Youth Choir
September 8, 2022 10:44AM
Next Friday September 16th at 7pm Bro. Joe Lambert has asked us to come sing at there revival at Gum Orchard Baptist Church. Bro. Don Anderson will be preaching. I know it is last minute but I have confirmed that we will be there! If there’s anyway you can be there come ready to sing and worship!
Gum Orchard Baptist Church
152 Poplar Springs Rd, Elkin NC 28621
Youth Choir Practice Cancelled
September 2, 2022 15:59PM
Youth Choir practice which was scheduled for this Sunday morning after church has been canceled. Hopefully we can make it up soon. Thanks
Youth Choir at Westview tomorrow night
August 27, 2022 8:33AM
Just a reminder that we are singing tomorrow night at Westview Baptist Church- Cana, VA at 6pm. If you’re new to the youth choir we want you there! If you don’t even sing in the youth choir we still want you there for support! Come show our youth that you support them! It’s going to be a great time in Lord’s house! If you have a black Mount Vernon shirt wear it but if you do not you can wear whatever you’d like! I’m super excited for the whole day tomorrow! God’s up to something 🙌🏼
Youth Revival Location Change
July 29, 2022 8:21AM
With significant chances of rain all weekend the Youth Revival services will be moved to the church. All services this weekend will be at Mount Vernon.
7220 West Pine Street, Lowgap NC 27024.
Baptizing Postponed
July 10, 2022 8:25AM
I think weather is forcing us to cancel the baptizing today. It's poured all night so the river is muddy and it’s still stormy now. Sorry we will reschedule soon. See you all this morning.
Bible School Update
July 9, 2022 9:27AM
Just so there is no confusion today the teen class will be going back to there classroom for Bible school and not staying out front. The 5-8 age class will be using the sanctuary for there classroom due to usually having 20+ kids in that class. Adults you WILL NOT have a class today but if you are coming Melissa can definitely use your help! Thanks
Youth @ Union Hill Tonight
June 28, 2022 7:42AM
Reminder that the Youth Choir will be singing tonight at Union Hill Missionary Baptist Church @ 7pm. The address is.
1266 Union Hill Rd. Thurmond NC.
Please come support our youth!
March 20, 2022 8:23AM
Don’t forget that the front doors of the church are blocked off due to the remodel and everyone must enter the church through the 2 back doors. Also the fire department has been using our fellowship hall for a staging area for the wildfire burning in our area. They are supposed to give us plenty of room to park this morning so just be aware. Do not block in an emergency vehicle! Pray for the firemen who have been out all night fighting this thing! Thanks
Service Update
January 11, 2022 12:28PM
There will be no in person service this Wednesday night 01/12/22. However we will have a singing and preaching tomorrow night live here on Facebook starting at 7:30pm! Please tune in and worship with us! God bless you all and we’re praying for each one that is sick! We plan to be back in the church for regular service this coming Sunday morning 01/16/22.
Service’s Cancelled Tomorrow
January 8, 2022 18:52PM
All services for tomorrow 01/09/22 have been cancelled. Several families in the church currently have positive cases in their homes so out of precaution we are canceling services to try and get ahead of the virus! We hope to be back in Wednesday night!
Sunday School 01/09/2021
January 8, 2022 11:27AM
Tomorrow morning all of the Sunday School classes will stay out front for the adult class. With Covid at a peak in our community it is probably best to not be confined in the small classrooms during Sunday School. This is a precautionary measure for tomorrow only to try and help not spread the virus any farther. Thanks
Service in Fellowship Hall
December 8, 2021 8:47AM
The service tonight will be held in the Fellowship Hall at 7:30pm. If you’re in the Christmas Play we will be practicing again tonight in the church at 7:30pm. It will be a full dress rehearsal again so please come ready to practice!
Don’t forget to pray for the Christmas Play!
Visitation/Fellowship Friday 04/09/21 @ 6pm
March 25, 2021 10:49AM
Friday Evening April 9th @ 6pm we will be meeting at the church to go visiting and inviting people in our community to church. With Sunday School kicking back off that following Sunday and things turning back to somewhat “normal” it’s time to get back to work! We plan to visit for a couple hours and then fellowship afterward. Maybe go bowling/out to eat. Any young people that need a ride get with me and we will get it worked out with the church van. This is for EVERYONE NOT JUST YOUTH!
Radio Transmitter
February 1, 2021 14:19PM
We wanted to let everyone know that we have fixed the FM Transmitter once again and the radio broadcast should be loud and clear from the parking lot this Wednesday. Sorry for the poor quality the last few weeks we had a couple parts that needed replacing and were not aware of it. Thanks for your continued faithfulness to the Lord and Mount Vernon Church! God Bless!
Service Update
January 25, 2021 17:57PM
We will be back inside the church for services starting this Wednesday 01/27/21 for everyone who can attend. Thanks
No In Person Service On 01/24/21. Livestream or parking lot only
January 23, 2021 14:29PM
Just wanted to clarify a little farther on the service for tomorrow. TJ is supposed to be quarantined but he has to be in the church to operate the live-streaming system. Since this is the case we are asking that no one comes into the church in the morning besides Preacher Bill and TJ to keep everyone as safe as possible. This is a hard decision but it is the only option that is safe for everyone. The church will be sanitized immediately after the service and if you need to use the sanctuary to pray etc.
Radio 87.9 FM
December 20, 2020 13:23PM
Just wanted to let everyone know that we did get the Radio Transmitter fixed after service this morning. So you will be able to hear on 87.9FM again as you used to starting this Wednesday night. Thanks love all
‼️UPDATE‼️ Wednesday 12/16/20
December 16, 2020 15:3PM
Update - We will be going live tonight at 7:30pm with a word from Bro. Justin Barber. We will be live on FB, YouTube, and Be sure to tune in.
Service Cancelled Wednesday 12/16/20
December 16, 2020 13:52PM
Due to the inclement weather and uncertainty of the temperatures, we have decided to cancel service tonight 12/16/20
Prayers For Roger Golden
October 5, 2020 22:27PM
Please keep Roger Golden in your prayers! He went to Mt. Airy hospital this evening with shoulder pain and they’ve sent him on to Forsyth and believe it is his heart. Not sure on the details just keep him your prayers!
Pastor Appreciation
October 4, 2020 19:18PM
Pastor appreciation update: Sunday October 18 we are having old fashion day starting at 10 with special singing at the church! Please feel free to dress old fashion. After preaching we will go to the baptizing hole for a pastor appreciation lunch. All food will be supplied. Do to COVID we decided that it is best if everybody doesn’t bring things , church will provide and 2-3 of us will serve. There will be hayrides! Love y’all! Excited to have some fellowship!
Charity Baptist Tent Revival - Youth Choir
September 5, 2020 8:0AM
Don’t forget we will be singing tomorrow night at Charity Baptist Church here in Lowgap @ 7pm to help them kick off their community tent revival! Wear one of your Mount Vernon shirts if you have one and if not wear a black shirt and come on anyway! Hope to see you all at 10am in the morning at our church!
Wednesday Nights Service
July 26, 2020 21:16PM
This Wednesday nights service will be held at TJ Spurlin and Tiffany Ann Spurlin’s home just a couple miles from the church due to the work being done on the church parking lot. Anyone who would like to come is more than welcome just bring a lawn chair. If you need the address pm one of them and they will give it to you. The service will begin at 7:30pm as usual and will still be live streamed on fb, YouTube, and Sermon Audio. Thanks and God Bless!
Parking Lot Crack Seal
July 23, 2020 20:42PM
Beginning tomorrow morning 07/24/20, they will block our driveways to begin crack sealing. Please don’t pull in past cones or you’ll mess up the drive and your car. We will be able to have church Sunday as usual. Then on Monday the drives will be closed all week so please keep out. We will NOT be having services next Wednesday night. We will not mow the yard next week because we can’t have any contaminates on the asphalt. The cleaners or anyone needing to go in church will need to park at VFD and walk over
Revival 7pm
June 18, 2020 17:57PM
Revival starts tonight at 7 pm inside the church. If you do not feel safe coming inside the service will be live-streamed here in the MyChurch App along with FB and YouTube. You can also come listen to the service from the parking lot on 87.9 FM. Please come take part in the services! The church will be sanitized after each service as a precaution. Tonight the Daughters Of Calvary will be with us along with brother Jared Graham bringing a message from the Lord!
05/27/20 Wednesday Night
May 27, 2020 10:28AM
Join us tonight in the church, online, or in the parking lot on 87.9 FM.
FM Transmitter
May 22, 2020 17:53PM
We have fixed the issues with our FM transmitter so it will be back operational this Sunday and we will start using it on Wednesday nights also for the ones who still prefer to stay in their car. If you prefer to come in the church you are more than welcome to come on in!
Service Tonight
May 20, 2020 17:31PM
Come join us in the church tonight or watch online! Service begins at 7:30 pm and will be streamed to FB and YouTube.
Federal judge blocks NC governor’s restrictions on religious ser
May 16, 2020 19:28PM
It is now legal to have church inside the church building. A federal judge officially blocked NC Governor Roy Coopers restrictions on religious gatherings making it perfectly legal for us to gather inside the church building. With that being said everyone is welcome to come in the church tomorrow morning we just ask that you continue to practice social distancing to the best of your ability. We will sanitize the church after each service like we was at the beginning of this thing. See you all in the morning!
Sunday morning service 05/17/20
May 13, 2020 21:20PM
Preacher Bill will be preaching from inside the church again this Sunday morning. This will probably be the way we continue having service on Sunday mornings rather than actually setting up in the parking lot. It is much easier on us to get set up and the video/radio quality is much better this way. I know some still do not feel comfortable coming inside but if you do PLEASE COME ON IN! Anyone who wants to come in for the service is more than welcome to. If you choose to listen from the parking lot we will still be on 87.9 FM and streaming on FB/YouTube.
Wednesday Night 05/13/20
May 11, 2020 10:49AM
We’ll be live streaming again on Wednesday night. If you’d like to come join in the service you’re more than welcome to. We only ask that you not sit on the first two rows in order to stay out of the camera view. I know this is hard times trying to decide what you should or shouldn’t do and we don’t want anyone to feel like they’ve made the wrong decision whichever way you choose. If you want to stay home and watch online then by all means stay home and watch online. If you want to come and be in the church while practicing social distancing then please come on to church! I miss being able to have church as normal but for now we’re all just doing the best we can! I appreciate all my church family and hope all of this will be in the past soon!
Sunday Morning 05/10/20 2nd half of notice
May 7, 2020 16:13PM
If you feel safe and would like to come in the church building Sunday morning that will be fine. We will try to stay as spaced out as we can but we are not restricting anyone from coming inside. If you would rather stay outside and listen on the radio or watch the service online we totally understand. Please don’t post on public social media that we are allowing people to come inside so that we do not draw unwanted attention. I’m looking forward to being in the Lord’s house with some of my brother’s and sisters!
Sunday Morning 05/10/20
May 7, 2020 16:13PM
With the forecast for this coming Sunday morning being cold and windy we have decided to have our service inside the church building rather than in the parking lot. You will still be able to drive up in the parking lot and tune your radios to 87.9 fm and listen to the service or you can livestream the service from Facebook or YouTube. We believe we have all of the kinks worked out finally on our livestream and on our fm transmitter so you should be able to hear the service well either way you choose to join.
Live Stream 04/29/20
April 29, 2020 15:45PM
We will be live streaming tonight @ 7:30 on Facebook, YouTube, and also on sermon audio. Join in on one of those platforms with us tonight. We will have a few songs and Pastor Bill will be bringing a message from the Lord! God Bless you all church!
New test 04/26/20
April 26, 2020 12:21PM
New test notice for our new users
Drive-In Church 04/26/20
April 25, 2020 21:17PM
We will be having drive-in service tomorrow morning @ 11am. Tune your radios to 87.9 to hear the service through your radio. The service will also be live streamed on Facebook.
Testing New System
April 25, 2020 16:49PM
This is a test for push notifications 04/25/20