John UK wrote:Re:: The Lord's Day
a. Exod 20:8, 10-11; Isa 56:2, 4, 6-7. • b. Gen 2:2-3; Acts 20:7; 1 Cor 16:1-2. • c. Rev 1:10. • d. Exod 20:8, 10 with Mat 5:17-18.
This was before I completely left the Pentecostal movement, I was under a transitional move by God prior to complete extraction and becoming amazed at how unbiblical it all was.
The Pastor of the church I was in was not tyranical unlike the one I had previously left.
In fact it saddened me that I had to leave as he became swept away by the Toronto blessing.
I now find it rediculously frustrating that whatever denomination one attends, they do not hold to a reformed doctrine. It's all new wine, even in non charismatic churches.That's where God I feel is glorified through what Sermon Audio does.
While ego may have played a part, if we look at your story in economic terms, then the pastors' behavior makes even more sense. There were a limited no. of customers (churchgoers) to be shared among the vendors (pastors). Perhaps your Pentecostal minister was one too many, so collective action was required to prevent further market share dilution. Attendance is hard for pastors to ignore since they are usually completely dependent on tithe income.
BTW, as far as I'm concerned, a cult is any church, regardless of doctrine, in which the clergy exercises tyrannical authority over members.
I'll explain.
Many years ago I left a Pentecostal Church for very important doctrinal reasons whilst seeing very demonic manifestations taking place and being encouraged.
I attended a different church 30 mins away.This new Pastor from NZ was the "new kid on the block" and the ministers from around the area played hard ball and almost behaved like the mafia.
We are talking ministers from Anglican, Baptist, Presbyterian, Salvation Army, and Pentecostal churches.
He would receive a call every Sunday from the ministers asking how many people attended his church on Sunday.
He participated at first in innocence then it became clear it was a numbers game over who got the biggest numbers. It was an Ego Trip taking place.
He refused to participate.
Heavy treatment was put on him to report any new comers to his church and to send back anyone who went to his church from their church.
He refused saying people could worship where ever God wanted them to worship.
This was a mistake. The churches of the area started branding him as a cult leader and his church as a cult.
It was a disgusting display that I have seen over and over again in many different places and churches.
Who cares about the numbers.
[URL=]]]Heritage Baptist Church [/URL] has no website. They run on Sunday morning between 50-100 on regular services. The Spanish Heritage Baptist is between 25-50 who attend. Though the numbers are high....few have committed themselves to be members who support the work of ministry.
But then they had no hesitation in preparing with a view to enforcing (under the Solemn League and Covenant) the subordinate standards under parliamentary instructions?!!
RC Sproul Jr's church (RPCGA) is also liturgical.