God Bless the USA - Air Force Band https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SrMftm6Km3g
I'm grateful for the many who have fought and bled and died to protect the rest of us and to maintain the freedoms that we have enjoyed in this nation. Because if these freedoms...we have been able to preach the Gospel freely to every people group we have had the resource to reach. We have been able to live without fear of having our gatherings for worship interrupted by government sponsored gangs. We have had the opportunity to share the Gospel without fear of being turned in and imprisoned.
I hate to even contemplate contrary thoughts, but we are witnessing a bold and coordinated attempt to overthrow our historical institutions in the name of the hatred of a few who do not recognize that we all come from the same father and mother (Adam and Eve). And this hatred seems to be encouraged by some who seem to hope that they will be the leaders of the new regime that will arise...not realizing that though the promises are great and plenty, the rewards are few, burdensome and scant.
So I say...I am grateful to have been born into this country. I am even more grateful to have been born again into a heavenly country that is not built by human hands...not corruptible by human greed...not subject to the whims of whomever is able to wrest political momentum from whomever holds it.
I pray that our blessings will not become curses that hang around our necks, deceiving us into thinking that this world is our ultimate home and therefore demands our highest love and loyalty and devotion.
God has given to we who are called believers in Jesus Christ, according to the Scriptures, a command. As we are going wherever we are going we are to be making disciples of Jesus Christ, our Creator, Redeemer, Lord and Master, and Returning King.
We are to be immersing them into the knowledge, understanding and will of God; Father, Son and Holy Spirit. We are to be teaching them how to obey Him by observing (keeping...doing) all that He has commanded.
No matter what is happening here around us, Jesus has promised to be with us even to the end of the age...and then...it gets even better!
When He returns we will be made like Him; not into Gods but into redeemed and glorified people who are freed from the presence of sin in this world and in our flesh. We will be able to be holy in all that we do. We will be freed from anger and injustice and deceitful thoughts in our mind. We will be able to love the Lors our God with All our heart...with All our strength...with All our mind...and with All our soul...and we will be able to love others to the same degree that we love ourselves...BECAUSE ...we will see Him as He is!
What a glorious day that will be!
What a terrible realization that should bring! That we have family, neighbors, friends, loved ones, associates, coworkers, and more...who are not ready to meet the King of Kings before whom every knee shall bow and every tongue confess that He is Lord...to the glory of God the Father.
Our Father in Heaven
Please help us to remember that your name is holy! Holy! Holy!
Help us not to defame your name either in how we talk or how we live or how we think.
Help is to desire that your grace and mercy would rule in the hearts of every person and that we would submit ourselves to obey your loving commands while we are here on this earth, even as your presence rules throughout the heavens.
Help us to put our trust in your provision, knowing that it is You who makes our hands able to work.
Help us to prove our faith in you by our willingness to forgive all those who have offended us...recognizing that you have forgiven us of far, far more than what any person could do against us.
Help us to submit our desire for autonomy to your direction of and for our will so that we might not choose to walk in unholy desires.
Deliver us from the hand of the evil one.
For to you alone the Kingdoms of the Universe belong as the Omnipresent One.
You alone are the Omnipotent One from whom all other powers and abilities are derived.
To you alone does glory belong...forever and forever and forever and forever without end.