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577 total votes have been cast on this survey | 49 user comments  ( edit survey )

Do you know what Federal Vision/Auburn Theology is about?
Created: 7/15/2006 | Last Vote: 5 years ago | Comment: 15 years ago
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 •   Yes--I am sufficiently knowledgeable of it.
  20% | 115 votes

 •   Yes--I am partially knowledgeableof it.
  19% | 112 votes

 •   Maybe.
  2% | 11 votes

 •   No--I have only heard it in passing.
  11% | 62 votes

 •   Not at all!
  46% | 266 votes

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  2% | 11 votes


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Survey1/13/10 1:27 AM
Ruth | PRC  Find all comments by Ruth
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Interesting question. I didn't think anyone knew what Federal Vision/ Auburn Theology was all about.

Survey12/25/06 5:04 AM | Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by
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BOOK REVIEW: "Reformed" is Not Enough by Douglas Wilson reviewed by Dr. Matthew McMahon at "A Puritan's Mind."

This extensive book review contains much more proof that Doug Wilson is not only not Reformed (using the confessional and historic meaning of the word), but that he is also ignorant of many classic Reformation doctrines.

Dr. McMahon writes,

"Innovation and originality in theology are the parents of all heresy. Douglas Wilson in his book, "Reformed" is Not Enough demonstrates this subtly but effectively. To the untrained eye his arguments may sound cohesive, helpful and clarifying. To the trained eye his arguments are heretical, and his work demonstrates his theological and historical ignorance."

This review is must reading, as it exposes much false teaching -- and is free online at:

Survey12/25/06 4:41 AM | Edmonton, Alberta  Protected NameFind all comments by
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For more free information online (MP3s, articles and books), on the Federal Vision / Auburn Avenue Theology please see:

Doug Wilson, Credenda/Agenda, N.T. Wright, Steve Schlissel, John Barach, Steve Wilkins, et al.

Survey11/10/06 2:52 PM
Mathis | Denver  Contact via emailFind all comments by Mathis
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I must say I found your comments quite historically inaccurate. The Reformers--especially Calvin, Knox, etc.--did reform the theology of the sacraments. Simply note their distinctions from Luther himself over consubstantiation and their spiritual presence doctrine and even their difference over baptism (West. Conf. of Faith chapter 27ff.). To see the full impact of the Reformation check out:

To reform theology (if it is all the major doctrines) is to "restore the doctrines of the Christian faith". So, I am not sure what your point is exactly. I also assume by "Separatist" you mean Anabaptists? If so, they were quite a diverse group with a multitude of beliefs.

I do agree in general with your last point concerning FV. In many ways its an overemphasis on the sacraments resulting in some cases an almost redefinition of their nature.

Survey10/31/06 9:54 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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I have not found your deeds complete in the sight of my God. Revelation 3:2

My concern is the step back towards sacramentalism...adding sacraments to the grace of God. This is where the Reformation protested against Romes insistence to add baptism (baptismal regeneration - infants & adults) and the Mass (transubstantiation) to the gospel. Luther, Calvin and those who followed them...went only as far as to reform Rome's doctrines....when instead they should have went to complete the work to restore the doctrines of the Christian faith. But this would have brought them to align with the Separatist...something they did not want....since they saw them as Rome did...heretics.

Federal Vision/Auburn Theology is the Reformation in reverse...a Protestant form of Romanism....but without a return to Rome.

Survey9/15/06 1:58 PM
Cheryl - Cal  
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The link:'Reformed%20is%20not%20enough%20Wilson'

Survey9/15/06 12:00 PM
Cheryl - Cal  
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There is an interesting book by Douglas Wilson called "Reformed Is Not Enough" on the subject. It is in public domain in pdf format, but I don't recall the website. I found it to be well written and gave me a better understanding of the issue involved, which is not necessarily what I have heard it presented as.

Survey8/19/06 1:29 AM
Mathis | Denver  Contact via email
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Sorry guys: please stop this conversation.

I know I'm not an official moderator, but I did post this question. Can we please stick to the topic.

thank you.

Survey8/18/06 12:39 PM
John | UK  
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You said: [The quotes I posted silly.]

Yes, all your posts are silly. They are heretical.

Survey8/18/06 12:35 PM
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Yammy you lying little pooper
What you're doing is known as eisegesis .. let me explain ..

In my original post (if you read the whole) there is a recurring "good news" "bad news" theme. And this starts from the very first line.

Wot your doin is taking the first use of the term to mean the gospel, which clearly in the context, it is not!

That would make the first sentence a nonsense and tautological .. that my friend is what you excel in, not me .. get it?

No wonder MBL's worried about your integrity .. he has very good grounds cos your proving yourself a dab hand at eisegesis. Have I read the quotes you provided to MBL .. yep.. do they prove what you allege about Ruckman .. nope

Survey8/18/06 12:27 PM
John | UK  
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You said: [Well maybe you should and tell me what you think about it.]

Think about what?

Survey8/18/06 12:11 PM
John | UK  
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You said: [I guess in the fanciful world of the Calvinist, anything is possible.]

Actually, with God, all things are possible.

Survey8/18/06 11:51 AM
John | UK  
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You said: [You wants news, eh? Well the good news is that the gospel is to be preached to every creature. The bad news is that no one will come left to themselves. The good news is that God will save with a mighty arm those whom he has elected, through the instrumentality of prayer and preaching. The bad news is that the rest of mankind, who will refuse to bow the knee anyway, God will pass by. The good news is that the Lord Jesus Christ is going to return physically and gloriously. The bad news is that the goats will be sent to hell forever. The good news is that all them that belong to the Lord (who have been saved by his power .. those who are born again from above .. not by the will of man) will spend an eternity in Heaven with the Lord and there shall be no more sin .. all will be perfect .. and all the glory will belong to God!]

I quite agree bro. Mighty fine!

Survey8/18/06 11:20 AM
Mathis | Denver  Contact via email
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Greetings Yamil,

I think I can summarize in one word:

WYSIWYG: what you see is what you get.

It's an old phrase in computers that relates the program (like Word) to what the final print-out will look like.
In the case of FV, it means that when you are baptized you are saved. When excommunicated (although this is not as clearly stated) you lose your salvation. One cannot speak of the church invisible (it cannot be "seen") but only of the church visible (renamed the church historical). The sacraments always give their intended effect since the subjective appropriation is downplayed radically (indeed, almost all introspective meditation, etc. is strongly downplayed if not ignored at times).

It is kind of like a radical empiricism in which only the outward and visible truly count. Thus, it strongly attenuates forensic justification (whose ever seen a heavenly transaction in God's courts?). It confuses faith and works (who has ever seen invisible subjective faith)? etc.

To be fair I am lumping all the authors together because each emphasizes different parts but each also agrees with the others and does not distance themselves from them.

I hope this is clear. (see also the summary by Banner, 8/10/06).

Survey8/10/06 3:32 PM
Cliff Leckey | N. Ireland.  
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Nope, never heard of it. Its not mentioned in the old book so I doubt if i`am missing much.

Survey8/10/06 2:44 PM
Poich‚ tu Yammil  
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If you need more the Banner article on this is at.....

Sweet reading.

Ciao poich‚ presente.

Survey8/10/06 2:39 PM
Poich‚ tu Yammil  
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"there is an attempt to reformulate the doctrine of the Trinity, to move away from the Reformation commitment to “forensic” justification (by assuming an over-reaction by the Reformers to Rome),

to allege that Hellenism and the Enlightenment led to the "scholastic" propositional statements of Reformed doctrine in the Westminster Standards,

to read Biblical history as "The Story" involving primarily personal relationships between God and His people (rather than a depository for doctrinal propositions),

to deprecate the value of systematic theology, and finally to introduce different views of covenant, faith, baptism, the Lord's Supper, election, regeneration, apostacy, and sacramental efficacy.

While it is claimed that all these re-formulations are within the parameters of the orthodox Reformed Faith, this reviewer has been left in no doubt that the Federal Vision is, in the end, contrary to the Westminster Standards.

One of the critics, Dr. Joseph Pipa, in his response to Steve Wilkins' paper on "Covenant, Baptism, and Salvation," puts this point concisely in these words: “If I have understood Wilkins in this paper, the Federal Vision is a deviant, unbiblical view of salvation...."


Survey8/10/06 1:56 PM
Cheryl - Cal  
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Good to see you're still among us!

As to Federal Theology, I have read up on it and, to tell you the truth, find it convoluted. I'm not sure what point its proponents are truly trying to make, what major difference they see, what big theological error they feel the need to correct. Reading quoted statements from its proponents, I get the impression they may speak with forked tongues. I know it takes some of its theology from the New Perspective on Paul movement, apparently to obfuscate Paul's preaching and stand against legalism.

Personally, I say, stick with the Bible. I don't think this movement will make any real headway into orthodox churches, as many are already standing firm against it and publicly declaring so.

Survey8/10/06 12:48 PM
In a nutshell  
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Survey8/10/06 11:44 AM
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Nope,sorry Yamil,never heard of it i am afraid.

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