John Owen's Mortification of Sin in the BelieverWilliam Gurnell The Christian in Complete ArmourJesse Penn Lewis War on the SaintsEric Phelps Vatican AssassinsRobert H Gundry Jesus the Word According to John the sectarian
San Jose John
Be warned about Halleys Bible Handbook.
Read book called Billy Graham and his friends by Cathy Burns
“. . . around 1961, Billy Graham bought the rights to Halley’s Pocket Bible Handbook. The original Halley’s up until the 22nd Edition (1959), warned about the Jesuits. There are chapters about the Roman Papacy, and the Jesuits. According to Mrs Halley, Mr Halley spent years working on those chapters and never would have permitted the book to be changed. However when he died, Billy Graham bought the rights, and REMOVED all the research and warning about the Jesuits in the editions Billy Graham printed.”
Might want to check your edition.
The Reformed Doctrine of Predestination
By Lorraine Boettner
Also available in MP3 here:
The good part is that these have footnotes to help one understand some of the old wording.
They also offer a free copy of Pilgrims' Progress!! And it has wonderful footnotes from MASON and others! It is the best copy I have ever read!
Call Chapel Library at 850-438-6666
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This is true religion!
For "other", my favorites are Arthur W. Pink's "The Sovereignty of God", and "The Attributes of God" (aka "Gleanings in the Godhead").
"IN" Christ, KK
Thanks Calvinist Understanding for the recommendation. DVD @
[URL=]]]Dangerous Journey[/URL]
I have got kids as young as 3 hooked on it. It is brilliant!
Another favorite of mine is Spurgeon's "Morning and Evening." For years, I have used this devotional to set the tone for the beginning and ending of my day. My copy is falling apart.
Of course, "Foxe's Book of Martyrs" is both humbling and inspiring, and should be in everyone's library.
Christians are blessed by the testimonies of others, and every day I am thankful for men and women who have left a legacy to encourage us. Some of my best friends are with the LORD, and though I never knew them in the flesh, I know them through their writings, and look forward to celebrating with them, one day.
Ahhhhh....."So many books, so little time." sigh