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Who was America's greatest president?
Created: 6/6/2004 | Last Vote: 5 years ago | Comment: 16 years ago
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 •   George Washington
  30% | 453 votes

 •   Abraham Lincoln
  26% | 384 votes

 •   John F Kennedy
  3% | 39 votes

 •   Ronald Reagan
  22% | 327 votes

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  11% | 168 votes

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Survey11/6/09 9:27 PM
jackrabbit joe  Find all comments by jackrabbit joe
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Jefferson Davis gets my vote.

Survey7/19/08 8:52 PM
Mary  Find all comments by Mary
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Hi, Mike,

That's interesting. I do remember that Howard Taft was a heavy man, but not much beyond that.

I really like some of the posts that I have read on this site. It directs one to think Biblically. That's important, huh?

Survey7/19/08 7:14 PM
Mike | New York  Find all comments by Mike
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William Howard Taft. Reportedly weighed 335 lbs.

Survey7/19/08 5:43 PM
Mary  Find all comments by Mary
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I finished David Mccullough's book on John Adams a while back, and I loved it. I am glad that his contribution to our country's founding is now being discovered - as it were. I guess I'm just apprecitating him and wanted to say so.

Survey7/26/05 1:50 AM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/26/05 1:07 AM
Search4Truth | some where on God's green earth.  Contact via email
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My post was directed to the person whose comments were so offensive and so un-Christian-like, that this Christian discussion board saw fit to delete not 1, but all 4 of his posts in this thread. I doubt that any apologies for his offensive statements or the abuse of his prviledges at this discussion board will be forth coming.

I am grateful for your prayers. Sending my son to war is the hardest thing I have ever done. It grieves me greatly. He is still just a child to my eyes. The only way I endure it is by the strength of our Lord.

Any one who wants to know what Dwayne Mayor posted, e-mail me and I'll send you the original thread that I saved. You will be shocked at the cruelty that he cloaks in God's Word.


Survey7/26/05 12:50 AM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/26/05 12:09 AM
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Search4Truth, I am a southerner read my earlier posts and you will see that I made clear that I do not believe all or even most Southerners are racists. If you are not speaking to me then nevermind. There are good people in the South and in the North. When this conversation turned away from America's greatest president to an argument over an evil that took place over 150 years ago I felt that I needed to point out that not all southerners felt that slavery was right or moral. I'm a Southerner and proud of it. I believe that slavery was wrong and immoral and proud of that. I will continue to pray for your son and all who fight out of their obligation to each other and to America. God bless them.

Survey7/25/05 10:34 PM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/25/05 10:07 PM
Search4Truth | some where on God's green earth.  
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The anonymity of these discussion boards make them a haven for the anti-social to express their hatred of the world. Some even cloak their hatred in God's Word.

Please pray for my son, my only son, who is in Iraq fighting the Islamic Nazis.

Survey7/25/05 9:13 PM
Mike | New York  
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Does this look like representation of your attitude? Strange GOSPEL OF PEACE, isn't it?

Survey7/25/05 8:36 PM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/25/05 8:26 PM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/25/05 7:31 PM
Search4Truth | some where on God's green earth.  
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The following is a link to a list of the men who have recently died defending our rights as Americans, many of whom were Southerners.

How contemptible that the rights these men died for are being used by little men behind keyboards, to denigrate their Southern heritage, in an effort to bolster their own egos, by inferring that being a Southerner is synonymous with being a racist.

Survey7/25/05 6:44 PM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Not to mention the frequent destruction of the God-ordained insitution of marriage among slave families. The insidious policy of keeping the Negroes illiterate, to prevent them from reading the Scriptures which so plainly would reveal to them the utter wrath of God their masters were so foolishly incurring on themselves, and the blessedness that they themselves (the Negroes) would attain for their suffering and misery in this world.

This has nothing to do with some silly notion of humanism, but rather has everything to do with the love Christ preached and Scripture revealed as the definitive mark of a child of God.

Survey7/25/05 6:39 PM
Dwayne Mayor | New Mexico  
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Survey7/25/05 3:31 PM
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Atwell, I do not know your spiritual condition only God does. But I do know your views of "good" and "evil" are at best misguided and at worst unChristian. First, one must realize that slavery in biblical times did not mean the same thing as slavery as it did in America. Biblical slavery was more of an indentured servitude. People were generally paid for it and it was for a set period of time to work off a debt. There was no belief among masters and slaves that one was superior and one was inferior. American slavery did not involve payment and was generally forever. People were born into slavery unlike in Biblical times. And in American slavery there most certainly was a belief that one race of people was superior than the other. Is slavery inherently evil? Yes. Are those that owned slaves evil? Not necessarily, but like any other evil it can corrupt an otherwise good person. It can be corrupting the same as flawed human reasoning that says that man can have dominion over other men. Only God can do that.

Survey7/24/05 9:54 PM
Atwell | Georgia  
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Justin, I don't know your spiritual condition only God does.But I do know that your views of "good" and "evil" regarding the subject of the South and the war of Northern Aggression are purely humanistic.Time does not permit me to list every Scripture regarding the relationship between slaves and their masters.Let me just mention the entire book of Philemon to get across my point.Onesimus was a runaway slave who was led to Christ by the Apostle Paul (the same Paul who was taught directly by Christ in the desert). After he was saved, Paul directed him to humbly return to his master and his master was directed to receive him back as a slave but to recognize also that he was his new brother in Christ. What an opportunity for God in His Word to condemn slavery yet like many other places He does not.Are there evils associated with slavery?Absolutely, just as there are with many other institutions because we live in a fallen world. I do not wish to condemn or defend slavery as it existed in the original U.S. or the C.S.A but to dispel the purely humanist notion that because some Northerners and Southerners owned slaves makes them wicked, evil people bound for hell.We should submit ourselves to the Word of God and not to fallen human reasoning.We're the Bible Belt because we believe God.

Survey7/23/05 2:21 AM
Justin | Kentucky  
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I am a Southerner myself and I'm proud of that fact. I don't think (and don't want to be perceived to think) that the South is totally devoid of morals and that everybody that lives in a southern state is evil. I can however admit, and anyone who is of the christian faith should be able to admit, regardless of where he lives, that the South was wrong during the Civil War. How can a person be a christian and still believe it is ok to own fellow human beings? And by the way, while I was not called a humanist directly I want to set the record straight that I am not a humanist and I do not like being labeled so just because I might disagree with someone. The South is still known as the Bible belt because of narrow-mindedness that is often associated with christianity (a baseless association I might add). I don't consider myself a "yankee" I was born in North Carolina and raised in Kentucky, but if "yankee" means believing that slavery is wrong then so be it--I guess I am a yankee. Also, I do not think that "the winner, the majority, the healthiest and the wealthiest" are always right--if so I'd be a Republican. Also, I do not wish to be lectured to by anyone who upholds the evils of oppression or who believes that a group who supports an evil system are upright christians.

Survey7/21/05 7:04 PM
Atwell | Georgia  
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Fraser is absolutely correct regarding the salvation of huge numbers of men serving in the Confederate forces.I know humanists like Mayor hate to hear it but it's true.As a matter of fact, many of us in the South are descendants of these very men.Why do you think the South is still known as the Bible belt? As a whole,the North and those who hold to Yankee philosophy have abandoned the Word of God and replaced it with humanism where man becomes his own god. It's really sad because the North had a Christian heritage.But the temptation to be social revolutionaries was too strong and they gave in.One problem I see now though is that most people all over this land are giving in to a psuedo-gospel that is really just materialism and socialism.As Christians we all know that God allows persecution if many forms (including military conquest and false prophets)to strengthen our faith and make us more like Christ.That's what pretend Christians cannot understand because they think that if your the winner, the majority, the healthiest and wealthiest then you must be right and God is on your side but that is totally contrary to the Scriptures and to the history of the Church.I will not sit idly by and allow my Christian ancestors to be slandered by humanists who have a horrible track record.

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