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Bible Believers Baptist Church
Dr. David Peacock, Pastor  |  Jacksonville, Florida
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(904) 260-8370
Bible Believers Baptist Church
3857 Hartley Rd.
Jacksonville, FL 32257
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Webcast: Live Services
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NOTICE: We have a backup streaming option in place in case the Sermon Audio stream is not working properly. You can view it at Google's Youtube HERE.

We encourage you to tune in to our live webcasts! As always, we appreciate any feedback that you may have. Feel free to contact us and let us know if you have been enjoying this service.

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TBDI is a theological seminary designed to teach men and women the word of God, to train those who have been called to the ministry, and to assist those who are already in the ministry. TBDI operates as a correspondence school, making it possible for students to earn a non-accredited, college level Theological Degree, while remaining active in their local church. For more information, please visit TBDI.org.


God has given us some great youth at our church! Please visit our Youth Ministry page to learn more.


We at BBBC appreciate the time our pastor spends with God laboring in His word to find the message He would have us to hear. God has allowed us the opportunity to record the Preacher’s sermons each week, and to make these CDs available free of charge. In addition, we now have weekly sermons available for download at www.sermonaudio.com.


For over 14 years the members of BBBC have been ministering to the residents of a local Nursing Home. Those who are able to attend, meet at the nursing home at 10am every Tuesday morning, where we preach, pray, and sing with those residents who are unable to attend regular church services. These “mini-services” have been a blessing to those at the nursing home, but we are the ones who receive the real blessing. If you would like to be a part of this ministry, contact Bro. Roger H. at BBBC.


For the past 20 years, BBBC has spent two weeks each summer traveling to prisons in Florida. We preached the gospel and distributed Bible study material to inmates with Dr. Ruckman. Dr. Ruckman is 94 years old and this was the first year we did not do our yearly Prison Junket. God has allowed us to see a large number of inmates saved through this ministry. Along with these yearly meetings, those inmates who wished to learn the Bible and grow in the Lord could request to be a part of our correspondence program. Bro. Brian C. handles the prison ministry materials and works to send these study programs to all who desire to learn more about Jesus Christ and his word. If you would like to assist or take part in the labor or the financial support, please correspond with the church or speak with Bro. Brian C. Although we will not do our yearly prison ministry with Dr. Ruckman, the correspondence program will continue as long as the Lord wills it to do so.

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Our History
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It has been many years since we began meeting in a living room, then in a small office building with no heat or air conditioning, and finally in an old church building. However, our desire since the beginning has been for spiritual blessings from the Lord, and not comfort.

Christianity is not something we do in our spare time, it is something we are! We have built our lives around the Lord Jesus Christ and His church.

Bible Believers Baptist Church is a testimony of God’s grace and mercy and we are living proof that the Lord does exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think.

We are grateful to our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ for allowing us the privilege of being a part of such a great work.

Pastor’s Page - Learn more about our Pastor here.

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About Our Pastor
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Pastor David Peacock trusted Jesus Christ as his personal Saviour at the age of seven, when he was led to the Lord by his father, Ben Peacock, a Baptist Pastor and Evangelist. In March of 1992, Dr. Peacock founded and began pastoring the church while a Lieutenant with the Jacksonville Sheriff’s office. He served as a policeman with a combined total of 3 years with both the Atlantic Beach and St. Augustine departments, and after 17 years of service with Jacksonville and the rank of Captain, the Lord led him to leave to continue his full-time Pastoring of the church.

Dr. Peacock earned his Bachelor of Divinity Degrees from the Blue Ridge Bible Institute and the Charity Baptist Bible Institute and Seminary. He earned his Master of Theology Degree in May of 1998, and his Doctor of Theology Degree in January of 2000, both from the Blue Ridge Bible Institute. Dr. Peacock served as the Vice President of BRBI while Dr. Lince was living and helped establish Bible institutes with Dr. Lince in the Philippines and Romania. It is Dr. Peacock's desire to carry on with what Dr. Lince started, and he now serves as the President of The Bible Doctrine Institute (formerly BRBI).

He continues today to follow the Lord’s guidance in preaching the word of God and pastoring Bible Believers Baptist Church.

On a Personal Note…

We at Bible Believers Baptist Church love our Pastor very much, and are thankful to God for giving us His man to do His will in Jacksonville, Florida.

God has given us a Pastor who has a close walk with Jesus Christ and one who preaches what God would have him to preach. His labor for Christ and for the Church is only outdone by his love for both. It is evident to all that know him and hear him preach that the love of Christ constrains him to spend countless hours laboring in the word of God and in prayer.

Visitors are encouraged to come to any of our services to hear the word of God preached from our pastor and should you have any questions, he is personally available to take time to talk with you.

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What We Believe
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We believe the Bible to be the inspired, infallible, inerrant Word of God, providentially preserved in the English Authorized King James Version, and as such, is "the holy scriptures" and thereby "given by inspiration of God." (Pro. 30:5; Psa. 12:6,7; II Tim. 3:15-17)


We believe in the Deity of the Lord Jesus Christ, His virgin birth, His vicarious atonement, His bodily resurrection, and His second coming. (John 1:1; Isa. 7:14; I John. 2:1-2)


We believe salvation is "by grace through faith" in the finished work of Jesus Christ, and "not by works of righteousness which we have done." Furthermore, we adhere to the Bible position and Baptist adherence that the believer's soul is eternally secure after salvation. (Eph. 2:8-9; Tit. 3:5; John 5:24)


We believe in two scriptural uses of the word "church" (the spiritual body of Christ, consisting of all believers, and each local assembly of believers). We believe that all people who have been born again are a part of "the church, which is his body," and therefore should join an autonomous local church. Furthermore, we believe the Biblical church to be an Independent Bible believing (KJV) Baptist Church separate from religio-political bosses. We believe in two church ordinances: Water baptism and the Lord's Supper, and two offices: Pastor and Deacon. (I Cor. 1:16, 11:23-27, 12:13; Eph. 1:22-23; I Tim. 3:1-13)


We are Baptist in doctrine, and traditional in views of music and worship. We subscribe to a moderate dispensationalism, and are anti-Calvinistic in theology. We hold the Biblical position along with the Reformers that the Roman Catholic Church is "the great whore" of Revelation 17, and are against the falsehoods taught in the major seminaries across the country: the lies of higher and lower criticism of the word of God. We also believe in a practical, Biblical Christianity: prayer, personal work, giving, ministering to the saints, and a daily walk with Jesus Christ.


Did you know that there is a penalty for sin? That’s right, just as man demands punishment for crime, God demands a punishment for sin. The Bible says: “For the wages of sin is death…” Rom. 6:23 “And death and hell were cast into the lake of fire. This is the second death. And whosoever was not found written in the book of life was cast into the lake of fire.” Rev. 20:14,15

But God, in his mercy and through his grace, gave his son, Jesus Christ, to die on the cross to pay the penalty for us. He now offers Salvation from hell as a free gift, without any works on our part, to anyone who will accept it. In order to accept this gift, you must:

Admit that you are a sinner: “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of God.” Rom. 3:23 “Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:” Rom. 5:12 “As it is written, There is none righteous, no, not one.” Rom. 3:10

Believe that Jesus Christ Died for your sin: “But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.” Rom. 5:8 “This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners;…” I Tim. 1:15 “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:” I Cor. 15: 3,4

Receive Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour: “But as many as received him, to them gave he power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:” John 1:12 “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Rom. 10:13

Whosoever includes you. Shall be saved means not maybe, nor can, but shall be saved. Right now, if you’ve never accepted Jesus Christ as your personal Saviour, and you would like to, simply go to God in prayer. If you’re not sure how to pray, you might pray something like this:

"Dear God, I know that I am a sinner. I believe that Jesus Christ was my substitute when he died on the cross. I believe that his shed blood, death, burial, and resurrection were for me. I now receive him as my Saviour. Thank you for the forgiveness of my sins, the gift of salvation, and everlasting life, because of your grace. In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen."

These are not some magical words that you repeat to get to heaven, they’re just an example of what you might pray to God if you honestly believe it and want to be saved.

If you have received Christ as a result of this message, please feel free to contact us to let us know, and we’ll be glad to pray for you and answer any questions you might have.

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Online Giving
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If you would like to make a donation, click here.
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