Cliffside Will Be Live This Sunday, March 2nd, 11:30 Alaska Time
March 1, 2025 2:43AM
Is it a mystery that Jesus is God? Well, this pastor is going to be teaching us that we can show that Jesus is God from the Old Testament. And it's in grasping The Mystery of The Will of The Father that He wants us to see this... That Jesus is hidden all over the Old Testament. Jesus came to show us The Father, and He says for us to, "Search the Scriptures... ...they are they which testify of Me." This is an advanced level of teaching the Bible, and we invite you to come with us and learn of Him.
The Advanced Class will be in session this Sunday, February 2nd
January 30, 2025 4:24AM
Pastor Chronister is feeling better than he has in a long time. Our schedule is the first Sunday of every month, 11:30 am Alaska Time. This time we're continuing the discussion of The Will of The Father with an emphasis on proving Christ is God from the Old Testament. No other Bible teacher we're aware of is teaching on this and it is important to know, especially if you have LDS missionaries or JW's coming to your door. But learning this will also solidify your understanding of who God is. So come join us.
Cliffside is Back! Live, January 5th at 11:30 am Alaska Time!
January 3, 2025 6:1AM
Pastor Chronister is feeling much better. While we were waiting for him to recover from a procedure we asked him about what he said at the beginning of a sermon he preached on Oct. 7, 2007 titled Which Beginning Do You Like? It has to do with being able to show that Christ is God from the Old Testament, and no one seems willing to take this on. So, come join us. This is one you won't want to miss.
Cliffside broadcasting LIVE this Sunday, November 10th
November 7, 2024 4:27AM
LIVE Broadcast time will be 11:30 am Alaska Time. This is the Advanced Class. It's the deepest Bible discussion you'll find anywhere. Our pastor teaches at a post seminary level and makes the hard stuff easy to understand. So, come join us, and feel free to write this pastor with questions and encouragement.
We are broadcasting LIVE this Sunday, 11:30 am Alaska Time
October 9, 2024 3:37AM
This Sunday we will be discussing what happens when an animal we love dies. We'll let you hear why from our pastor. He has done extensive study as to what the Scripture says on this, so if you're new to Cliffside there will be things you'll learn about animals and about God that you probably never knew. Pastor Chronister will also take questions from our little three person broadcasting team, as well as the ones you can email him before the lecture, or perhaps during the FaceBook live in the comments.
New Time and Next Broadcast date
April 3, 2024 3:13AM
We will be broadcasting Live this coming Sunday, April 7th at a new time, 11:30 AM Alaska Time. For you lower 48 people that's 12:30 PM Pacific, 1:30 Mountain, 2:30 Central, and 3:30 Eastern. Pastor Chronister says he'll be rapping up our 27 sermon rabbit trail on the errors of Calvinism and Arminianism. So come join us Live.
We have good news...
March 12, 2024 4:5AM
Okay, there's no better news than Christ, but our pastor is doing better and his test results are very good. He will tell us more about that this Sunday... That's right. After giving our pastor a month off to recover, we'll be broadcasting live this Sunday, March 17th, at our new time, 11am Alaska Time, 12pm Pacific, 1 Mountain, 2 Central, and 3pm Eastern. Come join us.
Cliffside will be back...
December 10, 2023 18:55PM
Our pastor is striving to get better, but getting the physical challenges with his intestinal ulcers to heal is taking much longer than the doctors expected, and it has put him in a great deal of pain. The doctors have him coming in this Monday, Dec 11, at 3 for an endoscopy procedure to see if something else is the cause. Please be in prayer that our pastors health improves and that the Lord will grant him some much needed relief. We will not be broadcasting this Sunday, but we should be back in January.
Attention Cliffsidians... We have an Update!
July 21, 2023 3:51AM
Well... the word is given. Good Lord willin' and the creeks don't rise, Pastor Chronister will resume pulpit duties this coming Sunday, July 23rd at 4 pm Alaska Time.
A few days ago he said he's at 85%. And compared to a few weeks ago that's pretty good because back then he was at 0%. We can't begin to thank you enough for all the kind and uplifting letters and e-mails many of you have sent to our beloved pastor.
Pastor Chronister's Condition. No preaching in the month of June
June 1, 2023 3:30AM
We wanted as many of you as we can reach to be aware that our pastor has been advised by his doctors that he is not to preach for the time being. Our pastor has been dealing with some rather serious health issues, and now it's multiple ulcers. The treatment regimen he must complete to give the ulcers the chance to heal are giving him allergic reactions, and he has no choice but to deal with them. He must stay on it for a while and with the extreme pain he must endure we ask that you be in prayer for him.