Who will be the first Christian to wear a skirt in church?
John UK, Tony Lopez, Mike...or
A very Independent Baptist Pastor? See pic[URL=http://msnbcmedia1.msn.com/j/msnbc/Components/Photos/060725/060725_moodie_vmed_2p.widec.jpg]]]nice bag shame about the...[/URL]
Icon O'Clast wrote:My Scottish friends would have a different view on all this, as the men wear all the skirts. I know of at least one woman in my home who wears the pants and I have to tell her every day that I love her.
Maybe the question should be when and why did females start wearing pants?
Was it due to feminist fashion and a rebellion against long dresses and if so why did it catch on in church?
Likewise is promoting gay designers on your underwear (that other calvin clown)or shirt (the logo) acceptable to God? It's the fashion...then it works its way into the church sometimes sooner sometimes later.
There was no school in the UK where girls wore pants until the fashion and then feminists argued their case. Now there are few schools without girls in pants. What changed the mind-set in two decades? Silly Christian women in modest long dresses or the world? Mmmmm
No wonder 'male' handbags are the fashion today, ask your grandad if he wants one and he'll be one to certainlytell you the truth
Crocidile skin male handbag-you'll all want want to carry your croc skin bible to church-the fashion
Biblicist wrote:What? Should one allow the eyes licence to do something in church which would not be allowed out of church?!!I don't think for one moment that Mike is condoning scant clothing, but he is saying that if one has an unbeliever or immature/young Christian who does not understand the importance of modesty in dress and therefore dresses inappropriately, why should one allow their ignorance to become the occasion of sinning?If one makes a covenant with ones eyes (Job 31.1) then that should be for every occasion, not just when it suits one's frame of mind!
However, my point is that this is not a "up" issue and that it needs to be.
Men need to step up to the responsibility God gave them and make modesty an ongoing issue with their spouses and children.
Immature/young Christian and unbelievers need to be educated, and both need to be confronted and told to leave if they will not comply.
j3 wrote:Mike wrote: "If you see nakedness in a woman who wears pants, it is you who allows it...Nonsense: what I see is what is there. It is men like you who allow it, and women on a power trip who want it.I still want to know why I should have to avert my eyes in Church like I have to do in the world.You do work to avert your eyes in the world, don't you Mike?
What? Should one allow the eyes licence to do something in church which would not be allowed out of church?!!
I don't think for one moment that Mike is condoning scant clothing, but he is saying that if one has an unbeliever or immature/young Christian who does not understand the importance of modesty in dress and therefore dresses inappropriately, why should one allow their ignorance to become the occasion of sinning?
If one makes a covenant with ones eyes (Job 31.1) then that should be for every occasion, not just when it suits one's frame of mind!
Nonsense: what I see is what is there.
It is men like you who allow it, and women on a power trip who want it.
I still want to know why I should have to avert my eyes in Church like I have to do in the world.
You do work to avert your eyes in the world, don't you Mike?
j3 wrote:Mike,1. Be honest! You are a man, of all people you should know that all men are perverts.2. I can see that I pushed your button. 3. Again this is worldliness in the reformed faith, a defense of the indefensible, a denial of the total depravity of man.4. Any man who lets his woman show her private parts in public with only a tight, thin film of fabric covering them is insane. This is an ABSOLUTELY INSANE and worldly practice.5. How like the world to stick it out there and then to say "you can notice, but only for a minute, anything more is too much". 6. Can I take a picture of your wife in tight pants? Then why is she in them?
2. Silly talk always pushes my button.
3. Continue reforming until you come to a better understanding.
4. True, but irrelevant. There was no talk of this "tight, thin film" nonsense in your original post. PS don't you mean "insane and psychotic"?
5. What are you talking about?
6. No, you can't. She doesn't wear thin film fabric. Why are you visualizing another man's wife that way? Shameless as well as hypocritical?
Be honest! You are a man, of all people you should know that all men are perverts.
I can see that I pushed your button. I doubt very much that I am the one who has not done busuness with God on this issue.
Again this is worldliness in the reformed faith, a defense of the indefensible, a denial of the total depravity of man.
Any man who lets his woman show her private parts in public with only a tight, thin film of fabric covering them is insane. This is an ABSOLUTELY INSANE and worldly practice.
How like the world to stick it out there and then to say "you can notice, but only for a minute, anything more is too much".
Can I take a picture of your wife in tight pants? Then why is she in them?
Think about it Mike! This is important!
j3 wrote:Why do I have to avert my eyes in church from seeing the nakedness of a womans body in pants? Why do men who allow this? This IS worldly, and a denial of the total depravity of man.
James 1:14,15 "But every man is tempted, when he is drawn away of his own lust, and enticed.
Then when lust hath conceived, it bringeth forth sin: and sin, when it is finished, bringeth forth death."
Why do men who allow this?
This IS worldly, and a denial of the total depravity of man.
nz brit wrote:My daughter went to a church with her friend and wore jeans. The congregation were horrified by this and complained. I believe a church should accept them how they are.In biblical times men wore dresses, and we don't expect that today. Women wear trousers today. Visitors who come to the church and then get blasted for what they wore, walk away from church.
There is a good recent message from a Breaking News story on SA titled "Are We Raising Narcissist Feminists?" It will clarify how families should be raising their children regarding unwritten laws like this. For the sake of your family's good, please give a listen!
In biblical times men wore dresses, and we don't expect that today. Women wear trousers today. Visitors who come to the church and then get blasted for what they wore, walk away from church.
The only ladies here who consistently wear skirts are those who have been reached by Fundy American "fishermen," who tell them they have to. In fact, some of them have gotten in trouble when going to visit their brethren in underground fellowships outside the big cities (which is where the Fundy's tend to work). Their sisters in those fellowships were so appalled they showed up in skirts that they made them change before entering their fellowship.
Interesting, no?
Liz wrote:If you lived here you may see things differently. I think 99% of people hate the fact that our country is being given to the Muslims. Most atheists are more angry than christians (we can see the prophetic they just see erosion of their liberties). Something like 700 people are emigrating from Uk every day. We have an appalling government-they are totally engrossed in allowing Europe to take over, and the political correctness of the situation is being manipulated by our oversees friends. I think someone from outer Mongolia is better treated than our own old folk by far. The problem is that the genie is out of the bottle and no-one has the guts to consider how to get it back (we are in a mess). In the meantime we edge ever closer to sharia-But our God knows the beginning from the end, and when the government pull down the basis of christian constitution we cannot be too surprised to see rumours of wars and mayhem (o sorry they call it global warming and terrorism!!!). Hes coming home soon...