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Are headcoverings scriptural?
Created: 11/28/2005 | Last Vote: 10 years ago | Comment: 10 years ago
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 •   Yes
  64% | 888 votes

 •   No
  24% | 329 votes

 •   A what?
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Survey3/2/14 9:34 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Duh wrote:
So is circumcision. Please do let send me an invite to yours.
I was circumcised as a baby by the doctor. When I was born in 1962 it was standard medical practice to circumcise baby boys.

Survey3/2/14 9:27 AM
Duh  Find all comments by Duh
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Headcoverings are scriptural and women should wear headcoverings to church. When I get married I will make my wife wear a headcovering to church.
So is circumcision. Please do let send me an invite to yours.

Survey3/2/14 9:13 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Headcoverings are scriptural and women should wear headcoverings to church. When I get married I will make my wife wear a headcovering to church.

Survey11/1/13 9:40 AM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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John Yurich USA wrote:
Well the Catechism of the Catholic Church is wrong that Catholics and Muslims worship the God of the Bible. Catholics worship the God of the Bible whereas the Muslim god Allah is in reality Satan. And in answer to the survey question. Yes headcoverings are scriptural. When I get married I will make my wife wear a headcovering to church, not every weekend but 2 weekends a month.
So you won't make her wear a headcovering on the unscriptural weekends, but only on the scriptural weekends?

Survey10/31/13 7:48 PM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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Michael Hranek wrote:
John Yurich USA
Why stop there why not force her to wear a burkha? After all acccording the the Catechism of the Roman Catholic False Church ccc841 Catholics and Muslims worship the same god.
Well the Catechism of the Catholic Church is wrong that Catholics and Muslims worship the God of the Bible. Catholics worship the God of the Bible whereas the Muslim god Allah is in reality Satan. And in answer to the survey question. Yes headcoverings are scriptural. When I get married I will make my wife wear a headcovering to church, not every weekend but 2 weekends a month.

Survey7/5/09 8:21 AM
Michael Hranek | Endicott, New York  Find all comments by Michael Hranek
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John Yurich USA wrote:
I have altered my position from my previous position pertaining to women wearing headcovering during worship services. I now believe that women should wear headcoverings during worship services. When I get married I will make my wife wear a veil when we attend Mass.
John Yurich USA
Why stop there why not force her to wear a burkha? After all acccording the the Catechism of the Roman Catholic False Church ccc841 Catholics and Muslims worship the same god.

Survey7/5/09 8:07 AM
John Yurich USA | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich USA
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I have altered my position from my previous position pertaining to women wearing headcovering during worship services. I now believe that women should wear headcoverings during worship services. When I get married I will make my wife wear a veil when we attend Mass.

Survey7/5/09 7:54 AM
james gudg | uk  Find all comments by james gudg
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Hi as it is mentioned in the bible then is is of some inportance, i am a bit worred about the way you say But it is not necessary to wear head coverings in church because it is not required for gaining entrane into Heaven to wear head coverings.
What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?God forbid.Romans 6:1/2 We should do all we can to set a good standerd and keep the peace

Survey11/11/08 5:05 PM
humilitas  Find all comments by humilitas
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A CUSTOM wrote:
Just because a women puts a piece of cloth on her head doesn't change her into a robot of submissive obedience!
The headcovering of a woman in church is a statement by her to God of whats in her heart. Not something to be judged by men. Any "submission" involved is a Christian one of worship before God.

1Cor 11:10 For this cause ought the woman to have power on her head *BECAUSE* of the angels.

Survey11/11/08 4:23 PM
A CUSTOM | BC canada  Find all comments by A CUSTOM
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"if any man seem contentious we have no such CUSTOM" I ask ...What is a custom? A custom is, according to the dictionary, "a habitual practice of a people." The custom in the church at Corinth is not applicable if there is going to be contention about it.

IF the custom of wearing headcoverings or the habitual practice of wearing headcoverings is contentious among a community of believers then "we HAVE NO SUCH CUSTOM."

God doesn't want divisions in the church about such an issue! Preaching and teaching the Word and loving one another is what Jesus told us to do.

I have read all the comments and I see much hot debate .... why? "God looks on the heart" and man "looks on the outer appearance." STOP looking on the outward appearance my brothers and sisters in Christ. Just because a women puts a piece of cloth on her head doesn't change her into a robot of submissive obedience! I have found the opposite to be the case! We can't add ANYTHING to our salvation, we can't MAKE ourselves MORE righteous! We are made righteous through Christ Jesus our Lord and ONLY through Him! Praise God!

Survey11/11/08 1:59 PM
St Jeremiah | Salt Lake City, UT  Contact via emailGo to homepageFind all comments by St Jeremiah
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This is a fallacious question because the presupposition on the subject has determined that the conclusion is "scriptural."

1 Corinthians 11, N.I.V. footnote


Every man who prays or prophesies with long hair dishonors his head. (verse 4) A man ought not to have long hair. (verse 7)


And every woman who prays or prophesies with no covering on her head dishonors her head--she is just like one of the "shorn women." If a woman has no covering, let her be for now with short hair, but since it is a disgrace for a woman to have her hair shorn or shaved, she should grow it again. (verse 5 & 6)

[URL=]]]Women Hairstyles[/URL]

Survey3/29/08 7:48 PM
Maureen | Belfast Northern Ireland  Contact via emailFind all comments by Maureen
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Yes I do agree that head coverings are required biblically speaking, but not for a man, his head is not to be covered.
I think you guys might like to pop along to Talk Jesus Forum.
Pick it up from there.
Much discussion, much knowledge.
Nice Christian family, true Gospel spoken.
you would be very welcome there.
Just an idea, after reading your posts here.

Survey3/29/08 11:36 AM
derek | missouri  Find all comments by derek
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I thought that the woman's covering was their hair? Although I have no problem with a woman wearing one. It can demonstrate humility....and pride. But I would rather see a head covering that a man's haircut - which has become fashionable in the current carnal church.

Survey3/28/08 5:21 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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They should get out while there is time, else be partakers of the wrath to come upon RC and EO storehouses of heresies. If there are truly saved people in the RC and EO groups, they should not be idle to expose the heresies and should refrain from practicing such. John, do you confess Christ alone as head of the church and scripture alone as sufficient for your salvation, by faith alone and grace alone to the glory of God alone? Do you boast of any works of your doing to get to heaven? You know the EO and RCC are full of unbiblical works to get your sins off and on your way to heaven. Why support these with your attendance and assistance at Mass? Why are you quick to defend them?

Survey3/28/08 9:17 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
John, it is to be done because it is said to be done in the scriptures. As for Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, these are the places of false doctrine and traditions equal to or above scripture. Mainline Protestants are a little harder to pin down, because not all mainline congregations are in error and there are individuals in there who are scripturally saved.
But it is not required for gaining entrance into Heaven that one wear headcoverings and leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church. Nowhere in the Bible is the wearing of headcoverings and church membership equated with salvation and gaining entrance into Heaven. And there are saved individuals in the Roman Catholic Church and Eastern Orthodox Church as well as in Mainline Protestant Churches. That is a fact.

Survey3/27/08 9:50 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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John, it is to be done because it is said to be done in the scriptures. As for Roman Catholics and Eastern Orthodox, these are the places of false doctrine and traditions equal to or above scripture. Mainline Protestants are a little harder to pin down, because not all mainline congregations are in error and there are individuals in there who are scripturally saved.

Survey3/27/08 12:37 PM
DJC49 | Florida  Contact via emailFind all comments by DJC49
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Paul had a hard time with the unruly church at Corinth, and, in the interest of establishing order and propriety, he delivered a few apostolic ordinances when it came to their gathering for worship. Headcoverings was one of them.

Survey3/27/08 9:08 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Faithful Remnant wrote:
Actually John, it is necessary because it says to do it. Just because it isn't necessary to salvation doesn't mean you have the right to disregard it.
And what happens if someone who is Born Again does not wear head coverings while praying? Will they not gain entrance into Heaven? And what happens if someone who is Born Again does not leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and does not join a Fundamentalist Protestant Church? Will they not gain entrance into Heaven? If you answer yes that they will not gain entrance into Heaven because they did not wear head coverings and did not leave the Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Mainline Protestant Churches and did not join a Fundamentalist Protestant Churches then you are stating that there is more then one requirement for gaining entrance into Heaven besides receiving Christ as ones Savior.

Survey3/25/08 4:54 PM
Faithful Remnant  Find all comments by Faithful Remnant
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Actually John, it is necessary because it says to do it. Just because it isn't necessary to salvation doesn't mean you have the right to disregard it.

Survey3/25/08 11:01 AM
John Yurich | USA  Find all comments by John Yurich
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Well of course head coverings are scriptural because they are mentioned in the Bible. But it is not necessary to wear head coverings in church because it is not required for gaining entrane into Heaven to wear head coverings.

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