinking alochol is a sin.
I'm still addicted to coffee, but thisdoes not appear to be near as serious.
Tucson used to have a mosquito problem until its ground water was pumped down. In the 19th century, more cavalry troops died of malaria than from Apache attacks!
Jesus said,"I was thirsty and you gave me drink."
God's Word also says, "He who refreshes, himself will be refreshed."
Refresh someone today!
For Christ says, "As you have done to the least of my brethren, you have done unto me."
A Church in my town has a children's fair every summer, the whole community is invited and gives away free bottled water to people.
What does it say on thier water bottle labels?
On one side their Church name, address, ph#, web site and name of their Pastor. In the middle of the label is a picture of a clay pot.
On the other end of the label it says:
"Every person who drinks this water will be thirtsy again; but whoever drinks the water Jesus gives will be satisfied." John 4:13-14
May God bless them in thier outreach!
I praise the Lord for you testimony of deliverance and thanks for sharing that.
We have several in our church who had been delivered by their willingness to trust the Lord and yielding their addiction into His mighty hand.
Secondly, more important than boasting our holinesses though is what are we doing to publicly proclaim the gospel of Christ apart from the usual sanctimonious Christian piety which is used as an excuse to proper proclamation by Men of God.
Andrew Hall,Member of Christian Watch - a Protestant Reformed Organisation,United Kingdom.
I repented of the stuff after the Lord saved me and have had no desire for the stuff.