When we gather to worship...are we focusing upon the God whom we have gathered to worship? or, are we thinking something like, "I hope the music makes me feel good" or "the pastor needs to preach a good sermon today..." or _________ (fill in the blank). True worshipers, the kind whom the Father seeks, worship God in spirit and in truth. The key words there are "worship God." If I insert any other words (hope to get a really good feeling during worship...etc.) then I have missed the point and am not worshiping God in the way He deserves and desires.
Any other focus moves me into a violation of the Greatest Commandment; to love God with all my heart, soul, strength and mind. It moves me into loving myself and telling God that I will worship Him if _______________ (if He makes me feel good; if He makes the song leaders make me feel really good; if He makes the people around me make me feel good; if He makes the pastor give me an encouraging sermon; ...).
Oh Lord, please forgive me in my arrogance for the times I come into your presence with thoughts of self-aggrandizment and desires for self-satisfaction. Retrain my heart so that I desire to worship You, period. Let me dwell in Your presence. Let me learn to delight myself in You and You alone.
I ask this with the confidence that you will hear me because I know that this is the kind of life Jesus encouraged the woman at the well to live, and by extension...me, as well. So in Jesus' name I offer this request to You. Amen!