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Puritan/Reformed Books and Sermons
Duane Linn  |  Wisconsin Rapids, Wisconsin
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Comment section
November 28, 2023 5:49AM
Hello beloved, If you have questions for me, or just want to have a chat, please use the "Email Broadcaster" link, as I can't respond to questions right away. I'll never abuse the privilege of emailing you, and I thank you for your comments, whether they be positive or negative. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
Medical Update
October 26, 2023 20:22PM
PRAISE THE LORD OUR GOD!!! I think I'm going to be ok. Nothing serious was discovered after all the tests. My wife however, was not so fortunate. She had a stroke in her right cerebellum. She's home, and not in the best of shape, but she is recovering as best as she can. Please pray for her recovery, if you are led to do so. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you all. Brother Duane
Psalm singing
October 18, 2023 18:24PM
Greetings beloved! I wanted to share a link to this article I read today. www.reformconfess.com/blog/three-ways-to-sing-the-psalms Blessings in Christ Jesus Our Lord, Brother Duane
Daily Bread update
October 14, 2023 9:44AM
Greetings beloved, I noticed this morning, as I was preparing to post the October 14th portion of the Daily Bread Devotional, that it was either missing, or somehow, I forgot to record it. In either case, I recorded it this morning and posted it. It is listed under Robert Murray M'Cheyne, as it is his reading calendar that I used. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you all. Brother Duane
Update on cardiac event
October 13, 2023 19:13PM
Greetings beloved, It looks like I do have a wee bit of blockage somewhere, but since I'm not a cardiologist, I can't tell where. Yet, the Lord is merciful, as it appears that it is in it's infancy and was caught very early. I'll keep you all posted. I also have a PET scan scheduled for the 25th of October. Thank you for the prayers, for those of you who prayed. :-) May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
I tried to do some narrating this morning
September 30, 2023 12:0PM
Hello beloved, I started on Chapter 4 of "A Lifting Up for the Downcast", but couldn't get past 12 minutes of reading. I guess I'll need some more time to recover from my episode of A Fib. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Lord willing, I'll be back soon. With love in Christ Jesus, Our Lord, Brother Duane
Doing better
September 26, 2023 22:41PM
Hello beloved, I'm doing better every day and hope to get back to work narrating very soon. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
A retraction of opinion
September 24, 2023 21:30PM
I once said that it is better to serve God and go to hell than to not serve Him at all and go to hell. I repent of this with every fiver of my being. I tried to emulate Luther, when he said that if he saw the Lord Jesus in hell, he'd dive in after Him. I have learned to place my hand over my mouth when such things are whispered in my ears. I repent in sackcloth, dust, and ashes. In the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, Amen.
A note on judgment
September 24, 2023 21:26PM
I change my stance on judging others. Let us judge ourselves with the light that God gives us and also to leave the judgment of others to the Lord. For though we do know right from wrong, it is only by grace that we know it.
Recovery Update
September 24, 2023 17:36PM
Hello beloved, I am recovering at a slow rate (by my estimation, not medically). I hope to get back to narrating as soon as possible. Yes, I am impatient. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your prayers. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
September 16, 2023 19:0PM
Hello beloved, I had to go to the ER on Thursday, 14 September 2023, for atrial fibrillation. I was admitted into hospital yesterday for A Fib with RVR. Fortunately, the matter was resolved and I was discharged this afternoon. The cause is under investigation; yet, i know it was due to stress. I will do the best I can to finish the work that remains unfinished, but I cannot forsee myself starting any new narrations, as I have a problem with not breathing correctly when i talk. Brother Duane
One statement to make
August 20, 2023 6:54AM
Jon 42:3 I have uttered things that I understood not; things too wonderful for me, which I knew not. Job 42:6 Wherefore I abhor myself, and repent in dust and ashes. I have spoken things that were done so in haste and foolishness, thinking I was praising God. Now, I see that I am but a fool. I repent, oh Lord... in dust and ashes. Please forgive me.
Health Update
July 20, 2023 9:21AM
Hello friends, I'm slowly getting some health back. I thank you for your prayers. I'm feeling well enough to attempt another chapter of "a lifting up for the downcast" by William Bridge in the next day or so. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Your servant, Brother Duane
Another setback
July 16, 2023 18:26PM
Hi my friends, I've been advised by my care team at the VA, to reduce my speaking/talking as it could be a cause of my high blood pressure. I'll take it one day at a time, and do my best to continue with "A Lifting Up for the Downcast", for I am truly downcast with yet another health related issue. Getting old is not much fun, yet, I am grateful to Our Father in Heaven for His mercy... It could be worse. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
New blog post
July 13, 2023 23:42PM
Hello friends, I posted a new blog covering my health issues, and some testimony. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Change 101
July 8, 2023 15:32PM
Hello friends, It was put upon me, to narrate something comforting. So, I will be narrating "A Lifting Up of the Downcast" by Puritan William Bridge, as a part of the "Digital Puritan" series of books. Afterward, perhaps "Ten Precious Remedies Against Satan's Devices" by Puritan Thomas Brooks from the public domain PDF. We need comfort and assurance in this troubling time. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Next narration
July 5, 2023 6:50AM
Hello friends! I'll be continuing on with "Freedom of the Will" by Jonathan Edwards.
Finishing previously started books
July 2, 2023 20:0PM
Hi friends, I'm back primarily to finish stuff that I already started. I don't anticipate starting anything new, but God may put me to the task of narrating something else. The end of the ministry, was the work on preparing yourself to meet the Lord Jesus Christ, as I thought this a fitting closure to the work. Thank you again, for your interest. Brother Duane
Social Media Shut Down
April 30, 2023 11:41AM
Hello friends of the ministry! A few moments ago, I deactivated my Twitter account. I am now totally retired from ministry and await the redemption of the body in Glorification; looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of my faith. My race is finished. By God's Grace in Christ Jesus Our Lord, the work is done. Be found with oil in your lamps, friends. Be found in preparation for His Return. Keep your eyes on Jesus and pray that your attention toward Him never wavers. In Jesus' Name, Amen.
I am officially retired from ministry
April 8, 2023 23:23PM
Hello friends, Last night, I had to be admitted into the ER for Level 3 Hypertension. At my dental appointment earlier in the day, I had my BP done and I was at 222/135. Later in the evening, I finally relented and went to the ER. My BP was 270/165. The staff were able to bring me back down to 157/86 and I was discharged. However, my blood sugar was also super high. That being said, I have to keep from excitement for a time unknown. I am also cutting back on social media. Thank you for everything.
Another week gone
March 31, 2023 12:36PM
Satan is accelerating his attack on the Church. This past week, we have seen the demonic legacy media industrial complex glorify that which is an abomination in the sight of God. Remain diligent in your studies, my friends. Resist with all of your might, the urge to conform to this Beast System. Be sober minded. I'm sorry I haven't finished re-recording Bolton's book. I've been amongst the heathen on Twitter, doing what I was blessed to do here. If you feel compelled, pray for me. Thank you.
An unfiltered picture of the Life of a Minister
March 25, 2023 11:2AM
Hello, friends of the ministry. If at times, things seem erratic, it's because I am presenting to you, the listener, an unfiltered picture of me, Duane A. Linn. Christians, for lack of a better illustration, are regenerated human beings under constant attack from The Adversary, or, known by his common name, Satan. I wanted to be totally lucid in bringing you the Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ, showing you the raw look of the Christian, away from the normal "projection" of what is commonly accepted.
Publishing sermons on Twitter and an update
March 24, 2023 12:22PM
Hello, It's been a hard road these past three months, since I lost my best friend, Jethro (my dog). However, in the midst of the harshest of trials, the Lord Jesus Christ has seen me through it, and I am the stronger for it. The fear that held me back, has been removed. I'm no longer concerned about numbers, or offending people and triggering their sensibilities. I have some clean up work to do on Samuel Bolton's book, then it's back to business. We must not have anymore fear to be who we are. His.
Finishing what I started, in the public square
March 15, 2023 8:52AM
I just wanted to drop you all a line on what I'm doing. I went back to the "de facto" public square; Twitter. The ministry is continuing there (for as long as I'm not banned again). I hope to see some of you there. Brother Duane
Why I concluded the Sermon Audio ministry
March 9, 2023 9:12AM
I've wanted to close out the ministry for some time now, as I am not one to be redundant in preaching the same things over and over again. Ministers who are in this for the money do these things, IMO. Everything that is needed for discipleship is contained here. It is my journey. From start to finish. 9 years, off and on, as I battle(d) with furious temptations and bodily illness. I did it because it is what is commanded. Not to enrich myself with money, but to enrich you, the listener. Godspeed to you
The ministry is concluded.
March 6, 2023 13:34PM
I'm finished with the internet ministry. To the very few people who took the time to talk with me, I thank you with all the heart i have left. All things have a beginning, a middle, and an end. Unless I get a request to finish something I started, I will not be speaking, or writing, again from this point on. I did the best I could. Goodbye. I'll see you at the Judgment.
The consequences of preaching an uncompromising Gospel
March 6, 2023 7:49AM
No friends. At all. No family interactions. Few like minded believers. Censorship. Welcome to the "End of the Age", where an authentic, undefiled Biblical Worldview is virtually non-existent. This is why I feel like I've been talking to myself, as I have practically ZERO interactions with professing Christianity. I think I'm done.
Something about me that I may have forgotten to mention
March 3, 2023 16:11PM
This is a general statement and is not directed at anyone in particular. I was raised by the US Army from the time I was 17 years, 10 days until January 24, 2004. I am very direct in my speech. I pray that this has not been a detriment to having fellowship with the listeners. If it has, it is my prayer (and I hope yours too), that Our Father, in Christ Jesus, would purge me of it. If not, then I can only say, that I know no other way to preach. Thank you and God bless you.
The True Bounds of Christian Freedom re-record
March 3, 2023 11:35AM
I'll only be doing chapters 7-9, as they somehow got messed up.
New Twitter Handle
March 2, 2023 13:31PM
I came to the conclusion, as I have been pondering the use of social media in ministry, that I should be on at least one platform. I decided on Twitter, as it has the most impact on society and the way it thinks. My picture is not of my face, but of the idol of Jesus in Rio getting hit by lightning, as this clearly shows God's anger towards idolatry.
February 2023
February 27, 2023 13:36PM
Hi there. One more day and about 11 1/2 hours to go in this month. We're near 3k plays for the month with just over 2000 streams/downloads coming via the cell phone. I thank you for your interest in this ministry (primarily, the Puritan books). I hope you all have a pleasant week. :-)
Good Morning. A New Week Has Begun
February 26, 2023 8:28AM
I wanted to offer an idea toward discipling yourselves in the manner that I was discipled in, from January 2006 until the last posted narration. Lots and lots of sermons, books, and practical application of what I heard and read. That's what this ministry is, essentially. One man's journey into the best knowledge attainable. This isn't narcissism on my part, but a humble exhortation to devote all you can to the study of Scripture and applying it to your lives (said it twice for emphasis).
Winter Storm Olive
February 22, 2023 11:18AM
Hi friends, Please stay safe out there if you're in the crosshairs of this brutal storm. Some areas may lose power over the next couple of days (some may have lost power already). My prayer for you who are in this, is that the Lord Jesus Christ will bless and keep you safe from harm. Brother Duane
My body is failing
February 20, 2023 8:15AM
Hello friends of the ministry. While my life-force remains strong, my body is failing. I think it's something going on with my nerves, as I'm experiencing numbness and tingling in both arms and legs, while at rest. This is new to me. Add in the constant headaches, clogging of my ears, and pain in my eyes... well, you could conclude that I'm in tough shape. I'm taking antihistamines for the eent stuff, and it's helping. I'll do the best I can, to get today's narration done. Brother Duane
This is the reason why i need people to talk with me
February 19, 2023 21:48PM
Brother Rich Hall pointed out to me, that my recording of Samuel Bolton's book, "The True Bounds of Christian Freedom", couldn't be heard. I went to check on it, and he was absolutely right. I couldn't hear a thing on the last two chapters, and chapter 7, was cut off 45 minutes into the sermon (this was a long narration too). Therefore, I will be re-recording the entire book. The new recordings will replace the old ones . I will let you know when they are completed. I begin tonight. Brother Duane
A message of thanks
February 18, 2023 14:22PM
Thank you, to those who put up with the ups and downs, highs and lows, of the spiritual warfare that i daily engage in. The consequences sometimes, of constant engagement with Satan and his legions of malefactors (the 1/3 of the Host that were cast out with him), can wear this minister down from time to time. This is why I need your prayers so desperately. (Hebrews 3:13, James 5:16) Brother Duane
Just like the Prophet Jonah
February 17, 2023 6:28AM
I must do as God commands. Two weeks of heart trouble have convinced me that I have no choice in the matter. I will continue reading. I do hope that folks will understand the necessity of at least praying for the minister. As I am only human, I apologise for getting angry at the total lack of communication. It's hard to have a congregation that remains virtually silent, save JMS and Benjamin. That's what you are, friends. My congregation. Please stop looking at me as merely a book narrator. It hurts.
Final Thoughts
February 15, 2023 21:6PM
I don't anticipate ever returning to this ministry again. It is in Legacy mode as far as I'm concerned. Goodbye.
Ministry is almost completed.
February 12, 2023 9:41AM
Hello friends. I have two more chapters to complete in the "Great Concern", and then the book ministry will be finished. I feel that there's more than enough material to disciple whomever is led to grow in the faith. Besides, preparation for eternity is a good ending point. I may preach again in the future, God knows. I'll send a final message when the book is completed. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
I'm going to take another night off
February 11, 2023 18:28PM
Hi Friends. I made a few mistakes in narrating the last portion, so I think I'll ease off on reading more than two, or three times a week. Also, It really bothers me, that only a few people have even bothered to talk to me, or with me, or come to me for counsel. After all, how to Doctors of Theology get their degrees... yeah: by reading books. I'm more than just a source of entertainment, or an "on-demand" service. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
History of the Reformation
February 9, 2023 20:22PM
I had started narrating D'aubinge's massive history on the Reformation back in 2021, but had stopped because J.H.M.D. wrote as if the Church of Rome was the visible church. It is, in a way. I considered it, a waste of time, because in my view, the Reformation didn't go nearly far enough, as history has shown with the horrid state of Protestant Christianity in the 21st century. However, perhaps it might be a good thing, to put it all out there so that you, the listener, can see for yourselves. Yea, or nay?
Something for listeners to consider
February 7, 2023 22:37PM
Hello, friends. I was looking at the all-time downloads, and am saddened on how the counts over 1000, are dominated by only a few speakers. Not that this is a bad thing. Yet, there are far more helpful books to ingest, that are more profitable for spiritual growth, as a Christian. Specifically, the digital puritan books. Samuel Bolton on the perfect union between grace and law. John Flavel. John Owen. Augustus Toplady, et cetera. Please consider the other books. Thank you. :-)
Social Media censorship
February 7, 2023 11:36AM
I will not be posting narrations on any social media from this moment on. If these books are to be heard outside of Sermon Audio, it will be up to you, my friends, to share it. I hope you will. Brother Duane
Narration time change
February 6, 2023 20:38PM
Hi friends, I missed my nap today and am tired. I'll try and get the narration done in the morning. I want to finish the book in one, or two more readings. I hope everyone had a good day today. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
I'm feeling much better today
February 6, 2023 10:30AM
For those who prayed for my health to improve, THANK YOU! :-) I feel much better and should be back to narrating tonight. A very special thanks to the state of Kentucky. You easily beat out the rest of the world last month for downloads and plays. See you tonight. Brother Duane
I need to take the night off
February 5, 2023 21:19PM
Hello, my friends. I hope that the first two narrations of, "The Great Concern", are upon your hearts this evening, I have to take a rest from narrating tonight, as I've been battling a bad headache (an injury that I suffered during a fit that i had a few months ago) in the left temple and left eye. It was a seizure of sorts, but not one that is common to the carnal man. I hope to return tomorrow evening. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Brother Duane
Sermon download/stream total for January 2023
February 1, 2023 9:41AM
5,332. Thank you again, so much, for your time and perseverance. Brother Duane
Upcoming narration
January 31, 2023 11:9AM
The next book to be narrated, will be on the topic of our preparation for eternity. The Digital Puritan book is titled, "The Great Concern" by Edward Pearse. Pearse, Edward. The Great Concern . Digital Puritan Press. Kindle Edition.
Play/Stream/Download count for January 2023
January 28, 2023 18:52PM
Thus far, we're over 5k with 3 days left in the month. I thank you all. God be praised; for His mercy endureth forever. Selah!
Continuation of last message
January 27, 2023 17:27PM
God appointed the Roman Catholic Church, to be the enemies of the Gospel of Jesus Christ. This opinion, was opined by the Puritans, Reformers, Scottish Presbys etc. It falls into line with such Scriptures as Isaiah 45:7, Proverbs 16:4, Isaiah 6:9-11, 2 Thessalonians 2:7-12, Matthew 24:22, and Revelation 6:9 (This last verse is to show that Christians will be killed for their testimony). If we take up the sword/arms (physically) against Rome, we will, in essence, be warring against God (Acts 5:39).
A point that needs to be made
January 27, 2023 17:9PM
Hello. I need to clarify something to you all who have been with this ministry over the years. I have advocated in the past, that it is right to take up arms against tyranny, as we're allegedly able to do, under the Declaration of Independence & Constitution of the United States. I have changed my opinion on this, after reading the book, "Rulers of Evil" by F. Tupper Saussy. Knowing now, how our nation was founded, and the minds behind it, I cannot, in good conscience, continue to support rebellion.
Thank you to all those who've listened.
January 26, 2023 11:53AM
I really don't have much more to say, outside of just reading the books and leaving it at that. The messaging has been pretty much useless, as I've had zero interaction from the listeners and very little interaction over the past 9 years when it wasn't an option. That's ok though. My job was to bring material from the 16th-19th centuries to the 21st century. The streams/downloads are thanks enough. I leave commenting, with the best of hopes in Christ Jesus. May He bless and preserve YOU. Brother Duane
I need to rest more
January 24, 2023 20:54PM
Hello, friends! I was doing a bit of box cutting yesterday, to finally sort that mess that you see in the video. I am disabled, so it is difficult to do things around the house, yard, etc. I have managed with the yard mowing over the years, yet, i use a self propelled mower. The room is more difficult. Well, as a result, i can barely walk and my hips, legs, lower back, are in agony. I'm gonna need to rest. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
The next book to be narrated
January 19, 2023 10:35AM
Hello again, friends. I decided to bring something more beneficial to our walk with the Lord Jesus Christ, as it is necessary in the age with which we find ourselves traversing. One of our dear sisters, JMF, expressed an affinity and love, with the preaching of Matthew Henry, to me some years ago. It is with this in mind, that I'll be narrating "The Pleasantness of a Religious Life". I narrated a small portion of it from the Digital Puritan quarterly, Volume 3, Book 2 back in February of 2019.
A change of direction
January 19, 2023 9:58AM
Hello, friends. After careful consideration, I am going to put "Freedom of the Will" on hold, as in my view, the Arminian argument has been beaten down into the mire of the streets already and it should be plain to all, that the Arminian view of free will in choosing a Saviour, outside the Biblical doctrine of regeneration, election, and the predestination into which category that both of these doctrines fall, is a false doctrine. I'm therefore, going to proceed into other material.
I need another night off
January 18, 2023 21:1PM
Hi Friends, I didn't get my usual rest again today, so I'll get the next portion of Edwards done tomorrow during the day. I can't focus and my eyes are blurry, I'm so exhausted. See you tomorrow, Lord willing. Brother Duane
I'll be back at it tonight
January 18, 2023 8:11AM
Hi Friends! I had to take a day off yesterday. Edwards is difficult to read first time through. My mind was mush after Monday's narration.
Jonathan Edwards is next
January 15, 2023 16:52PM
I have finished the book on the mortification of the flesh. I plan on finishing Freedom of the Will before I narrate more Digital Puritan books.
Weekend Update
January 13, 2023 11:36AM
Greetings, Friends. There are only two chapters remaining on the "Mortification of the Flesh". I will re-post the series in two, or three, larger portions for those who have waited for the book to be competed. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
I forgot to add something to the last message
January 9, 2023 23:10PM
I have changed the name of the ministry for hopefully, the last time. I was first planning to go to the UK, that fell through. I then was planning to go back home to San Diego. That fell through as well. The reason for me deciding to stay here in Wisconsin Rapids, is because I cannot travel by air due to the vax requirements levied upon us all. So, I will remain here. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
New mailing address
January 9, 2023 23:1PM
Greetings! I will be adding a P.O. Box as a mailing address sometime this week. I'm also considering a phone number as well (not that anyone talks with me, haha). I pray that the series on mortification is having it's effect on those who have been listening. I know, that it has given me great comfort and assurance. I hope it has done so for you as well. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Sermon Audio back up and running
January 9, 2023 9:20AM
Mortification of the Flesh Part 5 is available for download and streaming. I don't know what happened, but the website is back up.
Sermon length times and why.
January 8, 2023 15:11PM
Greetings! I just wanted to explain a bit on why I'm keeping the sermon length at an hour or less. Some brethren don't absorb the meat as fast as others. The material being narrated/preached is important to not only hear, but to listen and consider. I apologize if I'm leaving you hanging, those who are mature enough in the faith to process the material. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Coming up this week
January 7, 2023 14:49PM
I hope, Lord willing, to continue on in the narrations of the "Freedom of the Will" and "The Mortification of the Flesh". Also, I see some downloads of previously started books/sermons that I haven't completed for one reason or another. If anyone wishes me to continue on them, or perhaps wants me to read something else, please shoot me a message. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
Coming up this week
January 4, 2023 12:44PM
Freedom of the Will Part 12 Mortification of the Flesh Part 4 (Chapter 3) I'm still not sleeping well. I hope to get Edwards done tonight/early AM (2200 to 0200) and Christopher Love done the following day. I post as soon as I finish the recording. It is so hard to stay focused to do these every day... yet, this is what I want to do. Lord willing, they'll get done. Getting as much out to you (the listeners) as I can do, is paramount; for we don't know when we'll be summoned to the Lord Jesus Christ.
I'm taking a day off
January 3, 2023 11:18AM
I haven't been sleeping well lately, so I will have a bit of a rest today. This business of the bioweapon unleashed upon us has me bothered. My dreams have not been sweet. Yes. I do pay attention to the goings on outside the ministry. I wouldn't have any shirts left if I tore them with each news story that is being force fed to us by a godless civil stewardship. Anyway, try to have a blessed day. Brother Duane
My Apologies for my absence
December 28, 2022 12:57PM
My dog, Jethro, took a turn for the worse, in his battle with the blood disorder, and the Lyme disease on Thursday, and passed away at home on Saturday night. I was with him and cared for him in the 5 years and 8 months it took for these diseases to finally take him. He was not only my best friend, but in many ways, like a son to me. There is more to talk about, but I don't have enough space to do so here. I'll hopefully be back by the New Year. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
It's Jonathan Edwards time.
December 22, 2022 13:14PM
Lord willing, I'll be continuing on with "Freedom of the Will" Part 11 (Part 3, Section 7 and Part 4 Section 1). Part 4 has 15 Sections. So, we're looking at roughly, another 15 hours or so worth of material. The narration/sermons will be interspersed with the other Digital Puritan books I'm narrating. Lots of work to get done and not a lot of time to get it done in. Your prayers would be greatly appreciated. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you.
I'm feeling much better
December 20, 2022 18:8PM
Thank you for your prayers. I hope to be back narrating quickly.
Illness has afflicted me
December 17, 2022 4:41AM
Greetings, my friends! I am ill (you might have noticed over the course of the past week, with a bit of a cold; NOT the renamed version called, covid) and am also currently on a 10 course of penicillin to reduce swelling in my jaw (abscessed tooth), which is now preventing me from reading books out loud. I'll do what I can to get well as soon as possible, so that I may resume my duties. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you all. Brother Duane
Two books that must be narrated
December 16, 2022 20:8PM
Greetings, There are two recent books published by Digital Puritan Press that I'm putting at the front of the que. I hope to start them this evening. The topics are mortification of the flesh, and preparation for death. They fit well for the time in which we find ourselves. Be well, friends. See you soon. Brother Duane
Jonathan Edwards Sermons
December 9, 2022 1:28AM
I apologize, my friends, for being a couple of days late in narrating Part 10 of FOTW. It has been done and I am planning on doing more Edwards over the coming weeks and months.
Upcoming narrations, sermons, etc
October 16, 2022 18:0PM
Greetings, I wanted to let you know that I have ordered a microphone so that I can talk instead of speaking with a raised voice all the time. I hope all is well with you. DAL
For those new to the ministry
September 17, 2022 12:8PM
Some of the things I say, may be hard to understand to the one on the outside, looking in. I do declare, that I have no motive outside the Lord Jesus Christ. I don't do what i do for kinship, mammon, or popularity (to feed my own ego or stomach). I've never charged money for the work God has given me to do, nor have I used manipulation to make merchandise of you. It's for your good, and not ill. May the Lord Jesus Christ bless, and preserve you.
A Prayer Request
September 16, 2022 22:7PM
Hello friends, I would like to ask you to pray for me; that I may finish the work given to me; that i may be delivered from distractions that keep me from being more consistent in bringing you these books and sermons. Thank you and may the Lord Jesus Christ bless and preserve you. Duane
Chapter 7 Part B
September 16, 2022 17:39PM
I've read 56 minutes more in addition to what has been posted already today. I need to rest for a bit. Lord willing, I'll have the remainder of chapter 7 completed before the Sabbath ends tomorrow night. Chapter 8 was read a couple years ago and will have the date updated to the day after chapter 7's date.
The Next Two Chapters in the current series.
September 10, 2022 23:12PM
NOTICE To Consider
September 10, 2022 13:58PM
It's important for those around the world, to see what's taking place in the United Kingdom. Pay attention. Matters involving our church are forthcoming.
This is a total truth.
July 11, 2022 12:58PM
Mt 13:57 And they were offended in him. But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, save in his own country, and in his own house. Mr 6:4 But Jesus said unto them, A prophet is not without honour, but in his own country, and among his own kin, and in his own house.
Next Chapter narration
June 14, 2022 20:47PM
Update to ministry description
June 9, 2022 22:41PM
First, and foremost, this ministry is about theology. The books I'm reading, I too, am learning as I read. I don't pre-read the material, so you're getting it in one take. There are matters discussed, that will ignite controversy. I hope that the material will be listened to all the way through before rendering a judgment. I encourage discourse over the material, for those that may have questions. Thank you.
The System of Doctrines Contained In Divine Revelation
June 9, 2022 13:0PM
Narrators Note: Samuel Hopkins was a student of Jonathan Edwards and part of the Second Great Awakening. Also, the copy I am narrating from has the title of the book printed as "The System of Doctrines Contained In Divine Relation". I regret the error.

Prof. Russell Dykstra
Our Amazing Faith

The Epistle to the Hebrews
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Byron Center PRC
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E. A. Johnston
Nation That Refuses Correction

Evangelism Awakening

Dr. Fred DeRuvo
Devising Iniquity

Study-Grow-Know Ministries

MacArthur Old Testament Commentaries

New series from John Mac­Arth­ur. Zech­ar­iah and Jon­ah/N­ahum now avail­able.


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